forked from apxtri/apxtri

turnaround issue brevo emailing

This commit is contained in:
philc 2024-07-18 09:34:26 +02:00
parent b240419705
commit 22333d7db9
3 changed files with 293 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const axios = require("axios");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const Mustache = require('mustache');
const Checkjson = require(`./Checkjson.js`);
//const smtp = require("smtp-client");
const nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
@ -212,18 +213,27 @@ Notifications.manageemail = (data, template, tribe) => {
* data optionaly can contain Cc,Bcc as array of emails and attachments as array of filename (into the server)
* Await the 1st email
if (!data.emailsto || data.emailsto.length == 0) {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "emailsmissing",
msg: "emailstomissing",
data: data,
if (typeof data.emailsto === "string") data.emailsto = [data.emailsto];
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(template))){
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Notification",
msg: "templatenotfound",
data: { template:path.resolve(template) },
const tplemail = require(path.resolve(template));
let sendit;
let sendit={status:200,ref:"Notifications",msg:"successfullsend"};
data.emailsto.forEach(async (e, i) => {
if (Checkjson.testformat(e, "email")) {
const dat = {};
@ -233,16 +243,17 @@ Notifications.manageemail = (data, template, tribe) => {
dat.text = Mustache.render(tplemail.text, data);
dat.Cc = data.Cc ? tplemail.Cc.push(data.Cc) : tplemail.Cc;
dat.Bcc = data.Bcc ? tplemail.Bcc.push(data.Bcc) : tplemail.Bcc;
dat.attachments = tplemail.attachments.push(data.attachments);
const sendit = Notifications.sendmail(data, tribe);
if (data.attachments){
if (i == 0) {
sendit = await Notifications.sendmail(data, tribe);
if (sendit.status != 200) return sendit;
sendit = await Notifications.sendmail(dat, tribe);
if (sendit.status != 200) return {status:406,ref:"Notifications",msg:"emailnotsent"};
} else {
Notifications.sendmail(data, tribe);
Notifications.sendmail(dat, tribe);
} else {
// not a well formated email
// not a well formated email @todo add a log file to follow it
return sendit;
@ -250,6 +261,17 @@ Notifications.manageemail = (data, template, tribe) => {
Notifications.sendmail = async (data, tribe) => {
* * in conf global or in /itm/{tribe}.json must have valid parameter emailcontact must be authorized by the smtp
* "emailcontact": "noreply@smatchit.io",
* "smtp": {
* "host": "smtp-relay.brevo.com",
* "port": 587,
* "secure": false,
* "auth": {
* "user": "xx",
* "pass": "yy"
* }
* }
* See https://nodemailer.com/message/ for available fields to add
* @param {string} [data.from] an email authorized by smtp used priority from header xtribe
* @param {string} data.to list of email separate by ,
@ -265,7 +287,7 @@ Notifications.sendmail = async (data, tribe) => {
* {filename:'img.png',path:"data:text/svg;base64.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="}
* @example data
* {"to":"wall-ants.ndda.fr",
* {"to":"wall-ants@ndda.fr",
* "subject":"Test",
* "html":"<h1>test welcome</h1>",
* "text":"test welcome",
@ -305,13 +327,18 @@ Notifications.sendmail = async (data, tribe) => {
const conftribfile = `../../itm/${tribe}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(conftribfile)) {
const conftrib = fs.readJSONSync(conftribfile);
if (!conftrib.emailcontact){
return {
status: 428,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "missingemailcontactinconf",
data: { tribe },
confsmtp = conftrib.smtp;
if (!data.from) data.from = conftrib.emailcontact;
if (!data.from || data.from == conf.emailcontact) data.from = conftrib.emailcontact;
//const client = smtp.connect(confsmtp);
const transporter = await nodemailer.createTransport(confsmtp);
//@todo add attachments management
if (data.filelist) {
data.attachments = [];
let missingfile = [];
@ -331,6 +358,7 @@ Notifications.sendmail = async (data, tribe) => {
//console.log("data:", data);
const res = await transporter.sendMail(data);
if (
res.accepted &&
data.to.split(",").reduce((acc, m) => acc && res.accepted.includes(m), true)

