adminapi init

This commit is contained in:
philc 2024-10-30 16:20:47 +01:00
parent 46e4b2b37b
commit 110cf1c2c6
51 changed files with 9100 additions and 2 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
# Except those folder
@ -11,4 +13,6 @@

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@ -1,3 +1,94 @@
# adminapi
# apXtri
## Context
**A community of SAAS Hosters** (Software As A Service), a full solution to create a decentralized economy for Sys Admin, web dev (back/front/fullstack), entrepreneur, producer, consummer.
**apXtri a DAO** (Decentralize Autonomous Organization), synchronize many nodes (server) called "town" that respects set of rules (called "nation"). A user called a "pagan" has a unique alias anonymous (or not) identity link to a PGP key pair (public/private) that allow him to sign any action to proof the ownership of an alias.
A node (town) can host group of people called a tribe. Each tribe has a web space (public or private) to host web app or page as well as api endpoint. Any user (Pagan) can join a tribe and becoming a person into a tribe define by the tribe owner.
**Rules management** works like russian dolls, a tribe define its onw rules that respect by design the towns rules, that respect the nation rules. Any user actions under rules are store into a blockchain. The blockchain is manage by each town owner.
## Tech in actions
apXtri, use open source tools to be easily auditable and respect the RESTFull api concept.
- ubuntu LTS (desktop for dev, server for production)
- nginx to serve https web page and proxy serve api services
- node.js / express.js to provide endpoint in a routes/models
- JSON schema to define some item collection
## Get support
The adminapi endpoint doc are documented here
Training is under working, for entrepreneur that have ingenior skills but not IT skills, to help to become atonomous in managing an apXtri node as well to dev some web interface and endpoint to dev a full SAAS.
Contact for any help.
## Installation
adminapi is a special tribe that rules all tribes to provide a SAAS solution easy to customize as a node.js dev.
### Tech pre-request
#### For dev:
Install an ubuntu desktop machine
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install git vim libcap2-bin p7zip-full p7zip-rar curl nginx
In the next step replace {apxuser} by the login user you used to install ubuntu
**Only if you want to create a specific user** in your desktop :
$ sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/{apxuser} -c "{apxuser}" {apxuser}
$ sudo passwd {apxuser}
$ sudo usermod -aG sudo {apxuser}
# Switch to the new user:
$ su {apxuser}
In anycase continue with:
$ sudo visudo
# Add the following line to the file:
$ {apxuser} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
$ mkdir ~apxtowns/dev-ants
$ sudo echo " dev-ants" > /etc/hosts
# Install the latest version of nvm (check the website for the latest version:
$ curl -o- | bash
# Close and re-open the terminal under the apxuser
$ nvm --version
# Then recheck the nvm version
$ nvm --version
# Install Node.js, npm, and yarn. Follow the online instructions to update the configuration properly.
$ nvm install node
$ node --version # to check the Node.js version
$ npm install --global yarn
$ yarn --version # to check the yarn version
$ mkdir ~/apxtowns # if it does not exist
$ mkdir ~/apxtowns/dev-ants
$ cd ~/apxtowns/dev-ants
$ sudo chown {apxuser}:root /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
$ git clone
$ yarn install
$ yarn dev
Open http://dev-ants in your browser after installation. you are ready to dev in adminapi or in your tribe by following the web interface.
You can create a git project of your tribe, we add a default .gitignore to not ignore data store in object.
If you want to contribute fixing bug, add new features in adminapi please push in your branch and send an email to
#### For production
Start gate to apxtri

apxtri/apxchat.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer(app);
const { Server } = require("");
const io = new Server(server);
const nodepgp = require('node-pgp'); // ou une autre bibliothèque PGP
const openpgp = require("openpgp");
// ... (initialisation de nodepgp)
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
// Gestion de la connexion d'un utilisateur
// ...
socket.on('message', async (data) => {
// Vérifier si le destinataire est connecté
// ...
// Générer une nouvelle clé de session
const sessionKey = await nodepgp.generateKey({
bits: 2048,
type: 'rsa'
// Chiffrer le message avec la clé publique du destinataire et la clé de session
const encryptedMessage = await nodepgp.encrypt({
message: data.message,
publicKeys: [destinataire.publicKey],
signingKeys: [sessionKey.privateKey]
// Envoyer la clé de session chiffrée avec la clé publique du destinataire
// et le message chiffré au destinataire'message', {
message: encryptedMessage,
sessionKey: await nodepgp.encrypt({
message: sessionKey.publicKey,
publicKeys: [destinataire.publicKey]
server.listen(3030, () => {
console.log('apxchat listening on *:3030');

apxtri/apxtri.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
//const { argv } = require("process");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
//const mustache = require("mustache");
const bodyParser = require("body-parser");
const glob = require("glob");
const path = require("path");
const Mustache = require("mustache");
const hosts = require("hosts");
const cors = require("cors");
const express = require("express");
const process = require("process");
SEE to start
const apxtri = {};
apxtri.main = async () => {
if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf")) {
"\x1b[31m Check documentation, nginx have to be installed on this server first, no /etc/nginx/nginx.conf available, install then rerun yarn command."
if (
fs.existsSync("../adminapi/objects/tribes/idx/tribes_dns.json") &&
) {
} else {
await apxtri.setup();
//const conf = require(path.resolve(`../itm/adminapi.json`));
//const conf = fs.readJsonSync(`../adminapi/objects/tribes/idx/tribes_dns.json`);
//let doms = conf.dns; // only dns of town during the init process
//let tribelist;
/*if (!fs.existsSync(`../adminapi/objects/tribes/idx/tribes_dns.json`)) {
console.log("ERROR,Missing ../adminapi/objects/tribes/idx/tribes_dns.json");
/* const tribesdns = fs.readJsonSync(`../adminapi/objects/tribes/idx/tribes_dns.json`);
let doms=[]
for (const tribe in tribedns){
if (!doms.includes(d)) doms.push(d);
apxtri.setup = async () => {
console.log("Warning, this is a first install");
const initadminapi = fs.readJsonSync("../adminapi/apxtri/initadminapi.json");
try {
initadminapi.townpath = __dirname.replace("/adminapi/apxtri", "");
const townnation = initadminapi.townpath.split("/").slice(-1)[0].split("-");
initadminapi.townId = townnation[0];
initadminapi.nationId = townnation[1];
} catch (err) {
console.log("Your town folder must be something townid-nation");
initadminapi.sudoUser = process.env.USER;
// Loop in initadminapi.urlinit until one answer
/*const headers = {
xtrkversion: 1,
xtribe: "adminapi",
xapp: "apx",
xlang: "fr",
xalias: "anonymous",
xhash: "anonymous",
xdays: 0,
xuuid: "0",
// add in crontab each day
// find /home/phil/apxtowns/dev-ants/adminapi/objects -type d -name "nations" -o -name "towns" -o -name "pagans" -o -name "tplstring" -o -name "wwws" | tar -cvzf /home/phil/dev-ants/adminapi/objects/wwws/cdn/share/setupobjects.tar.gz
for (url of initadminapi.urlinit) {
if (!fs.existsSync("../objects/nations")) {
const urlinit = `${url}/api/adminapi/wwws/updatelocaldbanonymous/adminapi/apx/blockchain/0`;
const getdata = await fetch(urlinit, { headers: headers });
if (getdata.ok) { {
"name": "tribes_dns",
"keyval": "tribeId",
"type": "view",
"objkey": [
"filter": ""
const data = await getdata.json();
Object.keys( => {
//idxname contain the real name of the index to use
// save each itm to init data
Object.keys([o]).forEach((i) => {
if (!fs.existsSync("../adminapi/objects/nations")) {
`Sorry, check process that was not able to init your adminapi/objects `
{ space: 2 }
fs.outputJSONSync("../adminapi/objects/tribes/conf.json", {
name: "tribes",
schema: "adminapi/schema/tribes.json",
lastupdate: 0,
fs.outputJSONSync("../adminapi/objects/tribes/idx/lst_tribeId.json", [
fs.outputJSONSync("../adminapi/objects/tribes/idx/tribes_dns.json", {
adminapi: initadminapi.dns,
const idxadminapi = {
adminapi: {
tribeId: "adminapi",
dns: initadminapi.dns,
status: initadminapi.status,
nationId: initadminapi.nationId,
townId: initadminapi.townId,
fs.outputJSONSync("../adminapi/objects/tribes/idx/tribes.json", idxadminapi, {
space: 2,
// check nginx conf and eventually adapt
let etcnginx = fs.readFileSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf")
const etcnginxlines=etcnginx.slipt("\n");
if (etcnginx.slipt("\n")[0] !== `user ${initadminapi.sudoUser};`){
const nginxmain = fs.readFileSync("../adminapi/apxtri/setup/nginx.maincf");
const nginxapx = fs.readFileSync("./nginx/nginx.wwwscf");
Mustache.render(nginxmain, initadminapi, "utf-8")
Mustache.render(nginxapx, initadminapi, "utf-8")
if (!hosts.exists("", "apx.adminapi")) {
hosts.add("", "apx.adminapi");
const { exec } = require("child_process");
exec(initadminapi.nginx.restart, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.log("\x1b[42m", error, stdout, stderr, "x1b[0m");
} else {
`\x1b[42m###################################################################\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42mWellcome into apxtri, you can now 'yarn dev' for dev or 'yarn startpm2' for prod or \n'yarn unittest' for testing purpose. Access to your town here \x1b[0m\x1b[32mhttp://apx.adminapî\x1b[0m \x1b[42m \n\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42m###########################################################################################\x1b[0m`
apxtri.runexpress = async (tribesdns, conf) => {
const Odmdb = require(path.resolve("./apxtri/models/Odmdb.js"));
let tribeIds = Object.keys(tribesdns);
// context is store in /itm/tribename.json ={contexte:{routes:[],models:[{model:,tplstringslg:[]}]}
// routes={url,route} check how to add plugin tribe route later
// keep only the 2 last part (.) of domain name to validate cors with it (generic domain)
let routes = [];
let doms = [];
tribeIds.forEach((t) => {
tribesdns[t].forEach((d) => {
const dm = d.split(".").slice(-2).join(".");
if (!doms.includes(dm)) doms.push(dm);
//reindex database attention check dev-ants/.. a bug was fixed
glob.sync(`../${t}/objects/*`).forEach((o) => {
console.log(t, o);
const context = {};
const pathtr = path.resolve(`../${t}`);
context.routes = [];
tribroutes = glob.sync(`${pathtr}/apxtri/routes/*.js`).map((f) => {
const rt = `/${t}/${path.basename(f, ".js")}`;
return { url: rt, route: f };
context.models = glob.sync(`${pathtr}/apxtri/models/*.js`).map((f) => {
const modname = `${path.basename(f, ".js")}`;
return {
model: modname,
tplstrings: glob
.map((l) => path.basename(l, ".json").split("_")[1]),
//const conft = `../itm/${t}.json`;
//const ctx = fs.readJsonSync(conft);
//ctx.context = context;
//fs.outputJSONSync(conft, ctx, { spaces: 2 });
routes = routes.concat(tribroutes);
const app = express();
// load express parameter from conf
Object.keys(conf.api.appset).forEach((p) => {
app.set(p, conf.api.appset[p]);
// To set depending of data form or get size to send
// To set depending of post put json data size to send
app.disable("x-powered-by"); // for security
app.locals.tribeids = tribeIds;
const currentmod = "Odmdb";
const log = conf.api.activelog
? conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod)
: false;
" Allowed DOMs to access to this apxtri server:",
console.log(currentmod, " app.locals.tribeids", app.locals.tribeids);
// Cors management
let originlst = "test";
doms.forEach((d) => {
originlst += `|${d.replace(/\./g, "\\.")}`;
const regtxt = `^http.?:\/\/(${originlst})`;
let cor = false;
const regorigin = new RegExp(regtxt);
app.use((req, res, next) => {
if (req.headers.origin == undefined) {
cor = true;
} else {
cor = regorigin.test(req.headers.origin);
if (!cor)
`The domain name ${req.headers.origin} is not allow to access for CORS settings, add it in itm/tribename.json in dns`
origin: cor,
allowedHeaders: conf.api.exposedHeaders,
exposedHeaders: conf.api.exposedHeaders,
credentials: true,
preflightContinue: false,
optionsSuccessStatus: 204,
// Routers add any routes from /routes and /plugins
let logroute = "Routes available on this apxtri instance: \n";
routes.forEach((r) => {
try {
logroute += r.url.padEnd(30, " ") + r.route + "\n";
app.use(r.url, require(r.route));
} catch (err) {
logroute += " (err check it module.exports=router;? or ...)\n======\n ";
console.log("raise err-:", err);
if (log) {
console.log(currentmod, logroute);
if (process.env.NODE_MODE == "dev")
`\x1b[42m############################################################################################\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42mThis is dev conf accessible in http://dev-ants to switch this as production, you must run:\n 1 - 'yarn dev nationId:ants townId:dev dns:dev-ants' to conf your town and check it.\n 2 - 'yarn startpm2'\n Where:\n\x1b[42m * nationId have to exist in the nationchains\n * townId new or if exist must have the same current dns,\n * dns domaine that has to redirect 80/443 into this server.\n Check README's project to learn more.\x1b[0m\n To work with apxweb for the front use http://dev-ants/apxwebapp/www/websitename/src/index.html to use the api during dev process\n\x1b[42m############################################################################################\x1b[0m`
//Listen event file for each tribe
// @TODO à ajouter ici
app.listen(conf.api.port, () => {
let webaccess = `api waits request on port:${conf.api.port} for`;
conf.dns.forEach((u) => {
webaccess += `${u}/api/ `;
if (log) console.log(currentmod, webaccess);
"Made with love for people's freedom, enjoy !!!",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const currentmod='checkHeaders';
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod)
* @api {get} / - CheckHeaders
* @apiGroup Middlewares
* @apiName CheckHeaders
* @apiDescription a list of headers are mandatory to access apxtri see in your space town /conf.json.exposedHeaders
* @apiHeader {string} xalias 'anonymous' or unique alias
* @apiHeader {string} xapp name of the webapp store in tribe/tribeid/www/{xapp}
* @apiHeader {string} xlang the 2 letter request langage (if does not exist then return en = english).
* @apiHeader {string} xtribe unique tribe name where xapp exist
* @apiHeader {string} xdays a timestamp 0 or generate during the authentifyme process
* @apiHeader {string} xhash anonymous or signature of message: xalias_xdays created by alias private key during authentifyme process
* @apiHeader {array[]} xprofils list of string profil apply into xtribe for xapp
* @apiHeader {string} xuuid a unique number uuid.v4 created the fisrt time a domain is visited on a device
* @apiHeader {integer} xtrkversion a version number link to tracking system
* @apiHeaderExample {json} Header-Example for anonymous:
* {
* "xtrkversion":1,
* "xtribe":"smatchit",
* "xapp":"presentation",
* "xlang":"fr",
* "xalias":"anonymous",
* "xhash":"anonymous",
* "xdays":0
* }
* @apiHeaderExample {json} Header-Example:
* {
* Cache-Control: "no-cache",
* Expires: 0, Pragma:"no-cache",
* xalias:"jojo",
* xapp:"presentation",
* xdays:1700733068298
* xlang:"fr",
* xprofils:["anonymous", "pagans"],
* xtribe:"smatchit",
* xtrkversion:1,
* xuuid:"ea1cf73f-27f5-4c69-ab53-197a0feab9b2"
* }
* @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response:
* HTTP/1/1 400 Not Found
* {
* status:400,
* ref:"middlewares",
* msg:"missingheaders",
* data:["headermissing1"]
* }
* @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response:
* HTTP/1/1 404 Not Found
* {
* status:404,
* ref:"middlewares"
* msg:"tribeiddoesnotexist",
* data: {xalias}
* }
const checkHeaders = (req, res, next) => {
req.session = {};
const header = {};
if (!req.header("xlang") && req.header("Content-Language"))
req.params.xlang = req.header("Content-Language");
let missingheader = [];
if (log) console.log(currentmod," req.headers", req.headers);
for (const h of conf.api.exposedHeaders) {
if (log) console.log(currentmod, h, req.header( h ) )
if (req.params[h]) {
header[h] = req.params[h];
} else if (req.header(h)) {
header[h] = req.header(h);
} else {
if (log) console.log( currentmod, ' pass header', header )
// store in session the header information
req.session.header = header;
// Each header have to be declared
if (missingheader.length>0) {
// bad request
return res.status(400).json({
ref: "middlewares",
msg: "missingheader",
data: {missingheader},
//console.log( )
// xtribe == "town" is used during the setup process
// xtribe == "adminapi" is used to access /adminapi
if (
["town","adminapi"].includes(header.xtribe) ||
) {
return res.status(404).json({
ref: "middlewares",
msg: "tribeiddoesnotexist",
data: { xtribe: header.xtribe },
if (!conf.api.languages.includes(header.xlang)) {
const info="warning language requested does not exist force to english";
if (log) console.log(currentmod, info);
console.log(,currentmod, req.header("xtribe"),info);
header.xlang = "en";
//set anonymous profil
module.exports = checkHeaders;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Documentation Best practices

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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
## api users and backend developers
api documentation for routes and middleware has to respect apidoc's rules []( 
To update this doc accessible in []( :
 `$ tribe=adminapi yarn apidoc` 
For api tribe's doc  accessible in []( [:]( 
`$ tribe=smatchit yarn apidoc`
To get overview check project and the package.json [](
A special tribe call adminapi in any towns (node), it works the same than all the other tribe except that all their data are synchronize with a blockchain 
Objects manage by adminapi are: pagans (numerique id =alias/public key / private key), notifications (cypher message betxeen alias) , nations (rules apply to all towns belonging to a nations), towns ( a server that host IT ressources disk space, ram, bandwith and rules aplly to all tribe belonging to a town), tribes (( a sharing space to store data as well as api with rules to any person that use it), wwws (web space, dns)
## Object management (Odmdb)
An object has a name and is defined by a schema that contain properties key.
