forked from apxtri/apxtri

modification mineur

This commit is contained in:
philc 2024-09-04 09:06:17 +02:00
parent 4fb624162e
commit f8cb3a9580
15 changed files with 98 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"validcheck":"Your data are valid",
"typedoesnnotexistinschema":"This type in your propertie is not manage by Checkjson.js",
"dataerrpropertie":"Check your data that not fit your schema rules propertie",
"dataerrpropertiesrequired":"This propertie is required and not present in your data"

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
"validcheck":"Your data are valid",
"typedoesnnotexistinschema":"This type in your propertie is not manage by Checkjson.js",
"dataerrpropertie":"Check your data that not fit your schema rules propertie",
"dataerrpropertiesrequired":"This propertie is required and not present in your data",
"externalrefnotload":"You have in your schema a relative sub schema, you have to load it before"

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
"nationnamedesc":"Nom unique d'une nation dans un monde social",
"nationnamedesclong":"Nom unique identifiant une nation dans le monde social créer par un maire d'une nouvelle ville avec un contrat sociale specifique",
"nationnameinfo":"<p> Une nation posséde un nom unique, un contrat sociale (contracts/name.js) signé et validé par tous les maires des villes associées à cette nation </p>",
"statusdesc":"Statut de la nation",
"statusactive":"Nation active"

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
"missingconf":"Il manque un smtp/sms valide pour {{tribe}} ou sur le serveur /conf.json",
"missingdata":"Il manque des données obligatoire dans data {{#missingk}} {{.}} {{/missingk}}",
"missingfile":"Le ou les fichiers suivants n'existent pas {{#missingfile}} {{.}} {{/missingfile}}",
"errsendmail":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'envoie de l'email",
"successfullsentemail":"Email correctement envoyé",
"errsendsms":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'envoie du sms",
"successfullsentsms":"Sms bien envoyé à {{To}}",
"registersuccess":"Vous avez bien été enregistré pour être recontacté.",
"formaterror":"Verifier vos données",
"typekeyunknown":"Verifier typekey qui doit etre email ou telephone et qui est {{typeky}}",
"destinnotallow":"Check {{destin}} that not exist"

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
"alreadyexist": "An {{objectname}} object with the {{key}} key already exists with {{val}}",
"doesnotexist": "The {{objectname}} object does not exist with {{key}}:{{val}}",
"getschema": "Schema {{{conf.name}}}",
"schemanotfound": "Schema not found in {{{schemaPath}}}",
"pathnamedoesnotexist": "The directory does not exist {{{indexpath}}}",
"objectfiledoesnotexist": "The file does not exist {{{objectpath}}}",
"cudsuccessfull": "Update successful",
"successfulcreatewithoutemail":"Create without sending an email",
"successfulcreatewitemail":"Create you will receive an email",
"missingprimarykey": "Missing a primary key apxid to store and identify objects",
"unconsistencyapxidx": "The index {{name}} must contain at least {{apxid}} in objkey because keyval is not unique",
"profilnotallow": "As {{person}} your profiles are not allow, this action is not authorized",
"profilallow": "You are allowed for this action",
"successreindex": "Object reindexed from items, your indexes are up to date",
"indexexist":"The index exists",
"typenotavailable":"The type: {{type}} for the propertie: {{propertie}} of the object:{{objectPathname}} is not taken into account for indexing",
"objectslist":"List of objects from apxtri and {{tribe}}",
"errordelete":"Sorry, unable to delete this account"

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
"alreadyexist": "Un object {{objectname}} avec la clé {{key}} existe déjà avec {{val}}",
"doesnotexist": "L'object {{objectname}} n'existe pas avec {{key}}:{{val}}",
"getschema": "Schema {{{conf.name}}}",
"schemanotfound": "Schema introuvable dans {{{schemaPath}}}",
"pathnamedoesnotexist": "Le repertoire n'existe pas {{{indexpath}}}",
"objectfiledoesnotexist": "Le fichier n'existe pas {{{objectpath}}}",
"cudsuccessfull": "Mise à jour effectuée avec succés",
"successfulcreatewithoutemail":"Créer sans envoi d'email",
"successfulcreatewitemail":"Créer vous allez recevoir un email",
"missingprimarykey": "Il manque une clé primaire apxid pour stocker et identifier les objects",
"unconsistencyapxidx": "L'index {{name}} doit contenir en objkey au moins {{apxid}} car keyval n'est pas unique",
"profilnotallow": "Vous n'avez pas le profil pour faire cette action.",
"profilallow": "Vous avez été authorisé à faire cette action",
"successreindex": "Objet reindexé à partir des items, vos index sont à jour",
"indexexist":"L'indexe existe",
"typenotavailable":"Le type: {{type}} pour la propertie : {{propertie}} de l'object :{{objectPathname}} n'est pas pris en compte pour l'indexation",
"objectslist":"Liste des objects d'apxtri et de {{tribe}}",
"errordelete":"Desolé impossible de supprimer ce compte"

