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2023-01-22 10:53:09 +01:00
"use strict";
var pwa = pwa || {};
Manage user authentification and registration
manage from state.json route if authenticated or not
redirect public page or app page
show login modal
special get with token and uuid workeable for 24h this link is une onetime
test if token is still ok or not return false/true
if ok => load pwa.state.data.app .headers .userlogin
Manage login modal to get login psw value and submit it to pwa.auth.authentification()
Remove localstorage and reload
Request to send an email with a unique get link to access from this link to the app
pwa.auth = {};
// Refresh browser state if exist else get pwa.state defaults
//pwa.state.ready( pwa.auth.check );
2023-04-13 07:46:35 +02:00
pwa.auth.Checkjson = () => {
2023-01-22 10:53:09 +01:00
if( pwa.state.data.login.isAuthenticated ) {
if( !pwa.auth.isAuthenticate() ) {
// Then reinit local storage and refresh page
pwa.state.data.login.isAuthenticated = false;
//alert( 'reload page cause no more auth' )
pwa.auth.route = ( destination ) => {
console.log( 'auth.route to', destination );
//if check Authenticated && exist #signin button[data-routeto] then redirect browser to button[data-routeto]
//else manage component action auth
if( pwa.state && pwa.state.data && pwa.state.data.login && pwa.state.data.login.isAuthenticated ) {
if( destination )
window.location.pathname = `${pwa.state.data.ctx.urlbase}/${destination}`;
} else {
[ "#signin", "#resetpsw", "#register" ].forEach( e => {
if( e == destination ) {
document.querySelector( e )
.classList.remove( 'd-none' );
} else {
document.querySelector( e )
.classList.add( 'd-none' );
} )
pwa.auth.isAuthenticate = async function () {
// in any request, if middleware isAuthenticated return false
// then headers Xuuid is set to 1
// then try pwa.auth.isAuthenticate if rememberMe auto reconnect
// if jwt is ok then return true in other case => false
// this is the first test then depending of action see ACCESSRIGHTS of user
console.log( 'lance isauth', {
headers: pwa.state.data.headers.xpaganid
} )
//alert( 'uuid ' + pwa.state.data.headers.xpaganid )
console.log( `https://${pwa.state.data.ctx.urlbackoffice}/users/isauth`, {
headers: pwa.state.data.headers
} )
try {
const repisauth = await axios.get( `https://${pwa.state.data.ctx.urlbackoffice}/users/isauth`, {
headers: pwa.state.data.headers
} )
console.log( repisauth )
console.log( 'isAauthenticate: yes' )
return true;
} catch ( err ) {
if( err.response ) { console.log( "response err ", err.response.data ) }
if( err.request ) { console.log( "request err", err.request ) }
console.log( 'isAuthenticate: no' )
pwa.state.data.headers.xpaganid = "1";
if( pwa.state.data.login.rememberMe.login ) {
if( await pwa.auth.authentification( pwa.state.data.login.rememberMe ) ) {
return await pwa.auth.isAuthenticate();
return false;
pwa.auth.authentification = async function ( data ) {
// Core client function to chech auth from login & psw
// In case of 403 error lauch pwa.authentification(pwa.app.rememberMe)
// in case of sucess update paw.state.data.login
console.groupCollapsed( "Post Authentification for standard on : https://" + pwa.state.data.ctx.urlbackoffice + "/users/login param data", data )
console.log( 'header de login', pwa.state.data.headers )
let auth;
try {
auth = await axios.post( `https://${pwa.state.data.ctx.urlbackoffice }/users/login`, data, {
headers: pwa.state.data.headers
} );
console.log( "retour de login successfull ", auth );
//Maj variable globale authentifié
pwa.state.data.headers.xpaganid = auth.data.payload.data.UUID;
pwa.state.data.headers.xauth = auth.data.payload.data.TOKEN;
pwa.state.data.headers.xtribe = auth.data.payload.data.tribeid;
pwa.state.data.headers.xworkon = auth.data.payload.data.tribeid;
// Save local authentification uuid/token info user
pwa.state.data.login.user = auth.data.payload.data;
//request a refresh after a login
pwa.state.data.ctx.refreshstorage = true;
//alert( 'pwa.state.save() fait avec uuid' + pwa.state.data.headers.xpaganid )
return true;
} catch ( err ) {
if( err.response ) { console.log( "resp", err.response.data ) }
if( err.request ) { console.log( "req", err.request.data ) }
console.log( 'erreur de login reinit de rememberMe', err )
pwa.state.data.login.rememberMe = {};
document.querySelector( "#signin p.msginfo" )
.innerHTML = document.querySelector( "#signin [data-msgko]" )
.getAttribute( 'data-msgko' );
return false;
pwa.auth.logout = function () {
console.log( "remove ", pwa.state.data.ctx.website );
localStorage.removeItem( pwa.state.data.ctx.website );
window.location.href = "/";
pwa.auth.login = async function () {
Check login/psw
see auth.mustache & data_auth_lg.json for parameters
Context info used:
#signin p.msginfo contain message interaction with user
#signin data-msgok data-msgko
#signin button[data-routeto] is a redirection if authentification is successful
document.querySelector( '#signin p.msginfo' )
.innerHTML = "";
const data = {
LOGIN: document.querySelector( "#signin input[name='login']" )
PASSWORD: document.querySelector( "#signin input[name='password']" )
2023-04-13 07:46:35 +02:00
console.log( 'check password', Checkjson.test.password( "", data.PASSWORD ) )
if( data.LOGIN.length < 4 || !Checkjson.test.password( "", data.PASSWORD ) ) {
2023-01-22 10:53:09 +01:00
/*$("#loginpart p.msginfo")
document.querySelector( '#signin p.msginfo' )
.innerHTML = document.querySelector( '#signin [data-msgko]' )
.getAttribute( 'data-msgko' );
} else {
if( document.querySelector( "[name='rememberme']" )
.checked ) {
pwa.state.data.login.rememberMe = data;
if( await pwa.auth.authentification( data ) ) {
console.log( 'Authentification VALIDE' )
document.querySelector( '#signin p.msginfo' )
.innerHTML = document.querySelector( "#signin [data-msgok]" )
.getAttribute( 'data-msgok' );
//state l'état isAuthenticated et check la route
pwa.state.data.login.isAuthenticated = true;
console.log( pwa.state.data.login )
console.log( 'Auth ok route to ', document.querySelector( '#signin button[data-routeto]' )
.getAttribute( 'data-routeto' ) );
pwa.auth.route( document.querySelector( '#signin button[data-routeto]' )
.getAttribute( 'data-routeto' ) );
pwa.auth.register = async function ( event ) {
// gérer la cration du user
pwa.auth.forgetpsw = async function ( event ) {
const tribeid = $( ".loginregister" )
.getAttribute( "data-tribeid" );
const email = $( '.forgetpsw .email' )
console.log( `Reinit email: ${email} for tribeid: ${tribeid}` )
try {
console.log( `https://${pwa.state.data.ctx.urlbackoffice }/users/getlinkwithoutpsw/${email}` )
const reinit = await axios.get( `https://${pwa.state.data.ctx.urlbackoffice }/users/getlinkwithoutpsw/${email}`, {
headers: pwa.state.data.headers
} )
$( "#forgetpswpart p.msginfo" )
.html( "Regardez votre boite email" );
return true;
} catch ( er ) {
console.log( "Pb d'accès au back check apiamaildigit" )
return false;