A propertie has a name and a list of caracteristics (type, pattern,format,...) that have to be validate to be accepted.
All properties respect the rules [,](,) some extra"format" can be add to mutualise recurrent regex pattern
To access a schema []( and language is set by the header in xlang
A checkjson.js is available to manage all specific format []( see **Odmdb - schema Checkjson**
**required**: an array of required properties
**Additional properties that not exist in 2020-12/schema :**
**apxid**: the propertie used as an unique id
**apxuniquekey**: array of unique properties
**apxidx** : array of index definition
**apxaccessrights**: object with key profilname and accessrights on properties {profilname:{C:\[properties array\],R:\[properties array\],U:\[\],D:\[\]}}
Items of an object are store in files into :  
## Accessrights:
An alias is just an identity, to access a tribe, a person must exist with an authenticated alias into /tribes/{tribename}/objects/persons/itm/{alias}.json
A person has a property profils with a list of profilename, common profiles are : anonymous (no identity) / pagan (an identity)  / person (an identity with access right into a tribe) / druid (the administrator of a tribe) / mayor (administrator of a town/server)/ and any profil can be define for a tribe
Each object has an apxaccessrights that is a list of profil and CRUD access per object key.
Example: owner on this object cab create delete an item is own, can read a list of propertie and update only some.
"owner": {
"C" : [],
"D": [],
"R": ["alias","owner","profils","firstname","lastname","dt_birth"],
"U": ["firstname","lastname","dt_birth"]
## api pre-request
API Endpoint url: **/api/{tribename}/{routename}/xxx**
Domaine name can be a adminapi donaim name aswell any tribe's domain  name. Check nginx conf in /tribename/nginx 
**Valid header see Middlewares**
App use openpgp.js lib to sign xalias\_xdays  (xdays a timestamp integer in miilisecond from Unix Epoch) with a privatekey and store it in xhash.
/middlewares/isAuthenticated.js check if (xhash) is a valid signature of the public key a xhash is valid for 24 hours
See Pagans models that contain authentification process
**api Return in 3 data structure:**
A - data file from a classical get  [](
B -  a json single answer **{status, ref,msg,data}:**
* status: http code return
* ref: model/route name reference where message come from
* msg: a message template key store into models/lg/name\_lg.json (where lg is 2 letters language)
* data: an object data use to render the value of the message key.
C - a json multi answer **{status,multimsg:\[{ref,msg,data}\]}**
         Each {ref,msg,data\] work the same way than B
To show feedback context message in a language lg => get /api/adminapi/objects/tplstrings/{{model}}\_{{lg}}.json
This contain a json {msg:"mustache template string to render with data"}  
## Add tribe's api:
Accessible with https://dns/api/tribename/routename/
// Example of a route
const tribe="smatchit";
const conftrib = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/${tribe}.json`);
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const express = require(`../../../adminapi/apxtri/node_modules/express`);
const fs = require(`../../../adminapi/apxtri/node_modules/fs-extra`);
const Nofications = require(`../../../adminapi/apxtri/models/Notifications.js`);
const Appscreens = require(`../models/Appscreens`);
const router=express.Router();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
//const path=require('path');
const glob = require("glob");
// To debug it could be easier with source code:
// const openpgp = require("/media/phil/usbfarm/apxtri/node_modules/openpgp/dist/node/openpgp.js");
const openpgp = require("openpgp");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const currentmod='isAuthenticated';
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod)
* @api {get} / - isAuthenticated
* @apiGroup Middlewares
* @apiName isAuthenticated
* @apiDescription - valid if exist xalias_xdays_xhash.substr(20,200) in town/tmp/tokens/
* - if not,
* - valid if xhash signature sign xalias_xdays with alias's publickey.
* - if not valid => not allowed
* - If valid =>
* - store a xalias_xdays_xhash.substr (20,200) into /tmp/tokens with xprofils array from person.
* - update header.xprofils from this token
* apxtri profils are anonymous, pagans, mayor (on a node server), druid (on a tribe like smatchit).
* pagan identity is independant of domain (tribe), by default profils are :['anonymous','pagans']. if this alias exist in a tribe domain as a person then his profils come from /tribes/{tribeId}/objects/person/itm/{alias}.json profils:['anonymous','pagans','person','seeker'] any profils allowed to act on tribe objects.
* Each profil have CRUD accessright on object managed in schema in apxaccessrights:{owner,profil:{"C":[],"R":[properties],"U":[properties],"D":[]}}, see Odmdb for details.
* A process run once each day to clean up all xhash tmp/tokens oldest than 24 hours.
const isAuthenticated = async (req, res, next) => {
if (fs.existsSync('../tmp/tokens')) console.log('pass A')
if (fs.existsSync('../tmp/tokens')) console.log('pass B')
const currentday = dayjs().date();
let menagedone = fs.existsSync(
if (menagedone) console.log(,`menagedone${currentday} was it done today?:${menagedone}`);
if (!menagedone) {
// clean oldest
const tsday = dayjs().valueOf(); // now in timestamp format
glob.sync(`../../tmp/tokens/menagedone*`).forEach((f) => {
glob.sync(`../../tmp/tokens/*.json`).forEach((f) => {
const fsplit = f.split("_");
const elapse = tsday - parseInt(fsplit[2]);
//24h 86400000 milliseconde 15mn 900000
if (elapse && elapse > 86400000) {
//clean tmp
glob.sync(`../../tmp/*.txt`).forEach((f) => {
"done by middleware/isAUthenticated"
//Check register in tmp/tokens/
if (log) console.log( currentmod," isAuthenticate?", req.session.header, req.body);
const resnotauth = {
ref: "middlewares",
msg: "notauthenticated",
data: {
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
xaliasexists: true,
if (
req.session.header.xalias == "anonymous" ||
req.session.header.xhash == "anonymous"
) {
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"alias anonymous means not auth");
resnotauth.status = 401;
return res.status(resnotauth.status).json(resnotauth);
let tmpfs = `../../tmp/tokens/${req.session.header.xalias}_${req.session.header.xtribe}_${req.session.header.xdays}`;
//max filename in ext4: 255 characters
tmpfs += `_${req.session.header.xhash.substring(
150 + tmpfs.length - 249
const bruteforcepenalty = async (alias, action) => {
const sleep = (ms) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const failstamp = `../../tmp/tokens/${alias}.json`;
if (action == "clean") {
//to reinit bruteforce checker
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "try to clean penalty file ", failstamp);
fs.remove(failstamp, (err) => {
if (err) console.log(,currentmod,"Check forcebrut ", err);
} else if (action == "penalty") {
const stamp = fs.existsSync(failstamp)
? fs.readJSONSync(failstamp)
: { lastfail: dayjs().format(), numberfail: 0 };
stamp.lastfail = dayjs().format();
stamp.numberfail += 1;
fs.outputJSON(failstamp, stamp);
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"penalty:", stamp);
await sleep(stamp.numberfail * 100); //increase of 0,1 second the answer time per fail
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"time out penalty");
if (!fs.existsSync(tmpfs)) {
// need to check detached sign
let publickey = "";
const aliasinfo = `../objects/pagans/itm/${req.session.header.xalias}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(aliasinfo)) {
publickey = fs.readJsonSync(aliasinfo).publickey;
} else if (req.body.publickey) { = false;
publickey = req.body.publickey;
if (publickey == "") {
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"header xalias unknown:",req.session.header.xalias);
resnotauth.status = 404; = false;
return res.status(resnotauth.status).send(resnotauth);
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"publickey", publickey);
if (publickey.substring(0, 31) !== "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK") {
console.log(,currentmod,"Publickey is not valid as armored key:", publickey);
await bruteforcepenalty(req.session.header.xalias, "penalty");
resnotauth.status = 404;
return res.status(resnotauth.status).send(resnotauth);
const clearmsg = Buffer.from(req.session.header.xhash, "base64").toString();
if (clearmsg.substring(0, 10) !== "-----BEGIN") {
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"xhash conv is not valid as armored key:", clearmsg);
await bruteforcepenalty(req.session.header.xalias, "penalty");
resnotauth.status = 404;
return res.status(resnotauth.status).send(resnotauth);
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "clearmsg", clearmsg);
let signedMessage=""
const pubkey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: publickey });
signedMessage = await openpgp.readCleartextMessage({
cleartextMessage: clearmsg,
return res.status(422).send({status:422,ref:"Middleware",msg:"unconsistentcleartextmessage",data:{xhash:req.session.header.xhash,clearmsg}})
const verificationResult = await openpgp.verify({
message: signedMessage,
verificationKeys: pubkey,
if (log) console.log(currentmod,verificationResult);
if (log) console.log(currentmod,verificationResult.signatures[0].keyID.toHex());
try {
await verificationResult.signatures[0].verified;
if ( !=
) {
resnotauth.msg = "signaturefailled";
if (log) console.log(currentmod,`message recu:${} , message attendu:${req.session.header.xalias}_${req.session.header.xdays}`
await bruteforcepenalty(req.session.header.xalias, "penalty");
resnotauth.status = 401;
return res.status(resnotauth.status).send(resnotauth);
} catch (e) {
resnotauth.msg = "signaturefailled";
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"erreur", e);
await bruteforcepenalty(req.session.header.xalias, "penalty");
resnotauth.status = 401;
return res.status(resnotauth.status).send(resnotauth);
// authenticated then get person profils (person = pagan for a xtrib)
const person = `../../${req.session.header.xtribe}/objects/persons/itm/${req.session.header.xalias}.json`;
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"Profils tribe/app management");
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"person", person);
if (fs.existsSync(person)) {
const infoperson = fs.readJSONSync(person);
if (log) console.log(currentmod,"infoperson",infoperson);
infoperson.profils.forEach((p) => {
if (!req.session.header.xprofils.includes(p)) req.session.header.xprofils.push(p);
if (!req.session.header.xprofils.includes('pagans')) req.session.header.xprofils.push("pagans");
fs.outputJSONSync(tmpfs, req.session.header.xprofils);
} else {
//tmpfs exist get profils from identification process
req.session.header.xprofils = fs.readJSONSync(tmpfs);
bruteforcepenalty(req.session.header.xalias, "clean");
if (log) console.log(currentmod,`${req.session.header.xalias} Authenticated`);
module.exports = isAuthenticated;

apxtri/models/Checkjson.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
This module have to be use in back as well front
can be include in project with
- >into a browser : <script src="https://townName.nationName.dns/nationchains/contracts/Checkjson.js"></script>
- into a node.js : const Checkjson = require( `../nationchains/socialworld/contracts/Checkjson.js`);
// --##
const Checkjson = {};
Checkjson.schema = {}; = {}; = {}; = (str) => typeof str === "string"; = (val) => Array.isArray(val); = (val) =>
typeof val === "object" && val !== null && !Array.isArray(val); = (n) => typeof n === "number"; = (n) => typeof n === "boolean"; = (n) =>
n !== "" && !isNaN(n) && Math.round(n) === n; = (n) =>
n !== "" && !isNaN(n) && Math.round(n) !== n; //not yet in json schema = (str, min) =>
typeof str === "string" && str.length >= parseInt(min); = (str, max) =>
typeof str === "string" && str.length <= parseInt(max); = (n, val) =>
typeof n === "number" &&
typeof val === "number" &&
parseFloat(n) / parseFloat(val) -
Math.round(parseFloat(n) / parseFloat(val)) <
0.0000001; = (
) => {
//console.log(minimum,exclusiveMinimum,maximum, exclusiveMaximum,n)
if (typeof n !== "number") return false;
if (minimum && parseFloat(n) < parseFloat(minimum)) return false;
if (exclusiveMinimum && parseFloat(n) <= parseFloat(exclusiveMinimum))
return false;
if (maximum && parseFloat(n) > parseFloat(maximum)) return false;
if (exclusiveMaximum && parseFloat(n) >= parseFloat(exclusiveMaximum))
return false;
return true;
}; = (str, pattern) => {
try {
pattern = new RegExp(pattern);
} catch (e) {
console.log("err pattern in checkjon", pattern);
return false;
return pattern.test(str);
}; = (str, enumvalues) => {
if (Array.isArray(enumvalues)) {
return typeof str === "string" && enumvalues.includes(str);
} else if (tribeId) {
//enumvalues is a reference of objectname.key
const { tribeId, obj, keyid } = enumvalues.split(".");
return fs.existsSync(`../../../${tribeId}/schema/${obj}/itm/${keyid}.json`);
} else {
return true;
// to check a value for a pattern
//, properties[p].pattern)
* @param {string} str to test
* @param {string} format keyworkd existing in
* @return null if format does not exist, true or false
Checkjson.testformat = (str, format) => {
if (![format]) {
return null;
// see format
// to check a just value with a format use Checkjson.testformat=(value, format) = {
"date-time": /\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d{1,3}/,
stringalphaonly: /^[A-Za-z0-9]{3,}$/,
time: /[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d{1,3}/,
timehhmm: /^(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$/,
date: /\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\d/,
duration: / /,
"idn-email": / /,
uuid: /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/,
uri: / /,
url: /^(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/)(?:\w+(?::\w+)?@)?(?:(?:[a-z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,})(?:[-a-z0-9+\._\%\!\\[\]\(\)\,\*\?\&\=\:]*){1,})|(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9][0-9]?))(?:[:\/#][^#]*)?$/,
"uri-reference": / /,
iri: / /,
hostname: / /,
"idn-hostname": / /,
ipv4: /^([09]{1,3}.){3}.([09]{1,3})$/,
ipv6: /^((([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}[09A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}:[09A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}:([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:)?[09A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}:([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,2}[09A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}:([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,3}[09A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}:([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,4}[09A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}((b((25[05])|(1d{2})|(2[04]d)|(d{1,2}))b).){3}(b((25[05])|(1d{2})|(2[04]d)|(d{1,2}))b))|(([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,5}:((b((25[05])|(1d{2})|(2[04]d)|(d{1,2}))b).){3}(b((25[05])|(1d{2})|(2[04]d)|(d{1,2}))b))|(::([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,5}((b((25[05])|(1d{2})|(2[04]d)|(d{1,2}))b).){3}(b((25[05])|(1d{2})|(2[04]d)|(d{1,2}))b))|([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}::([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,5}[09A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(::([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){0,6}[09A-Fa-f]{1,4})|(([09A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1,7}:))$/,
telephonefr: /^0[1-9][0-9]{8}$/,
imgbase64: /data:image\/(png|jpg|jpeg|svg);base64,(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]+)/,
telephoneinter: /^\+*(\d{3})*[0-9,\-]{8,}/,
postalcodefr: /(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/,
/^-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----(\n|\r|\r\n)(\n|\r|\r\n)([0-9a-zA-Z\+\/=]*(\n|\r|\r\n))*-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----(\n|\r|\r\n)?$/gm,
/^-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----(\n|\r|\r\n)(\n|\r|\r\n)([0-9a-zA-Z\+\/=]*(\n|\r|\r\n))*-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----(\n|\r|\r\n)?$/gm,
Checkjson.schema.validation = (schema) => {
/*validate a schema structure*/
const multimsg = [];
const res = {};
if ( {
Object.keys( => {
const properties =;
if (
properties[p].type &&
typeof properties[p].type === "string" &&
) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "schemaerrtypedoesnotexist",
data: { propertie: p, type: properties[p].type },
if (properties[p].type && typeof properties[p].type === "object") {
if (properties[p]["$ref"]) {
//This is manage by Odmdb.schema to load recursively complex schema
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "externalrefnotload",
data: { propertie: p, ref: properties[p]["$ref"] },
//case type=="object" with properties
if (properties[p].properties) {
const checksub = Checkjson.schema.validation(properties[p]);
if (checksub.status != 200) {
multimsg = multimsg.concat(checksub.multimsg);
// if not $ref or no properties then any object is accepted
if (
properties[p].format &&
) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "schemaerrformatdoesnotexist",
