{ "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema", "$id": "adminapi/schema/wco", "title": "web components", "description": "A web component wco is a folder with list of mustache and one name.js that deal all the business logic", "type": "object", "properties": { "wconame": { "description": "Folder name into a tribeId/objects/wco/itm", "title": "Web component reusable in web project based with tailwindcss", "type": "string" }, "owner": { "description": "owner that earn some fees", "type": "string" }, "codehash": { "description": "Code signature of alias publickey", "type": "string" }, "thumbnail":{ "title":"Thumbnail of the component", "type":"string" }, "title":{ "title":"Short description of the wco", "type":"string" }, "description":{ "title":"Long description in html of the component", "type":"string" }, "tpl":{ "description":"list of mustache template to manage components each file must ended by _xx.mustache where xx is the language of the template, so you can add translation easily", "type":"array" }, "tpldata":{ "description":"Example of tpldata that you have to add in your local to customize the wco ended by _xx.json where xx is the language of the template", "type":"array" } }, "required": [ "wconame", "owner", "title" ], "apxid": "wconame", "apxuniquekey": [ "wconame" ], "apxidx": [ { "name": "lst_wconame", "type": "array", "keyval": "wconame" } ], "apxaccessrights": { "owner": { "D": [], "R": [], "U": [] }, "mayor": { "C": [] }, "person": { "R": [] } } }