const express = require( 'express' ); const glob = require( 'glob' ); const path = require( 'path' ); // Classes const Odmdb = require( '../models/Odmdb.js' ); // Middlewares const checkHeaders = require( '../middlewares/checkHeaders' ); const isAuthenticated = require( '../middlewares/isAuthenticated' ); const hasAccessrighton = require( '../middlewares/hasAccessrighton' ); const router = express.Router(); router.get('/searchauth/:objectname/:question',checkHeaders,isAuthenticated,( req, res ) => { /** * * */ console.log( 'route referentials get all language' + req.params.objectname + '-' + req.params.question ); const getref = Referentials.getref( true, req.params.source, req.params.idref, req.session.header.xworkon, req.session.header.xlang ); // Return any status the data if any erreur return empty object res.jsonp( ); } ); router.get('schema/:objectname', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated,(req,res)=>{ /** * @api {get} /odmdb/schema/:objectname * @apiName GetSchema * @apiGroup Odmdb * * @apiUse apxHeader * * @apiParam {String} objectname Mandatory if headers.xworkon == nationchains then into ./nationchains/ else into ./tribes/xworkon/ * * @apiError (404) {string} info a key word to understand not found schema * @apiError (404) {string} ref an string to find referential to get description of info in xlang request * @apiError (404) {object} [moreinfo} an object with element to render ref_lg.json[info] to understand error * * @apiSuccess (200) {object} data contains schema requested * */ const fullpath = path.resolve(`${__dirname}/tribes/${req.session.header.xworkon}/schema/${req.params.pathobjectname}.json`); if (fs.existsSync(fullpath)){ res.status(200).json(data:fs.readJsonSync(fullpath)) }else{ res.status(404).json(info:"schemanotfound", ref:"odmdb", moreinfo:{fullpath}) } }) router.put('schema/:objectname', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated,(req,res)=>{ /** * @api {put} /odmdb/schema/:objectname * @apiName putSchema * @apiGroup Odmdb * * @apiUse apxHeader * * @apiParam {String} objectname Mandatory if headers.xworkon == nationchains then into ./nationchains/ else into ./tribes/xworkon/ * @apiBody {string} schemapath where to store schema .../schema * @apiBody {string} objectpath where to store object ...objectname/index/config.json * @apiBody {json} schema content * @apiBody {json} schemalang content in lg * @apiBody {string} lang define which schemalg is (2 letters) * * @apiError (404) {string} info a key word to understand not found schema * @apiError (404) {string} ref an string to find referential to get description of info in xlang request * @apiError (404) {object} [moreinfo} an object with element to render ref_lg.json[info] to understand error * * @apiSuccess (200) {object} data contains schema requested * */ const fullpath = path.resolve(`${__dirname}/tribes/${req.session.header.xworkon}/schema/${req.params.pathobjectname}.json`); const set=Odmdb.setObject(path.resolve(`${__dirname}/tribes/${req.session.header.xworkon}`),) if (fs.existsSync(fullpath)){ res.status(200).json(data:fs.readJsonSync(fullpath)) }else{ res.status(404).json(info:"schemanotfound", ref:"odmdb", moreinfo:{fullpath}) } }) module.exports = router;