{ "$id": "https://smatchit.io/schema/screens", "$comment": "To describe screens as tree to navigate inside", "title": "Screens description", "description": "Each propertie value is a mustache template string where a data must be provide to display screen with value", "type": "object", "properties": { "screenid":{ "title":"Screen identification used in html tag id", "type":"string" }, "title": { "title": "A title in a screen", "type": "string" }, "subtitle": { "title": "A subtitle in a screen", "type": "string" }, "icon": { "title": "an icon name", "type": "string" }, "warning": { "title": "A text to highlight something, this text is between 2 ! icon", "type": "string" }, "formcontrol": { "title": "A key word to presents this content", "type": "string", "enum":["squarebluebtn","listbtn","form"] }, "forms":{ "title":"Liste of data collection element into the screen", "type":"array", "items":{"type":"objects"} }, "action": { "title": "List of possible action on this element", "type": "string", "enum":["onclick"] }, "function":{ "title":"Function name to call, if action", "comment":"other function than nextlevel", "type":"string" }, "params":{ "title":" an object containning parameter to send to function", "comment":"can be empty {}", "type":"objects" }, "nextlevel":{ "title":"List of new screens to show if function is nextlevel $ref:# means it same current schema", "type":"array", "items":{"$ref":"#"} } }, "required": ["screenid", "title"], "apxid": "screenid", "apxuniquekey": ["screenid"], "apxidx": [ { "name": "lst_screens", "type": "array", "keyval": "screenid" }, ], "apxaccessrights": { "owner": { "R": [], "U": [], "D": [] }, "anonymous": { "R": [] }, } }