diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a4d52cd..08ae98b 100755
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
diff --git a/api/middlewares/checkHeaders.js b/api/middlewares/checkHeaders.js
index 98a68a3..afff1d6 100755
--- a/api/middlewares/checkHeaders.js
+++ b/api/middlewares/checkHeaders.js
@@ -1,82 +1,95 @@
-const conf = require( '../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json' );
+const conf = require("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json");
-const checkHeaders = ( req, res, next ) => {
- /**
- * @apiDefine apxHeader
- * @apiGroup Middleware
- * @apiDescription Header is mandatory to access apxtrib see tribes/townconf.json.exposedHeaders
- * A turn around can be done with a simple get params has to be sent in the get url. Usefull to send simple get without header like ?xworkon=tribeName&xlang=en... priority is given to headers
- * For performance, tokens are store globaly in req.app.locals.tokens={xpaganid:xauth}
- * if xlang is not in conf.languagesAvailable
- *
- * @apiHeader {string} xjwt Pagans unique jwt token store in local town Pagans data or "noauth"
- * @apiHeader {string} xpseudo Pagans unique Pagan id in uuid format or "nouuid"
- * @apiHeader {string} xlang the 2 letter langage it request the api (if not exist the 2 first letter of Accept-Language header ) if lang does not exist in the town then en is set (as it always exist in en).
- * @apiHeader {string} xtribe Tribes id where pseudo want to act
- * @apiHeader {string} xapp Name of www/xapp folder that host app that send the request
- * /tribeid/person/xpseudo.json have accessright on this app store in /tribe/tribeid/www/xapp
- *
- * @apiError missingexposedHeaders it miss an exposedHeaders
- *
- * @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response:
- * HTTP/1/1 404 Not Found
- * {
- * status:400,
- * ref:"middleware"
- * msg:"missingheaders",
- * data: ["xpseudo","xjwt"]
- * }
- *
- * @apiHeaderExample {json} Header-Exemple:
- * {
- * xtribe:"apache",
- * xalias:"toto",
- * xhash:"",
- * xlang:"en",
- * xapp:"popular"
- * }
- */
- req.session = {};
- const header = {};
- if (!req.header('xlang') && req.header('Content-Language')) req.params.xlang=req.header('Content-Language');
- let missingheader = [];
- console.log('req.headers',req.headers)
- for( const h of conf.api.exposedHeaders ) {
- //console.log( h, req.header( h ) )
- if( req.params[ h ] ) {
- header[ h ] = req.params[ h ]
- } else if( req.header( h ) ) {
- header[ h ] = req.header( h )
- } else {
- missingheader.push(h);
- }
- };
- //console.log( 'header', header )
- // store in session the header information
- req.session.header = header;
- // Each header have to be declared
- if( missingheader != "" ) {
- // bad request
- return res.status( 400 )
- .json( {
- ref:"headers",
- msg: "missingheader",
- data: missingheader
- } );
- };
- //console.log( req.app.locals.tribeids )
- if( !req.app.locals.tribeids.includes( header.xtribe ) ) {
- return res.status( 400 )
- .json( {
- ref:"headers",
- msg: 'tribeiddoesnotexist',
- moreinfo: header.xtribe
- } );
- }
- if( !conf.api.languages.includes( header.xlang ) ) {
- console.log('warning language requested does not exist force to en glish')
- header.xlang="en";
- }
- next();
+const checkHeaders = (req, res, next) => {
+ /**
+ * @apiDefine apxHeader
+ * @apiGroup Middleware
+ * @apiDescription Header is mandatory to access apxtrib see tribes/townconf.json.exposedHeaders
+ * A turn around can be done with a simple get params has to be sent in the get url. Usefull to send simple get without header like ?xworkon=tribeName&xlang=en... priority is given to headers
+ * For performance, tokens are store globaly in req.app.locals.tokens={xpaganid:xauth}
+ * if xlang is not in conf.languagesAvailable
+ *
+ * @apiHeader {string} xjwt Pagans unique jwt token store in local town Pagans data or "noauth"
+ * @apiHeader {string} xpseudo Pagans unique Pagan id in uuid format or "nouuid"
+ * @apiHeader {string} xlang the 2 letter langage it request the api (if not exist the 2 first letter of Accept-Language header ) if lang does not exist in the town then en is set (as it always exist in en).
+ * @apiHeader {string} xtribe Tribes id where pseudo want to act
+ * @apiHeader {string} xapp Name of www/xapp folder that host app that send the request
+ * /tribeid/person/xpseudo.json have accessright on this app store in /tribe/tribeid/www/xapp
+ *
+ * @apiError missingexposedHeaders it miss an exposedHeaders
+ *
+ * @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response:
+ * HTTP/1/1 400 Not Found
+ * {
+ * status:400,
+ * ref:"headers"
+ * msg:"missingheaders",
+ * data: ["headermissing1"]
+ * }
+ *@apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response:
+ * HTTP/1/1 404 Not Found
+ * {
+ * status:404,
+ * ref:"headers"
+ * msg:"tribeiddoesnotexist",
+ * data: {xalias}
+ * }
+ *
+ * @apiHeaderExample {json} Header-Exemple:
+ * {
+ * xtribe:"apache",
+ * xalias:"toto",
+ * xhash:"",
+ * xdays:"123"
+ * xlang:"en",
+ * xapp:"popular"
+ * }
+ */
+ req.session = {};
+ const header = {};
+ if (!req.header("xlang") && req.header("Content-Language"))
+ req.params.xlang = req.header("Content-Language");
+ let missingheader = [];
+ console.log("req.headers", req.headers);
+ for (const h of conf.api.exposedHeaders) {
+ //console.log( h, req.header( h ) )
+ if (req.params[h]) {
+ header[h] = req.params[h];
+ } else if (req.header(h)) {
+ header[h] = req.header(h);
+ } else {
+ missingheader.push(h);
+ }
+ }
+ //console.log( 'header', header )
+ // store in session the header information
+ req.session.header = header;
+ // Each header have to be declared
+ if (missingheader != "") {
+ // bad request
+ return res.status(400).json({
+ ref: "headers",
+ msg: "missingheader",
+ data: missingheader,
+ });
+ }
+ //console.log( req.app.locals.tribeids )
+ // xtribe == "town" is used during the setup process
+ if (
+ !(
+ header.xtribe == "town" || req.app.locals.tribeids.includes(header.xtribe)
+ )
+ ) {
+ return res.status(404).json({
+ ref: "headers",
+ msg: "tribeiddoesnotexist",
+ data: { xtribe: header.xtribe },
+ });
+ }
+ if (!conf.api.languages.includes(header.xlang)) {
+ console.log("warning language requested does not exist force to english");
+ header.xlang = "en";
+ }
+ next();
module.exports = checkHeaders;
diff --git a/api/middlewares/hasAccessrighton.js b/api/middlewares/hasAccessrighton.js
index b383446..6b462b6 100755
--- a/api/middlewares/hasAccessrighton.js
+++ b/api/middlewares/hasAccessrighton.js
@@ -1,42 +1,69 @@
-const fs = require( 'fs-extra' );
-const glob = require( 'glob' );
-const path = require( 'path' );
+const fs = require("fs-extra");
+const glob = require("glob");
+const path = require("path");
-const config = require( '../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json' );
+const config = require("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json");
-const hasAccessrighton = ( object, action, ownby ) => {
- /*
+const hasAccessrighton = (object, action, ownby) => {
+ /*
@action (mandatory) : CRUDO
@object (mandatory)= name of a folder object in /tribeid space can be a tree for example objects/items
@ownby (option) = list des uuid propriétaire
return next() if all action exist in req.app.local.tokens[UUID].ACCESSRIGHTS.data[object]
OR if last action ="O" and uuid exist in ownBy
Careffull if you have many action CRO let O at the end this will force req.right at true if the owner try an action on this object
- */
- return ( req, res, next ) => {
- //console.log( 'err.stack hasAccessrights', err.statck )
- //console.log( `test accessright on object:${object} for ${req.session.header.xworkon}:`, req.app.locals.tokens[ req.session.header.xpaganid ].ACCESSRIGHTS.data[ req.session.header.xworkon ] )
- req.right = false;
- if( req.app.locals.tokens[ req.session.header.xpaganid ].ACCESSRIGHTS.data[ req.session.header.xworkon ] && req.app.locals.tokens[ req.session.header.xpaganid ].ACCESSRIGHTS.data[ req.session.header.xworkon ][ object ] ) {
- req.right = true;
- [ ...action ].forEach( a => {
- if( a == "O" && ownby && ownby.includes( req.session.header.xpaganid ) ) {
- req.right = true;
- } else {
- req.right = req.right && req.app.locals.tokens[ req.session.header.xpaganid ].ACCESSRIGHTS.data[ req.session.header.xworkon ][ object ].includes( a )
- }
- } )
- }
- //console.log( 'Access data autorise? ', req.right )
- if( !req.right ) {
- return res.status( 403 )
- .json( {
- info:'forbiddenAccessright',
- ref: 'headers',
- moreinfo: {xpaganid:req.session.header.xpaganid,object:object, xworkon:req.session.header.xworkon, action:action}
- } )
- }
- next();
- }
+ need to check first a person exist with this alias in tribe
+ const person = fs.readJsonSync(
+ `${conf.dirname}/nationchains/tribes/${req.session.header.xtribe}/persons/${req.session.header.xalias}.json`
+ );
+ */
+ return (req, res, next) => {
+ //console.log( 'err.stack hasAccessrights', err.statck )
+ //console.log( `test accessright on object:${object} for ${req.session.header.xworkon}:`, req.app.locals.tokens[ req.session.header.xpaganid ].ACCESSRIGHTS.data[ req.session.header.xworkon ] )
+ req.right = false;
+ if (
+ req.app.locals.tokens[req.session.header.xpaganid].ACCESSRIGHTS.data[
+ req.session.header.xworkon
+ ] &&
