const fs = require( 'fs-extra' ); const glob = require( 'glob' ); const path = require( 'path' ); const config = require( '../config.js' ); const hasAccessrighton = ( object, action, ownby ) => { /* @action (mandatory) : CRUDO @object (mandatory)= name of a folder object in /tribeid space can be a tree for example objects/items @ownby (option) = list des uuid propriƩtaire return next() if all action exist in[UUID][object] OR if last action ="O" and uuid exist in ownBy Careffull if you have many action CRO let O at the end this will force req.right at true if the owner try an action on this object */ return ( req, res, next ) => { //console.log( 'err.stack hasAccessrights', err.statck ) //console.log( `test accessright on object:${object} for ${req.session.header.xworkon}:`,[ req.session.header.xpaganid ][ req.session.header.xworkon ] ) req.right = false; if([ req.session.header.xpaganid ][ req.session.header.xworkon ] &&[ req.session.header.xpaganid ][ req.session.header.xworkon ][ object ] ) { req.right = true; [ ...action ].forEach( a => { if( a == "O" && ownby && ownby.includes( req.session.header.xpaganid ) ) { req.right = true; } else { req.right = req.right &&[ req.session.header.xpaganid ][ req.session.header.xworkon ][ object ].includes( a ) } } ) } //console.log( 'Access data autorise? ', req.right ) if( !req.right ) { return res.status( 403 ) .send( { info: [ 'forbiddenAccess' ], model: 'middleware', moreinfo: 'no auth to act on this object' } ) } next(); } } module.exports = hasAccessrighton;