diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4517c31..d9dbab8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ use a sudoer user and execute command line $, for security reason, do not use ap
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
-$ useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/apxuser -c "apxuser" apxuser
-$ passwd apxuser
-$ sudo usermod -aG sudo apxuser
+$ useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/{apxuser} -c "{apxuser}" {apxuser}
+$ passwd {apxuser}
+$ sudo usermod -aG sudo {apxuser}
$ sudo visudo
# add the next line in the file
-$ apxuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
+$ {apxuser} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
# exit and save
-$ su apxuser
+$ su {apxuser}
$ sudo apt install git vim libcap2-bin p7zip-full p7zip-rar curl nginx
# Install last nvm** (check website to get latest v0.xx from https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm)
$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash
@@ -123,18 +123,19 @@ $ nvm install node
$ node --version #to check
$ npm install --global yarn
$ yarn --version
-$ mkdir ~/apxtowns | mkdir ~/apxtowns/town-nation
+# Find a non existing town to join to an existing nation see https://apxtri.crabedance.com
+$ mkdir ~/apxtowns # if it does not exist
+$ mkdir ~/apxtowns/{town}-{nation}
# For dev #######################
-# you only need to clone the apXtri project in ~/apxtowns/town-nation/tribes/adminapi/
-# this allow you to dev foar a tribe api as well as to push features to the maintainers of the apXtri project:
-$ curl -L https://wall-ants.fr/cdn/share/apxtriVx.tar && tar -xvzf - -C ~/apxtowns/town-nation/
-$ cd ~/apxtowns/town-nation/tribes/adminapi/
-$ git clone https://gitea.ndda.fr/apxtrib/apxtri.git
+$ mkdir ~/apxtowns/{town}-{nation}/adminapi/
+$ cd ~/apxtowns/{town}-{nation}/adminapi/
+$ git clone https://gitea.ndda.fr/apxtri/apxtri.git
$ yarn install
-$ town=dev nation=ants dns=dev-ants yarn dev # for 1st install to set conf/nginx/adminapi_adminapx.conf with your parameter
+# to setup run the 1st time
+$ dns=apxtri.ydns.io user=apxuser yarn dev
# For production ###############
@@ -150,7 +151,8 @@ $ sudo apt remove certbot
$ sudo snap install --classic certbot
$ sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
$ curl -L https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/cdn/share/apxtriVx.tar | tar -xf - -C ~/apxtowns/town-nation/ | cd ~/apxtowns/town-nation/tribes/adminapi/apxtri | yarn install
-$ town=townname nation=nationname dns=apxtri.ydns.io yarn startapx # for 1st install to set conf/nginx/adminapi_adminapx.conf with your parameter
+$ town=townname nation=nationname dns=apxtri.ydns.io yarn startapx # for 1st install to set /etc/nginx/nginx.conf conf/nginx/adminapi_adminapx.conf with your parameter
+# FYI: it changes nginx configuration + let's encrypt your dns to get a ssl
$ yarn restartapx # if IT IS NOT a first install
# open a browser and type https://domain to access to your admin console
diff --git a/apxtri.js b/apxtri.js
index 25bd8af..5dd2176 100755
--- a/apxtri.js
+++ b/apxtri.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-const { argv } = require("process");
+//const { argv } = require("process");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
-const mustache = require("mustache");
+//const mustache = require("mustache");
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
const glob = require("glob");
const path = require("path");
@@ -9,130 +9,31 @@ const express = require("express");
const process = require("process");
+SEE README.md to have a quick start
-SEE README.md to have a quick understanding to install a new town
- * @param {args} args key:value example node apxtri nationId:ants townId:devfarm dns:devfarm-ants
- * if no parameter from adminapi/www/adminapx/conf/setup_xx.json
- *
- * Keyword townId = "devfarm" then this is unchain town to dev
- * else this is a production town ready to chain to the nationId
- *
- * @returns listen onto http:/dns (80 and 443) for admin webapp and http://localhost:initconf.api.port
- * by setting the nginx parameter
- * A folder for town data is created at the same level than apxtri as /townId-nationId/conf.json ...
- */
-const nam = path.resolve("../..").split("/").slice(-1)[0].split("-");
-const town = nam[0];
-const nation = nam[1];
-const setup=()=>{
- const nam = path.resolve("../..").split("/").slice(-1)[0].split("-");
- const town = nam[0];
- const nation = nam[1];
- let setupdone=true
- // check nginx exist
- if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf")) {
+if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf")) {
- "\x1b[31m Check documentation, nginx have to be installed on this server first, no /etc/nginx/nginx.conf available, install then rerun yarn command."