+ req.app.locals.tokens[req.session.header.xpaganid].ACCESSRIGHTS.data[
+ req.session.header.xworkon
+ ][object]
+ ) {
+ req.right = true;
+ [...action].forEach((a) => {
+ if (a == "O" && ownby && ownby.includes(req.session.header.xpaganid)) {
+ req.right = true;
+ } else {
+ req.right =
+ req.right &&
+ req.app.locals.tokens[
+ req.session.header.xpaganid
+ ].ACCESSRIGHTS.data[req.session.header.xworkon][object].includes(a);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //console.log( 'Access data autorise? ', req.right )
+ if (!req.right) {
+ return res.status(403).json({
+ info: "forbiddenAccessright",
+ ref: "headers",
+ moreinfo: {
+ xpaganid: req.session.header.xpaganid,
+ object: object,
+ xworkon: req.session.header.xworkon,
+ action: action,
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ next();
+ };
module.exports = hasAccessrighton;
diff --git a/api/middlewares/isAuthenticated.js b/api/middlewares/isAuthenticated.js
index 6131c5b..ec68e7b 100755
--- a/api/middlewares/isAuthenticated.js
+++ b/api/middlewares/isAuthenticated.js
@@ -1,207 +1,106 @@
-const jwt = require("jwt-simple");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
-const moment = require("moment");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const glob = require("glob");
+const openpgp = require("openpgp");
const conf = require("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json");
-const isAuthenticated = (req, res, next) => {
- //once a day rm oldest tokens than 24hours
+const isAuthenticated = async (req, res, next) => {
+ // once a day rm oldest tokens than 24hours tag job by adding tmp/tokensmenagedone{day}
const currentday = dayjs().date();
- console.log("dayjs", currentday);
- "test si menagedone" + currentday,
- !fs.existsSync(`${conf.dirname}/tmp/tokensmenagedone${currentday}`)
+ "if menagedone" + currentday,
+ !fs.existsSync(`${__base}tmp/tokensmenagedone${currentday}`)
- if (!fs.existsSync(`${conf.dirname}/tmp/tokensmenagedone${currentday}`)) {
+ if (!fs.existsSync(`${__base}/tmp/tokens`))
+ fs.mkdirSync(`${__base}tmp/tokens`);
+ if (!fs.existsSync(`${__base}tmp/tokensmenagedone${currentday}`)) {
// clean oldest
- const tsday = dayjs().date();
- console.log("tsday", tsday);
- glob.sync(`${conf.dirname}/tmp/tokensmenagedone*`).forEach((f) => {
+ const tsday = dayjs().valueOf(); // now in timestamp format
+ glob.sync(`${__base}tmp/tokensmenagedone*`).forEach((f) => {
- glob.sync(`${conf.dirname}/tmp/tokens/*.json`).forEach((f) => {
- fs.readJson(f, (err, data) => {
- if (!err && tsday - data.timestamp > 86400000) fs.remove(f);
- });
+ glob.sync(`${__base}tmp/tokens/*.json`).forEach((f) => {
+ if (tsday - parseInt(f.split("_")[1]) > 86400000) fs.remove(f);
//Check register in tmp/tokens/
- console.log("isRegister?");
+ console.log("isAuthenticate?");
const resnotauth = {
ref: "headers",
msg: "notauthenticated",
data: {
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
- xtribe: req.session.header.xtribe,
+ xaliasexists: true,
- console.lolg(req.session.header)
- if (req.session.header.xalias == "anonymous") res.status(401).json(resnotauth);
- const tmpfs = `${conf.dirname}/tmp/tokens/${req.session.header.xtribe}_${req.session.header.xalias}_${req.session.header.hash}.json`;
- if (!fs.exists(tmpfs)) {
- //check if pseudo exist as a pagan in pagans/ and as a person in xtribe/persons/ and check hash is coming from publickey
- if (
- !fs.existsSync(
- `${conf.dirname}/nationchains/tribes/${req.session.header.xtribe}/persons/${req.session.header.xalias}.json`
- )
- ) {
- console.log(
- `pseudo:${req.session.header.xalias} does not exist for xtribe ${req.session.header.xtribe}`
- );
- res.status(401).json(resnotauth);
- }
- if (
- !fs.existsSync(
- `${conf.dirname}/nationchains/pagans/${req.session.header.xalias}.json`
- )
- ) {
- console.log(
- `pseudo:${req.session.header.xalias} does not exist as a pagan`
- );
- res.status(401).json(resnotauth);
- }
- const person = fs.readJsonSync(
- `${conf.dirname}/nationchains/tribes/${req.session.header.xtribe}/persons/${req.session.header.xalias}.json`
- );
- const pagan = fs.readJsonSync(
- `${conf.dirname}/nationchains/pagans/${req.session.header.xalias}.json`
- );
- //check hash with publickey pagan.publickey
- // if good => create a /tmp/tokens/xtribe_xalias_xhash.json ={timestamp}
- // if not good res.json(resnotauth)
+ console.log(req.session.header);
+ if (req.session.header.xalias == "anonymous") {
+ console.log("alias anonymous means not auth");
+ return res.status(401).json(resnotauth);
+ const tmpfs = `${__base}tmp/tokens/${req.session.header.xalias}_${
+ req.session.header.xdays
+ }_${req.session.header.xhash.substring(20, 200)}`;
+ console.log(tmpfs);
+ if (!fs.existsSync(tmpfs)) {
+ // need to check detached sign
+ let publickey;
+ if (
+ fs.existsSync(
+ `${__base}nationchains/pagans/itm/${req.session.header.xalias}.json`
+ )
+ ) {
+ const pagan = fs.readJsonSync(
+ `${__base}nationchains/pagans/itm/${req.session.header.xalias}.json`
+ );
+ publickey = pagan.publicKey;
+ } else {
+ resnotauth.data.xaliasexists = false;
+ if (req.body.publickey) {
+ publickey = req.body.publickey;
+ } else {
+ console.log("alias unknown");
+ return res.status(404).send(resnotauth);
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(publickey);
+ console.log(Buffer.from(req.session.header.xhash, "base64").toString());
+ const publicKey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: publickey });
+ const msg = await openpgp.createMessage({
+ text: `${req.session.header.xalias}_${req.session.header.xdays}`,
+ });
+ const signature = await openpgp.readSignature({
+ armoredSignature: Buffer.from(
+ req.session.header.xhash,
+ "base64"
+ ).toString(),
+ });
+ console.log(msg);
+ console.log(signature);
+ console.log(publicKey);
+ const checkauth = await openpgp.verify({
+ message: msg,
+ signature: signature,
+ verificationKeys: publicKey,
+ });
+ console.log(checkauth);
+ console.log(checkauth.signatures[0].keyID);
+ //console.log(await checkauth.signatures[0].signature);
+ //console.log(await checkauth.signatures[0].verified);
+ const { check, keyID } = checkauth.signatures[0];
+ try {
+ await check; // raise an error if necessary
+ fs.outputFileSync(tmpfs, req.session.header.xhash, "utf8");
+ } catch (e) {
+ resnotauth.msg = "signaturefailed";
+ console.log("not auth fail sign");
+ return res.status(401).send(resnotauth);
+ }
+ }
+ console.log("Authenticated");
-const isAuthenticatedold = (req, res, next) => {
- /*
- check if authenticated with valid token
- if not => set req.session.header.xjwt=1
- if yes => set for xWorkon
- req.session.header.accessrights={
- app:{'tribeid:website':[liste of menu]},
- data:{ "sitewebsrc": "RWCDO",
- "contacts": "RWCDO"}}
- Liste of menu is linked with the app tht h
- ave to be consistent with accessrights.data
- data, list of object accessright Read Write Create Delete Owner
- a xuuid can read any objet if R
- if O wner means that it can only read write its object create by himself
- */
- console.log("isAuthenticated()?");
- //console.log( 'req.app.locals.tokens', req.app.locals.tokens )
- //console.log( 'req.session.header', req.session.header );
- // Check if token exist or not
- req.session.header.accessrights = { app: "", data: {} };
- if (
- req.session.header.xalias == "1" ||
- !req.app.locals.tokens[req.session.header.xalias]
- ) {
- console.log(
- `isAuthenticated no : uuid=1 (value=${req.session.header.xalias}) or locals.tokens[uuid] empty `
- );
- console.log(
- "req.app.locals.tokens de xalias",
- req.app.locals.tokens[req.session.header.xalias]
- );
- console.log(
- "list key uuid de req.app.locals.tokens",
- Object.keys(req.app.locals.tokens)
- );
- req.session.header.xjwt = "1";
- } else if (
- req.app.locals.tokens[req.session.header.xalias].TOKEN !==
- req.session.header.xjwt
- ) {
- // console.log(req.session.header.xuuid);
- // console.log(req.session.header.xjwt);
- // update tokens from file in case recently logged
- try {
- console.log(
- "token not in list of token (req.app.locals.tokens) try to refresh from file"
- );
- req.app.locals.tokens = fs.readJsonSync(`${conf.tmp}/tokens.json`);
- } catch (err) {
- console.log(
- `check isAuthenticated issue in reading ${conf.tmp}/tokens.json`
- );
- }
- if (
- req.app.locals.tokens[req.session.header.xalias].TOKEN !==
- req.session.header.xjwt
- ) {
- // if still does not exist then out
- console.log("isAuthenticated no, token outdated");
- req.session.header.xjwt = "1";
- req.session.header.xalias = "1";
- }
- }
- if (req.session.header.xjwt == "1") {
- //return res.status( 403 )
- return res.status(403).json({
- info: ["forbiddenAccess"],
- model: "Pagans",
- moreinfo: "isAuthenticated faill",
- });
- } else {
- console.log("isAuthenticated yes");
- if (req.app.locals.tokens[req.session.header.xalias]) {
- //console.log( `accessright pour ${req.session.header.xalias}`, req.app.locals.tokens[ req.session.header.xalias ].ACCESSRIGHTS );
- //set header.accessrights from tokens.json
- req.session.header.accessrights =
- req.app.locals.tokens[req.session.header.xalias].ACCESSRIGHTS;
- } else {
- // case of bypass no accessright available
- req.session.header.accessrights = {};
- }
- // Once per day, clean old token
- const currentday = moment().date();
- console.log(
- "test si menagedone" + currentday,
