Mise à jour de 'Setup'

philc 2023-04-27 08:42:49 +00:00
parent bb100bd432
commit eaad614a4d

@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ FYI: dev will work without ssl, in production server nginx will manage ssl as a
sudo systemctl (start|stop|reload|restart|status) nginx
#just check all is fine
sudo systemctl status nginx
#Make sudoUser the master of nginx conf, yarn setup will finish the apxtrib conf
sudo chown -R phil:phil /etc/nginx
git config --global credential.helper store
mkdir ~/workspace
@ -88,20 +91,22 @@ FYI: dev will work without ssl, in production server nginx will manage ssl as a
yarn setup
**if you run for the 1st time then you need to set properly /setup/configsetup.json**
**if you run for the 1st time then you need to set properly ~/workspace/apxtrib/nationchains/www/adminapx/townconf.json **
Open your browser and type in the url http://localhost/setup.html
"sudoerUser": "phil - your sudoer user that will run nginx and apxtrib",
"mode": "dev | prod - dev will affect only http and /etc/hosts prod need to have a dns pointing on the IP address port 80 ",
"nationName": "ants - an existing nation",
"townName": "devndda - a unique townName that is not in activity",
"dns":"apxtrib.dev | mooo.com ... - dns domain where townName.nationName.dns is set to send web traffic to IP:80|443 ",
"apiport": 3018 - let it except if this port is already use for other services on the machine, api will be route to this port
"language": ["fr", "en"], to set language in this town ("en" is default and minimum)
"jwtsecret": "longsentenceusedtoencryptionChangethisforproduction"
"nationId": "ants", // an existing nation
"townId": "wall", // a new town name
"IP":"", // your public IP adresse where the trafic come from
"tribeId":"ndda", // The first tribe of this town to manage the city of tribes
"dns": ["wallant.ndda.fr"],// The dns to access that have to be redirect to the server
"mayorId":"philc", // An alias pagan that can exist or will be created as mayor
"passphrase":"", // Can be empty or not (if not each time something try to use your private key, it will request you a passphrase.
let other setup, except if you understand what you are doing
$ yarn setup