data: { propertie: p, format: properties[p].format },
if (properties[p].enum && !Array.isArray(properties[p].enum)) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "schemaerrenumnotarray",
data: { propertie: p, enum: properties[p].enum },
// 406 means not acceptable
if (multimsg.length > 0) {
res.status = 406;
res.multimsg = multimsg;
} else {
res.status = 200;
res.ref = "Checkjson";
res.msg = "validcheck";
return res;
* Check data with a schema
* @param {object} schema a json schema
* @param {*} data some data to check using schema
* @param {*} withschemacheck boolean that force a schema check (usefull on modification schema)
* @returns {status: 200, ref:"Checkjson", msg:"validcheck", data:{itm:object}}
* {status:417, multimsg:[{re,msg,data}],data:{itm:object}}
*/ = (schema, data, withschemacheck) => {
/* validate a data set with a schema in a context ctx */
const propertiescheck = (properties, subdata) => {
// properties ={prop1:{type,format},prop2:{type:object,...}}
// subdata={prop1,prop2}
// Return [] => no error, else 1 item per error {msg,ref:checkjson,data}
const propertielist = Object.keys(properties);
Object.keys(subdata).forEach((kdata) => {
if (!propertielist.includes(kdata)) {
delete subdata[kdata];
let multimsg = [];
propertielist.forEach((p) => {
//type is mandatory in a propertie
if (subdata.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
if (properties[p].properties) {
//means it is a subobject
multimsg = multimsg.concat(
propertiescheck(properties[p].properties, subdata[p])
//type can be a list of string; number, array, boolean, object, null
//console.log(p,properties[p].type )
const typlist =
properties[p].type && typeof properties[p].type === "string"
? [properties[p].type]
: properties[p].type;
let valid = false;
typlist.forEach((typ) => {
// at least one test have to be valid
if ([typ](subdata[p])) valid = true;
if (!valid)
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "dataerrpropertie",
data: { key: p, value: subdata[p] },
if (
properties[p].minLength &&
) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "dataerrpropertie",
data: {
key: p,
value: subdata[p],
minLength: properties[p].minLength,
if (
properties[p].maxLength &&
) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "dataerrpropertie",
data: {
key: p,
value: subdata[p],
maxLength: properties[p].maxLength,
if (
properties[p].multipleOf &&
) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "dataerrpropertie",
data: {
key: p,
value: subdata[p],
multipleOf: properties[p].multipleOf,
if (
properties[p].minimum ||
properties[p].maximum ||
properties[p].exclusiveMinimum ||
) {
// test range
if (
) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "dataerrpropertie",
data: {
key: p,
value: subdata[p],
minimum: properties[p].minimum,
maximum: properties[p].maximum,
exclusiveMinimum: properties[p].exclusiveMinimum,
exclusiveMaximum: properties[p].exclusiveMaximum,
if (
properties[p].enum &&
![p], properties[p].enum)
) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "dataerrpropertie",
data: { key: p, value: subdata[p], enumlst: properties[p].enum },
if (properties[p].format) {
properties[p].pattern =[properties[p].format];
if (
properties[p].pattern &&
) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "dataerrpropertie",
data: { key: p, value: subdata[p], pattern: properties[p].pattern },
} else if (schema.required && schema.required.includes(p)) {
ref: "Checkjson",
msg: "dataerrpropertierequired",
data: { key: p, required: true },
return multimsg;
}; //end propertiescheck()
if (withschemacheck) {
const validschema = Checkjson.schema.validation(schema);
if (validschema.status != 200) return validschema;
let multi = propertiescheck(, data);
const res = {};
if (multi.length > 0) {
res.status = 417;
res.multimsg = multi;
} else {
res.status = 200;
res.ref = "Checkjson";
res.msg = "validcheck";
if (schema.apxid) { = { apxid: data[schema.apxid], itm: data };
return res;
if (typeof module !== "undefined") module.exports = Checkjson;

apxtri/models/Contracts.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
const fs = require( 'fs-extra' );
const glob = require( 'glob' );
const moment = require( 'moment' );
const axios = require( 'axios' );
const conf=require(`../conf.json`)
Model that will process actions plan for each client like sending email campain, or anything that
are plan in /tribes/tribeid/actions/todo
const Cards = {}; //require('../../models/Cards');
const Contracts = {};
Send if envoicampain a liste of email in param.msg.destperso with param.headers
if not envoicampain, it just return a test about what to send
@param = {headers, msg:{destperso}}
Contracts.sendcampain = async ( param, envoicampain ) => {
if( envoicampain ) {
// Carefull w the action post outputs/msg just wait the feedback of the 1st message
const retcampain = await '', param.msg, {
headers: param.headers
} );
if( retcampain.status !== 200 ) {
console.log( "err", retcampain.payload.moreinfo );
fs.appendFileSync( `${conf.tribes}/log_erreurglobal.txt`, moment( new Date() )
.format( 'YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss' ) + ' - IMPOSSIBLE TO SEND CAMPAIN TODO for :' + param.tribeid + ' -- ' + retcampain.payload.moreinfo + '\n', 'utf-8' );
return retcampain;
} else {
// permet de tester ce qu'il y a à envoyer
let premieremail = "";
for( let i = 0; i < param.msg.destperso.length; i++ ) {
premieremail += param.msg.destperso[ 0 ].email + ",";
return {
status: 201,
payload: {
info: [ 'simplecomptage' ],
model: 'Contracts',
moreinfo: "#email: " + param.msg.destperso.length + " - 5 1st emails: " + premieremail
Contracts.initActiontodo = async ( envoie ) => {
const datedeb = moment( new Date() )
.format( 'YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss' );
let todo, actiondone;
let log = {
nbaction: 0,
nbactionexec: 0,
nbactionerr: 0,
actionlist: ""
const listclient = fs.readJsonSync( `${conf.tribes}/tribeids.json` );
for( let clid in listclient ) {
console.log( listclient[ clid ] );
let listaction = glob.sync( `${conf.tribes}/${listclient[clid]}/actions/todo/*.json` );
for( let action in listaction ) {
console.log( listaction[ action ] )
todo = fs.readJsonSync( listaction[ action ] );
let passdate = true;
// currentdate doit etre après la startDate si existe et avant valideuntilDate si existe
// console.log('test now est avant date start ', moment() < moment(todo.startDate, 'YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss').toDate());
if( todo.startDate && ( moment() < moment( todo.startDate, 'YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss' )
.toDate() ) ) {
passdate = false;
// currentdate ne doit pas depasser la date de validité de la tache
// console.log('test now est après la date de validite ', moment() > moment(todo.validuntilDate, 'YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss').toDate());
if( todo.valideuntilDate && ( moment() > moment( todo.validuntilDate, 'YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss' )
.toDate() ) ) {
passdate = false;
// currentdate
if( passdate && todo.action && todo.error == "" ) {
const actiondone = await Contracts[ todo.action ]( todo, envoie );
todo.datesRun.push( moment( new Date() )
.format( 'YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss' ) );
log.actionlist += "STATUS:" + actiondone.status + " -- " + listaction[ action ] + "\n";
if( actiondone.status == 200 ) {
todo.error = "";
} else {
todo.error += "status : " + actiondone.status + ' ' + actiondone.payload.moreinfo;
if( parseInt( todo.maxnumberoftime ) && todo.maxnumberoftime != "999" && ( todo.datesRun.length >= parseInt( todo.maxnumberoftime ) ) ) {
//archive en done this triggeraction
fs.outputJsonSync( listaction[ action ].replace( '/todo/', '/done/' ), todo, {
spaces: 2
} );
fs.unlinkSync( listaction[ action ] );
} else {
fs.outputJsonSync( listaction[ action ], todo, {
spaces: 2
} );
} else {
log.actionlist += "STATUS : not executed " + listaction[ action ] + "\n";
const trace = "###################### LOGS ####################\nSTART:" + datedeb + " END:" + moment( new Date() )
.format( 'YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss' ) + "\n nombre d'actions analysées : " + log.nbaction + " dont executées : " + log.nbactionexec + " dont en erreur: " + log.nbactionerr + "\n" + log.actionlist;
fs.appendFileSync( `${conf.tribes}/log.txt`, trace, 'utf-8' );
return "done";
module.exports = Contracts;

apxtri/models/Nations.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const glob = require("glob");
const jwt = require("jwt-simple");
const axios = require("axios");
const path = require("path");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const Odmdb = require("./Odmdb.js");
// lowercase 1st letter is normal
const towns = require("./Towns.js");
const pagans = require("./Pagans.js");
Blockchain manager
* Manage network directory of nations and towns
* read Blockchain and search,
* submit a transaction (now) or contract (futur) to store from userA.pubkey to userB.pubkey a number of AXESS
* mine to be able to register a block and create AXESS
* manage APIXP rules 20 M APIXP 1AXESS = 1 block validation
* manage contract = action if something appened validate by a proof of work
const Nations = {};
Nations.init = () => {"init Nations");
Nations.chaintown = (nationId, townId) => {
* if not already exist Add a requested town into conf.towns.push({ "townId": "wall", "nationId": "ants", "dns": "" })
Nations.updateobjectsfromfreshesttown = (dnstownlist, objectidx) => {
* Get lasttime update per apxtri object then choose the latest source and update local town
* if an item exist localy and does not from the town requested
* @Param {array} dnstownlist list of dns to get latest data
* @Param {object} objectidx objectnme:idxfile {agans:"alias_all.json",...}
* @return create/update tribes/adminapi/opjects/pagans town nation
const localversion = {};
const objlist = Object.keys(objectidx);
objlist.forEach((o) => {
let objconf = {
name: o,
schema: `../../schema/${o}.jsons`,
lastupdate: -1,
if (fs.existsSync(`../../${o}/conf.json`)) {
objconf = fs.readJsonSync(`../../${o}/conf.json`);
} else {
fs.outputJsonSync(`../../${o}/conf.json`, objconf);
localversion[o] = [conf.dns[0], objconf.lastupdate];
for (let t = 0; t < dnstownlist.length; t++) {
if (conf.townId != dnstownlist[t].townId) { // to avoid update itself
let promiseconf = [];
let objecttotest = [];
objlist.forEach((o) => {
.then((reps) => {
let promiseidx = [];
let objecttoupdate = [];
let objlastupdate = [];
for (let i = 0; i < objecttotest.length; i++) {
if (
parseInt(reps[i].data.lastupdate) >
) {
// add promise to get data
.then((rets) => {
for (let j = 0; j < objecttoupdate.length; j++) {
.catch((err) => {
console.log("ERR get idx data");
.catch((err) => {
console.log("ERR get conf lastupdate");
return {status:200,ref:"Nations",msg:"updated",data:{}};
Nations.synchronizeold = () => {
Run process to communicate with a list of towns to update network and transaction
//update himself then send to other information
if (process.env.NODE_ENV != "prod") {
// Not concerned
return {};
const initcurrentinstance = {
fixedIP: "",
lastblocknumber: 0,
firsttimeupdate: 0,
lastimeupdate: 0,
positifupdate: 0,
negatifupdate: 0,
pubkeyadmin: "",
tribeids: [],
logins: [],
knowninstance: [],
let currentinstance = initcurrentinstance;
try {
currentinstance = fs.readFileSync(
} catch (err) {
console.log("first init");
const loginsglob = fs.readJsonSync(`${conf.tmp}/loginsglob.json`, "utf-8");
currentinstance.logins = Object.keys(loginsglob);
currentinstance.tribeids = [ Set(Object.values(loginsglob))];
currentinstance.instanceknown = glob.Sync(
//Save it
// proof of work
// try to find a key based on last block with difficulty
// if find then send to all for update and try to get token
// in any case rerun Nations.synchronize()
currentinstance.instanceknown.forEach((u) => {
if (u != conf.rootURL) {
//send currentinstance info and get back state of
.post(`https://${u}/nationchains/push`, currentinstance)
.then((rep) => {
newdata = rep.payload.moreinfo;
//Available update info
(err, data) => {
if (err) {
data.negatifupdate += 1;
data.lasttimeupdate =;
} else {
data.positifupdate += 1;
data.lastimeupdate =;
data.tribeids = newdata.tribeids;
data.logins = newdata.logins;
data.lastblocknumber = newdata.lastblocknumber;
newdata.knowninstance.forEach((k) => {
if (!data.knowninstance.includes(k)) {
//init the domain for next update
initcurrentinstance.firsttimeupdate =;
//save with info
.catch((err) => {
//Not available
data.negatifupdate += 1;
data.lasttimeupdate =;
Nations.create = (conf) => {
@conf from a nationchains/socialworld/setup/townSetup {object, nationId, townId, dns}
const res = {};
if (conf.object == "towns") {
Odmdb.create("nationchains/socialworld/objects", "towns", conf);
const nations = fs.readJsonSync(
if (!ObjectKeys(nations).includes(conf.nationId)) {
res.status = 404; = `your nationId ${conf.nationId} does not exist you have to choose an existing one`;
return res;
const towns = fs.readJsonSync("./tribes/adminapi/opjects/towns/idx/townId_all.json");
if (towns[conf.nationId].includes(conf.townId)) {
res.status = 409; = `This conf.townId already exist you have to find a unique town name`;
return res;
const towndata = {
uuid: conf.townId,
nationid: conf.nationId,
url: `${conf.townId}.${conf.nationId}.${conf.dns}`,
status: conf.dns == "unchain" ? "unchain" : "tochain",
const metatown = fs.readJsonSync(
Odmdb.add(objectpath, towns, metatown, towndata);
res.status = 200; = `${townId} create for ${nationId} nation`;
return res;
module.exports = Nations;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
const glob = require("glob");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const axios = require("axios");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const Mustache = require('mustache');
const Checkjson = require(`./Checkjson.js`);
//const smtp = require("smtp-client");
const nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const currentmod = "Notifications";
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod);
* To manage any communication between Pagan
* mayor druid emailing/sms/paper from tribe register smtp, simcard, mail api to Person(s) / Pagan(s)
* volatile notification message from tribe activities to Pagans / person ()
const Notifications = {};
Notifications.get = (alias, tribeId) => {
const notiffile = `../../${req.params.tribeId}/notifications/${req.params.alias}.json`;
const msg = fs.existsSync(notiffile) ? fs.readJSONSync(notiffile) : {};
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Notification",
msg: "Messagelist",
data: { notif: [{ tribeId, msg }] },
* Get statistic of registering email phone
Notifications.statmaillist = (tribe) => {
const statinfo = {};
let csv = "email/phone;name;srckey\n";
const src = `../../${tribe}/objects/maillinglists/*.json`;
glob.sync(src).forEach((f) => {
const name = path.basename(f, ".json");
const mlst = fs.readJSONSync(f);
Object.keys(mlst).forEach((c) => {
csv += `"${c}";"${name}";"${mlst[c].srckeys.join("-")}"\n`;
mlst[c].srckeys.forEach((s) => {
if (!statinfo[s]) statinfo[s] = {};
if (!statinfo[s][name]) statinfo[s][name] = 0;
// fichier csv stocker en local en attendant d'avoir un back pour stocker la reponse dans data.csv
fs.outputFileSync(`../../${tribe}/mailinglst.csv`, csv, "utf-8");
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "statistics",
data: statinfo,
* Register an typekey(email) or (phone) key into mailinglist for a tribe
Notifications.registertolist = (key, typekey, tribe, mlist, srckey, uuid) => {
key = key.toLowerCase();
typekey = typekey == "telephone" ? "telephonefr" : typekey;
if (!Checkjson.testformat(key, typekey))
return {
status: 400,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "formaterror",
data: { fielderr: typekey, format: typekey },
const destin = `../../${tribe}/objects/maillinglists/${typekey}_${mlist}.json`;
if (!fs.existsSync(destin)) {
`######## Attention tentative d'ecriture non autorisé,le fichier n'existe pas ${destin} créer le à la main vide {}`
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "destinnotallow",
data: { destin },
const filestorage = fs.existsSync(destin) ? fs.readJsonSync(destin) : {};
//if (log) console.log(currentmod,`filestorage`,filestorage, key, (filestorage[key]));
if (filestorage[key]) {
filestorage[key].dt_update = dayjs().toISOString();
if (!filestorage[key].srckeys.includes(srckey))
if (!filestorage[key].uuids.includes(uuid))
} else {
filestorage[key] = {};
filestorage[key].dt_create = dayjs().toISOString();
filestorage[key].srckeys = [srckey];
filestorage[key].uuids = [uuid];
fs.outputJSONSync(destin, filestorage);
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "registersuccess",
data: { key, typekey, tribe, mlist, srckey, uuid },
* Unsubscribe an eamil or phone from a mailinglist for a tribe
Notifications.unregisterfromlist = (key, typekey, tribe, mlist) => {
key = key.toLowerCase();
* Message to send to an alias from an anonymous or not
Notifications.sendcontact = (body, header) => {};
Notifications.sendsms = async (data, tribeId) => {
* Never use need wallet in mailjet to test
* To set up with mailjet see