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"aliasexist":"This alias {{alias]} exist",
"aliasdoesnotexist":"This alias {{alias}} does not exist ",
"personexist":"This person {{alias}} exist for {{tribeid}}",
"successfullcreate": "This identity {{alias}} creation was successfull. {{#withemail}} An email was sent to {{email}}, if you do not receive it, please download your keys before living this page.{{/withemail}}",
"successfulluppdate": "Your alias as a Person is now update into {{tribeid}}",
"tribedoesnotexist": "Your tribe {{tribeid}} does not exist in this town"

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
{ "invalidalias":"Alias doit être composé exclusivement de minuscules ou de chiffres et contenir au moins 4 caracteres",
"aliasexist": "Cet alias {{alias}} existe",
"emailerr": "Verifier votre email {{email}}",
"aliasorprivkeytooshort": "Vérifiez votre alias et votre clé privée",
"aliasdoesnotexist": "Cet alias {{alias}} n'existe pas",
"personexist": "Cette personne {{alias}} existe pour {{tribeid}}",
"persondoesnotexist": "Cette personne {{alias}} n'existe pas pour {{tribeid}}",
"successfulcreate":"Votre identité {{alias}} a été créee à partir de vos clés.{{#emailsent}} Un email a été envoyé à {{email}}, si vous ne le recevez pas, veuillez télécharger vos clés avant de quitter cette page.{{/emailsent}} {{#emailerror}}Un problème lors de l'envoi sur {{email}} s'est produit. Veuillez télécharger vos clés avant de quitter cette page.{{/emailerror}}<br>{{#createperson}}Félicitation Votre compte est ouvert chez {{tribe}}. {{/createperson}} {{#errorperson}}Attention votre identité n'a pas été associée à {{tribe}}. Vous pourrez rejoindre {{tribe}} dans l'écran suivant. {{/errorperson}}",
"successfulluppdate": "Votre alias en tant que Personne est maintenant mis à jour dans {{tribeid}}",
"errcreate": "Desolé, un probléme inconnu empeche la creation",
"logout": "Votre token a été supprimé du server",
"emailnotfound":"Auncune identité n'a été enregistrée sur {{tribe}} avec l'email {{email}} ",
"recoveryemailsent":"Votre email: {{email}} dispose de {{nbalias}} identitées sur {{tribe}}, nous avons envoyés {{nbsent}} messages sans problèmes.",
"templatedoesnotexist":"Le template {{tplfile}} n'existe pas"

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
"actionmissing":"L'action {{data.action}} n'existe pas pour la tribut {{data.tribe}}."

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"errrequest": "Backend seems not available",
"unconsistentpgp": "Your keys are not consistent {{err}}",
"missingheader": "Some header miss to have a valid request: {{#missinghearder}} {{.}} {{/missingheader}}",
"tribeiddoesnotexist": "Header xtribe: {{xtribe}} does not exist in this town you cannot access",
"unconsistentcleartextmessage":"Your xhash: {{xhash}} is not consistent as a clear msg {{{clearmsg}}}",
"authenticated": "Your alias: {{{xalias}}} is authenticated",
"notauthenticated": "Your alias: {{xalias}} is not authenticated {{^xaliasexists}} and this alias does not exist !{{/xaliasexists}}",
"signaturefailled": "Your signature is not valid for your alias."

