A special tribe call adminapi in any towns (node), it works the same than all the other tribe except that all their data are synchronize with a blockchain
Objects manage by adminapi are: pagans (numerique id =alias/public key / private key), notifications (cypher message betxeen alias) , nations (rules apply to all towns belonging to a nations), towns ( a server that host IT ressources disk space, ram, bandwith and rules aplly to all tribe belonging to a town), tribes (( a sharing space to store data as well as api with rules to any person that use it), wwws (web space, dns)
An object has a name and is defined by a schema that contain properties key.
A propertie has a name and a list of caracteristics (type, pattern,format,...) that have to be validate to be accepted.
All properties respect the rules [https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema,](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema,) some extra"format" can be add to mutualise recurrent regex pattern
To access a schema [https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/api/adminapi/schema/tribename/schamname.json](https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/nationchains/schema/nations.json) and language is set by the header in xlang
A checkjson.js is available to manage all specific format [https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/Checkjson.js](https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/Checkjson.js) see **Odmdb - schema Checkjson**
**apxaccessrights**: object with key profilname and accessrights on properties {profilname:{C:\[properties array\],R:\[properties array\],U:\[\],D:\[\]}}
An alias is just an identity, to access a tribe, a person must exist with an authenticated alias into /tribes/{tribename}/objects/persons/itm/{alias}.json
A person has a property profils with a list of profilename, common profiles are : anonymous (no identity) / pagan (an identity) / person (an identity with access right into a tribe) / druid (the administrator of a tribe) / mayor (administrator of a town/server)/ and any profil can be define for a tribe
Each object has an apxaccessrights that is a list of profil and CRUD access per object key.
Example: owner on this object cab create delete an item is own, can read a list of propertie and update only some.