- !fs.existsSync(`${conf.tmp}/menagedone${currentday}`)
- );
- if (!fs.existsSync(`${conf.tmp}/menagedone${currentday}`)) {
- glob.sync(`${conf.tmp}/menagedone*`).forEach((f) => {
- fs.remove(f, (err) => {
- if (err) {
- console.log("err remove menagedone", err);
- }
- });
- });
- glob.sync(`${conf.tmp}/mdcreator*.log`).forEach((f) => {
- fs.remove(f, (err) => {
- if (err) {
- console.log("err remove mdcreator log", err);
- }
- });
- });
- const newtokens = {};
- for (const k of Object.keys(req.app.locals.tokens)) {
- try {
- const decodedToken = jwt.decode(
- req.app.locals.tokens[k].TOKEN,
- conf.jwtSecret
- );
- //console.log( moment( decodedToken.expiration ), moment() )
- //console.log( moment( decodedToken.expiration ) >= moment() )
- if (moment(decodedToken.expiration) >= moment()) {
- newtokens[k] = req.app.locals.tokens[k];
- }
- } catch (err) {
- console.log("Check isAuthenticated cleaning token ", err);
- }
- }
- req.app.locals.tokens = newtokens;
- fs.outputJsonSync(`${conf.tmp}/tokens.json`, newtokens);
- fs.writeFileSync(
- `${conf.tmp}/menagedone${currentday}`,
- "fichier semaphore to clean data each day can be deleted with no consequence",
- "utf-8"
- );
- }
- next();
- }
module.exports = isAuthenticated;
diff --git a/api/middlewares/lg/headers_en.json b/api/middlewares/lg/headers_en.json
index 320dcbf..c6ea8ff 100644
--- a/api/middlewares/lg/headers_en.json
+++ b/api/middlewares/lg/headers_en.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "missingheader":"Some header miss to have a valid request: {{#data}} {{.}} {{/data}}",
- "tribeiddoesnotexist":"Header xtribe: {{data}} does not exist in this town",
- "authenticated":"Your perso{{{xpseudo}}} is register for tribe {{{xtribe}}}",
- "notauthenticated":"Your pseudo {{xpseudo}} are not register into tribe {{xtribe}} ",
- "forbiddenAccessright":"Pagan {{data.xpseudo}} has not access right to act {{data.action}} onto object {{data.object}} for tribe {{mor.xworkon}}"
\ No newline at end of file
+ "missingheader": "Some header miss to have a valid request: {{#data}} {{.}} {{/data}}",
+ "tribeiddoesnotexist": "Header xtribe: {{data.xtribe}} does not exist in this town",
+ "authenticated": "Your alias{{{data.xalias}}} is authenticated",
+ "notauthenticated": "Your alias: {{data.xalias}} is not authenticated {{^data.aliasexists}} and this alias does not exist !{{/data.aliasexists}}",
+ "forbiddenAccessright": "Pagan {{data.xalias}} has not access right to act {{data.action}} onto object {{data.object}} for tribe {{mor.xworkon}}"
diff --git a/api/models/Notifications.js b/api/models/Notifications.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9ad50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/models/Notifications.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+const glob = require("glob");
+const path = require("path");
+const fs = require("fs-extra");
+ * To manage any communication between Pagan
+ * mayor druid emailing/sms/paper from tribe register smtp, simcard, mail api to Person(s) / Pagan(s)
+ * volatile notification message from tribe activities to Pagans / person ()
+ *
+ */
+const Notifications = {};
+Notifications.send = (data) => {
+ const ret = {};
+ console.log("TODO dev notification emailing");
+ return ret;
+module.exports = Notifications;
diff --git a/api/models/Pagans.js b/api/models/Pagans.js
index e535583..d79357f 100644
--- a/api/models/Pagans.js
+++ b/api/models/Pagans.js
@@ -1,97 +1,125 @@
const glob = require("glob");
const path = require("path");
+const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
-const axios = require('axios');
-const openpgp = require('openpgp');
-const conf=require('../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json')
+const axios = require("axios");
+const openpgp = require("openpgp");
+var conf = {};
+if (fs.existsSync("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json")) {
+ conf = require("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json");
- * Pagan Management numeric Identity
- *
- *
- *
+ * Pagan Management numeric Identity and Person (Person = Pagan Id + tribe)
+ *
+ *
+ *
-const Pagans= {}
+const Pagans = {};
-Pagans.createId = async (alias,passphrase) =>{
- /**
- * @param {string} alias a unique alias that identify an identity
- * @param {string} passphrase a string to cipher the publicKey (can be empty, less secure but simpler)
- * @return {publicKey,privateKey} with userIds = [{alias}]
- */
- let apxpagans={};
- if (fs.existsSync(`${conf.dirname}/nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`)){
- apxpagans = fs.readJsonSync(
- `${conf.dirname}/nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`
- );
- }
- if (Object.keys(apxpagans).includes(alias)){
- return {status:409,ref:"pagans",msg:"aliasalreadyexist"}
- };
- const {privateKey,publicKey} = await openpgp.generateKey({
- type: "ecc", // Type of the key, defaults to ECC
- curve: "curve25519", // ECC curve name, defaults to curve25519
- userIDs: [{ alias: alias }], // you can pass multiple user IDs
- passphrase: passphrase, // protects the private key
- format: "armored", // output key format, defaults to 'armored' (other options: 'binary' or 'object')
- });
- apxpagans[alias]={alias,publicKey};
- fs.outputJsonSync(`${conf.dirname}/nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`,apxpagans);
- fs.outputJsonSync(`${conf.dirname}/nationchains/pagans/itm/${alias}.json`,{alias,publicKey});
- return {status:200, data:{alias,privateKey,publicKey}}
- //console.log( Pagans.generateKey('toto',''))
- Pagans.detachedSignature = async (pubK, privK, passphrase, message) => {
- /**
- * @pubK {string} a text public key
- * @privK {string} a test priv key
- * @passphrase {string} used to read privK
- * @message {string} message to sign
- * @Return a detached Signature of the message
- */
- const publicKey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: pubK });
- const privateKey = await openpgp.decryptKey({
- privateKey: await openpgp.readPrivateKey({ armoredKey: privK }),
- passphrase,
- });
- const msg = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: message });
- return await openpgp.sign({ msg, signinKeys: privK, detached: true });
- };
- Pagans.checkdetachedSignature = async (
+Pagans.create = (alias, publicKey) => {
+ /**
+ * @param {string} alias a unique alias that identify an identity
+ * @param {string} publicKey a publicKey
+ * @return {object} { status: 200, data: { alias, publicKey } }
+ * xhash was checked by isauthenticated
+ * @todo use Odmdb to add a pagan
+ */
+ let apxpagans = {};
+ if (fs.existsSync(`${__base}nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`)) {
+ apxpagans = fs.readJsonSync(
+ `${__base}nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`
+ );
+ }
+ apxpagans[alias] = { alias, publicKey };
+ fs.outputJsonSync(
+ `${__base}nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`,
+ apxpagans
+ );
+ fs.outputJsonSync(`${__base}nationchains/pagans/itm/${alias}.json`, {
- pubK,
- detachedSignature,
- message
- ) => {
- /**
- * @alias {string} alias link to the publicKey
- * @pubK {string} publiKey text format
- * @detachedSignature {string} a detachedsignatured get from apx.detachedSignature
- * @message {string} the message signed
- * @return {boolean} true the message was signed by alias
- * false the message was not signed by alias
- */
- const publicKey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: pubK });
- const msg = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: message });
- const signature = await openpgp.readSignature({
- armoredSignature: detachedSignature, // parse detached signature
- });
- const verificationResult = await openpgp.verify({
- msg, // Message object
- signature,
- verificationKeys: publicKey
- });
- const { verified, keyID } = verificationResult.signatures[0];
- try {
- await verified; // throws on invalid signature
- console.log("Signed by key id " + keyID.toHex());
- return KeyId.toHex().alias == alias;
- } catch (e) {
- console.log("Signature could not be verified: " + e.message);
- return false;
- }
+ publicKey,
+ });
+ return { status: 200, data: { alias, publicKey } };
+Pagans.personupdate = (alias, tribe, persondata) => {
+ //later use Odmdb ans schema person to manage this
+ /**
+ * @Param {string} alias pagan unique id
+ * @Param {string} tribe tribe id in this town
+ * @Param {object} persondata that respect /nationchains/schema/person.json + nationchains/tribe/tribeid/schema/personextented.json
+ * @return create or update a person /tribe/tribeid/person/alias.json
+ */
+ let person = {
+ alias: alias,
+ dt_create: dayjs(),
+ accessrights: { profil: "user" },
\ No newline at end of file
+ if (fs.existsSync(`${__base}tribes/${tribe}/person/itm/${alias}.json`)) {
+ person = fs.readJsonSync(
+ `${__base}tribes/${tribe}/person/itm/${alias}.json`
+ );
+ person.dt_update = dayjs();
+ }
+ Object.keys(persondata).forEach((d) => {
+ person[d] = persondata[d];
+ });
+ //const checkjson= Checkjson.schema.data = (fs.readJsonSync(`${__base}}nationchains/schema/person.json`, person, false)
+ // if checkjson.status==200 create /update with odmdb to update index data
+ // see odmdb that did all and return standard message
+ fs.outputJSONSync(
+ `${__base}tribes/${tribe}/person/itm/${alias}.json`,
+ person,