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"errrequest": "Le serveur ne semble pas répondre",
"unconsistentpgp": "Vos clés ne sont pas conforme {{err}}",
"missingheader": "Certains en-têtes manquent pour avoir une requête valide : {{#missinghearder}} {{.}} {{/missingheader}}",
"tribeiddoesnotexist": "L'en-tête xtribe : {{xtribe}} n'existe pas dans cette ville, vous ne pouvez pas y accéder",
"unconsistentcleartextmessage":"Votre xhash: {{xhash}} n'est pas lisible par openpgp.js avec le clearmsg: {{{clearmsg}}}",
"authenticated": "Votre alias {{{xalias}}} est authentifié",
"notauthenticated": "Votre alias : {{xalias}} n'est pas authentifié {{^xaliasexists}} et cet alias n'existe pas !{{/xaliasexists}}",
"signaturefailled": "Desolé votre signature n'est pas valide pour cet alias."

View File

@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ Odmdb.Schema = (objectPathname, validschema, lg = "en") => {
const replacelg = (data) => { const replacelg = (data) => {
// data.en version schema de base, data.fr version schema traduite // data.en version schema de base, data.fr version schema traduite
Object.keys(data.lg).forEach((k) => { Object.keys(data.lg).forEach((k) => {
console.log(k); //console.log(k);
if (data.lg[k].title) data.en[k].title = data.lg[k].title; if (data.lg[k].title) data.en[k].title = data.lg[k].title;
if (data.lg[k].description) if (data.lg[k].description)
data.en[k].description = data.lg[k].description; data.en[k].description = data.lg[k].description;
if (data.lg.properties) { if (data.lg.properties) {
console.log("properties"); //console.log("properties");
console.log(data.en.properties); //console.log(data.en.properties);
console.log(data.lg.properties); //console.log(data.lg.properties);
const res = replacelg({ const res = replacelg({
en: data.en.properties, en: data.en.properties,
lg: data.lg.properties, lg: data.lg.properties,
@ -184,12 +184,13 @@ Odmdb.Schema = (objectPathname, validschema, lg = "en") => {
// lance requete http pour recuperer le schema avec un await axios // lance requete http pour recuperer le schema avec un await axios
} else { } else {
schemaPath = `../../${schemaPath}`; schemaPath = `../../${schemaPath}`;
if (log) /*if (log)
console.log( console.log(
currentmod, currentmod,
"resolve path schemaPath:", "resolve path schemaPath:",
path.resolve(schemaPath) path.resolve(schemaPath)
); );
if (!fs.existsSync(schemaPath)) { if (!fs.existsSync(schemaPath)) {
return {}; return {};
} else { } else {
@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ Odmdb.Schema = (objectPathname, validschema, lg = "en") => {
(optionstype = "idx"); (optionstype = "idx");
optionsfile = path.resolve(`../../${propertie.options["$ref"]}.json`); optionsfile = path.resolve(`../../${propertie.options["$ref"]}.json`);
} }
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Lien vers options:", optionsfile); //if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Lien vers options:", optionsfile);
if (!fs.existsSync(optionsfile)) { if (!fs.existsSync(optionsfile)) {
propertie.msg = "missingref"; propertie.msg = "missingref";
return propertie; return propertie;
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ Odmdb.Schema = (objectPathname, validschema, lg = "en") => {
return propertie; return propertie;
}; };
if (log) console.log(currentmod, `${objectPathname}/conf.json`); //if (log) console.log(currentmod, `${objectPathname}/conf.json`);
const res = { const res = {
status: 200, status: 200,
ref: "Odmdb", ref: "Odmdb",
@ -437,7 +438,7 @@ Odmdb.search = (objectPathname, objsearch, role) => {
role.xprofils = role.xprofils.filter((e) => e !== "owner"); role.xprofils = role.xprofils.filter((e) => e !== "owner");
} }
objsearch.fields.forEach((f) => { objsearch.fields.forEach((f) => {
if (accessright.R && accessright.R.length == 0 || accessright.R.includes(f)) { if (accessright.R && (accessright.R.length == 0 || accessright.R.includes(f))) {
ifields[f] = itm[f]; ifields[f] = itm[f];
} else { } else {
//ifields[f] = "unauthorized"; //ifields[f] = "unauthorized";
@ -499,72 +500,6 @@ Odmdb.r = (objectPathname, apxid, role) => {
return { status: 200, ref: "Odmdb", msg: "profilallow", data }; return { status: 200, ref: "Odmdb", msg: "profilallow", data };
}; };
* To get an array of item (itm) per primarykey with a list of field
* Object are store in objectPath/objectName/conf.json contain
* @objectPathname where object are store (where /object/conf.json indicate where the schema is)
* @uuidprimarykeyList list of uuid requested
* @role {xalias,xprofiles} allow to get accessright come from header
* @propertiesfilter (optionnal) key to return for each object (if undefined then return all)
* @Return {status:200; data:{uuid:{data filter by @propertiesfilter},uuid:"notfound"}}
ASUP doit être gerer au niveau des view des index
Odmdb.ASUPreads = (objectPathname, apxidlist, role, propertiesfilter) => {
