How it works

Mandatory: apixtrib header have to set with:
* {xalias,xhash,xdays,xtribe,xlang,xapp}
* xhash is a detached signature done with public and private key of message: 'alias_xdays' where xdays is a time stamp a xhash has an elapse of 24hours after it has to be recreate.
We need in local storage auth for this example {alias,passphrase,privatekey, publickey} to be able to create a detached signature
On the server side we check that signature xhash of alias_timestamp is valid with the public key

Alias is a unique string that humainly help to find a PublicKey that is the real identity. To get the list of existing alias

GET nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json -> data:{alias:{alias:publicKey}}

To allow trustable Tribe to store the Private and Passphrase Key, you get from the townId_all.json key:tribes

GET /nationchains/towns/idx/townId_all.json -> data:{townId:{tribes:[list of tribeId inside a town]}}

Am i authenticated to api?

GET 'api/pagans/isauth' -> status 200 : Well authenticated with alias, status 400: not authenticated


I proove that i own this alias

Create a decentralized Identity

apXtrib allow you to create keys to identify yourself with a universal alias

Download your keys at least PrivateKey this have to save in a secret place