const express = require("express"); const path = require("path"); // Classes const Wwws = require("../models/Wwws.js"); // Middlewares const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders"); const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated"); const hasAccessrighton = require("../middlewares/hasAccessrighton"); const router = express.Router(); /** * To manage an nginx conf * */ router.get("/tribes/:tribeId", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { /** * @api {get} /www/tribes/:tribeId * @apiName Get list of application Name * @apiGroup Www * * @apiUse apxHeader * * @apiParam {String} tribeId Mandatory that have to exist in current town and * * @apiError (404) {string} status the folder does not exist * @apiError (404) {string} ref objectmodel to get in the right language * @apiError (404) {string} msg key to get template from objectmodel * @apiError (404) {object} data use to www's model: 'Www' } );render lg/objectmodel_lg.json * * @apiSuccess (200) {object} data contains liste of www conf of a tribe * */ res.send(Www.configlist(req.params.tribeId)); });"/:webappname", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => { /** * Create a space web /tribes/www/webappname * * * */ res.send(Wwws.create(req.params.tribeId)); }); module.exports = router;