const res = { status: 200, data: {} };
const getschema = Odmdb.Schema(objectPathname, true);
if (getschema.status != 200) return getschema;
// Test if readable at least if owner
const accessright = (Odmdb.accessright =
(getschema.data.schema.apxaccessright, role.xprofils));
if (!accessright.R) {
return {
status: 403,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "profilnotallow",
data: { crud: "R", accessright },
apxidlist.forEach((id) => {
if (fs.existsSync(`${objectPathname}/itm/${id}.json`)) {
const objectdata = fs.readJsonSync(`${objectPathname}/itm/${id}.json`);
if (objectdata.owner && objectdata.owner == role.xalias) {
if (!role.xprofils.includes("owner")) role.xprofils.push("owner");
} else {
if (role.xprofils.includes("owner"))
role.xprofils = role.xprofils.filter((e) => e !== "owner");
const accessright = Odmdb.accessright(
if (!accessright.R) {
res.data[id] = "forbiden";
} else {
let newpropertiesfilter = Object.keys(objectdata);
if (accessright.R.length > 0) {
const setaccess = new Set(accessright.R);
if (!propertiesfilter) propertiesfilter = Object.keys(objectdata);
newpropertiesfilter = propertiesfilter.filter((f) =>
const objinfo = {};
newpropertiesfilter.forEach((k) => {
if (objectdata[k]) objinfo[k] = objectdata[k];
res.data[id] = objinfo;
} else {
res.data[id] = "notfound";
return res;
/** /**
* Convert profils in accessright * Convert profils in accessright
* @param {*} apxaccessright from schema object {profilname:{R}} * @param {*} apxaccessright from schema object {profilname:{R}}
@ -771,7 +706,7 @@ Odmdb.cud = (objectPathname, crud, itm, role, runindex = true) => {
currentmod, currentmod,
`${objectPathname}/itm/${chkdata.data.apxid}.json` `${objectPathname}/itm/${chkdata.data.apxid}.json`
); );
if (log) console.log(currentmod, chkdata.data.itm); //if (log) console.log(currentmod, chkdata.data.itm);
fs.outputJSONSync( fs.outputJSONSync(
`${objectPathname}/itm/${chkdata.data.apxid}.json`, `${objectPathname}/itm/${chkdata.data.apxid}.json`,
chkdata.data.itm chkdata.data.itm
@ -802,7 +737,7 @@ Odmdb.cud = (objectPathname, crud, itm, role, runindex = true) => {
* *
*/ */
Odmdb.runidx = (objectPathname, schema) => { Odmdb.runidx = (objectPathname, schema) => {
if (log) console.log(currentmod, `idx for ${objectPathname}`); //if (log) console.log(currentmod, `idx for ${objectPathname}`);
if (!schema || !schema.apxid) { if (!schema || !schema.apxid) {
const getschema = Odmdb.Schema(objectPathname, true); const getschema = Odmdb.Schema(objectPathname, true);
if (getschema.status != 200) return getschema; if (getschema.status != 200) return getschema;
@ -831,7 +766,7 @@ Odmdb.runidx = (objectPathname, schema) => {
const itm = fs.readJSONSync(i); const itm = fs.readJSONSync(i);
Object.keys(ventil).forEach((n) => { Object.keys(ventil).forEach((n) => {
let keep = true; let keep = true;
console.log(`Index name: ${n}`) //console.log(`Index name: ${n}`)
if (ventil[n].filter != "") { if (ventil[n].filter != "") {
try { try {
keep = eval(ventil[n].filter); keep = eval(ventil[n].filter);
@ -872,7 +807,7 @@ Odmdb.runidx = (objectPathname, schema) => {
ventil[n].keyvaltype == "string" ventil[n].keyvaltype == "string"
? [itm[ventil[n].keyval]] ? [itm[ventil[n].keyval]]
: itm[ventil[n].keyval]; : itm[ventil[n].keyval];
console.log(ventil[n].keyval, itm[ventil[n].keyval], itm) //console.log(ventil[n].keyval, itm[ventil[n].keyval], itm)
// itm[ventil[n].keyval] is an array // itm[ventil[n].keyval] is an array
listval.forEach((val) => { listval.forEach((val) => {
if (!ventil[n].data[val]) ventil[n].data[val] = []; if (!ventil[n].data[val]) ventil[n].data[val] = [];
@ -886,8 +821,8 @@ Odmdb.runidx = (objectPathname, schema) => {
itm[ventil[n].keyval.split(".")[0]] itm[ventil[n].keyval.split(".")[0]]
) { ) {
let itmval = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(itm)); let itmval = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(itm));
if (log) console.log(currentmod, ventil[n].keyval); //if (log) console.log(currentmod, ventil[n].keyval);
if (log) console.log(currentmod, itmval); //if (log) console.log(currentmod, itmval);
ventil[n].keyval ventil[n].keyval
.split(".") .split(".")
.forEach((i) => (itmval = itmval[i] ? itmval[i] : null)); .forEach((i) => (itmval = itmval[i] ? itmval[i] : null));
@ -1053,7 +988,7 @@ Odmdb.ASUPidxfromitm = (
} }
return { status: 200, ref: "Odmdb", msg: "successreindex", data: {} }; return { status: 200, ref: "Odmdb", msg: "successreindex", data: {} };
}; };
Odmdb.updatefromidxall = (objectname, idxname, data, lastupdate) => { Odmdb.ASUPupdatefromidxall = (objectname, idxname, data, lastupdate) => {
/** /**
* Update all itm of objectname from index idx/idxname with data * Update all itm of objectname from index idx/idxname with data
* if itm exist in local and not in data then /ojectname/conf.json.lastupdate = now * if itm exist in local and not in data then /ojectname/conf.json.lastupdate = now

