update wiki

philc 2023-02-24 14:50:24 +01:00
parent 976e2b08cc
commit 8093fca756
2 changed files with 105 additions and 34 deletions

Devrules Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# Developeur
This page is about to save time to a dev to quickly onboard to add a features or debug any issues. This is also a good start if you want just dev a plugin for a tribe.
## Key point
* this is a npm/yarn classical organization (package.json give you 1st info)
* Entry point ./apxtrib.js
* apXtrib is organize around an express.js api and respect the restFULL concept on an object.
* An object has:
- a unique objectName
- a metadata definition that describe each character to qualify an object
- a route named ./routes/objectName.js from the api /objectName/ parameters to request acting on items of this objectName
- a model named ./models/ObjectName.js that act on items
* Access control is done by 3 middlewares:
- checkHeaders.js that check ./tribes/townconf.json.exposedHeaders are presents
- isAuthenticated.js check the token (header.xauth ) for header.xpaganid is valid
- hasAccessrighton.js check accessright of pagan to act (CRUD) on an object into a tribe (xworkon)
* Multilanguage management
### apXtrib Coding Convention
Standard: Eslint 6 with a .eslintrc.js
lib used for:
* file json manipulation: fs-extra.js
- templating szysteme: mustache.js
- encryption with simple hash : bcrypt that is more efficient than crypto-js that is use inside a browser or node for cypher and uncipher
- time management use luxon and no more moment
* cross domain management: cors.js
* to generate unique id use lib uuid.v4()
* stripe to allow payment in $,€,... any device
In general try to not install other lib in your dev. An apXtrib town mayor have to globaly valid to add a new lib into apxtrib so if you do then you can only use your town to provide your service and cannot use other town to deal wwith.
### CORS and global
global variable into node:
* ${__base} is the current dir where project are install in case you need absolute path.
* config is set from ./tribes/townconf.json where:
- system data are available to sync town and nation (linux user, url, nation and town name)
- express set up parameter appset allow to set any key:val parameter of express
* const app is an express instance that is set into apixtrib.js
### Object organization
### route template
A route analyse (data structur and user accesright) a http request to act a model action
### model template
A model is a logical to apply onto an object. It is indepedant of the interface
export model to make it importable into route or any other app
### Object Nationschains
### Object Contracts
### Object Tribes

