Table of Contents
Usefull freedns
Anonymous solution behind an email address for free. You can also register any domain and pay with bitcoin. Remember that to be anonyme on internet is nearly not possible. So as you know what to do to hide your identity behind your email or bitcoin public key, this solution is quiet simple.
Click on Dynamic DNS
Choose a free available DNS like or other then add townname.nationname it detects your current public IP address and create a redirection: => IP xx.xx.xx.xx
If your internet provider do not warranty a fix IP (mainly for internet pro) then you can add to your server the crontab. click on 'quick cron example' to get your url to check each 5 minutes and update freeDNS with your new IP (if it changed from the last 5 minutes ago previous test)
crontab -e
# You might need to include this path line in crontab, (or specify full paths)
4,9,14,19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54,59 * * * * sleep 48 ; wget --no-check-certificate -O - >> /tmp/freedns_townname_nationname_mooo_com.log 2>&1 &
Then you need to set your box to route request from port 80 or 443 to your server. We mainly have 2 options for this:
DMZ (Demilitarized zone): any external trafic is route to one machine
NAT (Network Address Translation) let you change external IP address and port to other IP and port into your LAN (local network).
Usualy acces to your local router in your browser with
Example with operator in france:
All external trafic is send to a dmsz
External IP (let tous) request on port X can be redirect to to a new port