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod);
*/ */
const Pagans = {}; const Pagans = {};
/** /**
* Remove authentification token after a logout * Remove authentification token after a logout
* @param {string} alias * @param {string} alias
@ -41,6 +40,61 @@ Pagans.logout = (alias, tribe, xdays, xhash) => {
return { status: 200, ref: "Pagans", msg: "logout" }; return { status: 200, ref: "Pagans", msg: "logout" };
}; };
* Recovery keys by email or by alias and send one mail per alias
* @Param emailalias (2 options email or alias)
* @Param tribe and existing tribe on this serveur
* @Param search a text string to looking for (as email or as alias)
* @Param lg language to send email
Pagans.keyrecovery = (emailalias, tribe, search, lg) => {
if (!["email", "alias"].includes(emailalias)) {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "emailaliasnotemailoralias",
data: {},
let emaillist = [];
if (emailalias == "email") {
search = search.toLowerCase();
const idxreco = `../../${tribe}/objects/persons/idx/emailrecovery_alias.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(idxreco)) {
const emailreco = fs.readJSONSync(idxreco);
const listalias = emailreco[search] ? emailreco[search] : [];
listalias.forEach((a) => {
emaillist.push({ alias: a, tribe, lg });
} else {
const personpath = `../../${tribe}/objects/persons/itm/${search}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(personpath)) {
emaillist.push({ alias: search, tribe, lg });
emaillist.forEach((e) => {
//const ret = Pagans.sendmailkey(e);
if (emaillist.length > 0) {
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "recoveryemailsent",
data: { numberemailsent: emaillist.length },
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "recoveryemailnotfound",
data: { tribe },
/** /**
* @param {string} alias a alias that exist or not * @param {string} alias a alias that exist or not
* @return {object} { status: 200, ref:"pagans",msg:"aliasexist",data: { alias, publicKey } } * @return {object} { status: 200, ref:"pagans",msg:"aliasexist",data: { alias, publicKey } }