* @param {string} data.To a phone number with international +3360101010101
* @param {string} data.Text text to send
* a conf.sms with {url:"smsurl", Token:"", From:""}
if (!conf.sms) {
return {
status: 412,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "missingconf",
data: { tribe: tribeId },
let missingk = [][("To", "Text")].forEach((k) => {
if (!data[k]) {
if (missingk.lenght > 0) {
return {
status: 428,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "missingdata",
data: { missingk: missingk },
let confsms = conf.sms;
if (fs.existsSync(`../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/${req.session.header.xtribe}.json`)) {
const conftrib = fs.readJSONSync(
if (conftrib.sms) confsms = conftrib.sms;
data.From = confsms.From;
const sendsms = await, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${confsms.MJ_TOKEN}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
if (sendsms.status == 200) {
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "successfullsentsms",
data: {},
} else {
return {
status: sendsms.status,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "errsendsms",
data: { err: },
/* si tout se passe bien:
"From": "MJPilot",
"To": "+33600000000",
"Text": "Have a nice SMS flight with Mailjet !",
"MessageId": "2034075536371630429",
"SmsCount": 1,
"CreationTS": 1521626400,
"SentTS": 1521626402,
"Cost": {
"Value": 0.0012,
"Currency": "EUR"
"Status": {
"Code": 2,
"Name": "sent",
"Description": "Message sent"
Notifications.manageemail = (data, template, tribe) => {
* Manage email publipostage
* data must contain emailsto
* data optionaly can contain Cc,Bcc as array of emails and attachments as array of filename (into the server)
* Await the 1st email
if (!data.emailsto || data.emailsto.length == 0) {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "emailstomissing",
data: data,
if (typeof data.emailsto === "string") data.emailsto = [data.emailsto];
if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(template))){
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Notification",
msg: "templatenotfound",
data: { template:path.resolve(template) },
const tplemail = require(path.resolve(template));
let sendit={status:200,ref:"Notifications",msg:"successfullsend"};
data.emailsto.forEach(async (e, i) => {
if (Checkjson.testformat(e, "email")) {
const dat = {}; = e;
dat.subject = Mustache.render(tplemail.subject, data);
dat.html = Mustache.render(tplemail.html, data);
dat.text = Mustache.render(tplemail.text, data);
/* @TODO issue with data.Cc need to test
if (data.Cc){
if (data.Bcc){
if (data.attachments){
if (i == 0) {
sendit = await Notifications.sendmail(dat, tribe);
if (sendit.status != 200) return {status:406,ref:"Notifications",msg:"emailnotsent"};
} else {
Notifications.sendmail(dat, tribe);
} else {
// not a well formated email @todo add a log file to follow it
return sendit;
Notifications.sendmail = async (data, tribe) => {
* * in conf global or in /itm/{tribe}.json must have valid parameter emailcontact must be authorized by the smtp
* "emailcontact": "",
* "smtp": {
* "host": "",
* "port": 587,
* "secure": false,
* "auth": {
* "user": "xx",
* "pass": "yy"
* }
* }
* See for available fields to add
* @param {string} [data.from] an email authorized by smtp used priority from header xtribe
* @param {string} list of email separate by ,
* @param {string} data.subject
* @param {string} data.html
* @param {string} data.text
* @param {string} [data.Cc] list of email in copy
* @param {string} [data.Bcc] list of email in hidden copy
* @param {string} [data.attachments] array of
* {filename:'filename.txt',content:'txt'},
* {filename:'img.svg',path:"https://....svg", contentType:'image/svg'}
* {filename:'img.svg',path:"https://....svg", contentType :'text/plain'}
* {filename:'img.png',path:"data:text/svg;base64.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="}
* @example data
* {"to":"",
* "subject":"Test",
* "html":"<h1>test welcome</h1>",
* "text":"test welcome",
* "attachments":[{filename:"text.txt",pathfile:"/media/phil/textA.txt","contenttype":"text/plain"}]
* }
* @return {object}
* { status: 200, ref:"pagans",msg:"",data: { } }
if (!conf.smtp || !conf.emailcontact) {
return {
status: 412,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "missingconf",
data: { tribe: tribe },
if (!data.from) {
data.from = conf.emailcontact;
let missingk = [];
["from", "to", "subject", "html", "text"].forEach((k) => {
if (!data[k]) {
if (missingk.lenght > 0) {
return {
status: 428,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "missingdata",
data: { missingk: missingk },
let confsmtp = conf.smtp;
const conftribfile = `../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/${tribe}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(conftribfile)) {
const conftrib = fs.readJSONSync(conftribfile);
if (!conftrib.emailcontact){
return {
status: 428,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "missingemailcontactinconf",
data: { tribe },
confsmtp = conftrib.smtp;
if (!data.from || data.from == conf.emailcontact) data.from = conftrib.emailcontact;
const transporter = await nodemailer.createTransport(confsmtp);
if (data.filelist) {
data.attachments = [];
let missingfile = [];
data.filelist.forEach((fo) => {
if (fs.existsSync(fo.pathfile)) {
} else {
if (missingfile.lenght > 0)
return {
status: 428,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "missingfile",
data: { missingfile: missingfile },
//console.log("data:", data);
const res = await transporter.sendMail(data);
if (
res.accepted &&",").reduce((acc, m) => acc && res.accepted.includes(m), true)
) {
data.accepted = res.accepted;
data.rejected = res.rejected;
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "successfullsentemail",
} else if (res.accepted && res.rejected) {
data.accepted = res.accepted;
data.rejected = res.rejected;
return { status: 410, ref: "Notifications", msg: "errsendmail", data };
} else {
data.errmailer = res.err;
return { status: 417, ref: "Notifications", msg: "errsendmail", data };
module.exports = Notifications;

apxtri/models/Odmdb.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
const glob = require("glob");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const axios = require("axios");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const Checkjson = require(`./Checkjson.js`);
const { promiseHooks } = require("v8");
const currentmod = "Odmdb";
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod);
* This manage Objects for indexing, searching, checking and act to CRUD
* @objectPathName = objectpath/objectname
* objectpath/objectname/conf.json
* /idx/all_key1.json = {key1value:{object}}
* lst_key1.json = [key1valA,key1val2,...]
* key2_key1.json = {key2value:[key1value]}
* all_key1_filtername = {key1value:{object}}
* /itm/apxidvalue.json
* in conf.json:
* {
* "name": "object name ex:'nations'",
* "schema": "relativ schema from dirapi dirtown ex:'adminapi/schema/nations.json'"",
* "lastupdateschema": 0, time stamp last schema update
* "lastupdatedata":0 time stamp last itm update
* }
* Specifics key in schema to apxtri:
* apxid : the field value to use to store item apx
* apxuniquekey : list of field that has to be unique you cannot have 2 itm with same key value
* apxidx : list of index file /idx/
* { "name":"lst_fieldA", "keyval": "alias" }, => lst_fieldA.json = [fieldAvalue1,...]
{ "name":"all_fieldA", "keyval": "fieldA" }, => all_fieldA.json =
if fieldA in apxuniquekey = {fieldAvalue1:{object}}
not in apxuniquekey = {fieldAvalue1:[{object}]}
{ "name":"word_fieldA", "keyval": "fieldA", "objkey": ["fieldB"]}, => word_fieldA.json
if fieldA in apxuniquekey = {fieldAvalue1:fieldBvalue,}
if fieldA not in uniquekey = {fieldAvalue1: [fieldBv1,fieldBv2,]}
{ "name":"word_fieldA", "keyval": "fieldA", "objkey": ["fieldB","fieldC"]}, => word_fieldA.json
if fieldA in apxuniquekey = {fieldAvalue1:{fieldB:val,fieldC:val},}
if fieldA not in uniquekey = {fieldAvalue1: [{fieldB:val,fieldC:val},]}
* apxaccessrights : list of profil with CRUD accesrights
const Odmdb = {};
*const Checkjson = require(`../../../adminapi/apxtri/models/Checkjson`);
@api syncObject
* @param {string} url to an existing object conf (/objectname/conf.json)
* @param {timestamp} timestamp
* 0 => rebuild local object from all_{idapx}.json
* >0 => update itm and idx search by datetime
* @param
Odmdb.syncObject = () => {};
* @api createObject: create a space to host object
* @source {string} "new", url,
* @schemapath {string} path to create or replace a schema ${schemaPath}/schema/
* @objectPath {string} path where object are store
* @objectName {string} name of the object
* @schema {object} the json schema for this object
* @lgjson {object} the json file for a specific language
* @lg {string} the 2 letters language
* Setup a new object localy =>
* source
* - from scratch =>
* Create
* - from a synchronization
* Download from source all_{apxid}.json
Odmdb.createObject = (
) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(schemaPath)) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Odmdb",
info: "pathnamedoesnotexist",
moreinfo: { fullpath: schemaPath },
if (!fs.existsSync(objectPath)) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Odmdb",
info: "pathnamedoesnotexist",
moreinfo: { fullpath: objectPath },
// store schema file if not empty undefined or {}
if (
schema &&
!(Object.keys(schema).length === 0 && schema.constructor === Object)
) {
fs.outputJSONSync(`${schemaPath}/schema/${objectName}.json`, schema, {
spaces: 2,
if (
lgjson &&
lg &&
!(Object.keys(lgjson).length === 0 && lgjson.constructor === Object)
) {
fs.outputJSONSync(`${schemaPath}/lg/${objectName}_${lg}.json`, lgjson, {
spaces: 2,
//create environnement object with the new schema config
if (!fs.existsSync(`${objectPath}/${objectName}`)) {
{ schema: `${schemaPath}/schema/${objectName}.json` },
{ spaces: 2 }
return { status: 200 };
* Update an object
* @param {string} objectPathname
* @param {object} meta update request
* lg:
* lgobj: object to store in /lg/objectname_lg.json
* schema: an update schema
* @return {status, ref:"Odmdb", msg:"", data}
* Create a tmp object env and check existing object to identify any issues
* If all is fine then apply change by replacing
Odmdb.updateObject = (objectPathname, meta) => {};
* Get a schema from objectPathname
* todo only local schema => plan a sync each 10minutes
* @schemaPath local path adminapi/schema/objectName.json or /tribename/schema/objectName
* @validschema boolean if necessary to check schema or not mainly use when change schema;
* @lg language you want to get schema
* @return {status:200,data:{conf:"schemaconf",schema:"schemacontent"} }
Odmdb.Schema = (objectPathname, validschema, lg = "en") => {
const replacelg = (data) => {
// data.en version schema de base, version schema traduite
Object.keys(data.lg).forEach((k) => {
if (data.lg[k].title) data.en[k].title = data.lg[k].title;
if (data.lg[k].description)
data.en[k].description = data.lg[k].description;
if ( {
const res = replacelg({
}); = res.lg; = res.en;
return data;
const getschemalg = (schemaPath, lg) => {
if (schemaPath.slice(-5) != ".json") schemaPath += ".json";
if (schemaPath.substring(0, 4) == "http") {
// lance requete http pour recuperer le schema avec un await axios
} else {
schemaPath = `../../${schemaPath}`;
/*if (log)
"resolve path schemaPath:",
if (!fs.existsSync(schemaPath)) {
return {};
} else {
let schemalg = fs.readJsonSync(schemaPath);
if (lg != "en") {
let lgtrans = {};
try {
lgtrans = fs.readJsonSync(
.replace("/schema/", "/schema/lg/")
.replace(".json", `_${lg}.json`)
const res = replacelg({ en: schemalg, lg: lgtrans });
schemalg = res.en;
} catch (err) {
// console.log('Err',err)
// no translation file deliver en by default
return schemalg;
const convoptionstoenum = (propertie, lg) => {
if (!propertie.options) return propertie;
if (!propertie.options["$ref"]) {
propertie.msg = "missingref";
return propertie;
let optionsfile;
let optionstype;
if (propertie.options["$ref"].includes("/options/")) {
propertie.comment = `options:${propertie.options["$ref"]}}`;
optionstype = "options";
optionsfile = path.resolve(
if (propertie.options["$ref"].includes("/idx/")) {
(propertie.comment = `itms:${propertie.options["$ref"]}}`),
(optionstype = "idx");
optionsfile = path.resolve(`../../${propertie.options["$ref"]}.json`);
//if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Lien vers options:", optionsfile);
if (!fs.existsSync(optionsfile)) {
propertie.msg = "missingref";
return propertie;
} else {
delete propertie.options;
if (optionstype == "options") {
propertie.enum = fs.readJSONSync(optionsfile).lst_idx;
if (optionstype == "idx") {
propertie.enum = fs.readJSONSync(optionsfile);
return propertie;
//if (log) console.log(currentmod, `${objectPathname}/conf.json`);
const res = {
status: 200,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "getschema",
data: {},
if (fs.existsSync(`${objectPathname}/conf.json`)) { = fs.readJsonSync(`${objectPathname}/conf.json`); = getschemalg(, lg);
} else { = {};
if (! || Object.keys( == 0) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "schemanotfound",
data: { objectPathname: path.resolve(objectPathname), schema: {} },
// get $ref from $def
if (["$defs"]) {
Object.keys(["$defs"]).forEach((ss) => {
Object.keys(["$defs"][ss].properties).forEach((pp) => {["$defs"][ss].properties[pp] = convoptionstoenum(["$defs"][ss].properties[pp],
Object.keys( => {
if ([p].type == "object" &&[p]["$ref"]
) {
let subschema;
const localdef =[p]["$ref"].includes("#/");
if (
localdef &&
!(["$defs"] &&["$defs"][propertie["$ref"]]
) {
res.status = 404;
res.msg = "missinglocalref"; = propertie;
return res;
if (localdef) {[p] =["$defs"][[p]["$ref"]];
} else {
subschema = Odmdb.Schema(
if (subschema.status == 200) {[p] =;
} else { = p;
return subschema;
if ([p].options) {
//remplace options par enum:[][p] = convoptionstoenum([p],
if (! {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "missingprimarykey",
data: {},
if ( {
//add apxidx to apxuniquekey in case not
if (! {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "missingapxuniquekey",
data: {},
if (! {;
//`../../${req.session.header.xtribe}/objects/persons` => {
if (
idx.objkey &&
! &&
) {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "unconsistencyapxidx",
data: {
keyval: idx.keyval,
objkey: idx.objkey,
if (validschema || 1 == 1) {
// return {status:200, ref, msg} or {status!:200,multimsg:[{ref,msg;data}]}
const check = Checkjson.schema.validation(;
if (check.status != 200) {
res.multimsg = check.multimsg;
res.status = check.status;
return res;
}; = (objectPathname, objsearch, role) => {
if (fields exist):
return data:{id:{field:value}]}
return data:[id]
objsearch= {
return data:{toto:{firstname:"Paul"},titi:"fistname:"Jacques"}
example: search exact match hill in townId
heavy search={txt:"hill",algo:"match",fieldstring:"toxnId"}
light search={txt:"hill", algo:"match", indexfilter:{"key":"townId","value":[]}}
light search={txt:"hill", algo:"match", indexfilter:{"key":"nationId","value":"ants"}}
const getschema = Odmdb.Schema(objectPathname, true);
if (getschema.status != 200) return getschema;
const apxid =;
let subsearch = objsearch.apxid
? objsearch.apxid
: fs.readJSONSync(`${objectPathname}/idx/lst_${apxid}.json`);
// ADD HERE OTHER FILTRATION SEARCH depending of question
if (objsearch.condition) {
// remove or add in subsearch
if (objsearch.fields) {
const resultat = {};
const accessright = Odmdb.accessright(,
if (objsearch.fields == "all") {
objsearch.fields = Object.keys(;
const ifields = {};
subsearch.forEach((i) => {
const ifields = {};
if (fs.existsSync(`${objectPathname}/itm/${i}.json`)) {
const itm = fs.readJSONSync(`${objectPathname}/itm/${i}.json`);
if (itm.owner && itm.owner == role.xalias) {
} else {
role.xprofils = role.xprofils.filter((e) => e !== "owner");
objsearch.fields.forEach((f) => {
if (
accessright.R &&
(accessright.R.length == 0 || accessright.R.includes(f))
) {
ifields[f] = itm[f];
} else {
//ifields[f] = "unauthorized";
} else {
ifields.notfound = true;
resultat[i] = ifields;
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "resultsearchlist",
data: resultat,
} else {
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "resultsearchlist",
data: [subsearch],
Odmdb.r = (objectPathname, apxid, role) => {
const itmf = `${objectPathname}/itm/${apxid}.json`;
if (!fs.existsSync(itmf)) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "persondoesnotexist",
data: { person: apxid },
const getschema = Odmdb.Schema(objectPathname, true);
if (getschema.status != 200) return getschema;
const itm = fs.readJsonSync(itmf);
if (itm.owner && itm.owner == role.xalias) {
const accessright = Odmdb.accessright(,
if (!accessright.R) {
return {
status: 403,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "profilnotallow",
data: { person: apxid },
const data = {};
const allowedkey =
accessright.R.length == 0
? Object.keys(
: accessright.R;
allowedkey.forEach((p) => {
data[p] = itm[p];
return { status: 200, ref: "Odmdb", msg: "profilallow", data };
* Convert profils in accessright
* @param {*} apxaccessright from schema object {profilname:{R}}
* @param {*} role {xprofils,xalias} accessible after isAuthenticated