+ {
+ space: 2,
+ }
+ );
+ return {
+ status: 200,
+ ref: "Pagans",
+ msg: "successfullupdate",
+ data: { tribe: tribe },
+ };
+Pagans.authenticatedetachedSignature = async (
+ alias,
+ pubK,
+ detachedSignature,
+ message
+) => {
+ /**
+ * Check that a message was signed with a privateKey from a publicKey
+ * This is not necessary if isAuthenticated, but can be usefull to double check
+ * @TODO finish it and implement it also in /apxpagan.js for browser
+ * @alias {string} alias link to the publicKey
+ * @pubK {string} publiKey text format
+ * @detachedSignature {string} a detachedsignatured get from apx.detachedSignature
+ * @message {string} the message signed
+ * @return {boolean} true the message was signed by alias
+ * false the message was not signed by alias
+ */
+ const publicKey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: pubK });
+ const msg = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: message });
+ const signature = await openpgp.readSignature({
+ armoredSignature: detachedSignature, // parse detached signature
+ });
+ const verificationResult = await openpgp.verify({
+ msg, // Message object
+ signature,
+ verificationKeys: publicKey,
+ });
+ const { verified, keyID } = verificationResult.signatures[0];
+ try {
+ await verified; // throws on invalid signature
+ console.log("Signed by key id " + keyID.toHex());
+ return KeyId.toHex().alias == alias;
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log("Signature could not be verified: " + e.message);
+ return false;
+ }
+module.exports = Pagans;
diff --git a/api/models/Setup.js b/api/models/Setup.js
index bf0e812..a865466 100644
--- a/api/models/Setup.js
+++ b/api/models/Setup.js
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ const dnsSync = require("dns-sync");
const mustache = require("mustache");
const readlineSync = require("readline-sync");
+const Wwws = require("../models/Wwws.js");
* This Setup is run at the first installation
* This is not an exportable module
@@ -28,9 +29,9 @@ Setup.check = () => {
- if (fs.existsSync("./nationchains/tribes/conf.json")) {
+ if (fs.existsSync("./nationchains/www/nginx_adminapx.conf")) {
- "\x1b[31m Be carefull you already have a town set in ./nationchains/tribes/index.conf.json, check and remove it if you want to setup this town."
+ "\x1b[31m Be carefull you already have a town set, check http://adminapx or remove ./nationchains/www/nginx_adminapx.conf to reset a sync with the last nationchains"
@@ -38,19 +39,51 @@ Setup.check = () => {
Setup.init = async () => {
+ /**
+ * create empty nationchains
+ * rsync all subfolder nationchains except the tribes/ and /www/nginx_adminapx.conf
+ *
+ * Then to send new version we fix a master production
+ *
+ */
+ const initconf = fs.readJSONSync(
+ "./nationchains/www/adminapx/static/tpldata/initconf.json"
+ );
+ initconf.sudoerUser = process.env.USER;
+ initconf.dirname = path.resolve(`${__dirname}/../../`);
+ // To allow to serve the nation website until the end
+ initconf.nginx.include.push(
+ `${townconf.dirname}/nationchains/www/nginx_*.conf`
+ );
+ // To allow to serve tribes web site
+ initconf.nginx.include.push(
+ `${townconf.dirname}/nationchains/tribes/*/www/nginx_*.conf`
+ );
+ initconf.nginx.logs = `${townconf.dirname}/nationchains/logs/nginx`;
+ initconf.nginx.website = "adminapx";
+ initconf.nginx.fswww = "nationchains/"; //for a local tribe nationchains/tribes/tribeid
+ initconf.nginx.tribeid = "town";
+ initconf.nginx.pageindex = "index_en.html";
+ const nginxconf = Wwws.apxtribinstall(initconf);
+ if (nginxconf.status == 200) {
+ }
+if (Setup.check()) Setup.init();
+// After testing remove all stuff after this line
+Setup.initold = async () => {
// Get standard conf and current data
const townconf = fs.readJsonSync("./nationchains/www/adminapx/townconf.json");
const apxnations = fs.readJsonSync(
const apxtowns = fs.readJsonSync(`./nationchains/towns/idx/townId_all.json`);
- let apxpagans={}
- if (fs.existsSync(`./nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`)){
- apxpagans = fs.readJsonSync(
- `./nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`
- );
- }
+ let apxpagans = {};
+ if (fs.existsSync(`./nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`)) {
+ apxpagans = fs.readJsonSync(`./nationchains/pagans/idx/alias_all.json`);
+ }
if (!Object.keys(apxnations).includes(townconf.nationId)) {
@@ -95,7 +128,7 @@ Setup.init = async () => {
// saved and change nginx conf
if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved")) {
fs.moveSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved");
@@ -112,6 +145,16 @@ Setup.init = async () => {
mustache.render(tplnginxconf, townconf),
+ //proxyparam
+ const proxy_params = fs.readFileSync(
+ "./nationchains/www/adminapx/nginx/proxy_params.mustache",
+ "utf8"
+ );
+ fs.outputFileSync(
+ "/etc/nginx/proxy_params",
+ mustache.render(proxy_params, townconf),
+ "utf8"
+ );
const tplnginxwww = fs.readFileSync(
@@ -124,8 +167,10 @@ Setup.init = async () => {
fs.outputJsonSync("./nationchains/tribes/conf.json", townconf, {
spaces: 2,
+ // Integrer cette partie du setup en inteactif.
+ // l'objectif du setup est de rendere accessible adminapx en local (IP local) ou production IP public
//CREATE A TOWN setup local voir utiliser towns.create
- townconf.town = {
+ /* townconf.town = {
townId: townconf.townId,
nationId: townconf.nationId,
url: `http://${townconf.dns[0]}`,
@@ -133,9 +178,13 @@ Setup.init = async () => {
mayorid: townconf.mayorId,
status: "unchain",
- apxtowns[townconf.townId]=townconf.town;
- fs.outputJsonSync(`./nationchains/towns/idx/townId_all.json`,apxtowns);
- fs.outputJsonSync(`./nationchains/towns/itm/${townconf.townId}.json`,townconf.town,{spaces:2});
+ apxtowns[townconf.townId] = townconf.town;
+ fs.outputJsonSync(`./nationchains/towns/idx/townId_all.json`, apxtowns);
+ fs.outputJsonSync(
+ `./nationchains/towns/itm/${townconf.townId}.json`,
+ townconf.town,
+ { spaces: 2 }
+ );
// Create tribe id voir a utiliser tribes.create()
townconf.tribe = {
tribeId: townconf.tribeId,
@@ -145,27 +194,47 @@ Setup.init = async () => {
townId: townconf.townId,
//tribe does not exist in a new town
- apxtribes={}
- apxtribes[townconf.tribeId]=townconf.tribe;
- fs.outputJsonSync(`./nationchains/tribes/idx/tribeId_all.json`,apxtribes);
- fs.outputJsonSync(`./nationchains/tribes/itm/${townconf.tribeId}.json`,townconf.tribe,{spaces:2});
+ apxtribes = {};
+ apxtribes[townconf.tribeId] = townconf.tribe;
+ fs.outputJsonSync(`./nationchains/tribes/idx/tribeId_all.json`, apxtribes);
+ fs.outputJsonSync(
+ `./nationchains/tribes/itm/${townconf.tribeId}.json`,
+ townconf.tribe,
+ { spaces: 2 }
+ );
//CREATE a mayorId pagans if it does not exist
- if (!apxpagans[townconf.mayorId]){
- const Pagans=require('./Pagans');
- const createPagans=await Pagans.createId(townconf.mayorId,townconf.passphrase);
- if (createPagans.status==200){
- fs.outputFileSync(`./${townconf.mayorId}_PrivateKey.txt`,createPagans.data.privateKey,"utf8");
- fs.outputFileSync(`./${townconf.mayorId}_PublicKey.txt`,createPagans.data.publicKey,"utf8");
- console.log(`\x1b[43mCut paste your keys /${townconf.mayorId}_PrivateKey.txt /${townconf.mayorId}_PublicKey.txt \x1b[0m`)
- }else{
- console.log('Error at Pagan creation ');
+ if (!apxpagans[townconf.mayorId]) {
+ const Pagans = require("./Pagans");
+ const createPagans = await Pagans.createId(
+ townconf.mayorId,
+ townconf.passphrase
+ );
+ if (createPagans.status == 200) {
+ fs.outputFileSync(
+ `./${townconf.mayorId}_PrivateKey.txt`,
+ createPagans.data.privateKey,
+ "utf8"
+ );
+ fs.outputFileSync(
+ `./${townconf.mayorId}_PublicKey.txt`,
+ createPagans.data.publicKey,
+ "utf8"
+ );
+ console.log(
+ `\x1b[43mCut paste your keys /${townconf.mayorId}_PrivateKey.txt /${townconf.mayorId}_PublicKey.txt \x1b[0m`
+ );
+ } else {
+ console.log("Error at Pagan creation ");
- }
- //restart nginx
+ }*/
+ //fin de partie à integer dans l'interface graphique adminapx
+ //restart nginx
const { exec } = require("child_process");
exec(townconf.nginx.restart, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
diff --git a/api/models/Wwws.js b/api/models/Wwws.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f61978b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/models/Wwws.js
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+const fs = require("fs-extra");
+const path = require("path");
+const dnsSync = require("dns-sync");
+const mustache = require("mustache");
+const readlineSync = require("readline-sync");
+const conf = fs.existsSync("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json")
+ ? require("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json")
+ : {};
+const Wwws = {};
+Wwws.apxtribinstall = (paramconf) => {
+ /**
+ * First install for a setup
+ *
+ */
+ if (fs.existsSync("../../nationchains/www/nginx_adminapx.conf")) {
+ console.log("You already have a conf on this town");
+ process.exit();
+ }
+ //first install
+ const nginxconf = fs.readFileSync(
+ "../../nationchains/www/adminapx/static/tpl/nginx.conf.mustache",
+ "utf8"
+ );
+ const proxyparams = fs.readFileSync(
+ "../../nationchains/www/adminapx/static/tpl/nginxproxy_params.mustache",
+ "utf8"
+ );
+ // saved and change nginx conf
+ if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved")) {
