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2023-12-07 12:04:19 +01:00
const express = require("express");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");
// Classes
const Pagans = require("../models/Pagans.js");
const Odmdb = require("../models/Odmdb.js");
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders.js");
const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated.js");
const conf = require(`../../conf/townconf.json`);
const router = express.Router();
* /api/models/Pagans.js
* Managed:
* Alias exist then return public key or not
* @api {get} /pagans/alias/:alias - alias Get
* @apiName isalias
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription If alias exist return its publickey
* @param {string} alias
* @apiError {json} aliasdoesnotexist
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
{"status":404,"ref":"pagans","msg":"aliasdoesnotexist","data": { alias}}
* @apiSuccess {object} indexfile content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, ref:"pagans","msg":"aliasexist","data": { alias, publicKey }}
* *
router.get("/alias/:alias", (req, res) => {
const getalias = Pagans.getalias(req.params.alias);
* Remove serveur token
* @api {get} /pagans/logout - pagan Logout
* @apiName Removetoken
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Remove token
* @apiSuccess {object} indexfile content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {status: 200, ref: "Pagans", msg: "logout"
router.get("/logout", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
const logout = Pagans.logout(
* @api {get} /pagans/isauth - pagan isAuthenticated?
* @apiName isAuth
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Check if pagan's token is still valid
* @apiError (400) missingheaders
* @apiError (400) xaliasdoesnotexist
* @apiError (400) signaturefailled
* @apiError (401) aliasanonymous
* @apiError (404) tribedoesnotexist
* @apiSuccess (200) valid
* {object} data contains indexfile requested
router.get("/isauth", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
status: 200,
ref: "headers",
msg: "authenticated",
data: {
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
* @api {post} /pagans - pagan Post
* @apiName addpagan
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription
* Create a pagan account from alias, publickey, if trusted recovery =>
* Create a person in xtribe/person/xalias.json with profil.auth={email,privatekey, passphrase}
* Middleware isAuthenticated check that:
* - xhash is well signed from private key linked to the publickey of alias
* - check that alias does not already exist (if yes then verifiedsigne would be false)
* Need to wait next block chain to be sure that alias is register in the blokchain
* @apiBody {string} alias available (that does not already exist check get /api/alias/:alias that must return 404).
* @apiBody {string} publickey
* @apiBody {string} [email] if specified then an email is sent to it with public and privatekey
* @apiBody {string} [privatekey]
* @apiBody {string} [passphrase] if not specidied => passphrase=""
* @apiBody {string} [trustedtribe] the tribename if not specified then the process will only create a pagan identity, else an item person is create for trustedtribe (that must exist with profil 'person'). To create a person with an existing pagan identity use put /api/person/:alias after authenticated you (headers). In case a person is created then we use all valid other apiBody respecting rules https://smatchit.io/api/odmdb/schema/persons.json
* @apiError {json} objectNotfound the file does not exist
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* @apiSuccess {object} indexfile content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"indexexist", "data":{indexname,content:{index file}}
router.post("/", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, async (req, res) => {
console.log("pass ici", req.body);
const role = {
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
const emailregex =
if (!(req.body.trustedtribe && req.body.email && emailregex.test(req.body.email) )) {
res.status(400).json({status:400,ref:"Pagans",msg:"emailerr", data:{email:req.body.email}})
const objpagan = { alias: req.body.alias, publickey: req.body.publickey };
const newpagan = Odmdb.cud(`../nationchains/pagans`, "C", objpagan, role);
const createprocess={status:200, ref:"Pagans", msg:"successfulcreate",data:{alias:req.body.alias}};
if (newpagan.status == 200) {
if (req.body.email) {
const emailsent = await Pagans.sendmailkey({
alias: req.body.alias,
privatekey: req.body.privatekey,
tribe: req.session.header.xtribe,
passprhase: req.body.passphrase,
publickey: req.body.publickey,
email: req.body.email,
lg: req.session.header.xlang
createprocess.data.emailsent = (emailsent.status == 200);
if (emailsent.status!=200) {
console.log("err emailsent: ",emailsent)
createprocess.data.emailerror = emailsent.data.err;
if (req.body.trustedtribe) {
const persondata = {
alias: req.body.alias,
owner: req.body.alias,
profils: ["pagans", "persons"],
recoveryauth: {
email: req.body.email,
privatekey: req.body.privatekey,
publickey: req.body.publickey,
passphrase: req.body.passphrase,
const personup = Odmdb.cud(`../nationchains/tribes/${req.body.trustedtribe}/objects/persons`, "C", persondata, {xprofils:["pagan"],xalias:req.body.alias});
if (personup.status==200){
console.log("Warning pagan created but person not created and no recovery registration", personup);
} else {
//error to create pagan certaily already exist
* @api {delete} /pagans/alias/:alias - pagan Delete
* @apiName deletepagan
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription
* Delete an alias and his publickey, this mean that publickey disapear as well as alias. All tribe will be inform and will delete person of this alias if they have. This alias will be availlable after 1 year.