- );
- process.exit();
+ "\x1b[31m Check documentation, nginx have to be installed on this server first, no /etc/nginx/nginx.conf available, install then rerun yarn command.");
- if (! (param.dns && param.user) ) {
- setupdone=false;
- console.log("This is a first install you must run next command with a domain name (use town-nation for dev and the linux user that run apXtri) check ping dns answer and su user exist (check README) \n dns=domainname user=linuxuser yarn dev")
- }
- return setupdone;
-const param = {};
-argv.slice(2).forEach((arg) => {
- const kv = arg.split(":");
- if (kv.length == 2) {
- param[kv[0]] = kv[1];
- }
if (!fs.existsSync("../../conf.json")) {
- // This is a first install
- if (!setup(param)) process.exit();
+ console.log("Warning, this is a first install you must run 'node setup.js dns=domainename user=sudoerlinux'")
+ process.exit();
-// setup_xx.json is gitignore so at first install we are in dev configuration
-let infotown = {
- nationId: "ants",
- townId: "devfarm",
- dns: "devfarm-ants",
- comment:
- "Auto generate setup from apxtri after node apxtri nationId:value townId:value dns:domaine_to_access",
-if (fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/adminapi/www/adminapx/conf/setup_xx.json`)) {
- infotown = fs.readJsonSync(
- `${__dirname}/adminapi/www/adminapx/conf/setup_xx.json`
- );
-if (
- Object.keys(param).length > 0 &&
- param.nationId &&
- param.townId &&
- param.dns
-) {
- infotown.nationId = param.nationId;
- infotown.townId = param.townId;
- infotown.dns = param.dns;
- `${__dirname}/adminapi/www/adminapx/conf/setup_xx.json`,
- infotown
-infotown.dirapi = __dirname;
-infotown.dirtown = path.resolve(
- `${__dirname}/../${infotown.townId}-${infotown.nationId}`
-process.env.dirtown = infotown.dirtown;
-infotown.dirapxwebapp = path.resolve(`${infotown.dirapi}/..`); //same level as apxtri
-if (
- !fs.existsSync(`${infotown.dirtown}/conf.json`) ||
- !fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/adminapi/www/nginx_adminapx.conf`)
-) {
- // Case of new town or request a reset of dns to access adminapx
- // genere a minimum conf with nationId, townId, dns, dirapi, dirtown
- fs.outputJsonSync(`${infotown.dirtown}/conf.json`, infotown, { space: 2 });
- const Towns = require("./api/models/Towns");
- const rescreate = Towns.create();
- if (rescreate.status != 200) {
- console.log("Sorry error ");
- process.exit();
- }
const conf = require(path.resolve(`../../conf.json`));
let doms = conf.dns; // only dns of town during the init process
const currentmod = "apxtri";
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod);
-// Create and update ./nationchains plutot que cette fonction
-// A creuser et voir comment synchro
-/*const { updateobjectsfromfreshesttown } = require("./models/Nations.js");
-updateobjectsfromfreshesttown(conf.towns, {
- pagans: "alias_all.json",
- towns: "townId_all.json",
- nations: "nationId_all.json",
-// Run main express process for a /towId-nationId/tribes
let tribelist = {};
if (fs.existsSync(`../../idx/tribeId_all.json`)) {
tribelist = fs.readJsonSync(`../../idx/tribeId_all.json`);
let tribeIds = Object.keys(tribelist);
-// context is store in tribes/itm/tribename.json ={contexte:{routes:[],models:[{model:,tplstringslg:[]}]}
-//routes={url,route} check how to add plugin tribe route later
+// context is store in /itm/tribename.json ={contexte:{routes:[],models:[{model:,tplstringslg:[]}]}
+// routes={url,route} check how to add plugin tribe route later
// keep only the 2 last part (.) of domain name to validate cors with it (generic domain)
let routes=[]
tribeIds.forEach((t) => {
diff --git a/setup.js b/setup.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f0a460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+const { argv } = require("process");
+const fs = require("fs-extra");
+const mustache = require("mustache");
+const glob = require("glob");
+const path = require("path");
+const Setup = {};
+Setup.nginxconf = `
+user {{user}};
+## This file is auto generate by apXtri ##