+ fs.moveSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved");
+ console.log(
+ "your previous /etc/nginx/nginx.conf was backup in /etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved"
+ );
+ }
+ fs.outputFileSync(
+ "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf",
+ mustache.render(nginxconf, paramconf),
+ "utf8"
+ );
+ fs.outputFileSync(
+ "/etc/nginx/proxy_params",
+ mustache.render(proxyparams, paramconf),
+ "utf8"
+ );
+ if (!fs.existsSync(paramconf.nginx.logs)) fs.mkdirSync(paramconf.nginx.logs);
+ paramconf.nginx.firstinstall = true;
+ fs.outputJsonSync("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json", paramconf, {
+ space: 2,
+ });
+ return Www.create(paramconf.nginx);
+Wwws.create = (paramnginx) => {
+ /**
+ * Create an nginx conf to make available https://adminapx on a local network
+ * paramconf nginx.fswww place where the www folder is /tribeId/
+ */
+ const res = {
+ status: 200,
+ ref: "Www",
+ msg: "successfulwww",
+ data: { website: paramnginx.website },
+ };
+ const nginxwebsite = fs.readFileSync(
+ "../../nationchains/www/adminapx/static/tpl/nginxmodelwebsite.conf.mustache",
+ "utf8"
+ );
+ fs.outputFileSync(
+ `./${paramnginx.fswww}www/nginx_${paramnginx.website}.conf`,
+ mustache.render(nginxwebsite, paramnginx),
+ "utf8"
+ );
+ if (!fs.existsSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/${paramnginx.website}`)) {
+ //See later how to generate specific template of webapp
+ fs.mkdirSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/${paramnginx.website}`);
+ }
+ if (!fs.existsSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/cdn`)) {
+ //See later how to generate specific template of webapp
+ fs.mkdirSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/cdn`);
+ }
+ //restart nginx
+ const { exec } = require("child_process");
+ exec(paramnginx.restart, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
+ if (error) {
+ if (paramnginx.firstinstall) {
+ console.log("\x1b[42m", error, stdout, stderr, "x1b[0m");
+ }
+ //@todo supprimer la derniere config et relancer
+ res.status = 500;
+ res.msg = "nginxError";
+ res.data = { msg: `${error}
${stderr}` };
+ } else {
+ if (paramnginx.firstinstall) {
+ // the tribes/conf.json is saved in apxtribinstall
+ console.log(
+ `\x1b[42m###########################################################################################\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42mWellcome into apxtrib, you can now 'yarn dev' for dev or 'yarn startpm2' for prod or \n'yarn unittest' for testing purpose. Access to your town here \x1b[0m\x1b[32mhttp://adminapx\x1b[0m \x1b[42m \nto finish your town setup. Don't forget to set your localhost /etc/hosts by adding adminapx or {LAN IP} adminapx . Check README's project to learn more. \x1b[0m\n\x1b[42m###########################################################################################\x1b[0m`
+ );
+ } else {
+ // add website to tribe conf
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return res;
+Wwws.setssl = () => {
+ // Run process to change nginx conf to get a ssl
+Wwws.configlist = (tribeId) => {
+ //if accessright R return list of conf parameter {webapp:{conf parameter}}
+ const res = { status: 200, data: {} };
+ return res;
+module.exports = Wwws;
diff --git a/api/models/lg/Pagans_en.json b/api/models/lg/Pagans_en.json
index 0e0dcd2..e848f10 100644
--- a/api/models/lg/Pagans_en.json
+++ b/api/models/lg/Pagans_en.json
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+ "successfullcreate": "Alias creation for {{alias}} successfull. {{#withemail}} An email was sent to {{email}}, if you do not receive it, please download your keys before living this page.{{/withemail}}",
+ "successfulluppdate": "Your alias as a Person is now update into {{tribe}}",
+ "tribedoesnotexist": "Your tribe {{tribe}} does not exist in this town"
diff --git a/api/routes/nations.js b/api/routes/nations.js
index 4f8bbfc..849a107 100755
--- a/api/routes/nations.js
+++ b/api/routes/nations.js
@@ -33,5 +33,9 @@ router.post( '/push', checkHeaders, ( req, res ) => {
res.send( { status: 200, payload: { moreinfo: fs.readFileSync( `${config.tribes}/${config.mayorId}/nationchains/nodes/${config.rootURL}`, 'utf-8' ) } } )
} )
+router.get('/synchro',checkHeaders, isAuthenticated,(req,res)=>{
+ // run a sync from a list of electedtown to update nationchains folder
+ console.log('TODO')
module.exports = router;
diff --git a/api/routes/odmdb.js b/api/routes/odmdb.js
index 0f18c84..1d69c5d 100644
--- a/api/routes/odmdb.js
+++ b/api/routes/odmdb.js
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ router.get(
* @apiSuccess (200) {object} data contains indexfile requested
+ console.log("pzasse");
// indexname = objectname_key_value.json
let objectLocation = "../../nationchains/";
if (!conf.api.nationObjects.includes(req.params.objectname)) {
@@ -42,13 +43,11 @@ router.get(
if (fs.existsSync(indexpath)) {
res.status(200).json({ data: fs.readJsonSync(indexpath) });
} else {
- res
- .status(404)
- .json({
- ref: "Odmdb",
- msg: "objectfiledoesnotexist",
- data: { indexpath },
- });
+ res.status(404).json({
+ ref: "Odmdb",
+ msg: "objectfiledoesnotexist",
+ data: { indexpath },
+ });
@@ -88,13 +87,11 @@ router.get(
if (fs.existsSync(objectpath)) {
res.status(200).json({ data: fs.readJsonSync(objectpath) });
} else {
- res
- .status(404)
- .json({
- ref: "Odmdb",
- msg: "objectfiledoesnotexist",
- data: { objectpath },
- });
+ res.status(404).json({
+ ref: "Odmdb",
+ msg: "objectfiledoesnotexist",
+ data: { objectpath },
+ });
diff --git a/api/routes/pagans.js b/api/routes/pagans.js
index 119148f..f28ef89 100755
--- a/api/routes/pagans.js
+++ b/api/routes/pagans.js
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-const express = require( 'express' );
-const path = require( 'path' );
+const express = require("express");
+const path = require("path");
// Classes
-const Pagans = require( '../models/Pagans.js' );
+const Pagans = require("../models/Pagans.js");
+const Notifications = require("../models/Notifications.js");
// Middlewares
-const checkHeaders = require( '../middlewares/checkHeaders' );
-const isAuthenticated = require( '../middlewares/isAuthenticated' );
-const hasAccessrighton = require( '../middlewares/hasAccessrighton' );
+const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders");
+const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated");
+const hasAccessrighton = require("../middlewares/hasAccessrighton");
const router = express.Router();
@@ -47,53 +48,107 @@ Owner means it can be Write/Delete if field OWNER contain the UUID that try to a
-router.get('/isregister', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated,(req,res)=>{
- * @api {get} /pagans/isregister
- * @apiName Is register check xalias and xhash
- * @apiGroup Odmdb
- *
- * @apiUse apxHeader
- *
- * @apiParam {String} indexname Mandatory if in conf.nationObjects then file is into nationchains/ else in /nationchains/tribes/xtribe/objectname/idx/indexname indexname contains the ObjectName .*_ (before the first _)
- *
- * @apiError (404) {string} status the file does not exist
- * @apiError (404) {string} ref objectmodel to get in the right language
- * @apiError (404) {string} msg key to get template from objectmodel
- * @apiError (404) {object} data use to pagansmodel: 'Pagans' } );render lg/objectmodel_lg.json
- *
- * @apiSuccess (200) {object} data contains indexfile requested
- *
- */
- res.send(Pagans.checkdetachedSignature(req.session.header.xalias,req.session.header.xhash));
+router.get("/isauth", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
+ /**
+ * @api {get} /pagans/isregister
+ * @apiName Is register check xalias and xhash
+ * @apiGroup Pagans
+ *
+ * @apiUse apxHeader
+ *
+ * @apiError (400) {object} status missingheaders / xalias does not exist / signaturefailled
+ * @apiError (401) {object} alias anonymous (not authenticated)
+ * @apiError (404) {string} tribe does not exist
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @apiSuccess (200) {object} data contains indexfile requested
+ *
+ */
+ res.send({
+ status: 200,
+ ref: "headers",
+ msg: "authenticated",
+ data: {
+ xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
+ },
+ });
+router.post("/", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
+ /**
+ * Create a pagan account from alias, publickey, if trusted recovery =>
+ * Create a person in xtribe/person/xalias.json with profil.auth={email,privatekey, passphrase}
+ * Middleware isAuthenticated check that:
+ * - xhash is well signed from private key linked to the publickey of alias
+ * - check that alias does not already exist (if yes then verifiedsigne would be false)
+ * Need to wait next block chain to be sure that alias is register in the blokchain
+ */
+ console.log("pass ici", req.body);
+ const feedback = { alias: req.body.alias, publickey: req.body.publickey };
+ const newpagan = Pagans.create(req.body.alias, req.body.publickey);
+ if (newpagan.status == 200) {
+ if (req.body.email) {
+ feedback.withemail = true;
+ feedback.email = req.body.email;
+ feedback.privatekey = req.body.privatekey;
+ feedback.passphrase = req.body.passphrase;
+ Notifications.send({
+ type: "email",
+ from: "",
+ dest: [req.body.email],
+ tpl: "registeremail",
+ tribe: req.session.header.xtribe,
