forked from apxtri/apxtrib
2023-11-05 12:03:25 +01:00

275 lines
10 KiB

"100": {
"description": "Continue",
"examples": [
"Continue with the data transfer.",
"You may proceed with the next part of the request.",
"The server is ready for the next step in the request."
"101": {
"description": "Switching Protocols",
"examples": [
"The server is changing the protocol on the request.",
"The protocol used for this request is being upgraded.",
"Switching to a different communication protocol."
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"examples": [
"The operation was successful.",
"The request has been successfully completed.",
"Everything is fine, and the request is successful."
"201": {
"description": "Created",
"examples": [
"A new resource has been successfully created.",
"The request resulted in the creation of a new resource.",
"Your request has led to the creation of a new item."
"202": {
"description": "Accepted",
"examples": [
"The request has been accepted for processing.",
"Your request has been acknowledged and queued for processing.",
"We've received your request and will take action."
"204": {
"description": "No Content",
"examples": [
"The request was successful, but there is no response body.",
"Your request was processed, but there's nothing to show in the response.",
"This request did not return any content."
"206": {
"description": "Partial Content",
"examples": [
"The server is returning part of the requested data.",
"You requested a range of data, and we're sending a portion of it.",
"Here's a partial response to your request."
"300": {
"description": "Multiple Choices",
"examples": [
"The request has multiple possible responses, and the user or client must choose one.",
"We can fulfill your request in several ways. Please choose one.",
"You have multiple options for the requested resource."
"301": {
"description": "Moved Permanently",
"examples": [
"The requested resource has permanently moved to a new location.",
"This resource is no longer available here; it's moved to a new address.",
"The URL you're looking for has been permanently redirected."
"302": {
"description": "Found",
"examples": [
"The requested resource is temporarily located at a different URL.",
"You can find what you're looking for at a different address for now.",
"The resource you want is temporarily located elsewhere."
"304": {
"description": "Not Modified",
"examples": [
"The requested resource has not been modified since the specified time.",
"Your cached data is still up-to-date; there have been no changes.",
"The server confirms that your data is current."
"400": {
"description": "Bad Request",
"examples": [
"The request is malformed or invalid.",
"Something is wrong with the request parameters.",
"Your request does not meet the server's requirements."
"401": {
"description": "Unauthorized",
"examples": [
"Authentication is required, and the user or client failed to provide valid credentials.",
"You must log in or provide valid credentials to access this resource.",
"Access is restricted. Please provide valid authentication."
"403": {
"description": "Forbidden",
"examples": [
"Access to the requested resource is forbidden.",
"You do not have permission to access this resource.",
"Sorry, but you're not allowed to access this."
"404": {
"description": "Not Found",
"examples": [
"The requested resource does not exist on the server.",
"The server could not find the page you're looking for.",
"Sorry, but what you're searching for isn't here."
"405": {
"description": "Method Not Allowed",
"examples": [
"The HTTP method used in the request is not allowed for the requested resource.",
"The server does not support the method you're trying to use.",
"This resource does not allow the requested HTTP method."
"406": {
"description": "Not Acceptable",
"examples": [
"The requested resource cannot provide a response that is acceptable according to the request's headers.",
"We cannot provide the response you expect based on your request headers.",
"Sorry, but we can't fulfill your request as specified."
"407": {
"description": "Proxy Authentication Required",
"examples": [
"Authentication is required to access the requested resource via a proxy.",
"To access this resource through a proxy, you must provide valid authentication.",
"Please provide valid credentials for proxy access."
"408": {
"description": "Request Timeout",
"examples": [
"The server did not receive a complete request within the expected time.",
"Your request took too long to arrive at the server.",
"Sorry, your request has timed out."
"409": {
"description": "Conflict",
"examples": [
"The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource.",
"There's a conflict with the current state of the resource; please try again.",
"Sorry, there's a conflict with the requested action."
"410": {
"description": "Gone",
"examples": [
"The requested resource is no longer available and has been intentionally removed.",
"The resource you're looking for is gone and will not return.",
"This resource has been permanently removed."
"411": {
"description": "Length Required",
"examples": [
"The server requires a content length to be specified in the request headers.",
"Your request is missing a required content length header.",
"Please include a 'Content-Length' header in your request."
"412": {
"description": "Precondition Failed",
"examples": [
"A precondition in the request headers was not met.",
"The server expected certain conditions to be met, but they were not.",
"Sorry, the required conditions were not fulfilled."
"413": {
"description": "Request Entity Too Large",
"examples": [
"The request entity is too large for the server to process.",
"Your request body is too big for us to handle.",
"Please reduce the size of your request entity."
"414": {
"description": "Request-URI Too Long",
"examples": [
"The URI provided in the request is too long for the server to process.",
"The URL in your request is excessively long; please shorten it.",
"The request URI you provided is too lengthy."
"415": {
"description": "Unsupported Media Type",
"examples": [
"The server cannot process the request because the media type is not supported.",
"We cannot handle the content type you specified.",
"Sorry, we do not support the requested media type."
"416": {
"description": "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
"examples": [
"The requested range cannot be satisfied by the server.",
"We cannot provide the content range you requested.",
"Sorry, but we cannot fulfill the requested content range."
"417": {
"description": "Expectation Failed",
"examples": [
"The server could not meet the expectations specified in the request's Expect header.",
"We were unable to fulfill the expectations you set in your request headers.",
"Sorry, but we could not meet your expectations."
"500": {
"description": "Internal Server Error",
"examples": [
"Something went wrong on the server's end.",
"We apologize, but an unexpected error occurred.",
"The server is currently experiencing technical difficulties."
"501": {
"description": "Not Implemented",
"examples": [
"The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.",
"Sorry, but the requested functionality is not available on this server.",
"We have not implemented the feature you're looking for."
"502": {
"description": "Bad Gateway",
"examples": [
"The server acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the upstream server.",
"The gateway or proxy received an unexpected response from the upstream server.",
"Sorry, there's an issue with the gateway or proxy."
"503": {
"description": "Service Unavailable",
"examples": [
"The server is temporarily unavailable to handle the request.",
"We're currently unavailable due to maintenance; please try again later.",
"Sorry, the service is not available right now."
"504": {
"description": "Gateway Timeout",
"examples": [
"The server acting as a gateway or proxy did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.",
"We're experiencing a timeout while waiting for the upstream server.",
"Sorry, but there's a timeout issue with the gateway."
"505": {
"description": "HTTP Version Not Supported",
"examples": [
"The HTTP version used in the request is not supported by the server.",
"Your client is using an unsupported HTTP version; please update.",
"Sorry, but we do not support the HTTP version used in your request."