2023-12-07 12:04:19 +01:00
const fs = require ( "fs-extra" ) ;
const path = require ( "path" ) ;
const dnsSync = require ( "dns-sync" ) ;
const mustache = require ( "mustache" ) ;
const readlineSync = require ( "readline-sync" ) ;
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
const Odmdb = require ( "./Odmdb.js" ) ;
2024-03-20 11:24:03 +01:00
const conf = require ( ` ../../../conf.json ` ) ;
2023-12-07 12:04:19 +01:00
const Wwws = { } ;
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
Wwws . initlocaldata = ( tribe , appname , pagename , version , profils , lg ) => {
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
const fileparam = ` ../../ ${ tribe } /objects/wwws/itm/ ${ appname } .json ` ;
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
console . log ( fileparam ) ;
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( fileparam ) ) {
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
return { status : 404 , ref : "Wwws" , msg : "appdoesnotexist" , data : { } } ;
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
const locals = fs . readJSONSync ( fileparam ) ;
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
if ( ! locals . pages [ pagename ] ) {
return {
status : 200 ,
ref : "Wwws" ,
msg : "pagedoesnotexist" ,
2024-05-03 12:32:25 +02:00
data : { pagename }
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
} ;
if ( locals . pages [ pagename ] . version == version ) {
return { status : 200 , ref : "Wwws" , msg : "nonewdatamodel" , data : { } } ;
let authorize = false ;
profils . forEach ( ( p ) => {
authorize = authorize || locals . pages [ pagename ] . profils . includes ( p ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! authorize ) {
return {
status : 200 ,
ref : "Wwws" ,
msg : "forbidenaccess" ,
data : { pagename , profils } ,
} ;
//check version
const initname = ` ../../tmp/initlocaldata/ ${ tribe } _ ${ appname } _ ${ pagename } _ ${ lg } _ ${ locals . pages [ pagename ] . version } .json ` ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( initname ) && 1 != 1 ) {
const init = fs . readJsonSync ( initname ) ;
if ( init . app . version == locals . app . version ) {
2024-05-03 12:32:25 +02:00
return { status : 200 , ref : "Wwws" , msg : "datamodelnoupdate" , data : init } ;
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
const localstorage = {
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
version : locals . pages [ pagename ] . version ,
headers : locals . apxtri . headers ,
2024-05-03 12:32:25 +02:00
confpage : locals . pages [ pagename ] . confpage ,
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
req : { } ,
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
itm : { } ,
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
itms : { } ,
options : { } ,
tpl : { } ,
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
tpldata : { } ,
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
ref : { } ,
schema : { } ,
} ;
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
localstorage . headers . xlang = lg ;
// A faire plus tard charger tous les referentiele et les data pour une page adminpage
/ * i f ( p a g e n a m e = = " p a g e a d m i n " ) {
// load any referentialdata
glob . Sync ( ` ../../ ${ tribe } /objects/*.json ` ) . forEach ( f => {
if ( ! localstorage . schema . includes ( ` ${ tribe } /objects/ ${ path . basename ( f , ".json" ) } ` ) ) {
localstorage . schema . push ( ` ${ tribe } /objects/ ${ path . basename ( f , ".json" ) } ` )
} )
* /
const loc = locals . pages [ pagename ] ;
if ( loc . itms ) {
Object . keys ( loc . itms ) . forEach ( ( r ) => {
const src = ` ../../ ${ loc . itms [ r ] } .json ` ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( src ) ) {
localstorage . itms [ r ] = fs . readJSONSync ( src ) ;
