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api users and backend developers
api documentation for routes and middleware has to respect apidoc's rules https://apidocjs.com/
To update this doc accessible in https://wal-ants.ndda.fr/apidoc :
$ tribe=adminapi yarn apidoc
For api tribe's doc accessible in https://admin.smatchit.io/apidoc :
$ tribe=smatchit yarn apidoc
To get overview check README.md project and the package.json https://gitea.ndda.fr/apxtri/apxtri
A special tribe call adminapi in any towns (node), it works the same than all the other tribe except that all their data are synchronize with a blockchain
Objects manage by adminapi are: pagans (numerique id =alias/public key / private key), notifications (cypher message betxeen alias) , nations (rules apply to all towns belonging to a nations), towns ( a server that host IT ressources disk space, ram, bandwith and rules aplly to all tribe belonging to a town), tribes (( a sharing space to store data as well as api with rules to any person that use it), wwws (web space, dns)
Object management (Odmdb)
An object has a name and is defined by a schema that contain properties key.
A propertie has a name and a list of caracteristics (type, pattern,format,...) that have to be validate to be accepted.
All properties respect the rules https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema, some extra"format" can be add to mutualise recurrent regex pattern
To access a schema https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/api/adminapi/schema/tribename/schamname.json and language is set by the header in xlang
A checkjson.js is available to manage all specific format https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/Checkjson.js see Odmdb - schema Checkjson
required: an array of required properties
Additional properties that not exist in 2020-12/schema :
apxid: the propertie used as an unique id
apxuniquekey: array of unique properties
apxidx : array of index definition
apxaccessrights: object with key profilname and accessrights on properties {profilname:{C:[properties array],R:[properties array],U:[],D:[]}}
Items of an object are store in files into :
An alias is just an identity, to access a tribe, a person must exist with an authenticated alias into /tribes/{tribename}/objects/persons/itm/{alias}.json
A person has a property profils with a list of profilename, common profiles are : anonymous (no identity) / pagan (an identity) / person (an identity with access right into a tribe) / druid (the administrator of a tribe) / mayor (administrator of a town/server)/ and any profil can be define for a tribe
Each object has an apxaccessrights that is a list of profil and CRUD access per object key.
Example: owner on this object cab create delete an item is own, can read a list of propertie and update only some.
"owner": {
"C" : [],
"D": [],
"R": ["alias","owner","profils","firstname","lastname","dt_birth"],
"U": ["firstname","lastname","dt_birth"]
api pre-request
API Endpoint url: /api/{tribename}/{routename}/xxx
Domaine name can be a adminapi donaim name aswell any tribe's domain name. Check nginx conf in /tribename/nginx
Valid header see Middlewares
App use openpgp.js lib to sign xalias_xdays (xdays a timestamp integer in miilisecond from Unix Epoch) with a privatekey and store it in xhash.
/middlewares/isAuthenticated.js check if (xhash) is a valid signature of the public key a xhash is valid for 24 hours
See Pagans models that contain authentification process
api Return in 3 data structure:
A - data file from a classical get https://wall-ants.ndda.fr/Checkjson.js
B - a json single answer {status, ref,msg,data}:
- status: http code return
- ref: model/route name reference where message come from
- msg: a message template key store into models/lg/name_lg.json (where lg is 2 letters language)
- data: an object data use to render the value of the message key.
C - a json multi answer {status,multimsg:[{ref,msg,data}]}
Each {ref,msg,data] work the same way than B
To show feedback context message in a language lg => get /api/adminapi/objects/tplstrings/{{model}}_{{lg}}.json
This contain a json {msg:"mustache template string to render with data"}
Add tribe's api:
Accessible with https://dns/api/tribename/routename/
// Example of a route
const tribe="smatchit";
const conftrib = require(`../../../itm/${tribe}.json`);
const conf = require(`../../../conf.json`);
const express = require(`../../../adminapi/apxtri/node_modules/express`);
const fs = require(`../../../adminapi/apxtri/node_modules/fs-extra`);
const Nofications = require(`../../../adminapi/apxtri/models/Notifications.js`);
const Appscreens = require(`../models/Appscreens`);
const router=express.Router();