* @returns access right to C create if present, to read (properties list or all if empty), to Update properties list or all if empty, D elete
* example: {"C":[],"R":[properties list],"U":[properties ist],"D":[]}
Odmdb.accessright = (apxaccessrights, role, properties) => {
//if (log) console.log(currentmod,"apxaccessrights",apxaccessrights)
//if (log) console.log(currentmod,"role",role)
//if (log) console.log(currentmod,"properties",properties)
const accessright = {};
role.xprofils.forEach((p) => {
if (apxaccessrights[p]) {
Object.keys(apxaccessrights[p]).forEach((act) => {
if (apxaccessrights[p][act].length === 0)
apxaccessrights[p][act] = properties;
if (!accessright[act]) {
accessright[act] = apxaccessrights[p][act];
} else {
accessright[act] = [ Set([...accessright[act], ...apxaccessrights[p][act]]),
return accessright;
* CUD a data itm into objectPathname if checkJson is valid
* and update idx
* idx is upto date for unique properties but not for list
* @param {string} objectpathname folder name where object are stored
* @param {object} itm an object respecting the checkJson schema in objectPathname/conf.json
* @param {string} crud: C reate U pdate D elete
* @param {array} role {xprofils,xalias} xprofils list of profils like anonymous,pagans, person owner is deuce if object properties owner is alias
* */
Odmdb.cud = (objectPathname, crud, itm, role, runindex = true) => {
const getschema = Odmdb.Schema(objectPathname, true);
if (getschema.status != 200) return getschema;
if (!itm[]) {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "apxidmissing",
data: { missingkey: },
const existid = fs.existsSync(
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Pass schema itm existid = ", existid);
if (existid && crud == "C") {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "alreadyexist",
data: {
objectname: path.basename(objectPathname),
val: itm[],
if (!existid && ["U", "D"].includes(crud)) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "doesnotexist",
data: {
objectname: path.basename(objectPathname),
val: itm[],
const feedbackinfo = {};
const itmold = existid
? fs.readJSONSync(
: {};
if (existid && itmold.owner && itmold.owner == role.xalias) {
if (!existid && crud == "C" && !itm.owner) {
// set owner cause this is a Create
itm.owner = role.xalias;
//get accessright {C:[],R:[],U:[],D:[]} if exist means authorize, if array contain properties (for R and U) right is only allowed on properties
const accessright = Odmdb.accessright(,
Object.keys(accessright).forEach((act) => {
if (accessright[act].length === 0)
accessright[act] = Object.keys(;
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Accessright to: ", accessright);
if (
(crud == "C" && !accessright.C) ||
(crud == "D" && !accessright.D) ||
(crud == "U" && !accessright.U)
) {
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Forbidden accessright:", accessright);
return {
status: 403,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "profilnotallow",
data: { crud, accessright },
//delete or save
if (crud == "D") {
itmold["dt_delete"] = dayjs().toISOString();
} else {
// if Create Update erase old version
let itmtostore = {};
if (crud == "U" && accessright.U.length > 0) {
itmtostore = itmold;
const keynotallow = Object.keys(itm).filter(
(el) => !accessright.U.includes(el)
if (keynotallow.length > 0) {
feedbackinfo.keynotallow = keynotallow;
accessright.U.forEach(async (p) => {
// check this propertie exist in the requested update itm
const testvaliditmupdate =
itm[p] === 0 ||
(itm[p] &&
((typeof itm[p] === "string" && itm[p].trim() !== "") ||
typeof itm[p] !== "string"));
if (testvaliditmupdate) itmtostore[p] = itm[p];
itmtostore.dt_update = dayjs().toISOString();
if (crud == "C") {
const keynotallow = Object.keys(itm).filter(
(el) => !accessright.C.includes(el)
accessright.C.forEach(async (p) => {
// check this propertie exist in the requested update itm
const testvaliditmcreate =
itm[p] === 0 ||
(itm[p] &&
((typeof itm[p] === "string" && itm[p].trim() !== "") ||
typeof itm[p] !== "string"));
if (testvaliditmcreate) itmtostore[p] = itm[p];
itmtostore.dt_create = dayjs().toISOString();
Object.keys(itmtostore).forEach((k) => {
// remove empty itmtostore in case they are =>
//console.log(k, itmtostore[k], itmtostore[k] === "");
if (itmtostore[k] === "") delete itmtostore[k];
Object.keys(itmtostore).forEach((k) => {
//Manage base64 case image to convert ans store in webp
if (k.includes("imgbase64_") && itmtostore[k] != "") {
//console.log("check this for k:", k, " itmtostore[k]:", itmtostore[k]);
const imgb64 = itmtostore[k].replace(
); //.replace(/\+/g," ");
const extension = itmtostore[k].split(";base64,")[0].split("/")[1];
const newk = k.split("_").slice(1).join("_");
const filenameimg = `/img/${
if (![newk]) {
if (log)
" Check your schema it miss a propertie because imgbase64_blabla must have a blabla propertie to host the pathfile image"
} else {
const objectname = objectPathname.split("/").slice(-1)[0];
itmtostore[newk] = `/objectimg/${objectname}${filenameimg}`;
//const webp = require("webp-converter");
//const buf = Buffer.from(itmtostore[k], 'base64');
//const imgwebp = await webp.bufferToWebp(buf);
//@TODO use sharp to resize img with attribut sizeHW in propertie
fs.writeFileSync(`${objectPathname}/${filenameimg}`, imgb64, {
encoding: "base64",
delete itmtostore[k];
// check consistency of datatostore
//console.log("itmstostore::::::", itmtostore);
const chkdata =,
if (chkdata.status != 200) {
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Unconsistency data", chkdata);
return chkdata;
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Data compliance with schema");
if (! = [];
if (log)
//if (log) console.log(currentmod,;
//if (log) console.log(currentmod,"getschema", getschema);
//rebuild index if requested
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "runidx", runindex);
if (runindex) Odmdb.runidx(objectPathname,; = dayjs().toISOString();
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "cudsuccessfull",
data: feedbackinfo,
* apxidx:[list of index file
* { name: string, // filename in /idx/name.json
* type: array (list of unique value found in keyval), example: [val1, val2, val3,....] eventualy filter
* view (only unique key and object with objkey eventually filter by filter ) example: {idalias:{itm}}
* distribution (=> {val of keyval:[apxid itm value]} with )
* keyval:string, // a propertie of type string or array
* objkeys:[] and array of properties if empty [] means all properties, if 1 element => an array of this properties
* filter : an eval function base on itm data (itm.key) that return true (return data item) or false (ignore item)
Odmdb.runidx = (objectPathname, schema) => {
//if (log) console.log(currentmod, `idx for ${objectPathname}`);
if (!schema || !schema.apxid) {
const getschema = Odmdb.Schema(objectPathname, true);
if (getschema.status != 200) return getschema;
schema =;
const ventil = {};
schema.apxidx.forEach((id) => {
ventil[] = id;
if (id.keyval.includes(".")) {
// Means keyval is an object that can be only string for an idx
ventil[].isobject = true;
ventil[].isunique = false;
ventil[].nbobjkey = 0;
ventil[].keyvaltype = "string";
ventil[].filter = id.filter ? id.filter.replace(/;/g, "") : ""; // check integrity of string
ventil[].data = {};
} else {
if ([id.keyval]){
console.log(`Check ${objectPathname} index ${} property ${id.keyval} does not exist`)
ventil[].isunique = schema.apxuniquekey.includes(id.keyval);
ventil[].nbobjkey = id.objkey ? id.objkey.length : 0;
ventil[].keyvaltype =[id.keyval].type;
ventil[].filter = id.filter ? id.filter.replace(/;/g, "") : ""; // check integrity of string
ventil[].data = ventil[].type == "array" ? [] : {};
glob.sync(`${objectPathname}/itm/*.json`).forEach((i) => {
const itm = fs.readJSONSync(i);
Object.keys(ventil).forEach((n) => {
let keep = true;
//console.log(`Index name: ${n}`)
if (ventil[n].filter != "") {
try {
keep = eval(ventil[n].filter);
} catch (err) {
keep = false;
if (keep && ventil[n].type == "array" && itm[ventil[n].keyval]) {
if (ventil[n].keyvaltype == "array") {
itm[ventil[n].keyval].forEach((v) => {
if (!ventil[n].data.includes(v)) ventil[n].data.push(v);
} else {
if (!ventil[n].data.includes(itm[ventil[n].keyval]))
if (
keep &&
ventil[n].type == "view" &&
ventil[n].isunique &&
) {
if (ventil[n].nbobjkey == 0)
ventil[n].data[itm[ventil[n].keyval]] = itm;
if (ventil[n].nbobjkey == 1)
ventil[n].data[itm[ventil[n].keyval]] = itm[ventil[n].objkey[0]];
if (ventil[n].nbobjkey > 1) {
const objdata = {};
Object.keys(itm).forEach((k) => {
if (ventil[n].objkey.includes(k)) objdata[k] = itm[k];
ventil[n].data[itm[ventil[n].keyval]] = objdata;
if (keep && ventil[n].type == "distribution" && itm[ventil[n].keyval]) {
const listval =
ventil[n].keyvaltype == "string"
? [itm[ventil[n].keyval]]
: itm[ventil[n].keyval];
//console.log(ventil[n].keyval, itm[ventil[n].keyval], itm)
// itm[ventil[n].keyval] is an array
listval.forEach((val) => {
if (!ventil[n].data[val]) ventil[n].data[val] = [];
if (
keep &&
ventil[n].type == "distribution" &&
ventil[n].isobject &&
) {
let itmval = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(itm));
//if (log) console.log(currentmod, ventil[n].keyval);
//if (log) console.log(currentmod, itmval);
.forEach((i) => (itmval = itmval[i] ? itmval[i] : null));
if (itmval) {
if (!ventil[n].data[itmval]) ventil[n].data[itmval] = [];
Object.keys(ventil).forEach((n) => {
//if (log) console.log(currentmod,`${objectPathname}/idx/${ventil[n].name}.json`)
module.exports = Odmdb;

apxtri/models/Pagans.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
const glob = require("glob");
const path = require("path");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const axios = require("axios");
const Mustache = require("mustache");
const openpgp = require("openpgp");
const Notifications = require("./Notifications.js");
const Odmdb = require("./Odmdb.js");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const currentmod = "Pagans";
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod);
* Pagan Management numeric Identity and Person (Person = Pagan Id + tribe)
const Pagans = {};
* Remove authentification token after a logout
* @param {string} alias
* @param {string} tribe
* @param {integer} xdays
* @param {string} xhash
* @returns {status:200, ref:"Pagans",msg:"logout"}
* tmpfs name file has to be on line with the tmpfs create by isAuthenticated
* tmpfs contain profils name for a tribe/
Pagans.logout = (alias, tribe, xdays, xhash) => {
//console.log(alias, tribe, xdays, xhash);
// inline with middleware isAuthenticated.js
let tmpfs = `../../tmp/tokens/${alias}_${tribe}_${xdays}`;
//max filename in ext4: 255 characters
tmpfs += `_${xhash.substring(150, 150 + tmpfs.length - 249)}.json`;
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "logout token", tmpfs);
return { status: 200, ref: "Pagans", msg: "logout" };
* Recovery keys by email or by alias and send one mail per alias
* @Param emailalias (2 options email or alias)
* @Param tribe and existing tribe on this serveur
* @Param search a text string to looking for (as email or as alias)
* @Param lg language to send email
Pagans.keyrecovery = (emailalias, tribe, search, lg) => {
if (log)
":try to recover emailalias, tribe, search, lg:",
if (!["email", "alias"].includes(emailalias)) {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "emailaliasnotemailoralias",
data: {},
let emaillist = [];
if (emailalias == "email") {
search = search.toLowerCase();
const idxreco = `../../${tribe}/objects/persons/idx/emailrecovery_alias.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(idxreco)) {
const emailreco = fs.readJSONSync(idxreco);
const listalias = emailreco[search] ? emailreco[search] : [];
listalias.forEach((a) => {
emaillist.push({ alias: a, tribe, lg });
} else {
const personpath = `../../${tribe}/objects/persons/itm/${search}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(personpath)) {
const person = fs.readJSONSync(personpath);
if (person.recoveryauth) emaillist.push({ alias: search, tribe, lg });
emaillist.forEach((e) => {
const ret = Pagans.sendmailkey(e);
if (emaillist.length > 0) {
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "recoveryemailsent",
data: { numberemailsent: emaillist.length },
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "recoveryemailnotfound",
data: { tribe },
* @param {string} alias a alias that exist or not
* @return {object} { status: 200, ref:"pagans",msg:"aliasexist",data: { alias, publicKey } }
* { status: 404, ref:"pagans",msg:"aliasdoesnotexist",data: { alias} }
Pagans.getalias = (alias) => {
//bypass Odmdb cause all is public save ressources
if (fs.existsSync(`../objects/pagans/itm/${alias}.json`)) {
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "aliasexist",
data: fs.readJSONSync(`../objects/pagans/itm/${alias}.json`),
} else {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "aliasdoesnotexist",
data: { alias },
* Send email with alias's keys to email or person alias
* If email or pubkey is undefined then get data from tribe/person(alias)
* Send email with keys
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.alias
* @param {pgpPrivate} [data.privatekey]
* @param {string} [data.passphrase]
* @param {string} data.tribe
* @param {pgpPublic} [data.publickey]
* @param {string} []
* @param {string} data.lg
Pagans.sendmailkey = (data) => {
if (log)
data.privatekey ? data.privatekey.substring(0, 10) : "",
data.publickey ? data.publickey.substring(0, 10) : "",
const person = {
alias: data.alias,
privatekey: data.privatekey,
tribe: data.tribe,
if (!data.publickey || ! || !data.privatekey) {
const personfile = `../../${data.tribe}/objects/persons/itm/${data.alias}.json`;
if (!fs.existsSync(personfile)) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "persondoesnotexist",
data: { alias: data.alias, tribe: data.tribe },
const persondata = fs.readJsonSync(personfile);
if (!persondata.recoveryauth) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "personhasnorecoveryauth",
data: { alias: data.alias, tribe: data.tribe, email: },
} =;
person.publickey = persondata.recoveryauth.publickey;
person.privatekey = persondata.recoveryauth.privatekey;
person.passphrase = persondata.recoveryauth.passphrase;
} else { =;
person.passphrase = data.passphrase;
person.publickey = data.publickey;
person.avecpassphrase = person.passphrase != "";
let tplfile = `../../${data.tribe}/template/createidentity_${data.lg}.js`;
if (!fs.existsSync(tplfile)) {
tplfile = `../template/createidentity_${data.lg}.js`;
if (!fs.existsSync(tplfile)) {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "templatedoesnotexist",
data: { tplfile },
const tplemail = require(path.resolve(tplfile));
Remove from attachments for less user confusing
content: person.publickey,
const maildata = {
from: tplemail.sender,
subject: Mustache.render(tplemail.subject, person),
html: Mustache.render(tplemail.html, person),
text: Mustache.render(tplemail.text, person),
attachments: [
filename: `${person.alias}_privatekey.txt`,
content: person.privatekey,
contentType: "text/plain",
return Notifications.sendmail(maildata, data.tribe);
Pagans.authenticatedetachedSignature = async (
) => {
* Check that a message was signed with a privateKey from a publicKey
* This is not necessary if isAuthenticated, but can be usefull to double check
* @TODO finish it and implement it also in /apxpagan.js for browser
* @alias {string} alias link to the publicKey
* @pubK {string} publiKey text format
* @detachedSignature {string} a detachedsignatured get from apx.detachedSignature
* @message {string} the message signed
* @return {boolean} true the message was signed by alias
* false the message was not signed by alias
const publicKey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: pubK });
const msg = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: message });
const signature = await openpgp.readSignature({
armoredSignature: detachedSignature, // parse detached signature
const verificationResult = await openpgp.verify({
msg, // Message object
verificationKeys: publicKey,
const { verified, keyID } = verificationResult.signatures[0];
try {
await verified; // throws on invalid signature
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Signed by key id " + keyID.toHex());
return KeyId.toHex().alias == alias;
} catch (e) {
if (log)
console.log(currentmod, "Signature could not be verified: " + e.message);
return false;
module.exports = Pagans;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
const glob = require("glob");
const path = require("path");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const axios = require("axios");
const Mustache = require("mustache");
const openpgp = require("openpgp");
const Notifications = require("./Notifications.js");
const Odmdb = require("./Odmdb.js");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const currentmod = "Pagans";
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod);
* Pagan Management numeric Identity and Person (Person = Pagan Id + tribe)
const Pagans = {};
//from"/", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, async (req, res)
// from"/", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, async (req, res)