+ data: feedback,
+ });
+ }
+ if (req.body.trustedtribe) {
+ if (req.app.locals.tribeids.includes(req.body.trustedtribe)) {
+ delete feedback.withemail;
+ const persondata = { recovery: feedback };
+ res.send(
+ Pagans.personupdate(req.body.alias, req.body.trustedtribe, persondata)
+ );
+ } else {
+ res.send({
+ status: 404,
+ ref: "Pagans",
+ msg: "tribedoesnotexist",
+ data: { tribe: req.body.trustedtribe },
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ newpagan.data = feedback;
+ res.send(newpagan);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //error to create pagan
+ res.send(newpagan);
+ }
+router.put("/person", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
+ /**
+ * add/update a person = alias + tribe with specific accessright and specific schema link to tribe
+ * @todo add tribe/schema/person.json
+ */
+ console.log(req.body);
+ res.send(
+ Pagans.personupdate(req.body.alias, req.session.header.xtribe, req.body)
+ );
+router.delete("/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
+ console.log(`DELETE pagans nationchains/pagans/${req.params.alias}.json`);
+ const result = Pagans.delete(req.params.id, req.session.header);
+ res.status(result.status).send(result.data);
- res.send({status:200,ref:"headers",msg:"authenticated",data:{xalias:req.session.header.xalias,xtribe:req.session.header.xtribe}})
-router.post('/', checkHeaders, (req,res)=>{
- // create a pagan account from alias, publickey, if trusted recovery={email,privatekey}
- console.log(req.body)
-} )
-router.delete( '/:alias', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
- console.log( `DELETE pagans nationchains/pagans/${req.params.alias}.json` );
- const result = Pagans.delete( req.params.id, req.session.header );
- res.status( result.status )
- .send( result.data );
-} );
-router.get( '/isauth', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
- if( req.session.header.xpseudo == "1" ) {
- return res.status( 401 )
- .send( { info: "not authenticate" } );
- } else return res.status( 200 )
- .send( { info: "well authenticated" } )
-} )
-router.post( '/login', checkHeaders, async ( req, res ) => {
- // console.log('POST /users/login with: ', req.app.locals.header);
- /*
+/*router.get("/isauth", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
+ if (req.session.header.xpseudo == "1") {
+ return res.status(401).send({ info: "not authenticate" });
+ } else return res.status(200).send({ info: "well authenticated" });
+router.post("/login", checkHeaders, async (req, res) => {
+ // console.log('POST /users/login with: ', req.app.locals.header);
+ /*
Check un mot de passe pour un login pour obtenir un token d'authentification
valable 1 hour, 1 day
@@ -104,21 +159,22 @@ router.post( '/login', checkHeaders, async ( req, res ) => {
utile le temps de reinitialisé son mot de passe.
- console.log( 'login for ', req.body, "in", req.session.header )
- const log = await Pagans.loginUser( req.session.header, req.body, true );
- console.log( "log user login", log );
- if( log.status == 200 ) {
- // update req.app.locals.tokens for this uuid just after login success then next isAuth will be valid
- req.app.locals.tokens[ log.data.user.UUID ] = { TOKEN: log.data.user.TOKEN, ACCESSRIGHTS: log.data.user.ACCESSRIGHTS }
- console.log( req.app.locals )
- }
- return res.status( log.status )
- .send( log.data );
-} );
+ console.log("login for ", req.body, "in", req.session.header);
+ const log = await Pagans.loginUser(req.session.header, req.body, true);
+ console.log("log user login", log);
+ if (log.status == 200) {
+ // update req.app.locals.tokens for this uuid just after login success then next isAuth will be valid
+ req.app.locals.tokens[log.data.user.UUID] = {
+ TOKEN: log.data.user.TOKEN,
+ };
+ console.log(req.app.locals);
+ }
+ return res.status(log.status).send(log.data);
-router.get( '/getlinkwithoutpsw/:email', checkHeaders, async ( req, res ) => {
- /*
+router.get("/getlinkwithoutpsw/:email", checkHeaders, async (req, res) => {
+ /*
Permet pour un email existant de renvoyer un email avec un lien valable 1h
@email est le compte pour lequel on demande un accès
@@ -134,109 +190,161 @@ router.get( '/getlinkwithoutpsw/:email', checkHeaders, async ( req, res ) => {
- console.log( `GET /users/getlinkwithoutpsw for email: ${req.params.email} tribeid :${req.header('X-Client-Id')}` );
- if( !req.params.email ) {
- return res.status( 404 )
- .send( {
- info: [ 'emailmissing' ],
- model: 'Pagans'
- } );
- } else {
- try {
- const getlink = await Pagans.getlinkwithoutpsw( req.params.email, req.session.header );
- console.log( 'getlink', getlink )
- //met à jour le token créer pour le uuid
- req.app.locals.tokens[ getlink.data.info.xuuid ] = getlink.data.info.token;
- // attention si on relance le serveur le token temporaire est perdu
- return res.status( getlink.status )
- .send( getlink.data );
- } catch ( err ) {
- console.log( err )
- }
- }
-} );
-router.post( '/register', checkHeaders, async ( req, res ) => {
- console.log( `POST /users for ${req.session.header.xtribe}` );
- if( req.session.header.xjwt == '123123' ) {
- // Creation d'un utilisateur avec information de base aucun droit
- // On modifie le contenu du form pour n egarder que login/email et psw
- // pour le client_id permet de traiter un user en attente de validation
- console.log( 'req du post', req );
- }
-} );
-router.get( '/info/:listindex', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, hasAccessrighton( 'users', 'R' ), async ( req, res ) => {
- console.log( `get users info on tribeid ${req.session.header.xworkon} for ${req.params.listindex} with accessright`, req.session.header.accessrights.data );
- const result = await Pagans.getinfoPagans( req.session.header.xpresworkon, req.session.header.accessrights, req.params.listindex );
- res.status( result.status )
- .send( result.data );
-} );
-router.get( '/list/:filter/:field', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, hasAccessrighton( 'users', 'R' ), async ( req, res ) => {
- console.log( 'GET /users/list/filtre/champs list for ' + req.session.header.xworkon );
- if(
- [ 'admin', 'manager' ].includes( req.session.header.decodetoken[ 'apps' + req.session.header.xworkon + 'profil' ] ) ) {
- try {
- const userslist = await Pagans.getUserlist( req.session.header, req.params.filter, req.params.field );
- console.log( 'userslist', userslist );
- if( userslist.status == 200 ) {
- return res.status( userslist.status )
- .send( userslist.data );
- }
- } catch ( err ) {
- console.log( err );
- return res.status( 400 )
- .send( { info: 'erreur' } );
- }
- } else {
- res.status( 403 )
- .send( {
- info: [ 'forbiddenAccess' ],
- model: 'Pagans'
- } );
- }
-} );
-router.get( '/uuid/:id', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, hasAccessrighton( 'users', 'R' ), async ( req, res ) => {
- console.log( `GET /users/uuid/${req.params.id}` );
- //console.log('req.app.locals: ', req.app.locals);
- //console.log('req.session', req.session);
- const result = await Pagans.getUser( req.params.id, req.session.header.xworkon, req.session.header.accessrights );
- res.status( result.status )
- .send( result.data );
-} );
-router.put( '/chgpsw/:id', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, async ( req, res ) => {
- console.log( `PUT update /users/chgpsw/${req.params.id}` );
- try {
- const majpsw = await Pagans.updateUserpassword( req.params.id, req.session.header, req.body );
- res.status( majpsw.status )
- .send( majpsw.data );
- } catch ( {
- status,
- data
- } ) {
- res.status( status )
- .send( data );
- }
-} );
-router.post( '/uuid', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, hasAccessrighton( 'users', 'C' ), async ( req, res ) => {
- console.log( 'POST /users create for ' + req.session.header.xworkon, req.body );
- const usercreate = await Pagans.createUser( req.session.header, req.body );
- return res.status( usercreate.status )
- .send( usercreate.data );
-} );
-router.put( '/uuid/:id', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, hasAccessrighton( 'users', 'U' ), async ( req, res ) => {
- console.log( `PUT update /users/${req.params.id}` );
- // console.log('req.app.locals: ', req.app.locals);
- // console.log('req.session', req.session);
- try {
- const majUser = await Pagans.updateUser( req.params.id, req.session.header, req.body );
- res.status( majUser.status )
- .send( majUser.data );
- } catch ( {
- status,
- data
- } ) {
- res.status( status )
- .send( data );
- }
-} );
+ console.log(
+ `GET /users/getlinkwithoutpsw for email: ${
+ req.params.email
+ } tribeid :${req.header("X-Client-Id")}`
+ );
+ if (!req.params.email) {
+ return res.status(404).send({
+ info: ["emailmissing"],
+ model: "Pagans",
+ });
+ } else {
+ try {
+ const getlink = await Pagans.getlinkwithoutpsw(
+ req.params.email,
+ req.session.header
+ );
+ console.log("getlink", getlink);
+ //met à jour le token créer pour le uuid
+ req.app.locals.tokens[getlink.data.info.xuuid] = getlink.data.info.token;
+ // attention si on relance le serveur le token temporaire est perdu
+ return res.status(getlink.status).send(getlink.data);
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(err);
+ }
+ }
+router.post("/register", checkHeaders, async (req, res) => {
+ console.log(`POST /users for ${req.session.header.xtribe}`);
