const glob = require( 'glob' ); const path = require( 'path' ); const fs = require( 'fs-extra' ); // Check if package is installed or not to pickup the right config file const config = require( '../tribes/townconf.js' ); const Referentials = {}; /* Manage Referential object data each object is compose of a list of fields each fields have it owns structur and check those common rules allow to be used to manage: - forms (creation to collect data) - data check - data access rights common referential data stored in /data/shared/referential/ */ Referentials.clientconf = ( xworkOn, listkey ) => { /* Retourne les info d'un clientconf.json sur une liste de [cle] */ let conf = {}; let dataconf = {}; console.log( `${config.tribes}/${xworkOn}/clientconf.json` ) try { conf = fs.readJsonSync( `${config.tribes}/${xworkOn}/clientconf.json` ); // remove information notrelevant for [ 'emailFrom', 'emailClient', 'emailCc', 'commentkey', 'clezoomprivate', 'stripekeyprivate', 'genericpsw' ].forEach( c => { delete conf[ c ]; } ); listkey.forEach( k => dataconf[ k ] = conf[ k ] ) console.log( 'dataconf', dataconf ) } catch ( err ) { console.log( 'Attention demande sur clienId inconnu ' + xworkOn ); } return { status: 200, payload: { data: dataconf } }; }; Referentials.clientconfglob = () => ( { status: 200, payload: { data: fs.readJsonSync( `${config.tmp}/clientconfglob.json` ) } } ); Referentials.inittribeid = () => { console.log( "Clientconf list for this server", `${config.tribes}/**/clientconf.json` ); const TribesGlobalConfig = glob.sync( `${config.tribes}/**/clientconf.json` ) .map( f => fs.readJsonSync( f ) ); // store global conf for sharing to other api fs.outputJsonSync( `${config.tmp}/clientconfglob.json`, TribesGlobalConfig, { spaces: 2 } ); return { status: 200, payload: { moreinfo: TribesGlobalConfig } } } Referentials.generetribeids = () => { const tribeids = []; fs.readJsonSync( `${config.tmp}/clientconfglob.json` ) .forEach( c => { if( !tribeids.includes( c.tribeid ) ) tribeids.push( c.tribeid ); } ); fs.outputJsonSync( `${config.tmp}/tribeids.json`, tribeids ); console.log( `update ${config.tribes}/tribeids` ); return tribeids; } Referentials.genereallowedDOM = () => { const confglob = fs.readJsonSync( `${config.tmp}/clientconfglob.json` ); let allDom = []; confglob.forEach( c => { c.allowedDOMs.forEach( d => { if( !allDom.includes( d ) ) allDom = allDom.concat( d ); } ) } ); return allDom; }; Referentials.getref = ( source, ref, xworkOn, xlang, singlelang = true ) => { let referent = {}; let src = `${config.tribes}/${xworkOn}/referentials/${xlang}/${source}/${ref}.json`; if( !singlelang ) { //request full referential to manage src = `${config.tribes}/${xworkOn}/referentials/dataManagement/${source}/${ref}.json` } console.log( src ) try { referent = fs.readJsonSync( src ); } catch ( err ) { console.log( `Attention demande de referentiel inexistant pour ${src} ` ); } return { status: 200, payload: { data: referent } }; }; Referentials.putref = ( source, name, xworkOn, data ) => { /* We get a referential, we have 3 kinds of sources: * data = [{uuid,desc:{fr:,en,},desclong:{fr:,en:}, other field}] only desc and desclong have a translation * json = {"fr":{},"en":{}, ...} are full complex object in language * object = [{uuid,desc:{fr,en},desclong:{fr,en}},tpl,}] Difference between data and object is that object defines rule to manage an object, and how to create a forms to get data each data is saved in one folder object/uuid.json and have to respect the corresponding object referentials definition. */ console.log( data ) // Create a backup of the day hour if exist const file = `${config.tribes}/${xworkOn}/referentials/dataManagement/${source}/${name}.json` if( fs.existsSync( file ) ) { //backup change done per hour const origin = fs.readJsonSync( file, 'utf-8' ) fs.outputJsonSync( `${config.tribes}/${xworkOn}/referentials/dataManagementBackup/${source}/${name}${moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmm')}.json`, origin, { spaces: 2 } ) } else { console.log( `Referential ${name}.json does not exist this created it` ) } console.log( 'ref backup before update', name ); fs.outputJsonSync( file, data, { spaces: 2 } ); // update/create new referential and new version return Referentials.update( xworkOn, source, name ); }; Referentials.updatefull = ( tribeid ) => { // source json are only per lg so no full update for json let err = ""; [ 'object', 'data' ].forEach( o => { glob.sync( `${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/referentials/dataManagement/${o}/*.json` ) .forEach( f => { if( finipaspar_lg ) { const res = Referentials.update( tribeid, o, path.basename( f, '.json' ) ); if( res.status != 200 ) { err += `Error on ${o}/${path.basename(f)}` } } } ) } ); if( err != "" ) { return { status: 500, payload: { info: [ 'Errupdateref' ], model: "Referentials", moreinfo: err } } } return { status: 200, payload: { info: [ 'Success' ], model: "Referentials" } } }; Referentials.update = ( tribeid, source, name ) => { /* Replace for each language the referential name for a tribeid After each update the version number is incremented by 1 in clientconf.json */ if( !fs.existsSync( `${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/referentials/${source}/${name}.json` ) ) { return { status: 500, payload: { info: [ "unknownRef" ], model: "Referentials", moreinfo: `file does not exist ${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/referentials/${source}/${name}.json` } } }; const clientconf = fs.readJsonSync( `${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/clientconf.json` ); if( !clientconf.langueReferential ) { return { status: 500, payload: { info: [ "missingConf" ], model: "Referentials", moreinfo: ` ${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/clientconf.json does not contain langueReferential array` } } } const ref = fs.readJsonSync( `${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/referentials/${source}/${name}.json` ); clientconf.langueReferential.forEach( lg => { /*if( !fs.existsSync( `${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/referentials/${lg}` ) ) { [ '', '/data', '/json', '/object' ].forEach( p => { fs.mkdirSync( `${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/referentials/${lg}${p}` ); } ) } */ //manage translation let refnew = []; if( source == 'json' ) { refnew = ref[ lg ] } else { refnew = []; ref.forEach( d => { if( d.desc ) d.desc = d.desc[ lg ]; if( d.desclong ) d.desclong = d.desclong[ lg ]; if( ) =[ lg ]; if( d.placeholder ) d.placeholder = d.placeholder[ lg ]; refnew.push( d ) } ) } //save new ref in language console.log( "testtttt", refnew ) console.log( `${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/referentials/${source}/${name}_${lg}.json` ) fs.outputJsonSync( `${config.tribes}/${tribeid}/referentials/${source}/${name}_${lg}.json`, refnew, { spaces: 2 } ); } ); //upgrade version number if( !clientconf.referentials[ source ][ name ] ) clientconf.referentials[ source ][ name ] = { version: 0 }; clientconf.referentials[ source ][ name ].version += 1; return { status: 200, payload: { info: [ 'successUpdate' ], model: "Referentials", moreinfo: `${name} updated` } } }; //console.log( Referentials.update( 'apxtrib', "object", "user" ) ) Referentials.genereobjet = ( tribeid, destination, tplmustache, objet, filtre ) => { /* @TODO Genere des objets d'agregat @tribeid = data/tribee/ identifiant client @destinations = [] of destination @tplmustache = fichier mustache de mise en page @objet = nom d'objet contact, companies, items, users @filtre = fonction a executer */ } module.exports = Referentials;