const express = require("express"); // Classes const Notifications = require("../models/Notifications.js"); // Middlewares const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders"); const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated"); const router = express.Router(); /** * wait Sagar feedback for language and label description * @ api {post} /api/notifications/backend - Notification Backend post * @apiName notifBackend * @apiDescription Send an api result {status,ref,msg,data} to get personnalize notification by header.xlang abd by data * @apiGroup Notification * * @apiBody {integer} status an http status * @apiBody {string} ref an existing model name * @apiBody {string} msg a key word existing in referentiual * */"/backend", (req, res) => { }) /** * @api {get} /notifications/:alias/:tribeId * @apiName notiflist * @apiDescription Get list of notifications for an alias and a tribe * @apiGroup Notifications * * @apiParam {string} alias * @apiParam {string} tribeId * @apiSuccess {object} notif content * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * {status:200,ref:"Notification",msg:"Messagelist",data:{notif:[{tribeId,msg:{from(email or uuid or alias):[{dt,msg}]}}]} * bouture **/ router.get("/:alias/:tribeId", (req, res) => { const getnot = Notification.get(req.params.alias, req.params.tribeId); res.status(getalias.status).send(getalias); });"/registeranonymous", checkHeaders, (req, res) => { ['uuid','srckey','mlist'].forEach(k=>{ if (!req.body[k]){} }); res.status().json({status:410, ref:"", msg:""}) let result; if ( { result= Notifications.registertolist(, "email", req.session.header.xtribe, req.body.mlist, req.body.srckey, req.body.uuid); } res(200).json({status:200}) }) /** * @api {POST} /actions/contactanonymous -Contact anonymous * @apiName contactanonymous * @apiGroup Notifications * @apiDescription Run action store in body.order and update mailinglist or create contact message * * @apiBody {string} order name of function for action in Actions.js example:registercontact , * @apiBody {string} srckey: where it come from and eventualy email template name to use to send email , * @apiBody {string} email to use * @apiBody {string} route /actions/contactanonymous * @apiBody {string} [mlist] filename to store email registration /contacts/mlist.json if not => filename is quest_/contacts/email.json with {email:{dt_create,dt_update, src:[list of source]}} or add message in /contacts/quest_{email}.json {timestamp:{message,name,email,dt_create,emailcontact}} * @apiBody {string} others any other usefull key:value relevant for order action * * @apiSuccess {object} update/contacts/{mlist}.json successfull * @apiSuccessExample {json} successfullmessage * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * {"status":200, "ref":"Contact", "msg":"success", "data":{"indexlist":[]}} * */"/contactanonymous", checkHeaders, async (req, res) => { const done = Actions[req.body.order] ? await Actions[req.body.order](req.body, req.session.header) : { status: 406, ref: "Actions", msg: "bodyerror", data: req.body }; //console.log('routes contactanonymous ', req.body); res.status(done.status).json(done); }); /** * Same as /copntactanonymous but for authenticated user => data are updated in persons/itm/alias.json */"/contact", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { const done = Actions[req.body.order] ? Actions[req.body.order](req.body, req.session.header) : { status: 406, ref: "Actions", msg: "bodyerror", data: req.body }; console.log(req.body); res.status(done.status).json(done); }); router.get("/contact", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { res.status(200).json({ data: {} }); }); module.exports = router;