+ if (req.session.header.xjwt == "123123") {
+ // Creation d'un utilisateur avec information de base aucun droit
+ // On modifie le contenu du form pour n egarder que login/email et psw
+ // pour le client_id permet de traiter un user en attente de validation
+ console.log("req du post", req);
+ }
+ "/info/:listindex",
+ checkHeaders,
+ isAuthenticated,
+ hasAccessrighton("users", "R"),
+ async (req, res) => {
+ console.log(
+ `get users info on tribeid ${req.session.header.xworkon} for ${req.params.listindex} with accessright`,
+ req.session.header.accessrights.data
+ );
+ const result = await Pagans.getinfoPagans(
+ req.session.header.xpresworkon,
+ req.session.header.accessrights,
+ req.params.listindex
+ );
+ res.status(result.status).send(result.data);
+ }
+ "/list/:filter/:field",
+ checkHeaders,
+ isAuthenticated,
+ hasAccessrighton("users", "R"),
+ async (req, res) => {
+ console.log(
+ "GET /users/list/filtre/champs list for " + req.session.header.xworkon
+ );
+ if (
+ ["admin", "manager"].includes(
+ req.session.header.decodetoken[
+ "apps" + req.session.header.xworkon + "profil"
+ ]
+ )
+ ) {
+ try {
+ const userslist = await Pagans.getUserlist(
+ req.session.header,
+ req.params.filter,
+ req.params.field
+ );
+ console.log("userslist", userslist);
+ if (userslist.status == 200) {
+ return res.status(userslist.status).send(userslist.data);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(err);
+ return res.status(400).send({ info: "erreur" });
+ }
+ } else {
+ res.status(403).send({
+ info: ["forbiddenAccess"],
+ model: "Pagans",
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ "/uuid/:id",
+ checkHeaders,
+ isAuthenticated,
+ hasAccessrighton("users", "R"),
+ async (req, res) => {
+ console.log(`GET /users/uuid/${req.params.id}`);
+ //console.log('req.app.locals: ', req.app.locals);
+ //console.log('req.session', req.session);
+ const result = await Pagans.getUser(
+ req.params.id,
+ req.session.header.xworkon,
+ req.session.header.accessrights
+ );
+ res.status(result.status).send(result.data);
+ }
+router.put("/chgpsw/:id", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, async (req, res) => {
+ console.log(`PUT update /users/chgpsw/${req.params.id}`);
+ try {
+ const majpsw = await Pagans.updateUserpassword(
+ req.params.id,
+ req.session.header,
+ req.body
+ );
+ res.status(majpsw.status).send(majpsw.data);
+ } catch ({ status, data }) {
+ res.status(status).send(data);
+ }
+ "/uuid",
+ checkHeaders,
+ isAuthenticated,
+ hasAccessrighton("users", "C"),
+ async (req, res) => {
+ console.log(
+ "POST /users create for " + req.session.header.xworkon,
+ req.body
+ );
+ const usercreate = await Pagans.createUser(req.session.header, req.body);
+ return res.status(usercreate.status).send(usercreate.data);
+ }
+ "/uuid/:id",
+ checkHeaders,
+ isAuthenticated,
+ hasAccessrighton("users", "U"),
+ async (req, res) => {
+ console.log(`PUT update /users/${req.params.id}`);
+ // console.log('req.app.locals: ', req.app.locals);
+ // console.log('req.session', req.session);
+ try {
+ const majUser = await Pagans.updateUser(
+ req.params.id,
+ req.session.header,
+ req.body
+ );
+ res.status(majUser.status).send(majUser.data);
+ } catch ({ status, data }) {
+ res.status(status).send(data);
+ }
+ }
module.exports = router;
diff --git a/api/routes/wwws.js b/api/routes/wwws.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..304f21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/routes/wwws.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+const express = require("express");
+const path = require("path");
+// Classes
+const Wwws = require("../models/Wwws.js");
+// Middlewares
+const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders");
+const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated");
+const hasAccessrighton = require("../middlewares/hasAccessrighton");
+const router = express.Router();
+ * To manage an nginx conf
+ *
+ */
+router.get("/tribes/:tribeId", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
+ /**
+ * @api {get} /www/tribes/:tribeId
+ * @apiName Get list of application Name
+ * @apiGroup Www
+ *
+ * @apiUse apxHeader
+ *
+ * @apiParam {String} tribeId Mandatory that have to exist in current town and
+ *
+ * @apiError (404) {string} status the folder does not exist
+ * @apiError (404) {string} ref objectmodel to get in the right language
+ * @apiError (404) {string} msg key to get template from objectmodel
+ * @apiError (404) {object} data use to www's model: 'Www' } );render lg/objectmodel_lg.json
+ *
+ * @apiSuccess (200) {object} data contains liste of www conf of a tribe
+ *
+ */
+ res.send(Www.configlist(req.params.tribeId));
+router.post("/:webappname", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
+ /**
+ * Create a space web /tribes/www/webappname
+ *
+ *
+ * */
+ res.send(Wwws.create(req.params.tribeId));
+module.exports = router;
diff --git a/apxtrib.js b/apxtrib.js
index 73c9700..ba3395a 100755
--- a/apxtrib.js
+++ b/apxtrib.js
@@ -1,137 +1,146 @@
-const fs = require( 'fs-extra' );
-const bodyParser = require( 'body-parser' );
-const glob = require( 'glob' );
-const path = require( 'path' );
-const cors = require( 'cors' );
-const express = require( 'express' );
-const process = require('process');
+const fs = require("fs-extra");
+const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
+const glob = require("glob");
+const path = require("path");
+const cors = require("cors");
+const express = require("express");
+const process = require("process");
SEE https://gitea.ndda.fr/apxtrib/apxtrib/wiki/Devrules
To have a quick understanding and convention before doing deeply in source code
+// Global data : add here globale variable that take care between RAM space anf fs access
// to make absolute path with `${__base}relativepath`
-global.__base = __dirname +'/';
+global.__base = __dirname + "/";
+// app.locals.tribeids is defined later in apixtrib.js and allow express app to always have in memory a dynamic of tribeId available in req.app.locals.tribeids
// check setup
-if( !fs.existsSync( '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf' ) ) {
- console.log( '\x1b[31m Check documentation, nginx have to be installed on this server first, no /etc/nginx/nginx.conf available, install then rerun yarn command.' );
- process.exit();
+if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf")) {
+ console.log(
+ "\x1b[31m Check documentation, nginx have to be installed on this server first, no /etc/nginx/nginx.conf available, install then rerun yarn command."
+ );
+ process.exit();
-if( !fs.existsSync( './nationchains/tribes/conf.json' ) ) {
- // this town is not set
- console.log( `\x1b[42m############################################################################################\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42mWellcome into apxtrib, you must first init your town and tribes by a 'yarn setup'. \x1b[0m \n\x1b[42mThen 'yarn dev' or 'yarn startpm2' or 'yarn unittest'. Check README's project to learn more.\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42m############################################################################################\x1b[0m` );
- process.exit();
+if (!fs.existsSync(`${__base}nationchains/tribes/conf.json`)) {
+ // this town is not set
+ console.log(
+ `\x1b[42m############################################################################################\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42mWellcome into apxtrib, you must first init your town and tribes by a 'yarn setup'. \x1b[0m \n\x1b[42mThen 'yarn dev' or 'yarn startpm2' or 'yarn unittest'. Check README's project to learn more.\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42m############################################################################################\x1b[0m`
+ );
+ process.exit();
-const conf = require( './nationchains/tribes/conf.json' );
+const conf = require(`${__base}nationchains/tribes/conf.json`);
// To make public this conf, careffull this localconf will be public, this the only difference between all apxtrib node
-const localconf={nationId:conf.nationId,townId:conf.townId,tribeId:conf.tribeId,comment:"Generate by apxtrib.js with minimum of information"};
-// Tribes allow to get local apxtrib instance context
+const localconf = {
+ nationId: conf.nationId,
+ townId: conf.townId,
+ tribeId: conf.tribeId,
+ comment: "Generate by apxtrib.js with minimum of information",
+ `${__base}nationchains/www/adminapx/static/tpldata/setup_en.json`,
+ localconf
+// Run main express process
+// Each tribe has a context (domain, plugins route, website ) are all describe into idx tribeId_all.json
+// {"tribename":{"tribeId":"tribename","dns":[array of domain],"status":"unchain","nationId":"ants","townId":"usbfarm"}}
// dataclient .tribeids [] .DOMs [] .routes (plugins {url:name route:path}) .appname {tribeid:[website]}
//const dataclient = require( './api/models/Tribes' ).init();
-const tribelist=fs.readJsonSync(`./nationchains/tribes/idx/tribeId_all.json`);
-let doms=conf.dns
-let tribeIds=[]
-let routes = glob.sync( './api/routes/*.js' )
- .map( f => {
- return { url: `/${path.basename(f,'.js')}`, route: f }
- } );
-//routes={url,route} check how to add plugin tribe route
- tribelist[t].dns.forEach(d=>{
- const dm=d.split('.').slice(-2).join('.')