* Remove authentification token after a logout
* @param {string} alias
* @param {string} tribe
* @param {integer} xdays
* @param {string} xhash
* @returns {status:200, ref:"Pagans",msg:"logout"}
* tmpfs name file has to be on line with the tmpfs create by isAuthenticated
* tmpfs contain profils name for a tribe/
Pagans.logout = (alias, tribe, xdays, xhash) => {
//console.log(alias, tribe, xdays, xhash);
// inline with middleware isAuthenticated.js
let tmpfs = `../../tmp/tokens/${alias}_${tribe}_${xdays}`;
//max filename in ext4: 255 characters
tmpfs += `_${xhash.substring(150, 150 + tmpfs.length - 249)}.json`;
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "logout token", tmpfs);
return { status: 200, ref: "Pagans", msg: "logout" };
* @param {string} alias a alias that exist or not
* @return {object} { status: 200, ref:"pagans",msg:"aliasexist",data: { alias, publicKey } }
* { status: 404, ref:"pagans",msg:"aliasdoesnotexist",data: { alias} }
Pagans.getalias = (alias) => {
//bypass Odmdb cause all is public save ressources
if (fs.existsSync(`../objects/pagans/itm/${alias}.json`)) {
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "aliasexist",
data: fs.readJSONSync(`../objects/pagans/itm/${alias}.json`),
} else {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "aliasdoesnotexist",
data: { alias },
* Send email with alias's keys to email or person alias
* If email or pubkey is undefined then get data from tribe/person(alias)
* Send email with keys
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.alias
* @param {pgpPrivate} [data.privatekey]
* @param {string} [data.passphrase]
* @param {string} data.tribe
* @param {pgpPublic} [data.publickey]
* @param {string} []
* @param {string} data.lg
Pagans.sendmailkey = (data) => {
if (log)
data.privatekey ? data.privatekey.substring(0, 10) : "",
data.publickey ? data.publickey.substring(0, 10) : "",
const person = {
alias: data.alias,
privatekey: data.privatekey,
tribe: data.tribe,
if (!data.publickey || ! || !data.privatekey) {
const personfile = `../../${data.tribe}/objects/persons/itm/${data.alias}.json`;
if (!fs.existsSync(personfile)) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "persondoesnotexist",
data: { alias: data.alias, tribe: data.tribe },
const persondata = fs.readJsonSync(personfile);
if (!persondata.recoveryauth) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "personhasnorecoveryauth",
data: { alias: data.alias, tribe: data.tribe, email: },
} =;
person.publickey = persondata.recoveryauth.publickey;
person.privatekey = persondata.recoveryauth.privatekey;
person.passphrase = persondata.recoveryauth.passphrase;
} else { =;
person.passphrase = data.passphrase;
person.publickey = data.publickey;
person.avecpassphrase = person.passphrase != "";
let tplfile = `../../${data.tribe}/template/createidentity_${data.lg}.js`;
if (!fs.existsSync(tplfile)) {
tplfile = `../template/createidentity_${data.lg}.js`;
if (!fs.existsSync(tplfile)) {
return {
status: 406,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "templatedoesnotexist",
data: { tplfile },
const tplemail = require(path.resolve(tplfile));
Remove from attachments for less user confusing
content: person.publickey,
const maildata = {
from: tplemail.sender,
subject: Mustache.render(tplemail.subject, person),
html: Mustache.render(tplemail.html, person),
text: Mustache.render(tplemail.text, person),
attachments: [
filename: `${person.alias}_privatekey.txt`,
content: person.privatekey,
contentType: "text/plain",
return Notifications.sendmail(maildata, data.tribe);
Pagans.authenticatedetachedSignature = async (
) => {
* Check that a message was signed with a privateKey from a publicKey
* This is not necessary if isAuthenticated, but can be usefull to double check
* @TODO finish it and implement it also in /apxpagan.js for browser
* @alias {string} alias link to the publicKey
* @pubK {string} publiKey text format
* @detachedSignature {string} a detachedsignatured get from apx.detachedSignature
* @message {string} the message signed
* @return {boolean} true the message was signed by alias
* false the message was not signed by alias
const publicKey = await openpgp.readKey({ armoredKey: pubK });
const msg = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: message });
const signature = await openpgp.readSignature({
armoredSignature: detachedSignature, // parse detached signature
const verificationResult = await openpgp.verify({
msg, // Message object
verificationKeys: publicKey,
const { verified, keyID } = verificationResult.signatures[0];
try {
await verified; // throws on invalid signature
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Signed by key id " + keyID.toHex());
return KeyId.toHex().alias == alias;
} catch (e) {
if (log)
console.log(currentmod, "Signature could not be verified: " + e.message);
return false;
module.exports = Pagans;

apxtri/models/Toolsbox.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");
const moment = require("moment");
const utils = {};
"Check in /utils/index.js to find usefull function for your dev.\n Feel free to send suggestion, code to maintainer of apxtri project (see /package.json to get email).\n We'll add to the roadmap to add it."
/* const validateEmail = email => {
const regExp = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
return regExp.test(email);
const validatePassword = pwd => {
const regExp = new RegExp(
return regExp.test(pwd);
const filterInvalidInArray = (array, validate) =>
array ? array.filter(el => !validate(el)) : undefined; // return undefined when every elements is valid
const validatePostalCode = postalCode =>
/* const validatePhoneNumber = phoneNumber =>
/((^0[1-9]|\+[0-9]{3})([-. ]?[0-9]{2}){4}$)/.test(phoneNumber);
const correctPhoneNumber = phone =>
phone[0] === '0' ? '+33' + phone.substr(1) : phone;
const Checkjson = (appProfil, referential, data) => {
// @TODO get a referentiel per object then check data validity and allowed access
// need to add referentiel manager
const invalidefor = [];
let updateDatabase = false;
Object.keys(data).forEach(field => {
switch (field) {
case 'token':
updateDatabase = true;
case 'email':
if (!validateEmail( {
invalidefor.push('ERREMAIL:' + field);
} else {
updateDatabase = true;
case 'password':
if (!validatePassword(data.password)) {
invalidefor.push('ERRPWD:' + field);
} else {
data.password = bcrypt.hash(data.password, config.saltRounds);
updateDatabase = true;
return { invalidefor, data, updateDatabase };
//Permet d'attendre en milliseconde
// s'utilise avec async ()=>{
// await sleep(2000)
utils.sleep = (ms) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
utils.normalize = {};
utils.normalize.telephonefr = (phone) => {
phone = phone.trim().replace(/[- .]/g, "");
if ( &&
phone.length == 10 &&
phone[0] == "0"
) {
phone = "+33 " + phone.substring(1);
return phone;
utils.normalize.zfill10 = (num) => {
let s = num + "";
while (s.length < 10) s = "0" + s;
return s;
utils.generemdp = (nbpos, fromchar) => {
if (!fromchar) {
const fromchar = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWZY123456789";
//const chaine = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWZY123456789";
let mdp = "";
for (var i = 0; i < nbpos; i++) {
var pos = Math.floor(Math.random() * fromchar.length);
mdp += fromchar.substring(pos, pos + 1);
return mdp;
utils.generecompteur = (filecpt, typeincrement) => {
let file = `${filecpt}/${typeincrement}.json`;
let prefix = "";
if ((typeincrement = "ANNEESEMAINE")) {
file = `${filecpt}/${typeincrement}${moment().format(
prefix = `${moment().format("YYYY")}${moment().format("WW")}`;
let num = 1;
try {
num = parseInt(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8")) + 1;
} catch (err) {
console.log("Nouveau compteur incrementale ", file);
fs.writeFileSync(file, num, "utf8");
return prefix + num;
utils.json2csv = (jsondata, options, callback) => {
// uniquement json = [{niv1:val,niv1:[liste of val]}]
// console.log('_________________________');
// console.log(jsondata)
// console.log('_________________________');
if (jsondata.length == 0) {
return callback("Empty json", null);
if (!options.retln) options.retln = "\n";
if (!options.sep) options.sep = ";";
if (!options.arraysplitsep) options.arraysplitsep = ",";
if (!options.replacespecialcarJson2Csv) {
options.replacespecialcarJson2Csv = [];
} else {
if (typeof options.replacespecialcarJson2Csv == "string") {
//permet de passer des regex en string
options.replacespecialcarJson2Csv = eval(
let etat = "";
let csv = "";
let entete = "";
let prem = true;
for (const j in jsondata) {
// console.log(jsondata[j])
for (const c in options.champs) {
if (prem) {
entete += options.champs[c] + options.sep;
if (jsondata[j][options.champs[c]]) {
if (options.array.indexOf(options.champs[c]) > -1) {
csv +=
jsondata[j][options.champs[c]].join(options.arraysplitsep) +
} else {
let currentValue = "";
if (jsondata[j][options.champs[c]])
currentValue += jsondata[j][options.champs[c]];
options.replacespecialcarJson2Csv.forEach((re) => {
currentValue = currentValue.replace(re[1], re[0]);
csv += currentValue + options.sep;
} else {
csv += options.sep;
csv = csv.substring(0, csv.length - 1) + options.retln;
if (prem) {
prem = false;
entete = entete.substring(0, entete.length - 1) + options.retln;
// console.log(entete)
// return entete + csv;
if (etat == "") {
return callback(null, entete + csv);
} else {
return callback(etat, null);
* Get headers from first line of CSV
* @param {array} lines array of string which contains each csv lines
* @return {array} string array of headers
utils.getHeaders = (lines, sep) =>
lines[0].split(sep).map((i) => i.replace(/"/g, ""));
* [csv2json description]
* @param {object} csv object of csv file that has been read
* @param {object} options object containing csv options, headers, ...
{retln:'code de retour de ligne \n ou \n\r',
sep:'code to split cells',
champs:[ch1,ch2,...] catch only those field,
array:[ch1, ] can have more than one field champs with same name then data are push into an array }
* @param {Function} callback callback function
* @return {callback} - return an error if error, else return json
it convert a csv file into a json = [{field:value}]
Usage example:
fiche.csv2article = (err, fiche) => {
if (!err) {
utils.csv2json(fs.readFileSync('./devdata/tribee/aubergenville/infoexterne/localbusiness.csv', 'utf-8'), {
retln: "\n",
sep: ";",
array: ["TAG", "PHONE_PRO", "EMAIL_PRO"]
}, fiche.csv2article)
utils.replacecarbtweendblquote = (csv, car, carremplacant) => {
return csv text with any car betwenn 2 " by CARSEPARATOR
let newcsv = "";
let txtencours = "";
let flagouvert = false;
const sepreg = new RegExp(`${car}`, "gmi");
for (let j = 0; j < csv.length; j++) {
//if((csv[j] == "\"" && csv[j + 1] && csv[j + 1] != "\"") || (csv[j] == "\"" && csv[j - 1] && csv[j - 1] != "\"") || (csv[j] == "\"" && csv[j - 1] && csv[j - 2] && csv[j - 1] != "\"" && csv[j - 2] != "\"")) {
if (csv[j] == '"') {
if (flagouvert) {
// on cherche à ferme une chaine de texte
if (csv[j + 1] == '"') {
//on a "" consecutif qu'on remplace par "" et on fait j+1
txtencours += '""';
} else {
// on a bien une fermeture
flagouvert = false;
newcsv += txtencours.replace(sepreg, carremplacant);
txtencours = '"';
} else {
// on ouvre une chaine
flagouvert = true;
//on met le contenu précédent ds newcsv
newcsv += txtencours;
txtencours = '"';
//} else if((csv[j] !== "\n") && (csv[j + 1] && csv[j] + csv[j + 1] !== "\n\r")) {
} else if (csv[j] !== "\n") {
txtencours += csv[j];
// } else if((csv[j] == "\n") || (csv[j + 1] && csv[j] + csv[j + 1] == "\n\r")) {
} else if (csv[j] == "\n") {
if (!flagouvert) txtencours += "\n";
return newcsv + txtencours;
utils.analysestring = (string) => {
let buftxt = "";
let bufcode = "";
let i = 0;
let avecRL = false;
for (let p = 0; p < string.length; p++) {
if (string[p].charCodeAt() == 10) {
buftxt += "[RL]";
avecRL = true;
} else {
buftxt += string[p];
bufcode += "-" + string[p].charCodeAt();
if (i == 20) {
if (avecRL) {
console.log(`${buftxt} - ${bufcode}`);
} else {
console.log(`${buftxt} ---- ${bufcode}`);
i = 0;
buftxt = "";
bufcode = "";
avecRL = false;
const txtstring = `32932,BK_F2F_B_COM_10x1H-09,"My Communication Workshop ""Session N°9 - 1H""","<p>&nbsp;</p>
<p>Learner who needs to develop their ability to communicate effectively at work, both in writing and speaking</p>
</table>",,english,2,0,,2,0,classroom,"0000-00-00 00:00:00","0000-00-00 00:00:00",0000-00-00,0000-00-00,,1101,,"BUSINESS KEYS",0,
32933,BK_F2F_B_COM_10x1H-10,"My Communication Workshop Session N°10 - 1H","<p>&nbsp;</p>
<p>Learner who needs to develop their ability to communicate effectively at work, both in writing and speaking</p>
</table>",,english,2,0,,2,0,classroom,"0000-00-00 00:00:00","0000-00-00 00:00:00",0000-00-00,0000-00-00,,1101,,"BUSINESS KEYS",0,
32934,BK_F2F_B_JOB_10x1H-01,"My Job Search Workshop Session N°1 - 1H","<p>PACK JOB SEARCH</p>",,english,2,0,,2,0,classroom,,,0000-00-00,0000-00-00,,1108,,,0,
32935,BK_F2F_B_JOB_10x1H-02,"My Job Search Workshop Session N°2 - 1H","<p>PACK JOB SEARCH</p>",,english,2,0,,2,0,classroom,,,0000-00-00,0000-00-00,,1108,,,0,`;
//console.log(utils.replacecarbtweendblquote(txtstring, ",", 'CARSEPARATOR')
// .split("\n")[0].split(","))
utils.csv2json = (csv, options, callback) => {
// l'ouvrir dans calc linux et sauvegarder csv utf8, ; , " enregistrer le contenu de la cellule comme affiché
console.log("\n--------------- CSV2JSON ---------------\n");
// Default CSV options
if (!options.retln) options.retln = "\n";
if (csv.indexOf("\n\r") > -1) options.retln = "\n\r";
if (!options.sep) options.sep = ";";
//gestion d un separateur dans une chaine de texte
//const regseptext = new RegExp(`${options.sep}(?!(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)`, 'gm');
//csv = csv.replace(regseptext, "CARACSEPAR");
// csv = utils.replacecarbtweendblquote(csv, options.retln, "RETLIGNE")
csv = utils.replacecarbtweendblquote(csv, options.sep, "CARSEPARATOR");
if (!options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json) {
options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json = [];
} else {
if (typeof options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json == "string") {
//permet de passer des regex en string
options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json = eval(
const result = [];
const lines = csv.split(options.retln);
const headers = utils.getHeaders(lines, options.sep);
let unknownHeaders = "";
//console.log('headers', headers)
//console.log('options.champs', options.champs)
headers.forEach((header) => {
// Si un header n'est pas présent dans la liste des champs prédéfinis
// on l'ajoute aux champs inconnus
if (options.champs.indexOf(header) === -1) {
unknownHeaders += `${header}, `;
if (unknownHeaders !== "") {
const errorMsg = `CSV2JSON() - Champs inconnus : ${unknownHeaders}`;
return callback(errorMsg, null);
lines.forEach((line, index) => {
// Skip headers line or empty lines
if (index === 0 || line.replace(/\s/g, "").length === 0) {
// pour debuguer on met origincsv pour voir la ligne d'origine
const currentLineData = { origincsv: line, linenumber: index };
const currentLine = line.split(options.sep); // Current string in the line
for (let j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
// Si la ligne n'est pas vide
if (currentLine[j]) {
// On clean le champs
// ajout eventuel de modification de caracter reservé ; dans les libelléetc...
let currentValue = currentLine[j].trim();
//on transforme le caractere separateur modifié entre double quote
currentValue = currentValue.replace("CARSEPARATOR", options.sep);
options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json.forEach((re) => {
currentValue = currentValue.replace(re[0], re[1]);
// Si le header est un email
if (headers[j].includes("EMAIL")) {
// Supprimer tous les espaces
currentValue = currentLine[j].replace(/\s/g, "");
// on check si le chamos doit être numerique
if (options.numericfield.includes(headers[j])) {
currentValue = currentLine[j].replace(/\,/g, ".");
try {
const test = parseFloat(currentValue);
} catch (er) {
return callback(
`${headers[j]} contiens la valeur -${currentValue}- et devrait être numerique`,
if (currentValue) {
// Si le header actuel est de type array
// Cela signifie que le header apparaît plusieurs fois dans le CSV
// et que les valeurs correspondantes à ce header
// doivent être mis dans un array
if (options.array && options.array.indexOf(headers[j]) > -1) {
// Si le tableau pour ce header n'existe pas on le crée
if (!currentLineData[headers[j]]) {
currentLineData[headers[j]] = [];
if (options.arraysplitsep) {
currentValue.split(options.arraysplitsep).forEach((v) => {
} else {
} else {
// Si un header est déjà présent pour la ligne
// alors que il n'est pas spécifié comme étant un array
// on retourne une erreur
if (currentLineData[headers[j]]) {
const errorMsg = `Le champ ${headers[j]} est présent plusieurs fois alors qu'il n'est pas spécifié comme étant un array !`;
return callback(errorMsg, null);
currentLineData[headers[j]] = currentValue;
return callback(null, result);
* [csvparam2json description]
* @param {object} csv object of csv file that has been read
* @param {object} options object containing csv options, headers, ...