* */
router.delete("/alias/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
console.log(`DELETE pagans nationchains/pagans/${req.params.alias}.json`);
const result = Pagans.deletealias(req.params.id, req.session.header);
* @api {delete} /pagans/person/:alias - person Delete
* @apiName deleteperson
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription
* Unsubscribe a person to a tribe => remove a person item and all data link to this alias
* */
router.delete("/person/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
const personpath=`../nationchains/tribes/${req.session.header.xtribe}/objects/persons`;
const role = {
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
const delperson = Odmdb.cud(personpath,"D",{alias:req.params.alias},role,true);
console.log(`DELETE person ${personpath}/${req.params.alias}.json `);
* @api {get} /pagans/person/:alias - person Get
* @apiName getpersondata
* @apiDescription Get person information from his alias for a xtribe (data and profils per apps)
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiParam {string} alias
* @apiSuccess (200) personExist
* @apiSuccessExample {json}
* {status:200, ref:"pagans",msg:"personexist",data: { person } }
* @apiError (404) Notfound
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* {status: 404, ref:"pagans",msg:"persondoesnotexist",data: { person } }
* @todo check accessright for req.session.header.xalias to see if jhe can get person data
* if req.param.alias == req.session.header.xalias => Owner
* else need accessright to on person set at R
* */
router.get("/person/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
const getperson=Odmdb.r( `../nationchains/tribes/${req.session.header.xtribe}/objects/persons`,req.params.alias,{ xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils, xalias: req.session.header.xalias })
* @api {put} /pagans/person - person Put
* @apiName updateperson
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription add or update a person = alias in a tribe. alias authenticated must have a profil with accessright into schema person.
* @apiHeader {string} xalias
* @apiParam {object} in line with schema in https://smatchit.io/api/odmdb/schema/persons
router.put("/person", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
const pathobj=`../nationchains/tribes/${req.session.header.xtribe}/objects/persons`;
const action = (fs.existsSync(`${pathobj}/itm/${req.body.alias}.json`))? "U":"C";
//set req.body to be in line with schema
if (!req.body.profils){
const personup = Odmdb.cud(pathobj, action, req.body, {xprofils:req.session.header.xprofils, xalias:req.session.header.xalias});
* @api {get} /pagans/keyrecovery/tribe/email - recovery keys by email
* @apiName recoveryKey
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Send mails with all registers identities (one per alias where recoveryauth.email is register)
* @apiSuccess {object}
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Pagans", "msg":"recoveryemailsent", "data":{email,tribe,nbalias:'number of alias with this email', nbqent:'number of eamil sent must = nbalias'}}
* @apiError (404) {string} emailnotfound email does not exist for this tribe
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* {status: 404, ref:"pagans",msg:"emailnotfound",data: { tribe,email } }
router.get("/keyrecovery/:tribe/:email", checkHeaders, (req, res) => {
const idxreco=`../../nationchains/tribes/${req.params.tribe}/objects/persons/idx/emailrecovery_alias.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(idxreco)){
const emailreco = fs.readJSONSync(idxreco);
if (emailreco[req.params.email]){
let sentemails=0;
const ret = Pagans.sendmailkey({alias:alias,tribe:req.params.tribe,lg:req.session.header.xlang})
sentemails = (ret.status==200)? sentemails+1:sentemails;
return {status:200,ref:"Pagans",msg:"recoveryemailsent",data:{email:req.params.email,tribe:req.params.tribe,nbalias:emailreco[req.params.email].length, nbsent:sentemails}}
return {status:404,ref:"Pagans",msg:"emailnotfound",data:{tribe:req.params.tribe,email:req.params.email}}
return {status:404,ref:"Pagans",msg:"emailnotfound",data:{tribe:req.params.tribe,email:req.params.email}}
* @api {get} /pagans/keyrecovery/tribe/alias - recovery keys by alias
* @apiName recoveryKey
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Send to email recovery if exist key files
* @apiSuccess {object}
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Pagans", "msg":"recoveryemailsent", "data":{email,tribe,nbalias:1, nbqent:1 or 0}}
* @apiError (404) {string} emailnotfound email does not exist for this tribe
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* {status: 404, ref:"pagans",msg:"emailnotfound",data: { tribe,email } }
router.get("/keyrecovery/:tribe/:alias", checkHeaders, (req, res) => {
// a tester et revoir
const ret = Pagans.sendmailkey({alias:req.params.alias,tribe:req.params.tribe,lg:req.session.header.xlang})
if (ret.status==200){
return {status:200,ref:"Pagans",msg:"recoveryemailsent",data:{email:"",tribe:req.params.tribe,nbalias:1, nbsent:1}}
return {status:404,ref:"Pagans",msg:"emailnotfound",data:{tribe:req.params.tribe,email:req.params.email}}
module.exports = router;