{ "ERRcritical": "Critical Error", "loginAlreadyExist": "Login already exists", "emailAlreadyExist":"Email already exists", "failtoWritefs":"Fail to write on system", "successfullCreate": "Successfully created", "successfullDelete": "Successfully deleted", "serverNeedAuthentification":"This server needs authentification", "forbiddenAccess":"Forbidden Access", "userNotAllowtoCreate":"User is not allow to create", "userNotAllowtoUpdate":"User is not allow to update", "userNotAllowtoDelet":"User is not allow to delete", "uuidNotFound":"Paggans {{uuid}} not found for {{tribeName}}", "useremailNotfound":"Email not found", "loginDoesNotExist":" Login does not exist", "checkCredentials":" Check yopur credentials" "wrongPassword":"Check your password", "invalidData":"Check your data", "pswToosimple":"Password too simple, need to contain at least 8 caracters lower and uppercase, number and @! ...", "ERRemail":"Check your email", "ERRnewnewbisdiff":"Both password are not the same", "paganiddesc":"unique id", "paganiddesclong":"Unique Identification based on UUID.v4()", "paganidinfo":"
UUID v4 allow a client to generate a unique code without centralisation, base on a timestamp and a salt it looks like 7d8291c0-e137-11e8-9f7b-1dc8e57bed33
", "logindesc":"login", "logininfo":"Login have to be unique into a town (composed of letter: a to z and 0 to 9)
To exchange outside of a town, we use PublicKey / uuid or login@tribeId.townId.nationId.dns
", "pswdesc":"A strong password minimum 8char uper lower number specialm char", "biographydesc":"Few words about you", "publickeyinfo":"This key was generated by your browser, keep the private key related to this public key.
We garanty your total control by this way
.", "imgavatardesc":"Upload an avatar", "imgavatarinfo":"For best results, use an image at least 128px by 128px in .jpg format", "emaildesc":"Email de recuperation de mot de passe", "telephonedesc":"Phone", "familyNamedesc":"Last name", "givenNamedesc":"First name", "additionalNamedesc":"Nickname", "additionalNamesinfo":"Carrefull a pseudo is unique into an instance of apxtrib to be sure to contact the right person check pseudo@ domain
.Pseudo can be changed that is not the case of login.
", "dtcreatedesc":"Creation date", "dtupdatedesc":"last update", "dtlastlogindesc":"Last login access", "accessrightsdesc":"Your accessrigts" }