{retln:'code de retour de ligne \n ou \n\r',
sep:'code to split cells',
champs:[ch1,ch2,...] catch only those field,
array:[ch1, ] can have more than one field champs with same name then data are push into an array }
* @param {Function} callback callback function
* @return {callback} - return an error if error, else return json
it converts a csv with 3 column col1;col2;col3 in a json in a tree
if in col1 we have __ => then it splits a leaf
col1 = xxxx__yyyy ; col2 = value ; col3 = comment that is ignored
return data = {xxxx:{yyyy:value}}
col1 = xxxx; col2 = value; col3 = comment ignored
return data = {xxxx:value}
Usage example:
fiche.csvparam2article = (err, fiche) => {
if (!err) {
utils.csvparam2json(fs.readFileSync('./devdata/tribee/aubergenville/infoexterne/localbusiness.csv', 'utf-8'), {
retln: "\n",
sep: ";",
array: ["TAG", "PHONE_PRO", "EMAIL_PRO"]
}, fiche.csv2article)
utils.csvparam2json = (csv, options, callback) => {
console.log("\n--------------- CSVPARAM2JSON ---------------\n");
let etat = "";
const param = {};
if (!options.retln) {
options.retln = "\n";
if (csv.indexOf("\n\r") > -1) {
options.retln = "\n\r";
if (!options.sep) {
options.sep = ";";
if (!options.seplevel) {
options.seplevel = "__";
if (!options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json) {
options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json = [];
} else {
if (typeof options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json == "string") {
//permet de passer des regex en string
options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json = eval(
const lines = csv.split(options.retln);
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const infol = lines[i].split(options.sep);
if (infol[0].length > 4 && infol.length < 2) {
// si le 1er element à plus de 4 caractere et s'il y a moins de 3 colonnes c'est qu'il y a un pb
etat += `Erreur sur ${lines[i]} moins de 3 column separé par ${options.sep}`;
// On ajoute ici la gestion de tous les caracteres spéciaux
// reservées pour le csv ; ' etc..'
if (infol[1] && infol[1] + "" == infol[1]) {
options.replacespecialcarCsv2Json.forEach((re) => {
//console.log("gggggggggggggggggggg", infol[1])
infol[1] = infol[1].replace(re[0], re[1]);
// console.log(infol[1])
infol[1] = infol[1].replace(/'|/g, '"');
if (infol[1].toLowerCase() === "true") {
infol[1] = true;
} else if (infol[1].toLowerCase() === "false") {
infol[1] = false;
//supprime des lignes vides
if (infol[0] == "") continue;
if (infol[0].indexOf(options.seplevel) == -1) {
param[infol[0]] = infol[1];
} else {
const arbre = infol[0].split(options.seplevel);
switch (arbre.length) {
case 1:
param[arbre[0]] = infol[1];
case 2:
if (arbre[1] != "ARRAY") {
if (!param[arbre[0]]) param[arbre[0]] = {};
param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]] = infol[1];
} else {
if (!param[arbre[0]]) param[arbre[0]] = [];
//console.log('aff', infol[1].substring(1, infol[1].length - 1).replace(/""/g, '"'))
eval("result=" + infol[1]);
//.substring(1, infol[1].length - 1).replace(/""/g, '"'))
case 3:
if (arbre[2] != "ARRAY") {
if (!param[arbre[0]]) param[arbre[0]] = {};
if (!param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]]) param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]] = {};
param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]][arbre[2]] = infol[1];
} else {
if (!param[arbre[0]]) param[arbre[0]] = {};
if (!param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]]) param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]] = [];
//eval("result = \"test\"");
eval("result=" + infol[1]);
//.substring(1, infol[1].length - 1).replace(/""/g, '"'))
case 4:
if (arbre[3] != "ARRAY") {
if (!param[arbre[0]]) param[arbre[0]] = {};
if (!param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]]) param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]] = {};
if (!param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]][arbre[2]])
param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]][arbre[2]] = {};
param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]][arbre[2]][arbre[3]] = infol[1];
} else {
if (!param[arbre[0]]) param[arbre[0]] = {};
if (!param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]]) param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]] = {};
if (!param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]][arbre[2]])
param[arbre[0]][arbre[1]][arbre[2]] = [];
eval("result=" + infol[1]);
//.substring(1, infol[1].length - 1).replace(/""/g, '"'))
// JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(param))
if (etat == "") {
return callback(null, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(param)));
} else {
return callback(etat, null);
utils.levenshtein = (a, b) => {
if (a.length === 0) return b.length;
if (b.length === 0) return a.length;
let tmp, i, j, prev, val, row;
// swap to save some memory O(min(a,b)) instead of O(a)
if (a.length > b.length) {
tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
row = Array(a.length + 1);
// init the row
for (i = 0; i <= a.length; i++) {
row[i] = i;
// fill in the rest
for (i = 1; i <= b.length; i++) {
prev = i;
for (j = 1; j <= a.length; j++) {
if (b[i - 1] === a[j - 1]) {
val = row[j - 1]; // match
} else {
val = Math.min(
row[j - 1] + 1, // substitution
prev + 1, // insertion
row[j] + 1
); // deletion
row[j - 1] = prev;
prev = val;
row[a.length] = prev;
return row[a.length];
utils.testinarray = (array, arrayreferent) => {
// au moins un element de array existe dans arryreferent
let exist = false;
if (arrayreferent) {
//console.log('arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr', arrayreferent)
array.forEach((e) => {
if (arrayreferent.includes(e)) exist = true;
return exist;
const isDirectory = (source) => fs.lstatSync(source).isDirectory();
const getDirectories = (source) =>
.map((name) => path.join(source, name))
module.exports = utils;

apxtri/models/Towns.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const glob = require("glob");
const moment = require("moment");
const jwt = require("jwt-simple");
const UUID = require("uuid");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const Checkjson = require(`./Checkjson.js`);
const Odmdb = require("./Odmdb.js");
const Towns = {};
Towns.create = () => {
// Create a new town from conf (generate in apxtrie.js if town not already exist in the server)
`RUNNING A NEW SETUP with nation ${conf.nationId} and town ${conf.townId} to be accessible in dns http://${conf.dns}`
const initconf = fs.readJSONSync(
// Synchronize nationchains/
const { updateobjectsfromfreshesttown } = require("./apxtri/models/Nations.js");
updateobjectsfromfreshesttown(initconf.towns, {
pagans: "alias_all.json",
towns: "townId_all.json",
nations: "nationId_all.json",
initconf.dirapi = conf.dirapi;
initconf.dirtown = conf.dirtown;
initconf.nationId = conf.nationId;
initconf.townId = conf.townId;
initconf.sudoerUser = process.env.USER;
if (!initconf.dns.includes(conf.dns)) {
initconf.nginx.logs = `${initconf.dirtown}/logs/nginx/adminapx`;
fs.ensureDirSync(`${initconf.dirtown}/tmp/tokens`); = "adminapx";
initconf.nginx.fswww = `${initconf.dirapi}/adminapi/www`;
initconf.nginx.pageindex = "index_en.html";
const { exec } = require("child_process");
`sudo chown -R ${process.env.USER}:${process.env.USER} /etc/nginx`,
(error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.log("\x1b[42m", error, stdout, stderr, "x1b[0m");
`impossible to change owner of /etc/nginx by ${initconf.sudoerUser}:${initconf.sudoerUser}`
} else {
`successfull sudo chown -R ${process.env.USER}:${process.env.USER} /etc/nginx`
// create town env
fs.outputJsonSync(`${initconf.dirtown}/conf.json`, initconf, { space: 2 });
const nginxconf = fs.readFileSync(
const proxyparams = fs.readFileSync(
const websiteconf = fs.readFileSync(
// saved and change nginx conf
if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved")) {
fs.moveSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved");
"your previous /etc/nginx/nginx.conf was backup in /etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved"
mustache.render(nginxconf, initconf),
mustache.render(proxyparams, initconf),
mustache.render(websiteconf, initconf),
exec(initconf.nginx.restart, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.log("\x1b[42m", error, stdout, stderr, "x1b[0m");
//@todo supprimer la derniere config nginx et relancer
fs.moveSync("/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved", "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf");
console.log("Restart yarn dev with correct parameter");
// cleanup
} else {
//@TODO à finaliser en test sur machien pour creation de nouvelles villes
// add town in nationchains
const gettown = Odmdb.get(`${initconf.dirapi}/nationchains`, "towns", [
if ([initconf.townId] == "notfound") {
townId: initconf.townId,
nationId: initconf.nationId,
dns: initconf.dns,
IP: "",
status: "unchain",
tribes: [],
} else if ([initconf.townId].dns !== initconf.dns) {
//reinstallation d'une town sur un autre serveur maj du dns , l'ip le status et les tribes se mettent à jour via l'interface
const updtown = Odmdb.update(
{ dns: initconf.dns },
console.log(`ready to use http://${initconf.dns}`);
Towns.changeowner = async (newowner, requestby) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(`./tribes/adminapi/opjects/pagans/itm/${newowner}.json`)) {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "towns",
msg: "newownerdoesnotexist",
data: { alias: newowner },
if (!conf.mayorId || conf.mayorId == requestby) {
// update object town + town/conf.json + setup_xx.json
const gettown = Odmdb.get(`../nationchains`, "towns", [
console.log(`before town: ${conf.townId}`, gettown);
if ([conf.townId] == "notfound") {
return {
status: 404,
ref: "towns",
msg: "townIdnotfound",
data: { townId: conf.townId },
}[conf.townId].mayorId = newowner;
const objup = await Odmdb.update(
//update the itm town
if (objup.status != 200) {
return objup;
console.log(`after town update: ${conf.townId}`, gettown);
conf.mayorId = newowner;
fs.outputJsonSync(`../conf.json`, conf);
const setup = fs.readJSONSync(
conf.mayorId = newowner;
//update the setup file for webapp adminapi
return {
status: 200,
ref: "towns",
msg: "newownerchangesuccess",
data: { alias: newowner },
return {
status: 403,
ref: "towns",
msg: "notallow",
data: { newowner, currentowner: conf.mayorId },
module.exports = Towns;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
const glob = require("glob");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const axios = require("axios");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const Checkjson = require(`./Checkjson.js`);
const Trackings = {}
* Tracking system management
* Data collection is done from nginx log system see routes/trackings.js for doc
* Process plan to run each night or on demand to collect log data and cleanup
console.log('Process data to provide a specific graph')
module.export = Trackings;

apxtri/models/Tribes.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
const bcrypt = require( 'bcrypt' );
const fs = require( 'fs-extra' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const glob = require( 'glob' );
const Mustache = require( 'mustache' );
const execSync = require( 'child_process' )
const dnsSync = require( 'dns-sync' );
const jwt = require( 'jwt-simple' );
const moment = require( 'moment' );
const UUID = require( 'uuid' );
const Pagans = require( './Pagans.js' );
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const Checkjson = require( `./Checkjson.js`);
tribeid manager
To add a tribe in dirtown/tribes with a mayor phil
see man adduser and file reference call skelet directory to set an env for apxtri in /home/tribename/
accessible by tribename/password
then add group group me to phil to allow phil to ate a symlink /dirtown/tribes/tribename => to /home/tribename
At each reboot run a process to analyse /apxtri/routes and api/models whre only js can be exexuted are safe (only write data into /home/tribename, never outside)
1- Create a user in linux with $ sudo useradd smatchit
2 => this create a user:group and a folder smatchit in /home/phil/dirtown/tribes/
2 => add group smatchit to phil to allow phil to access file with a group accessright
3 set a password if needed "$sudo passwd smatchit" (sm@tchit) to smatchit to make it available from ssh on port 22
4 to delete a user sudo userdel smatchit (this keep folder smatchit to remove folder smatchit => sudo userdel --remove smacthit)
Manage a tribeid space
* create
* update by managing option and contract
* delete a tribeid
* check accountability and
const Tribes = {};
Tribes.init = () => { 'init Tribes' );
let tribeids = [];
let routes = glob.sync( './routes/*.js' )
.map( f => {
return { url: `/${path.basename(f,'.js')}`, route: f }
} );
let DOMs = [];
let appname = {};
TribesGlobalConfig = glob.sync( `${conf.tribes}/**/clientconf.json` )
.map( f => {
const conf = fs.readJSONSync( f );
// check if plugins exist and add it in .plugins of each tribeid conf
conf.plugins = glob.sync( `${conf.tribes}/${conf.tribeid}/plugins/**/package.json` )
.map( p => {
const pack = fs.readJsonSync( p, 'utf8' );
routes.push( { url: `/${}`, route: `${conf.tribes}/${conf.tribeid}/plugins/${}/route.js` } );
return pack;
} );
//Add here any other info to get a global view and init
tribeids.push( conf.tribeid );
DOMs = [ Set( [ ...DOMs, ...conf.allowedDOMs ] ) ];
if( ) appname[ conf.tribeid ] = Object.keys( )
return conf;
} );
// store global conf fofs.existsSync( `${conf.tmp}/clientconfglob.json` )r sharing to other api
fs.outputJsonSync( `${conf.tmp}/clientconfglob.json`, TribesGlobalConfig, {
spaces: 2
} );
return { tribeids, routes, DOMs, appname }
Tribes.create = ( data ) => {
/* data = clientconf.json
"tribeid": "apxtri",
"genericpsw": "Trze3aze!",
"website": {
"webapp": ""
"allowedDOMs": ["", "localhost:9002", "", ""],
"clientname": "apxtri",
"clientlogo": "",
"geoloc": [],
"useradmin": {PUBKEY:"",EMAIL:"",LOGIN:"adminapxtri",UUID:"adminapxtri"},
"smtp": {
"emailFrom": "",
"emailcc": [],
"service": "gmail",
"auth": {
"user": "",
"pass": "Ha06110"
"accepted-language": "fr,en",
"langueReferential": ["fr"]
What about:
"tribeid": same than the folder where all the client's file are stored
"genericpsw": a generic password for new user need upper lowercase number ans special char
"dnsname": a domain name belonging to the client
"subdns": "www", a sub domain subdns.dnsname give a public web access to
"website": { keywebsite:url}, give access to conf.tribes/tribeid/www/keywebsite/index.html,
"allowedDOMs": ["", "localhost:9002", ""], //for CORS, @TODO generate from prévious URL this allow this apxtri instance to be accessible
"clientname": Name of the organisation if any,
"clientlogo": logo of the organisation if any,
"geoloc": [], if any
"useradmin": { this is the 1st user create automaticaly to make gui available for the 1st user
"PUBKEY":public key to be authentify without an email,
"EMAIL":user email, we need at least one of authentification set up after the user can use both or only one
"LOGIN": login to use for access admintribeid,
"UUID": unique id normaly UUID but a uuid admintribeid is the same person in any apxtri instance so we use it by convention.