+worker_processes auto;
+error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
+pid /var/run/nginx.pid;
+#include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf;
+events { worker_connections 1024;}
+http {
+ include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
+ default_type application/octet-stream;
+ log_format main '$time_iso8601###$status###$request';
+ log_format tracker escape=json
+ '{"time":"$time_iso8601","alias":"$arg_alias","uuid":"$arg_uuid",'
+ '"lg":"$arg_lg","consentcookie":"$arg_consentcookie","version":"$arg_version",'
+ '"srckey":"$arg_srckey","request_filename":"$request_filename",'
+ '"remoteaddr":"$remote_addr","httpxforwardedfor":"$http_x_forwarded_for",'
+ '"httpreferer":"$http_referer","httpuseragent":"$http_user_agent","request":"$request"}';
+ log_format mainold '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
+ '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
+ '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
+ access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
+ sendfile on;
+ keepalive_timeout 65;
+ gzip on;
+ gzip_vary on;
+ gzip_proxied any;
+ gzip_comp_level 6;
+ gzip_buffers 4 32k;
+ gzip_http_version 1.1;
+ gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript application/x-font-ttf application/javascript font/eot font/opentype image/svg+xml image/x-icon;
+ ##
+ # Virtual Host Configs
+ ##
+ #include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
+ include {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/*/*/nginx/*.conf;
+Setup.{{tribe}}nginxconf = `
+server {
+ server_name {{#dns}} {{.}} {{/dns}};
+ # usefull to debug nginx conf 3 next line:
+ access_log {{/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/{{tribe}}/logs/nginx/{{tribe}}_{{webspace}}.access.log main;
+ #error_log {{apxtownsfolder}}//{{tribe}}/logs/nginx/{{tribe}}_{{webspace}}.error.log debug;
+ #add_header xdebug "testmsg debug: $uri - $request - liste args: $args - url:$arg_url - alias:$arg_alias " always;
+ set $trackme 0;
+ if ( $uri ~ ^/trk/ ){
+ set $trackme 1;
+ }
+ #access_log {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/{{tribe}}/logs/nginx/{{tribe}}_{{webspace}}.trk.log tracker if=$trackme ;
+ access_log {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/{{tribe}}/logs/nginx/{{tribe}}_{{webspace}}.trk.log tracker if=$trackme ;
+ location ~* /trk/ {
+ if ( $uri ~ ^/trk/redirect ){
+ return 301 $arg_url;
+ }
+ rewrite ^/trk/(.*)$ /$1;
+ }
+ location /adminapi/Checkjson.js {
+ alias {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/adminapi/apxtri/models/Checkjson.js;
+ }
+ location ~* /adminapi/objects/tplstrings/ {
+ rewrite /adminapi/objects/tplstrings/(.*$) /$1 break;
+ root {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/adminapi/objects/tplstrings/;
+ }
+ location ~* /adminapi/schema/ {
+ rewrite /adminapi/schema/(.*$) /$1 break;
+ root {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/adminapi/schema/;
+ }
+ location ~* /{{tribe}}/objects/tplstrings/ {
+ rewrite /{{tribe}}/objects/tplstrings/(.*$) /$1 break;
+ root {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/{{tribe}}/objects/tplstrings/;
+ }
+ location ~* /{{tribe}}/schema/ {
+ rewrite /{{tribe}}/schema/(.*$) /$1 break;
+ root {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/{{tribe}}/schema/;
+ }
+ location /cdn/ {
+ expires 1y;
+ add_header Cache-Control "public";
+ rewrite /cdn/(.*$) /$1 break;
+ root {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/{{tribe}}/objects/wwws/cdn/;
+ }
+ location /api/ {
+ rewrite /api/(.*$) /$1 break;
+ proxy_pass http://localhost:3020;
+ proxy_redirect off;
+ include proxy_params;
+ }
+ //ASUP
+ location /apxwebapp/ {
+ rewrite /apxwebapp/(.*$) /$1 break;
+ root {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/apxwebapp;
+ index index.html index_fr.html index_en.html;
+ }
+ location /apidoc/ {
+ root {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/{{tribe}}/objects/wwws/;
+ index index.html;
+ }
