2023-01-22 10:53:09 +01:00
const express = require ( 'express' ) ;
const path = require ( 'path' ) ;
// Classes
const Pagans = require ( '../models/Pagans.js' ) ;
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require ( '../middlewares/checkHeaders' ) ;
const isAuthenticated = require ( '../middlewares/isAuthenticated' ) ;
const hasAccessrighton = require ( '../middlewares/hasAccessrighton' ) ;
const router = express . Router ( ) ;
/ *
models / Pagans . js
Managed :
/ d a t a / t r i b e e / c l i e n t - I d / u s e r s / u u i d . j s o n
/ s e a r c h i n d e x / e m a i l s . j s o n { e m a i l : u u i d }
/ l o g i n . j s o n { l o g i n : u u i d }
/ u i d s . j s o n { u u i d ; [ [
login ,
email ,
encrypted psw ,
accessrights ] }
app : { "tribeid:appname" : "profil" } ,
data : { "tribeid" : { object : "CRUDO" } }
ACCESSRIGHTS is store into the token and is load into req . session . header . accessrights by hasAccessrighton ( ) middleware
appname is a website space object / sitewebsrc / appname
website live is strored into / dist source in / s r c
This can be managed by maildigitcreator or not .
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apxtrib / sitewebs / webapp is the webinterface of apxtrib
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profil : admin / manager / user are key word to give specific access to data into model . Any kind of other profil can exist . It is usefull to manage specific menu in an app .
It is also possible to authorize update a field ' s object depending of rule into dataManagement / object /
{ field : X
nouserupdate : "!(['admin','manager'].includes(contexte.profil))" ,
data allow a user to access tribeid with Create Read Update Delete Own ( CRUDO ) on each object of a tribeid independantly of any app .
Create allow to create a new object respecting rules defined into / referentials / dataManagement / object / name . json
Update idem
Delete idem
Owner means it can be Write / Delete if field OWNER contain the UUID that try to act on this object . Usefull to allow someone to fully manage its objects .
* /
2023-04-27 06:17:20 +02:00
router . get ( '/isregister' , checkHeaders , isAuthenticated , ( req , res ) => {
/ * *
* @ api { get } / pagans / isregister
* @ apiName Is register check xalias and xhash
* @ apiGroup Odmdb
* @ apiUse apxHeader
* @ apiParam { String } indexname Mandatory if in conf . nationObjects then file is into nationchains / else in / n a t i o n c h a i n s / t r i b e s / x t r i b e / o b j e c t n a m e / i d x / i n d e x n a m e i n d e x n a m e c o n t a i n s t h e O b j e c t N a m e . * _ ( b e f o r e t h e f i r s t _ )
* @ apiError ( 404 ) { string } status the file does not exist
* @ apiError ( 404 ) { string } ref objectmodel to get in the right language
* @ apiError ( 404 ) { string } msg key to get template from objectmodel
* @ apiError ( 404 ) { object } data use to pagansmodel : 'Pagans' } ) ; render lg / objectmodel _lg . json
* @ apiSuccess ( 200 ) { object } data contains indexfile requested
* /
res . send ( Pagans . checkdetachedSignature ( req . session . header . xalias , req . session . header . xhash ) ) ;
res . send ( { status : 200 , ref : "headers" , msg : "authenticated" , data : { xalias : req . session . header . xalias , xtribe : req . session . header . xtribe } } )
} )
router . post ( '/' , checkHeaders , ( req , res ) => {
// create a pagan account from alias, publickey, if trusted recovery={email,privatekey}
console . log ( req . body )
} )
router . delete ( '/:alias' , checkHeaders , isAuthenticated , ( req , res ) => {
console . log ( ` DELETE pagans nationchains/pagans/ ${ req . params . alias } .json ` ) ;
const result = Pagans . delete ( req . params . id , req . session . header ) ;
res . status ( result . status )
. send ( result . data ) ;
} ) ;
2023-01-22 10:53:09 +01:00
router . get ( '/isauth' , checkHeaders , isAuthenticated , ( req , res ) => {
2023-04-27 06:17:20 +02:00
if ( req . session . header . xpseudo == "1" ) {
2023-01-22 10:53:09 +01:00
return res . status ( 401 )
. send ( { info : "not authenticate" } ) ;
} else return res . status ( 200 )
. send ( { info : "well authenticated" } )
} )
router . post ( '/login' , checkHeaders , async ( req , res ) => {
// console.log('POST /users/login with: ', req.app.locals.header);
/ *
Check un mot de passe pour un login pour obtenir un token d ' authentification
valable 1 hour , 1 day
@ header
@ body . LOGIN
@ body . PASSWORD
@ checkpsw = true check si les 2 mot de passe cryptés correspondent
false bypass le contrôle et permet de générer un token
utile le temps de reinitialisé son mot de passe .
