2023-12-07 12:04:19 +01:00
2023-12-29 13:38:47 +01:00
"alreadyexist": "An {{objectname}} object with the {{key}} key already exists with {{val}}",
"doesnotexist": "The {{objectname}} object does not exist with {{key}}:{{val}}",
"getschema": "Schema {{{conf.name}}}",
"schemanotfound": "Schema not found in {{{schemaPath}}}",
"pathnamedoesnotexist": "The directory does not exist {{{indexpath}}}",
"objectfiledoesnotexist": "The file does not exist {{{objectpath}}}",
"cudsuccessfull": "Update successful",
"successfulcreatewithoutemail":"Create without sending an email",
"successfulcreatewitemail":"Create you will receive an email",
"missingprimarykey": "Missing a primary key apxid to store and identify objects",
"unconsistencyapxidx": "The index {{name}} must contain at least {{apxid}} in objkey because keyval is not unique",
"profilnotallow": "As {{person}} your profiles are not allow, this action is not authorized",
"profilallow": "You are allowed for this action",
"successreindex": "Object reindexed from items, your indexes are up to date",
"indexexist":"The index exists",
"typenotavailable":"The type: {{type}} for the propertie: {{propertie}} of the object:{{objectPathname}} is not taken into account for indexing",
"objectslist":"List of objects from apxtri and {{tribe}}",
"errordelete":"Sorry, unable to delete this account"