+ location / {
+ root {{apxtownsfolder}}/apxtowns/{{town}}-{{nation}}/{{tribe}}/objects/wwws/{{webspace}};
+ index index.html index_fr.html index_en.html;
+ }
+ error_page 404 /404.html;
+ # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
+ #
+ error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
+ location = /50x.html {
+ root /usr/local/nginx/html;
+ }
+Setup.addtribe = (tribeId) => {
+ const idxtribf = `../../idx/tribeId_all.json`;
+ const idxtrib = fs.existsSync(idxtribf) ? fs.readJSONSync(idxtribf) : {};
+ if (idxtrib[tribeId]) {
+ return {
+ status: 406,
+ ref: "Tribes",
+ msg: "alreadyexist",
+ data: { tribeId },
+ };
+ }
+ const tribdata = {
+ nationId: nationId,
+ townId: townId,
+ tribeId: tribeId,
+ };
+ idxtrib[tribeId] = tribdata;
+ fs.outputJSON(idxtribf, idxtrib, { spaces: 2 });
+ fs.outputJSON("../../itm/${tribeId}.json", tribdata, { space: 2 });
+ [
+ `../../${tribeId}/nginx`,
+ `../../${tribeId}/logs/nginx`,
+ `../../${tribeId}/objects`,
+ `../../${tribeId}/schema`,
+ ].forEach((d) => fs.ensureDirSync(d));
+ return {
+ status: 200,
+ ref: "Tribes",
+ msg: "tribeaddsuccess",
+ data: { tribe: tribeId },
+ };
+Setup.addwww = (tribeId,webspace,confdata) => {
+ fs.outputFile(
+ "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf",
+ mustache.render(Setup.nginxconf, confdata),
+ "utf-8"
+ );
+ fs.outputFile(
+ `${confdata.apxtowns}/{{tribe}}/nginx/{{tribe}}_{{webspace}}.conf`,
+ mustache.render(Setup.{{tribe}}nginxconf, confdata),
+ "utf-8"
+ );
+ const res={status:200,ref:"setup",msg:"wwwssuccess",data:confdata}
+ const { exec } = require("child_process");
+ exec("sudo systemctl restart nginx", (error, stdout, stderr) => {
+ if (error) {
+ res.status = 500;
+ res.msg = "nginxError";
+ res.data = { msg: `${error}
${stderr}` };
+ return res
+ } else {
+ // for production exec("sudo certbot --nginx -d dns[0] -d dns[1] ...") or do it from adminapx
+ console.log(
+ `\x1b[42m###########################################################################################\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42mWellcome into apxtri, you can now 'yarn dev' for dev or 'yarn startpm2' for prod or \n'yarn unittest' for testing purpose. Access to your town here \x1b[0m\x1b[32mhttp://adminapx\x1b[0m \x1b[42m \nto finish your town setup. Don't forget to set your localhost /etc/hosts by adding adminapx or {LAN IP} adminapx . Check README's project to learn more. \x1b[0m\n\x1b[42m###########################################################################################\x1b[0m`
+ );
+ return res
+ }
+ });
+Setup.init = (param) => {
+ const nam = path.resolve("../..").split("/").slice(-1)[0].split("-");
+ const confdata = {
+ town: nam[0],
+ nation: nam[1],
+ apxtownsfolder: path.resolve("../../../.."),
+ };
+ let setupdone = true;
+ // check nginx exist
+ if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf")) {
+ setupdone = false;
+ console.log(
+ "\x1b[31m Check documentation, nginx have to be installed on this server first, no /etc/nginx/nginx.conf available, install then rerun yarn command."
+ );
+ }
+ if (!(param.dns && param.user)) {
+ setupdone = false;
+ console.log(
+ "This is a first install you must run next command with a domain name (use town-nation for dev and the linux user that run apXtri) check ping dns answer and su user exist (check README) \n dns=domainname user=linuxuser yarn dev"
+ );
+ }
+ if (!setupdone) return false;
+ confdata.dns = [param.dns];
+ confdata.user = param.user;
+ const addtribe = Setup.addtribe("{{tribe}}", confdata.town, confdata.nation);
+ if (addtribe.status != 200) {
+ console.log("erreur de creation");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // set nginx
+ const addwww = Setup.addwww("{{tribe}}","admibnapx",confdata);
+const param = {};
+argv.slice(2).forEach((arg) => {
+ const kv = arg.split("=");
+ if (kv.length == 2) {
+ param[kv[0]] = kv[1];
+ }
+if (Setup.init(param))
+ console.log(
+ "Your town was set successfully. Run yarn dev or yarn startapx for production"
+ );