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ router.get(
); );
/** /**
* @api {get} /api/adminapi/odmdb/idx/:tribe/:objectname/:indexname - index Get * @api {get} adminapi/odmdb/idx/:tribe/:objectname/:indexname - index Get
* @apiGroup Odmdb * @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName getIndexbyindexname * @apiName getIndexbyindexname
* @apiDescription Get index file for an object * @apiDescription Get index file for an object
@ -421,12 +421,13 @@ router.get(
xalias: req.session.header.xalias, xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
} }
); );
res.status(200).json({ res.status(readobj.status).json(readobj);
status: 200, status: 200,
ref: "Odmdb", ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "itmfound", msg: "itmfound",
data: fs.readJsonSync(objectpath), data: fs.readJsonSync(objectpath),
}); });*/
} else { } else {
res.status(404).json({ res.status(404).json({
status: 404, status: 404,
@ -438,11 +439,11 @@ router.get(
} }
); );
/** /**
* @api {get} https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/adminapi/Checkjson.js - schema Checkjson.js * @api {get} https://anypaxtridns/adminapi/Checkjson.js - schema Checkjson.js
* @apiGroup Odmdb * @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName checkjsonjs * @apiName checkjsonjs
* @apiDescription Public js lib to import in a browser by :<br> * @apiDescription Public js lib to import in a browser by :<br>
* ```<script src="https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/adminapi/Checkjson.js"></script>``` * ```<script src="/adminapi/Checkjson.js"></script>```
* to import in a node.js:<br> * to import in a node.js:<br>
* ```const Checkjson = require(`Checkjson.js`);``` * ```const Checkjson = require(`Checkjson.js`);```
* *
@ -456,8 +457,12 @@ router.get(
* - {status:417, multimsg:[{ref:"Checkjson",msg:"errorkey",data:{}}]}<br> * - {status:417, multimsg:[{ref:"Checkjson",msg:"errorkey",data:{}}]}<br>
* *
* To identify issues, get the language errorkey list with a get * To identify issues, get the language errorkey list with a get
* MUST BE UPDATE with conf access https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/adminapi/objects/tplstring/Checkjson_lg.json *
* * To check a property from an existing format
* Checkjson.testformat=(str, format)=>{
* return null if format does not exist in Checkjson.schema.properties.format
* return true if str respect the format (false in other case)
*/ */
/** /**