@ return
* /
console . log ( 'login for ' , req . body , "in" , req . session . header )
const log = await Pagans . loginUser ( req . session . header , req . body , true ) ;
console . log ( "log user login" , log ) ;
if ( log . status == 200 ) {
// update req.app.locals.tokens for this uuid just after login success then next isAuth will be valid
req . app . locals . tokens [ log . data . user . UUID ] = { TOKEN : log . data . user . TOKEN , ACCESSRIGHTS : log . data . user . ACCESSRIGHTS }
console . log ( req . app . locals )
return res . status ( log . status )
. send ( log . data ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( '/getlinkwithoutpsw/:email' , checkHeaders , async ( req , res ) => {
/ *
Permet pour un email existant de renvoyer un email avec un lien valable 1 h
@ email est le compte pour lequel on demande un accès
Réponse :
Si email n 'existe pas on n' envoie pas d ' email
Si email existe on envoie un email avec un lien dont le token est valable 1 h
@ return
{ status : 200 ou erreur ,
payload : {
info : [ list de key to appear in correct requester langue ] ,
model : 'Pagans' ,
moreinfo : 'texte pour log '
* /
console . log ( ` GET /users/getlinkwithoutpsw for email: ${ req . params . email } tribeid : ${ req . header ( 'X-Client-Id' ) } ` ) ;
if ( ! req . params . email ) {
return res . status ( 404 )
. send ( {
info : [ 'emailmissing' ] ,
model : 'Pagans'
} ) ;
} else {
try {
const getlink = await Pagans . getlinkwithoutpsw ( req . params . email , req . session . header ) ;
console . log ( 'getlink' , getlink )
//met à jour le token créer pour le uuid
req . app . locals . tokens [ getlink . data . info . xuuid ] = getlink . data . info . token ;
// attention si on relance le serveur le token temporaire est perdu
return res . status ( getlink . status )
. send ( getlink . data ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . log ( err )
} ) ;
router . post ( '/register' , checkHeaders , async ( req , res ) => {
console . log ( ` POST /users for ${ req . session . header . xtribe } ` ) ;
2023-04-27 06:17:20 +02:00
if ( req . session . header . xjwt == '123123' ) {
2023-01-22 10:53:09 +01:00
// Creation d'un utilisateur avec information de base aucun droit
// On modifie le contenu du form pour n egarder que login/email et psw
// pour le client_id permet de traiter un user en attente de validation
console . log ( 'req du post' , req ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( '/info/:listindex' , checkHeaders , isAuthenticated , hasAccessrighton ( 'users' , 'R' ) , async ( req , res ) => {
console . log ( ` get users info on tribeid ${ req . session . header . xworkon } for ${ req . params . listindex } with accessright ` , req . session . header . accessrights . data ) ;
const result = await Pagans . getinfoPagans ( req . session . header . xpresworkon , req . session . header . accessrights , req . params . listindex ) ;
res . status ( result . status )
. send ( result . data ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( '/list/:filter/:field' , checkHeaders , isAuthenticated , hasAccessrighton ( 'users' , 'R' ) , async ( req , res ) => {
console . log ( 'GET /users/list/filtre/champs list for ' + req . session . header . xworkon ) ;
if (
[ 'admin' , 'manager' ] . includes ( req . session . header . decodetoken [ 'apps' + req . session . header . xworkon + 'profil' ] ) ) {
try {
const userslist = await Pagans . getUserlist ( req . session . header , req . params . filter , req . params . field ) ;
console . log ( 'userslist' , userslist ) ;
if ( userslist . status == 200 ) {
return res . status ( userslist . status )
. send ( userslist . data ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
console . log ( err ) ;
return res . status ( 400 )
. send ( { info : 'erreur' } ) ;
} else {
res . status ( 403 )
. send ( {
info : [ 'forbiddenAccess' ] ,
model : 'Pagans'
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( '/uuid/:id' , checkHeaders , isAuthenticated , hasAccessrighton ( 'users' , 'R' ) , async ( req , res ) => {
console . log ( ` GET /users/uuid/ ${ req . params . id } ` ) ;
//console.log('req.app.locals: ', req.app.locals);
//console.log('req.session', req.session);
const result = await Pagans . getUser ( req . params . id , req . session . header . xworkon , req . session . header . accessrights ) ;
res . status ( result . status )
. send ( result . data ) ;
} ) ;
router . put ( '/chgpsw/:id' , checkHeaders , isAuthenticated , async ( req , res ) => {
console . log ( ` PUT update /users/chgpsw/ ${ req . params . id } ` ) ;
try {
const majpsw = await Pagans . updateUserpassword ( req . params . id , req . session . header , req . body ) ;
res . status ( majpsw . status )
. send ( majpsw . data ) ;
} catch ( {
status ,
} ) {
res . status ( status )
. send ( data ) ;
} ) ;
router . post ( '/uuid' , checkHeaders , isAuthenticated , hasAccessrighton ( 'users' , 'C' ) , async ( req , res ) => {
console . log ( 'POST /users create for ' + req . session . header . xworkon , req . body ) ;
const usercreate = await Pagans . createUser ( req . session . header , req . body ) ;
return res . status ( usercreate . status )
. send ( usercreate . data ) ;
} ) ;
router . put ( '/uuid/:id' , checkHeaders , isAuthenticated , hasAccessrighton ( 'users' , 'U' ) , async ( req , res ) => {
console . log ( ` PUT update /users/ ${ req . params . id } ` ) ;
// console.log('req.app.locals: ', req.app.locals);
// console.log('req.session', req.session);
try {
const majUser = await Pagans . updateUser ( req . params . id , req . session . header , req . body ) ;
res . status ( majUser . status )
. send ( majUser . data ) ;
} catch ( {
status ,
} ) {
res . status ( status )
. send ( data ) ;
} ) ;
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module . exports = router ;