models/PagansPeter.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
const glob = require("glob");
const path = require("path");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const axios = require("axios");
const Mustache = require("mustache");
const openpgp = require("openpgp");
const Notifications = require("./Notifications.js");
const Odmdb = require("./Odmdb.js");
const conf = require(`../../../conf.json`);
const currentmod = "Pagans";
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod);
* Pagan Management numeric Identity and Person (Person = Pagan Id + tribe)
const Pagans = {};
//from router.post("/", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, async (req, res)
// from router.post("/", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, async (req, res)
* Remove authentification token after a logout
* @param {string} alias
* @param {string} tribe
* @param {integer} xdays
* @param {string} xhash
* @returns {status:200, ref:"Pagans",msg:"logout"}
* tmpfs name file has to be on line with the tmpfs create by isAuthenticated
* tmpfs contain profils name for a tribe/
Pagans.logout = (alias, tribe, xdays, xhash) => {
//console.log(alias, tribe, xdays, xhash);
// inline with middleware isAuthenticated.js
let tmpfs = `../../tmp/tokens/${alias}_${tribe}_${xdays}`;
//max filename in ext4: 255 characters
tmpfs += `_${xhash.substring(150, 150 + tmpfs.length - 249)}.json`;
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "logout token", tmpfs);
return { status: 200, ref: "Pagans", msg: "logout" };
* @param {string} alias a alias that exist or not
* @return {object} { status: 200, ref:"pagans",msg:"aliasexist",data: { alias, publicKey } }
* { status: 404, ref:"pagans",msg:"aliasdoesnotexist",data: { alias} }
Pagans.getalias = (alias) => {
//bypass Odmdb cause all is public save ressources
if (fs.existsSync(`../objects/pagans/itm/${alias}.json`)) {
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "aliasexist",
data: fs.readJSONSync(`../objects/pagans/itm/${alias}.json`),
} else {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "aliasdoesnotexist",
data: { alias },
* Send email with alias's keys to email or person alias person.recovery.email
* If email or pubkey is undefined then get data from tribe/person(alias)
* Send email with keys
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.alias
* @param {pgpPrivate} [data.privatekey]
* @param {string} [data.passphrase]
* @param {string} data.tribe
* @param {pgpPublic} [data.publickey]
* @param {string} [data.email]
* @param {string} data.lg
Pagans.sendmailkey = (data) => {
if (log)
data.privatekey ? data.privatekey.substring(0, 10) : "",
data.publickey ? data.publickey.substring(0, 10) : "",
const person = {
alias: data.alias,
privatekey: data.privatekey,
tribe: data.tribe,
if (!data.publickey || !data.email || !data.privatekey) {
const personfile = `../../${data.tribe}/objects/persons/itm/${data.alias}.json`;
if (!fs.existsSync(personfile)) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "persondoesnotexist",
data: { alias: data.alias, tribe: data.tribe },
const persondata = fs.readJsonSync(personfile);
if (!persondata.recoveryauth) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "personhasnorecoveryauth",
data: { alias: data.alias, tribe: data.tribe, email: data.email },
person.email = persondata.recoveryauth.email;
person.publickey = persondata.recoveryauth.publickey;
person.privatekey = persondata.recoveryauth.privatekey;
person.passphrase = persondata.recoveryauth.passphrase;
} else {
person.email = data.email;
person.passphrase = data.passphrase;
person.publickey = data.publickey;
person.avecpassphrase = person.passphrase != "";
let tplfile = `../../${data.tribe}/template/createidentity_${data.lg}.js`;
if (!fs.existsSync(tplfile)) {
tplfile = `../template/createidentity_${data.lg}.js`;
if (!fs.existsSync(tplfile)) {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "templatedoesnotexist",
data: { tplfile },
const tplemail = require(path.resolve(tplfile));
Remove from attachments for less user confusing
content: person.publickey,
const maildata = {
from: tplemail.sender,
to: person.email,
subject: Mustache.render(tplemail.subject, person),
html: Mustache.render(tplemail.html, person),
text: Mustache.render(tplemail.text, person),
attachments: [
filename: `${person.alias}_privatekey.txt`,
content: person.privatekey,
contentType: "text/plain",
return Notifications.sendmail(maildata, data.tribe);
Pagans.authenticatedetachedSignature = async (
) => {
* Check that a message was signed with a privateKey from a publicKey
* This is not necessary if isAuthenticated, but can be usefull to double check
* @TODO finish it and implement it also in /apxpagan.js for browser
* @alias {string} alias link to the publicKey
* @pubK {string} publiKey text format
* @detachedSignature {string} a detachedsignatured get from apx.detachedSignature
* @message {string} the message signed
* @return {boolean} true the message was signed by alias
* false the message was not signed by alias
const publicKey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: pubK });
const msg = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: message });
const signature = await openpgp.readSignature({
armoredSignature: detachedSignature, // parse detached signature
const verificationResult = await openpgp.verify({
msg, // Message object
verificationKeys: publicKey,
const { verified, keyID } = verificationResult.signatures[0];
try {
await verified; // throws on invalid signature
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Signed by key id " + keyID.toHex());
return KeyId.toHex().alias == alias;
} catch (e) {
if (log)
console.log(currentmod, "Signature could not be verified: " + e.message);
return false;
module.exports = Pagans;