} else {
localstorage . itms [ r ] = ` Check your ${ fileparam } for itms in ${ pagename } and ${ r } ` ;
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
} ) ;
if ( loc . ref ) {
Object . keys ( loc . ref ) . forEach ( ( r ) => {
const src = ` ../../ ${ loc . ref [ r ] } _ ${ lg } .json ` ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( src ) ) {
localstorage . ref [ r ] = fs . readJSONSync ( src ) ;
} else {
localstorage . ref [
] = ` Check your ${ fileparam } for ref in ${ pagename } and ${ r } ` ;
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
} ) ;
if ( loc . options ) {
Object . keys ( loc . options ) . forEach ( ( r ) => {
const src = ` ../../ ${ loc . options [ r ] } _ ${ lg } .json ` ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( src ) ) {
localstorage . options [ r ] = fs . readJSONSync ( src ) ;
} else {
localstorage . options [
] = ` Check your ${ fileparam } for options in ${ pagename } profil and ${ r } ` ;
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
} ) ;
2024-05-21 09:18:52 +02:00
if ( ! loc . tpl ) loc . tpl = { } ;
if ( ! loc . tpldata ) loc . tpldata = { } ;
if ( loc . components ) {
loc . components . forEach ( c => {
const componame = path . basename ( c )
loc . tpl [ componame ] = ` ${ c } / ${ componame } .mustache `
loc . tpldata [ componame ] = ` ${ c } / ${ componame } `
} )
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
if ( loc . tpl ) {
Object . keys ( loc . tpl ) . forEach ( ( r ) => {
let src = ` ../../ ${ loc . tpl [ r ] } ` ;
console . log ( path . resolve ( src ) )
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( src ) ) {
src += ` _ ${ lg } .mustache ` ;
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
if ( fs . existsSync ( src ) ) {
localstorage . tpl [ r ] = fs . readFileSync ( src , 'utf-8' ) ;
} else {
localstorage . tpl [
] = ` Check your ${ fileparam } for template in ${ pagename } profil and ${ r } ` ;
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
} ) ;
if ( loc . tpldata ) {
Object . keys ( loc . tpldata ) . forEach ( ( r ) => {
let src = ` ../../ ${ loc . tpldata [ r ] } ` ;
console . log ( path . resolve ( src ) )
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( src ) ) {
src += ` _ ${ lg } .json ` ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( src ) ) {
localstorage . tpldata [ r ] = fs . readJSONSync ( src ) ;
} else {
localstorage . tpldata [
] = ` Check your ${ fileparam } for template in ${ pagename } profil and ${ r } in tpldata ` ;
} ) ;
if ( loc . schema ) {
loc . schema . forEach ( ( objpath ) => {
const name = path . basename ( objpath ) ;
const schema = Odmdb . Schema ( ` ../../ ${ objpath } ` , false , lg ) ;
if ( schema . status == 200 ) {
localstorage . schema [ name ] = schema . data . schema ;
} else {
console . log ( schema ) ;
2024-05-06 06:44:58 +02:00
let msg = ` Check your ${ fileparam } for schema in ${ pagename } : `
if ( schema . status == 406 ) {
if ( schema . msg ) msg += schema . msg
if ( schema . multimsg ) {
schema . multimsg . forEach ( err => {
msg += ` ${ err . msg } ${ JSON . stringify ( err . data ) } ) `
} )
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
localstorage . schema [
2024-05-06 06:44:58 +02:00
] = msg ;
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
} ) ;
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
return {
status : 200 ,
ref : "Wwws" ,
2024-05-02 07:36:23 +02:00
msg : "datamodelupdate" ,
data : localstorage
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
} ;
} ;
2023-12-07 12:04:19 +01:00
/ * W w w s . a p x t r i i n s t a l l = ( p a r a m c o n f ) = > {
if ( fs . existsSync ( ` ${ conf . dirtown } /conf.json ` ) ) {
console . log ( "You already have a conf on this town" ) ;