- if (!doms.includes(dm)) doms.push(dm)
- })
- tribeIds.push(t)
-console.log('Allowed DOMs to access to this apxtrib server: ', doms )
+const tribelist = fs.readJsonSync(
+ `${__base}/nationchains/tribes/idx/tribeId_all.json`
+let doms = conf.dns; // only dns of town during the init process
+let tribeIds = [];
+let routes = glob.sync(`${__base}/api/routes/*.js`).map((f) => {
+ return { url: `/${path.basename(f, ".js")}`, route: f };
+//routes={url,route} check how to add plugin tribe route later
+// keep only the 2 last part (.) of domain name to validate cors with it (generic domain)
+Object.keys(tribelist).forEach((t) => {
+ tribelist[t].dns.forEach((d) => {
+ const dm = d.split(".").slice(-2).join(".");
+ if (!doms.includes(dm)) doms.push(dm);
+ });
+ tribeIds.push(t);
+console.log("Allowed DOMs to access to this apxtrib server: ", doms);
const app = express();
- app.set(p,conf.api.appset[p])
+// load express parameter from conf
+Object.keys(conf.api.appset).forEach((p) => {
+ app.set(p, conf.api.appset[p]);
// To set depending of data form or get size to send
-app.use( bodyParser.urlencoded( conf.api.bodyparse.urlencoded ) );
// To set depending of post put json data size to send
-app.use( express.json() )
-app.use( bodyParser.json( conf.api.bodyparse.json ) );
app.locals.tribeids = tribeIds;
-console.log( 'app.locals.tribeids', app.locals.tribeids );
-// token will be store in /tmp/token/pseudo_token to check if isauthenticated
-// User token authentification and user init user search
-/*const datauser = require( './api/models/Pagans' )
- .init( dataclient.tribeids );
-app.locals.tokens = datauser.tokens;
-console.log( 'app.locals.tokens key ', Object.keys( app.locals.tokens ) )
+console.log("app.locals.tribeids", app.locals.tribeids);
// Cors management
const corsOptions = {
- origin: ( origin, callback ) => {
- if( origin === undefined ) {
- callback( null, true );
- } else if( origin.indexOf( 'chrome-extension' ) > -1 ) {
- callback( null, true );
- } else {
- //console.log( 'origin', origin )
- //marchais avant modif eslint const rematch = ( /^https?\:\/\/(.*)\:.*/g ).exec( origin )
- const rematch = ( /^https?:\/\/(.*):.*/g )
- .exec( origin )
- //console.log( rematch )
- let tmp = origin.replace( /http.?:\/\//g, '' )
- .split( '.' )
+ origin: (origin, callback) => {
+ if (origin === undefined) {
+ callback(null, true);
+ } else if (origin.indexOf("chrome-extension") > -1) {
+ callback(null, true);
+ } else {
+ //console.log( 'origin', origin )
+ //marchais avant modif eslint const rematch = ( /^https?\:\/\/(.*)\:.*/g ).exec( origin )
+ const rematch = /^https?:\/\/(.*):.*/g.exec(origin);
+ //console.log( rematch )
+ let tmp = origin.replace(/http.?:\/\//g, "").split(".");
- if( rematch && rematch.length > 1 ) tmp = rematch[ 1 ].split( '.' );
- //console.log( 'tmp', tmp )
- let dom = tmp[ tmp.length - 1 ];
- if( tmp.length > 1 ) {
- dom = `${tmp[tmp.length-2]}.${tmp[tmp.length-1]}`
- }
- console.log( `origin: ${origin}, dom:${dom}, CORS allowed? : ${dataclient.DOMs.includes( dom )}` );
- if( dataclient.DOMs.includes( dom ) ) {
- callback( null, true )
- } else {
- console.log( `Origin is not allowed by CORS` );
- callback( new Error( 'Not allowed by CORS' ) );
- }
- }
- },
- exposedHeaders: Object.keys( conf.api.exposedHeaders )
+ if (rematch && rematch.length > 1) tmp = rematch[1].split(".");
+ //console.log( 'tmp', tmp )
+ let dom = tmp[tmp.length - 1];
+ if (tmp.length > 1) {
+ dom = `${tmp[tmp.length - 2]}.${tmp[tmp.length - 1]}`;
+ }
+ console.log(
+ `origin: ${origin}, dom:${dom}, CORS allowed? : ${doms.includes(dom)}`
+ );
+ if (doms.includes(dom)) {
+ callback(null, true);
+ } else {
+ console.log(`Origin is not allowed by CORS`);
+ callback(new Error("Not allowed by CORS"));
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ exposedHeaders: Object.keys(conf.api.exposedHeaders),
-app.use( cors( corsOptions ) );
-// Static Routes
+// Static Routes // try to use nginx route instead in comments
/*app.use( express.static( `${__dirname}/nationchains/tribes/${conf.mayorId}/www/cdn/public`, {
dotfiles: 'allow'
} ) );
-//Allow to public access a space dev delivered by apxtrib
-// this is just a static open route for dev purpose,
-// for production, we'll use a nginx static set to /www/app/appname
-/*console.log( `${conf.dnsapxtrib}/space/tribeid/website`, dataclient.appname );
-Object.keys( dataclient.appname )
- .forEach( cid => {
- dataclient.appname[ cid ].forEach( website => {
- app.use( `/space/${cid}/${website}`, express.static( `${conf.tribes}/${cid}/spacedev/${website}` ) );
- } )
- } );
// Routers add any routes from /routes and /plugins
-console.log( 'Routes available on this apxtrib instance' );
-console.log( routes );
-// prefix only use for dev purpose in production a proxy nginx redirect /app/ to node apxtrib
+console.log("Routes available on this apxtrib instance");
+routes.forEach((r) => {
+ try {
+ app.use(r.url, require(r.route));
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(
+ `\x1b[31m!!! WARNING issue with route ${r.route} from ${r.url} check err if route is key then solve err, if not just be aware that this route won't work on your server. If you are not the maintainer and no turn around please contact the email maintainer.\x1b[0m`
+ );
+ console.log("raise err-:", err);
+ }
-routes.forEach( r => {
- try {
- app.use( r.url, require( r.route ) );
- } catch ( err ) {
- console.log( `\x1b[31m!!! WARNING issue with route ${r.route} from ${r.url} check err if route is key then solve err, if not just be aware that this route won't work on your server. If you are not the maintainer and no turn around please contact the email maintainer.\x1b[0m` )
- console.log( 'raise err-:', err );
- }
-} )
-app.listen( conf.api.port, () => {
- console.log( `check in your browser that api works http://${conf.dns}:${conf.api.port}` );
-} );
-console.log( "\x1b[42m\x1b[37m", "Made with love for people's freedom, enjoy !!!", "\x1b[0m" );
+app.listen(conf.api.port, () => {
+ console.log(
+ `check in your browser that api works http://${conf.dns}:${conf.api.port}`
+ );
+ "\x1b[42m\x1b[37m",
+ "Made with love for people's freedom, enjoy !!!",
+ "\x1b[0m"
diff --git a/electedtown.json b/electedtown.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d929626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/electedtown.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nationchains/www/adminapx/nginx/nginx.conf.mustache b/nationchains/www/adminapx/ASUPnginx/nginx.conf.mustache
similarity index 100%
rename from nationchains/www/adminapx/nginx/nginx.conf.mustache
rename to nationchains/www/adminapx/ASUPnginx/nginx.conf.mustache
diff --git a/nationchains/www/adminapx/nginx/proxy_params.mustache b/nationchains/www/adminapx/ASUPnginx/proxy_params copy.mustache
similarity index 100%
rename from nationchains/www/adminapx/nginx/proxy_params.mustache
rename to nationchains/www/adminapx/ASUPnginx/proxy_params copy.mustache
diff --git a/nationchains/www/adminapx/ASUPnginx/proxy_params.mustache b/nationchains/www/adminapx/ASUPnginx/proxy_params.mustache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b73dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nationchains/www/adminapx/ASUPnginx/proxy_params.mustache
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
+ proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
+ client_max_body_size 10m;
+ client_body_buffer_size 128k;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 90;
+ proxy_send_timeout 90;
+ proxy_read_timeout 90;
+ proxy_buffers 32 4k;
+ proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nationchains/www/adminapx/index_en.html b/nationchains/www/adminapx/index_en.html
index 66a1a87..26b3456 100644
--- a/nationchains/www/adminapx/index_en.html
+++ b/nationchains/www/adminapx/index_en.html
@@ -3,33 +3,38 @@
Manage and understand apXtrib back-end