@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ In any doubt ask the community to set up a production server for small cost for
**Data pre-request:**
* identify a **nationName** you want to belong to - see [nations list](https://apxtrib.crabdance.com/socialworld/objects/nations/searchindex/nationslist.json)
* a **townName** that does not exist [towns list](https://apxtrib.crabdance.com/socialworld/objects/nations/searchindex/townslist.json)
* **sudoerUser** with root access right on your machine
* a dns that redirect to your public IP server
- For dev: set /etc/hosts with townName.nationName.localnation
- For prod: register a townname.nationname A IP adresss (see the free DNS Solution)[https://gitea.ndda.fr/apxtrib/apxtrib/wiki/UsefullfreeDNS] to get your public IP [https://www.whatismyip.com/](https://www.whatismyip.com)
* identify a **nationName** you want to belong to (example: ants) - see [nations list](https://apxtrib.crabdance.com/socialworld/objects/nations/searchindex/nationslist.json)
* a **townName** that does not exist (example:) [towns list](https://apxtrib.crabdance.com/socialworld/objects/nations/searchindex/townslist.json)
* **sudoerUser** that will be create with root access right on your machine
* a **dns** that redirect to your public IP server
- For dev: we'll use keyword unchain set in /etc/hosts with townName.nationName.unchain
- For prod: example: mooo.com, register a townname.nationname A IP adresss with your own domaine (see the free DNS Solution if you have not a domain)[https://gitea.ndda.fr/apxtrib/apxtrib/wiki/UsefullfreeDNS] to get your public IP [https://www.whatismyip.com/](https://www.whatismyip.com)
**Physical pre-request:**
@ -24,19 +23,17 @@ For production:
For dev:
* Any linux distro, but all tuto are based on ubuntu desktop set up with nginx visual studio, so just adapt to your tools.
This tuto will:
* use nginx to deal with ssl certificat (https)
* use nginx to deal with ssl certificat (https) if chained (mean in production)
* use nginx as reverse proxy based on dns abd url to the apXtrib routes
* use nginx to serve static file based on dns and file name
* use pm2 to manage apxtrib.js, see [pm2 doc](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/pm2-doc-single-page/)
* create your tribe space call townname with an admin user
* serve the apxtrib webapp graphical interface to manage your env (create new ClientId space, manage your server's ressource,... ) [Link to ]
* create your tribes space with your tribe call townname with a Pagan's accessright of druid of your tribe and mayor of your town.
* serve the apxtrib webapp graphical interface to manage your env (create new ClientId space, manage your server's ressource,... )
**At the end**
* **For production:** you will have a town live instance link to the nationchains. Graphical interface will be on https://townName.nationName.mooo.com with your data
* **For dev:** a local town with no link to the nationchains, to create/test plugins/new feature, that you can also use as pre-prod availble in http://townname.nationName.localnation
* **For production:** you will have a town live instance link to the nationchains. Graphical interface will be on https://townName.nationName.dns with your data
* **For dev:** a local town with **no link to the nationchains**, to create/test plugins/new feature, that you can also use as pre-prod available in http://townname.nationName.unchain
## To set up a machine
@ -49,59 +46,61 @@ Create a safe user (with sudo access) in this example phil
sudo apt upgrade
useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/phil -c "phil" phil
passwd phil
usermod -aG sudo phil
sudo usermod -aG sudo phil
sudo visudo
# add the next line in the file
# exit and save
sudo apt install git vim libcap2-bin p7zip-full p7zip-rar
su phil
sudo apt install git vim libcap2-bin p7zip-full p7zip-rar curl
# Install last nvm** (check website to get latest v0.xx)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash
# close and re-open terminal under phil
nvm --version
# if nvm not found then cc paste 3 last line : export NVM_DIR= ....
# and recheck nvm --version
# Install node/npm/yarn**
# Install node/npm/yarn in general follow the directiv they gave online to update properly the config
nvm install node
node --version #to check
npm install --global yarn
yarn --version
# Allow a simple user to listen on port 80
# OPTION if needed Allow a simple user to listen on port 80 on this machine
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/local/bin/node
**install nginx**
sudo apt install nginx
#usefull command, you do not need it all back stuff will be under apixpress.js control.
#usefull command, you do not need it all back stuff will be under apxtrib.js control.
sudo systemctl (start|stop|reload|restart|status) nginx
#just check all is fine
sudo systemctl status nginx
A specific data/nginx/nginx.conf and data/nginx/conf.d/*.conf file will be generate after the 1st install apixpress to make it works as http.
FYI: A specific data/nginx/nginx.conf file will be generate after the 1st install apixpress to make it works as http.
**install apixpress**
Install without ssl, dev will work without ssl, in production server nginx will manage ssl as a reverse proxy by using certbot let'sEncrypt certs.
FYI: dev will work without ssl, in production server nginx will manage ssl as a reverse proxy by using certbot let'sEncrypt certs.
git config --global credential.helper store
mkdir ~/workspace
cd workspace
git clone https://gitea.ndda.fr/apxtrib/apxtrib.git
cd apixpress
cd apxtrib
yarn install
if you run for the 1st time then you need to set properly /setup/configsetup.json
**if you run for the 1st time then you need to set properly /setup/configsetup.json**
"linuxuser": "phil", (user with sudo access right)
"mode": "dev", (dev will affect only http and /etc/hosts prod need to have a dns pointing on the IP address port 80)
"domain": "local.fr",
"subdomain": "dev",
"consoleloglevel": "verbose" | "quiet" use first "quiet" if issue then set to verbose
"porthttp": 3018, port where backoffice answer
"language": ["fr", "en"],
"jwtsecret": "longsentenceusedtoencryptionChangethisforproduction",
"clientIdadmin": "test", name of your organisation (a-z) have to be unique
"login": "testadmin", login of the user admin of clientId
"genericpsw": "@12ABab@", generique password for all new user by default to access for 1st time.
"sudoerUser": "phil - your sudoer user that will run nginx and apxtrib",
"mode": "dev | prod - dev will affect only http and /etc/hosts prod need to have a dns pointing on the IP address port 80 ",
"nationName": "ants - an existing nation",
"townName": "devndda - a unique townName that is not in activity",
"dns":"apxtrib.dev | mooo.com ... - dns domain where townName.nationName.dns is set to send web traffic to IP:80|443 ",
"apiport": 3018 - let it except if this port is already use for other services on the machine, api will be route to this port
"language": ["fr", "en"], to set language in this town ("en" is default and minimum)
"jwtsecret": "longsentenceusedtoencryptionChangethisforproduction"
$ yarn setup