process . exit ( ) ;
//first install
const nginxconf = fs . readFileSync (
` ${ conf . dirapi } /adminapi/www/adminapx/conf/nginx.conf.mustache ` ,
) ;
const proxyparams = fs . readFileSync (
"../nationchains/www/adminapx/static/tpl/nginxproxy_params.mustache" ,
) ;
// saved and change nginx conf
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( "/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved" ) ) {
fs . moveSync ( "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" , "/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved" ) ;
console . log (
"your previous /etc/nginx/nginx.conf was backup in /etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved"
) ;
fs . outputFileSync (
"/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" ,
mustache . render ( nginxconf , paramconf ) ,
) ;
fs . outputFileSync (
"/etc/nginx/proxy_params" ,
mustache . render ( proxyparams , paramconf ) ,
) ;
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( paramconf . nginx . logs ) ) fs . mkdirSync ( paramconf . nginx . logs ) ;
paramconf . nginx . firstinstall = true ;
2024-03-15 08:49:23 +01:00
fs . outputJsonSync ( "../tribes/conf.json" , paramconf , {
2023-12-07 12:04:19 +01:00
space : 2 ,
} ) ;
return Www . create ( paramconf . nginx ) ;
} ;
* /
Wwws . create = ( paramnginx ) => {
/ * *
* Create an nginx conf to make available a spaceweb for a tribe / www / appname /
2024-04-18 11:35:29 +02:00
2023-12-07 12:04:19 +01:00
* /
const res = {
status : 200 ,
ref : "Www" ,
msg : "successfulwww" ,
data : { website : paramnginx . website } ,
} ;
const nginxwebsite = fs . readFileSync (
` ${ conf . dirapi } /adminapi/www/adminapx/conf/nginxmodelwebsite.conf.mustache ` ,
) ;
fs . outputFileSync (
` ./ ${ paramnginx . fswww } www/nginx_ ${ paramnginx . website } .conf ` ,
mustache . render ( nginxwebsite , paramnginx ) ,
) ;
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( ` ./ ${ paramnginx . fswww } www/ ${ paramnginx . website } ` ) ) {
//See later how to generate specific template of webapp
fs . mkdirSync ( ` ./ ${ paramnginx . fswww } www/ ${ paramnginx . website } ` ) ;
if ( ! fs . existsSync ( ` ./ ${ paramnginx . fswww } www/cdn ` ) ) {
//See later how to generate specific template of webapp
fs . mkdirSync ( ` ./ ${ paramnginx . fswww } www/cdn ` ) ;
//restart nginx
const { exec } = require ( "child_process" ) ;
exec ( paramnginx . restart , ( error , stdout , stderr ) => {
if ( error ) {
if ( paramnginx . firstinstall ) {
console . log ( "\x1b[42m" , error , stdout , stderr , "x1b[0m" ) ;
//@todo supprimer la derniere config et relancer
res . status = 500 ;
res . msg = "nginxError" ;
res . data = { msg : ` ${ error } <br> ${ stdout } <br> ${ stderr } ` } ;
} else {
if ( paramnginx . firstinstall ) {
// the tribes/conf.json is saved in apxtriinstall
console . log (
` \x 1b[42m########################################################################################### \x 1b[0m \n \x 1b[42mWellcome into apxtri, you can now 'yarn dev' for dev or 'yarn startpm2' for prod or \n 'yarn unittest' for testing purpose. Access to your town here \x 1b[0m \x 1b[32mhttp://adminapx \x 1b[0m \x 1b[42m \n to finish your town setup. Don't forget to set your localhost /etc/hosts by adding adminapx or {LAN IP} adminapx . Check README's project to learn more. \x 1b[0m \n \x 1b[42m########################################################################################### \x 1b[0m `
) ;
} else {
// add website to tribe conf
} ) ;
return res ;
} ;
Wwws . setssl = ( ) => {
// Run process to change nginx conf to get a ssl
} ;
Wwws . configlist = ( tribeId ) => {
//if accessright R return list of conf parameter {webapp:{conf parameter}}
const res = { status : 200 , data : { } } ;
return res ;
} ;
module . exports = Wwws ;