{ "$id": "https://smatchit.io/schema/pagan", "$comment": "To create account bin apxtrib", "title": "Pagans identity", "description": "A numeric id in the nationchains world", "type": "object", "properties": { "publickey": { "title": "Alias's publickey", "description": "Public key generate with openpgp.js", "type": "string", "format": "pgppublickey" }, "alias": { "title": "Alias", "description": "text to remember easily a public key", "type": "string", "minLength": 3, "pattern": "^[a-z0-9]*$" }, "dt_delete": { "title": "Date of death", "description": "Date of alias delete request, your will will be apply", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "will": { "title": "Will script after death", "description": "This will script will be apply on your data 30 days after your alias death", "type": "string" } }, "required": ["publickey", "alias"], "apxid": "alias", "apxuniquekey": ["publickey"], "apxidx": [ { "name": "lst_alias", "type":"array", "keyval": "alias" }, { "name": "alias", "type":"view", "keyval": "alias","objkey":[],"filter":"" } ], "apxaccessrights": { "owner": { "R": [], "D": [] }, "anonymous": { "C": [], "R": ["alias"] }, "pagan": { "R": ["alias", "publickey"] } } }