const fs = require("fs-extra"); const path = require("path"); const dnsSync = require("dns-sync"); const mustache = require("mustache"); const readlineSync = require("readline-sync"); const conf = fs.existsSync("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json") ? require("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json") : {}; const Wwws = {}; Wwws.apxtribinstall = (paramconf) => { /** * First install for a setup * */ if (fs.existsSync("../../nationchains/www/nginx_adminapx.conf")) { console.log("You already have a conf on this town"); process.exit(); } //first install const nginxconf = fs.readFileSync( "../../nationchains/www/adminapx/static/tpl/nginx.conf.mustache", "utf8" ); const proxyparams = fs.readFileSync( "../../nationchains/www/adminapx/static/tpl/nginxproxy_params.mustache", "utf8" ); // saved and change nginx conf if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved")) { fs.moveSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved"); console.log( "your previous /etc/nginx/nginx.conf was backup in /etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved" ); } fs.outputFileSync( "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", mustache.render(nginxconf, paramconf), "utf8" ); fs.outputFileSync( "/etc/nginx/proxy_params", mustache.render(proxyparams, paramconf), "utf8" ); if (!fs.existsSync(paramconf.nginx.logs)) fs.mkdirSync(paramconf.nginx.logs); paramconf.nginx.firstinstall = true; fs.outputJsonSync("../../nationchains/tribes/conf.json", paramconf, { space: 2, }); return Www.create(paramconf.nginx); }; Wwws.create = (paramnginx) => { /** * Create an nginx conf to make available https://adminapx on a local network * paramconf nginx.fswww place where the www folder is /tribeId/ */ const res = { status: 200, ref: "Www", msg: "successfulwww", data: { website: }, }; const nginxwebsite = fs.readFileSync( "../../nationchains/www/adminapx/static/tpl/nginxmodelwebsite.conf.mustache", "utf8" ); fs.outputFileSync( `./${paramnginx.fswww}www/nginx_${}.conf`, mustache.render(nginxwebsite, paramnginx), "utf8" ); if (!fs.existsSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/${}`)) { //See later how to generate specific template of webapp fs.mkdirSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/${}`); } if (!fs.existsSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/cdn`)) { //See later how to generate specific template of webapp fs.mkdirSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/cdn`); } //restart nginx const { exec } = require("child_process"); exec(paramnginx.restart, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { if (paramnginx.firstinstall) { console.log("\x1b[42m", error, stdout, stderr, "x1b[0m"); } //@todo supprimer la derniere config et relancer res.status = 500; res.msg = "nginxError"; = { msg: `${error}
${stderr}` }; } else { if (paramnginx.firstinstall) { // the tribes/conf.json is saved in apxtribinstall console.log( `\x1b[42m###########################################################################################\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42mWellcome into apxtrib, you can now 'yarn dev' for dev or 'yarn startpm2' for prod or \n'yarn unittest' for testing purpose. Access to your town here \x1b[0m\x1b[32mhttp://adminapx\x1b[0m \x1b[42m \nto finish your town setup. Don't forget to set your localhost /etc/hosts by adding adminapx or {LAN IP} adminapx . Check README's project to learn more. \x1b[0m\n\x1b[42m###########################################################################################\x1b[0m` ); } else { // add website to tribe conf } } }); return res; }; Wwws.setssl = () => { // Run process to change nginx conf to get a ssl }; Wwws.configlist = (tribeId) => { //if accessright R return list of conf parameter {webapp:{conf parameter}} const res = { status: 200, data: {} }; return res; }; module.exports = Wwws;