View File

@ -44,13 +44,24 @@ router.get("/messages/:alias/:tribeId", (req, res) => {
* @api {POST} adminapi/notifications/sendmail/:tribe/:template -Send personnalize emails
* @apiName Sendmail
* @apiDescription Send personnalize email with data from template store in ../../{tribe}/template/{template}.json
* @apiDescription Send personnalize email with data from template store in ../../{tribe}/template/{template}.json and smtp in conf global or in /itm/{tribe}.json that must have valid parameter emailcontact must be authorized by the smtp
* "emailcontact": "noreply@smatchit.io",
* "smtp": {
* "host": "smtp-relay.brevo.com",
* "port": 587,
* "secure": false,
* "auth": {
* "user": "xx",
* "pass": "yy"
* }
* }
* @apiGroup Notifications
* @apiParam {string} template
* @apiParam {string} tribe
* @apiBody {array} emails to send (array of valid email)
* @apiBody {object} Data to personnalize template
* @apiBody {object} data to personnalize template
* @apiSuccess {object} notif content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
@ -59,24 +70,19 @@ router.get("/messages/:alias/:tribeId", (req, res) => {
* bouture
(req, res) => {
const pathtpl = `../../${req.params.tribe}/${req.params.template}.js`;
if (fs.existsSync(pathtpl)) {
const sendemail = Notification.manageemail(req.body, pathtpl,req.params.tribe);
} else {
status: 404,
ref: "Notification",
msg: "templatenotfound",
data: { pathtpl },
async (req, res) => {
const data = req.body.data;
data.emailsto = req.body.emails;
const pathtpl = `../../${req.params.tribe}/template/${req.params.template}_${req.session.header.xlang}.js`;
const sendemail = await Notifications.manageemail(
@ -99,14 +105,12 @@ router.post(
router.post("/registeranonymous", checkHeaders, (req, res) => {
//console.log("list registration ",req.body)
if (!req.body.typekey || !["email", "telephone"].includes(req.body.typekey)) {
return res
status: 406,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "typekeyunknown",
data: { typekey: req.body.typekey },
return res.status(406).json({
status: 406,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "typekeyunknown",
data: { typekey: req.body.typekey },
const key = req.body.contactpoint
? req.body.contactpoint