View File

@ -14,14 +14,10 @@ const currentmod = "pagans";
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod); const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod);
const router = express.Router(); const router = express.Router();
* /api/models/Pagans.js
* Managed:
/** /**
* Alias exist then return public key or not * Alias exist then return public key or not
* @api {get} /api/adminapi/pagans/alias/:alias - alias Get * @api {get} adminapi/pagans/alias/:alias - alias Get
* @apiName isalias * @apiName isalias
* @apiGroup Pagans * @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription If alias exist return its publickey * @apiDescription If alias exist return its publickey
@ -44,7 +40,7 @@ router.get("/alias/:alias", (req, res) => {
res.status(getalias.status).send(getalias); res.status(getalias.status).send(getalias);
}); });
/** /**
* @api {get} /api/adminapi/pagans/logout - pagan Logout * @api {get} adminapi/pagans/logout - pagan Logout
* @apiName Removetoken * @apiName Removetoken
* @apiGroup Pagans * @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Remove server's token only the owner of the token (no one else can delete a token ) * @apiDescription Remove server's token only the owner of the token (no one else can delete a token )
@ -66,7 +62,7 @@ router.get("/logout", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
res.status(logout.status).json(logout); res.status(logout.status).json(logout);
}); });
/** /**
* @api {get} /api/adminapi/pagans/isauth - pagan isAuthenticated? * @api {get} adminapi/pagans/isauth - pagan isAuthenticated?
* @apiName isAuth * @apiName isAuth
* @apiGroup Pagans * @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Check if pagan's token is still valid * @apiDescription Check if pagan's token is still valid
@ -92,10 +88,9 @@ router.get("/isauth", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
}, },
}); });
}); });
// @a pi Body {object} schema:pagans <a href='/nationchains/schema/pagans.json' target='_blank'>/nationchains/schema/pagans.json</a>
/** /**
* @api {post} /api/adminapi/pagans - pagan Post * @api {post} adminapi/pagans - pagan Post
* @apiName addpagan * @apiName addpagan
* @apiGroup Pagans * @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription * @apiDescription
@ -217,7 +212,7 @@ router.post("/", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, async (req, res) => {
} }
}); });
/** /**
* @api {delete} /api/adminapi/pagans/alias/:alias - pagan Delete * @api {delete} adminapi/pagans/alias/:alias - pagan Delete
* @apiName deletepagan * @apiName deletepagan
* @apiGroup Pagans * @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription * @apiDescription
@ -253,7 +248,7 @@ router.delete("/alias/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
res.status(result.status).send(result); res.status(result.status).send(result);
}); });
/** /**
* @api {delete} /api/adminapi/pagans/person/:tribe/:alias - person Delete * @api {delete} adminapi/pagans/person/:tribe/:alias - person Delete
* @apiName deleteperson * @apiName deleteperson
* @apiGroup Pagans * @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription * @apiDescription
@ -292,7 +287,7 @@ router.delete(
); );
/** /**
* @api {get} /api/adminapi/pagans/person/:alias - person Get * @api {get} adminapi/pagans/person/:alias - person Get
* @apiName getpersondata * @apiName getpersondata
* @apiDescription Get person information from his alias for a xtribe (data and profils per apps) * @apiDescription Get person information from his alias for a xtribe (data and profils per apps)
* @apiGroup Pagans * @apiGroup Pagans
@ -324,7 +319,7 @@ router.get("/person/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
}); });
/** /**
* @api {put} /api/adminapi/pagans/person/:tribe - person Put * @api {put} adminapi/pagans/person/:tribe - person Put
* @apiName updateperson * @apiName updateperson
* @apiGroup Pagans * @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription add a person = alias in tribe. xalias must be authenticated. This end point have to be use the first time a person is create then use item Update PUT /api/adminapi/odmdb/itm/:tribe/persons.<br> This endpoint is the only way to change profils of a person by itself (authenitcated alias = person.alias) and can be done only with req.body.addprofils req.body.removeprofils. * @apiDescription add a person = alias in tribe. xalias must be authenticated. This end point have to be use the first time a person is create then use item Update PUT /api/adminapi/odmdb/itm/:tribe/persons.<br> This endpoint is the only way to change profils of a person by itself (authenitcated alias = person.alias) and can be done only with req.body.addprofils req.body.removeprofils.
@ -401,13 +396,13 @@ router.put("/person/:tribe", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
}); });
/** /**
* @api {post} /api/adminapi/pagans/keyrecovery - recovery keys * @api {post} /adminapi/pagans/keyrecovery - recovery keys
* @apiName recoveryKey * @apiName recoveryKey
* @apiGroup Pagans * @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Send mails with all registers identities (one per alias where recoveryauth.email is register). Search can be request by email or by alias for a tribe. It is looking for in person.recoveryauth.email to send keys. One mail is sent by alias. So if n alias has the same recoveryaut.email then it will send n email. * @apiDescription Send mails with all registers identities (one per alias where recoveryauth.email is register). Search can be request by email or by alias for a tribe. It is looking for in person.recoveryauth.email to send keys. One mail is sent by alias. So if n alias has the same recoveryaut.email then it will send n email.
* @apiBody {string} emailalias type of search (email or alias) * @apiBody {string} emailalias type of search (email or alias)
* @apiBody {string} tribe tribename into looking for * @apiBody {string} tribe tribename into looking for
* @apiBody {string} search an email or an alias * @apiBody {string} search a text containing email or an alias to looking for
* *
* @apiSuccess {object} send recovery email * @apiSuccess {object} send recovery email
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response: * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
@ -420,6 +415,9 @@ router.put("/person/:tribe", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
* *
*/ */
router.post("/keyrecovery", checkHeaders, (req, res) => { router.post("/keyrecovery", checkHeaders, (req, res) => {
const recores=Pagans.keyrecovery(req.body.emailalias,req.body.tribe,req.body.search,req.session.header.xlang)
let emailist = []; let emailist = [];
let alias = req.body.search; let alias = req.body.search;
if (req.body.emailalias == "email") { if (req.body.emailalias == "email") {
@ -448,7 +446,7 @@ router.post("/keyrecovery", checkHeaders, (req, res) => {
}); });
} }
} else { } else {
//console later res.status(406).json({status:406,ref:"Pagans",msg:"emailaliasnotemailoralias",data:{}})
} }
emailist.forEach((e) => { emailist.forEach((e) => {
@ -471,6 +469,7 @@ router.post("/keyrecovery", checkHeaders, (req, res) => {
data: { tribe: req.body.tribe }, data: { tribe: req.body.tribe },
}); });
} }
}); });
module.exports = router; module.exports = router;