philc edited this page 2023-02-09 09:55:58 +01:00

The physical world nation

The Setup.js process will respect thoss conventions.

All nation are findable in https://apxtrib.crabdance.com or directly to any known town https://town-nation.tld.ext
example: hill-ants.ndda.fr wall-ants.nooo.com ....

https://apxtrib.crabdance.com and IP is host into https://freedns.afraid.org , its IP is change each day to an elected mayor's town IP.

If apxtrib.crabdance.com do not answer your system know the other towns address and then can contact them with https://town-nation.tld.ext/apxtrib.

Machine Naming Rules

Any server belonging to apxtrib network has to be reach with https://townId_nationId.tld.ext
A hostname machine is a unique name in the network: townId_nationId
A hostname is reachable with a DNS hosted by tld.ext: townId.nationId A public IP

#To change a hostname
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname town_nation
# To check IP and answer (replace apxtrib.crabdance.com by town_nation.tld.ext you know)
ping apxtrib.crabdance.com 

Nation's Object

Publicaly accessible:
Liste des Towns par Nations {nationsId:{townId:{lastIP, dns}}} https://apxtrib.crabdance.com/socialworld/nations/searchindex/nations_towns.json
Liste des Tribes https://apxtrib.crabdance.com/socialworld/nations/searchindex/tribes.json