const express = require("express"); const path = require("path"); // Classes const Towns = require("../models/Towns.js"); const Notifications = require("../models/Notifications.js"); // Middlewares const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders"); const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated"); const hasAccessrighton = require("../middlewares/hasAccessrighton"); const router = express.Router(); /* */ router.get("/changeowner/:alias",checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { /** * @api {get} /towns/ownershipr/:alias * @apiName Change owner of a town mayorId * @apiGroup Pagans * @param {string} alias an alias that will become owner of a town * @apiSuccess (200) {object} {ref:"towns",msg:"ownerchangesuccess",data: { alias } } * @apiError (404) {object} {ref:"towns",msg:"aliasnotallow",data: { alias} } * **/ res.send(Towns.changeowner(req.params.alias, req.session.header.alias)); }); router.get("/person/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { /** * @api {get} /pagans/person:alias * @apiName Is register check xalias and xhash * @apiGroup Pagans * @apiUse apxHeader * @param {string} alias that exist * @param {string} tribeId that exist with a person alias * @apiSuccess (200) {ref:"pagans",msg:"personexist",data: { person } } * @apiError (404) {ref:"pagans",msg:"persondoesnotexist",data: { person } } * * @todo check accessright for req.session.header.xalias to see if jhe can get person data * if req.param.alias == req.session.header.xalias => Owner * else need accessright to on person set at R * */ res.send(Pagans.getperson(req.params.alias, req.session.header.xtribe)); }); router.get("/isauth", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { /** * @api {get} /pagans/isauth * @apiName Is register check xalias and xhash * @apiGroup Pagans * @apiUse apxHeader * * @apiError (400) {object} status missingheaders / xalias does not exist / signaturefailled * @apiError (401) {object} alias anonymous (not authenticated) * @apiError (404) {string} tribe does not exist * * @apiSuccess (200) {object} data contains indexfile requested * */ res.send({ status: 200, ref: "headers", msg: "authenticated", data: { xalias: req.session.header.xalias, }, }); });"/", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { /** * @api {post} /pagans * @apiName Is register check xalias and xhash * @apiGroup Pagans * @apiUse apxHeader * * Create a pagan account from alias, publickey, if trusted recovery => * Create a person in xtribe/person/xalias.json with profil.auth={email,privatekey, passphrase} * Middleware isAuthenticated check that: * - xhash is well signed from private key linked to the publickey of alias * - check that alias does not already exist (if yes then verifiedsigne would be false) * Need to wait next block chain to be sure that alias is register in the blokchain */ console.log("pass ici", req.body); const feedback = { alias: req.body.alias, publickey: req.body.publickey }; const newpagan = Pagans.create(req.body.alias, req.body.publickey); if (newpagan.status == 200) { if ( { feedback.withemail = true; =; feedback.privatekey = req.body.privatekey; feedback.passphrase = req.body.passphrase; Notifications.send({ type: "email", from: "", dest: [], tpl: "registeremail", tribe: req.session.header.xtribe, data: feedback, }); } if (req.body.trustedtribe) { if ( { delete feedback.withemail; const persondata = { recovery: feedback }; res.send( Pagans.personupdate(req.body.alias, req.body.trustedtribe, persondata) ); } else { res.send({ status: 404, ref: "Pagans", msg: "tribedoesnotexist", data: { tribe: req.body.trustedtribe }, }); } } else { = feedback; res.send(newpagan); } } else { //error to create pagan res.send(newpagan); } }); router.put("/person", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { /** * @api {put} /pagans/person * @apiName Is register check xalias and xhash * @apiGroup Pagans * @apiUse apxHeader * * add/update a person = alias + tribe with specific accessright and specific schema link to tribe * @todo add tribe/schema/person.json */ console.log(req.body); res.send( Pagans.personupdate(req.body.alias, req.session.header.xtribe, req.body) ); }); router.delete("/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { /** * @api {delete} /pagans/:alias * @apiName Is register check xalias and xhash * @apiGroup Pagans * @apiUse apxHeader * */ console.log(`DELETE pagans nationchains/pagans/${req.params.alias}.json`); const result = Pagans.delete(, req.session.header); res.status(result.status).send(; }); router.get("/keyrecovery/:tribeid/:email", checkHeaders, (req, res) => { /** * @api {get} /pagans/keyrecovery/tribe/email * @apiName apxtrib * @apiGroup Pagans * * * * @apiError (400) {object} status missingheaders / xalias does not exist / signaturefailled * @apiError (401) {object} alias anonymous (not authenticated) * @apiError (404) {string} tribe does not exist * * @apiSuccess (200) {object} data contains indexfile requested * */ res.send(Pagans.keyrecovery(req.params.tribeId,; }); module.exports = router;