Mise à jour de 'Setup'

philc 2023-04-28 14:06:09 +00:00
parent 0102be3853
commit 8514c54acf

@ -12,8 +12,11 @@ In any doubt ask the community to set up a production server for small cost for
* a **townName** that does not exist (example:) [towns list](https://apxtrib.crabdance.com/socialworld/objects/nations/searchindex/townslist.json)
* **sudoerUser** that will be create with root access right on your machine
* a **dns** that redirect to your public IP server
- For dev: we'll use keyword unchain set in /etc/hosts with townName.nationName.unchain
- For prod: example: mooo.com, register a townname.nationname A IP adresss with your own domaine (see the free DNS Solution if you have not a domain)[https://gitea.ndda.fr/apxtrib/apxtrib/wiki/UsefullfreeDNS] to get your public IP [https://www.whatismyip.com/](https://www.whatismyip.com)
- For dev: set in /etc/hosts with townName.nationName
- For prod: example: mooo.com, register a townname.nationname A IP adresss with your own domaine
see the free DNS Solution if you have not a domain [https://gitea.ndda.fr/apxtrib/apxtrib/wiki/UsefullfreeDNS] <br>
to get your public IP [https://www.whatismyip.com/](https://www.whatismyip.com)
**Physical pre-request:**
@ -28,12 +31,11 @@ This tuto will:
* use nginx as reverse proxy based on dns abd url to the apXtrib routes
* use nginx to serve static file based on dns and file name
* use pm2 to manage apxtrib.js, see [pm2 doc](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/pm2-doc-single-page/)
* create your tribes space with your tribe call townname with a Pagan's accessright of druid of your tribe and mayor of your town.
* serve the apxtrib webapp graphical interface to manage your env (create new ClientId space, manage your server's ressource,... )
**At the end**
* **For production:** you will have a town live instance link to the nationchains. Graphical interface will be on https://townName.nationName.dns with your data
* **For dev:** a local town with **no link to the nationchains**, to create/test plugins/new feature, that you can also use as pre-prod available in http://townname.nationName.unchain
* **For dev:** a local town with **no link to the nationchains**, to create/test plugins/new feature, that you can also use as pre-prod available in http://townname.nationName
## To set up a machine
@ -64,8 +66,6 @@ Create a safe user (with sudo access) in this example phil
node --version #to check
npm install --global yarn
yarn --version
# OPTION if needed Allow a simple user to listen on port 80 on this machine
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/local/bin/node
**install nginx and apixpress**
@ -93,16 +93,14 @@ FYI: dev will work without ssl, in production server nginx will manage ssl as a
**if you run for the 1st time then you need to set properly ~/workspace/apxtrib/nationchains/www/adminapx/townconf.json **
Open your browser and type in the url http://localhost/setup.html
"nationId": "ants", // an existing nation
"townId": "wall", // a new town name
"IP":"", // your public IP adresse where the trafic come from
"IP":"", // your public IP adresse where the trafic come from or for dev
"tribeId":"ndda", // The first tribe of this town to manage the city of tribes
"dns": ["wallant.ndda.fr"],// The dns to access that have to be redirect to the server
"mayorId":"philc", // An alias pagan that can exist or will be created as mayor
"dns": ["wallants.ndda.fr"],// The dns to access that have to be redirect to the server for dev add this line to your /etc/hosts: myapxtrib
"mayorId":"philc", // An alias pagan that can exist or will be created as mayor (check that you own the private key
"passphrase":"", // Can be empty or not (if not each time something try to use your private key, it will request you a passphrase.
let other setup, except if you understand what you are doing
@ -117,17 +115,40 @@ $ cp /media/phil/HD1To/apixpress/data/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# in dev check all servername exist into /etc/hosts as website.clientid
$ sudo systemctl restart nginx
$ yarn dev # to test or dev<br>
if it is a production server then<br>
$ yarn startpm2
$ yarn unittest # to run unittesting
Usefull command:
### For production
Follow the same process than for dev. Main differences are:
* the dns must be register to a physical IP adress check in your browser http://dns answer the apx admin page
**install certbot of let's encrypt for https within nginx conf**
replace townName.nationName.mooo.com by your data
# in DEV
yarn dev = "node apixpress.js" all is log in the terminal
# in PRODUCTION with your root or sudoer
sudo snap install core
sudo snap refresh core
sudo apt remove certbot
sudo snap install --classic certbot
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
# manual command this is done by the setup sudo certbot --nginx -d townName.nationName.mooo.com
The last command line is for information this will be run from you admin interface.
Ussefull command
To list all the nginx conf that run under nginx, type in apxtrib folder
find . -name nginx_*.conf
@ -163,8 +184,6 @@ As dev you'll squeeze many steps, you can use this dev install to:
* You can also try to pentest other towns to improve security
Install the document to update it