"xlang": lang used by this user
"smtp": { smtp used to send email by nodemailer lib basic example with a google account
"emailFrom": "",
"emailcc": [],
"service": "gmail",
"auth": {
"user": "",
"pass": "Ha06110"
"accepted-language": "fr,en", list of accepted-language in terme of http request.
"langueReferential": ["fr"], list of the text that have to be translate in referentials
//update tmp/confglog.json
const dataclient = Tribes.init();
//return in prod all instance apxinfo={tribeids:[],logins:[]}
// in dev return only local
//check tribeid name is unique
console.log( 'liste des tribeid', dataclient.tribeids )
if( dataclient.tribeids.includes( data.tribeid ) ) {
return { status: 403, payload: { model: "client", info: [ 'tribeidalreadyexist' ] } }
//loginsglob = {login:tribeid}
let loginsglob = {};
if( fs.existsSync( `${conf.tmp}/loginsglob.json`, 'utf-8' ) ) {
loginsglob = fs.readJsonSync( `${conf.tmp}/loginsglob.json`, 'utf-8' );
const logins = Object.keys( loginsglob );
if( logins.includes( data.useradmin.login ) ) {
return { status: 403, payload: { model: "client", info: [ 'loginalreadyexist' ] } }
fs.ensureDirSync( `${conf.tribes}/${data.tribeid}` );
[ 'users', 'www', 'referentials', 'nationchains' ].forEach( r => {
fs.copySync( `${__dirapi}/setup/tribes/apxtri/${r}`, `${conf.tribes}/${data.tribeid}/${r}` );
} )
fs.outputJsonSync( `${conf.tribes}/${data.tribeid}/clientconf.json`, data );
const confcli = JSON.parse( Mustache.render( fs.readFileSync( `${__dirapi}/setup/tribes/apxtri/clientconf.mustache`, 'utf8' ), data ) );
fs.outputJsonSync( `${conf.tribes}/${data.tribeid}/clientconf.json`, confcli );
return Pagans.createUser( {
xpaganid: "setup",
xworkon: data.tribeid,
xlang: data.useradmin.xlang
}, data.useradmin );
Tribes.archive = ( tribeid ) => {
//A faire zip un repertoire tribeid dans
// remove tribeid de data ou devdata
try {
fs.moveSync( `${conf.tribes}/${tribeid}`, `${conf.archivefolder}/${tribeid}` );
//update apxtrienv
return { status: 200, payload: { info: [ 'deletetribeidsuccessfull' ], models: 'Tribes', moreinfo: "TODO see in Tribes.archive" } }
} catch ( err ) {
console.log( "Erreur d'archivage", err )
return { status: 403, payload: { info: [ 'archiveerror' ], models: 'Tribes', moreinfo: err } }
////////////// Manage file for Tribes
Tribes.checkaccessfolder = ( folder, typeaccessrequested, useraccessrights, useruuid ) => {
// check folder right
Tribes.checkaccessfiles = ( listfile, typeaccessrequested, useraccessrights, useruuid ) => {
// @listfile to check accessright on file or folder
// @typeaccessrequested on files R read or download, U for pdate, D for delete , O for owned a Owner has all rights RUD on its files
// @useraccessright from its account /userd/uuid.json
// @useruuid public uuid user
// return {'ok':[file auhtorized],'ko':[files not authorized]}
const checkauthlistfile = { 'ok': [], 'ko': [] }
let structf = []
let inforep = { file: {}, dir: {} }
let done;
for( const f of listfile ) {
done = false;
if( !fs.existsSync( `${conf.tribes}/${f}` ) ) {
done = true;
checkauthlistfile.ko.push( f )
console.log( `${f} file does not exist` )
} else {
structf = f.split( '/' );
//on ckeck tribeid existe / tribeid/object/
if( !done &&[ structf[ 0 ] ] &&[ structf[ 0 ] ][ structf[ 1 ] ] &&[ structf[ 0 ] ][ structf[ 1 ] ].includes( typeaccessrequested ) ) {
done = true;
checkauthlistfile.ok.push( f );
} else {
// check if in folder we have .file[f].shared{useruuid:'CRUDO'}
console.log( 'structf', structf )
if( fs.existsSync( `${conf.tribes}/${structf.slice(0,-1).join('/')}/.info.json` ) ) {
inforep = fs.readJsonSync( `${conf.tribes}/${structf.slice(0,-1).join('/')}/.info.json`, 'utf8' )
console.log( `no accessrights for ${f} for ${useruuid} ` )
if( !done && inforep.file[ f ] && inforep.file[ f ] && inforep.file[ f ].shared && inforep.file[ f ].shared[ useruuid ] && inforep.file[ f ].shared[ useruuid ].includes( typeaccessrequested ) ) {
done = true;
checkauthlistfile.ok.push( f )
// If no authorization then ko
if( !done ) {
checkauthlistfile.ko.push( f )
} // end loop for
//console.log( 'checkauthlistfile', checkauthlistfile )
return checkauthlistfile;
Tribes.dirls = ( tribeid, dir ) => {
Return list of file into tribeid/dir
let comment = { src: `${tribeid}/${dir}`, file: {}, dir: {} };
if( fs.existsSync( `${conf.tribes}/${tribeid}/${dir}/.info.json` ) ) {
comment = fs.readJsonSync( `${conf.tribes}/${tribeid}/${dir}/.info.json`, 'utf-8' );
const listfile = []
const listdir = []
glob.sync( `${conf.tribes}/${tribeid}/${dir}/*` )
.forEach( f => {
//console.log( f )
const stats = fs.statSync( f );
// console.log( stats )
if( stats.isFile() ) {
listfile.push( path.basename( f ) )
if( !comment.file[ path.basename( f ) ] ) {
comment.file[ path.basename( f ) ] = { tags: [], info: "", thumbb64: "" };
comment.file[ path.basename( f ) ].mtime = stats.mtime;
comment.file[ path.basename( f ) ].ctime = stats.ctime;
comment.file[ path.basename( f ) ].size = stats.size;
if( stats.isDirectory() ) {
listdir.push( path.basename( f ) )
if( !comment.dir[ path.basename( f ) ] ) {
comment.dir[ path.basename( f ) ] = { tags: [], info: "", thumbb64: "" }
comment.dir[ path.basename( f ) ].nbfile = glob.sync( `${f}/*.*` )
comment.dir[ path.basename( f ) ].mtime = stats.mtime;
comment.dir[ path.basename( f ) ].ctime = stats.mtime;
console.log( 'comment.dir', comment.dir )
} );
// on remove les file or dir that was deleted
Object.keys( comment.file )
.forEach( f => {
if( !listfile.includes( f ) ) delete comment.file[ f ]
} )
Object.keys( comment.dir )
.forEach( d => {
if( !listdir.includes( d ) ) delete comment.dir[ d ]
} )
//console.log( comment )
fs.outputJson( `${conf.tribes}/${tribeid}/${dir}/.info.json`, comment, 'utf-8' );
return { status: 200, payload: { info: [ 'succestogetls' ], models: 'Tribes', moreinfo: comment } }
Tribes.addspaceweb = ( data ) => {
To create a public spaceweb accessible from https://dnsname/pageindex
{dnsname:["",""], 1st is tha main dns other are just servername redirection
tribeid:"archilinea", from req.session.header.xworkon
mode:dev(local no ssl) | prod(IP + ssl)
nginx conf and ssl to serve each https://dnsname to /{tribeid}/www/app/{website}
Carefull this action is executed with root and restart nginx + apxtri to work
data.configdomain = conf.tribes;
data.porthttp = conf.porthttp;
console.assert( conf.loglevel == "quiet", 'data to create spaceweb:', data );
// create spaceweb app for tribeid/www/app/website/pageindexname.html
if( !fs.existsSync( `${conf.tribes}/${data.tribeid}/www/app/${}` ) ) {
fs.outputFileSync( `${conf.tribes}/${data.tribeid}/www/app/${}/${data.pageindex}`, `<h1>Hello ${data.tribeid} ${} onto ${data.dnsname.join(',')}`, 'utf-8' )
//create logs folder
fs.ensureDirSync( `${conf.tribes}/${data.tribeid}/logs/nginx` );
// add nginx http config
const confnginx = fs.readFileSync( 'setup/nginx/modelwebsite.conf.mustache', 'utf-8' );
fs.outputFileSync( `/etc/nginx/conf.d/${data.dnsname[0]}.conf`, Mustache.render( confnginx, data ), 'utf-8' );
if( data.dns == "unchain" ) {
//add in /etc/hosts
let hosts = fs.readFileSync( '/etc/hosts', 'utf8' );
let chg = false;
data.dnsname.forEach( d => {
if( !hosts.includes( ` ${d}` ) ) {
hosts += `\n127.0.0.1 ${d}`;
chg = true;
if( chg ) {
fs.outputFileSync( '/etc/hosts', hosts, 'utf8' )
} );
//Ckeck dns respond
data.dnsname.forEach( d => {
if( !dnsSync.resolve( `${d}` ) ) {
rep += `\nresolving ${d} will not responding valid IP, please setup domain redirection IP before runing this script`
} )
//update clienconf.json
const clientconf = fs.readJsonSync( `${conf.tribes}/${data.tribeid}/clientconf.json` );[ ] = data.dnsname[ 0 ];
//merge allowedDOMs in unique concat
clientconf.allowedDOMs = [ Set( ...clientconf.allowedDOMs, ) ];
fs.outputJsonSync( `${conf.tribes}/${data.tribeid}/clientconf.json`, clientconf, 'utf-8' );
if( !data.setup ) {
// in setup apxtri is not running and it will be start manually at the 1st run
// in other case need to plan a restart for CORS
setTimeout( Tribes.restartapxtri, 300000, data.clienId );
const nginxrestart = execSync( `sudo systemctl restart nginx` )
console.log( 'Restart nginx', nginxrestart )
if( data.mode != "unchain" ) {
// get ssl certificate ATTENTION il faut ajouter -d devant chaque domain qui redirige vers l'espace web.
const certbot = execSync( `sudo certbot --nginx -d ${data.dnsname.join(' -d ')}` )
console.log( 'certbot is running A CHECKER POUR UNE VRAIE PROD ????', certbot )
//sh execution to update change requested
return {
status: 200,
payload: {
model: "Tribes",
info: [ 'webspacecreated' ],
moreinfo: "Space web well created"
Tribes.restartapxtri = ( tribeid ) => {
console.log( 'A restarting was requested 5mn ago from a new spacedev for ' + tribeid )
execSync( 'yarn restartpm2' );
module.exports = Tribes;

apxtri/models/Wwws.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");
const dnsSync = require("dns-sync");
const mustache = require("mustache");
const readlineSync = require("readline-sync");
const Odmdb = require("./Odmdb.js");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const Wwws = {};
const wco={}
if (!fs.existsSync(`../../../${tribwco}`)){}
Wwws.initlocaldata = (tribe, appname, pagename, version, profils, lg) => {
const fileparam = `../../${tribe}/objects/wwws/itm/${appname}.json`;
if (!fs.existsSync(fileparam)) {
return { status: 404, ref: "Wwws", msg: "appdoesnotexist", data: {} };
const locals = fs.readJSONSync(fileparam);
if (!locals.pages[pagename]) {
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Wwws",
msg: "pagedoesnotexist",
data: { pagename }
if (locals.pages[pagename].version == version) {
return { status: 200, ref: "Wwws", msg: "nonewdatamodel", data: {} };
let authorize = false;
profils.forEach((p) => {
authorize = authorize || locals.pages[pagename].profils.includes(p);
if (!authorize) {
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Wwws",
msg: "forbidenaccess",
data: { pagename, profils },
//check version
const initname = `../../tmp/initlocaldata/${tribe}_${appname}_${pagename}_${lg}_${locals.pages[pagename].version}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(initname) && 1 != 1) {
const init = fs.readJsonSync(initname);
if ( == {
return { status: 200, ref: "Wwws", msg: "datamodelnoupdate", data: init };
const localstorage = {
version: locals.pages[pagename].version,
headers: locals.apxtri.headers,
req: {},
itms: {},
options: {},
tpl: {},
ref: {},
schema: {},
localstorage.headers.xlang = lg;
// A faire plus tard charger tous les referentiele et les data pour une page adminpage
/* if (pagename=="pageadmin"){
// load any referentialdata
if (!localstorage.schema.includes(`${tribe}/objects/${path.basename(f,".json")}`)){
const loc = locals.pages[pagename];
if (loc.itms){
Object.keys(loc.itms).forEach((r) => {
const src = `../../${loc.itms[r]}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(src)) {
localstorage.itms[r] = fs.readJSONSync(src);
} else {
localstorage.itms[r] = `Check your ${fileparam} for itms in ${pagename} and ${r}`;
if (loc.ref) {
Object.keys(loc.ref).forEach((r) => {
const src = `../../${loc.ref[r]}_${lg}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(src)) {
localstorage.ref[r] = fs.readJSONSync(src);
} else {
] = `Check your ${fileparam} for ref in ${pagename} and ${r}`;
if (loc.options) {
Object.keys(loc.options).forEach((r) => {
const src = `../../${loc.options[r]}_${lg}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(src)) {
localstorage.options[r] = fs.readJSONSync(src);
} else {
] = `Check your ${fileparam} for options in ${pagename} profil and ${r}`;
if (!loc.tpl) loc.tpl={};
if (!loc.tpldata) loc.tpldata={};
if (loc.components){
const componame=path.basename(c)
if (loc.tpl) {
Object.keys(loc.tpl).forEach((r) => {
let src = `../../${loc.tpl[r]}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(src)) {
src += `_${lg}.mustache`;
if (fs.existsSync(src)) {
localstorage.tpl[r] = fs.readFileSync(src,'utf-8');
} else {
] = `Check your ${fileparam} for template in ${pagename} profil and ${r}`;
if (loc.tpldata) {
Object.keys(loc.tpldata).forEach((r) => {
let src = `../../${loc.tpldata[r]}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(src)) {
src += `_${lg}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(src)) {
localstorage.tpldata[r] = fs.readJSONSync(src);
} else {
] = `Check your ${fileparam} for template in ${pagename} profil and ${r} in tpldata`;
if (loc.schema) {
loc.schema.forEach((objpath) => {
const name = path.basename(objpath);
const schema = Odmdb.Schema(`../../${objpath}`, false, lg);
if (schema.status == 200) {
localstorage.schema[name] =;
} else {
let msg=`Check your ${fileparam} for schema in ${pagename}, for ${schema.status} ${schema.ref} ${schema.msg} :`
if (schema.status==406){
if (schema.msg) msg+=schema.msg
if (schema.multimsg) {
msg+=`${err.msg} ${JSON.stringify(})`
] = msg;
return {
status: 200,
ref: "Wwws",
msg: "datamodelupdate",
data: localstorage
/*Wwws.apxtriinstall = (paramconf) => {
if (fs.existsSync(`${conf.dirtown}/conf.json`)) {
console.log("You already have a conf on this town");
//first install
const nginxconf = fs.readFileSync(
const proxyparams = fs.readFileSync(
// saved and change nginx conf
if (!fs.existsSync("/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved")) {
fs.moveSync("/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", "/etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved");
"your previous /etc/nginx/nginx.conf was backup in /etc/nginx/nginxconf.saved"
mustache.render(nginxconf, paramconf),
mustache.render(proxyparams, paramconf),
if (!fs.existsSync(paramconf.nginx.logs)) fs.mkdirSync(paramconf.nginx.logs);
paramconf.nginx.firstinstall = true;
fs.outputJsonSync("../tribes/conf.json", paramconf, {
space: 2,
return Www.create(paramconf.nginx);
Wwws.create = (paramnginx) => {
* Create an nginx conf to make available a spaceweb for a tribe /www/appname/
const res = {
status: 200,
ref: "Www",
msg: "successfulwww",
data: { website: },
const nginxwebsite = fs.readFileSync(
mustache.render(nginxwebsite, paramnginx),
if (!fs.existsSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/${}`)) {
//See later how to generate specific template of webapp
if (!fs.existsSync(`./${paramnginx.fswww}www/cdn`)) {
//See later how to generate specific template of webapp
//restart nginx
const { exec } = require("child_process");
exec(paramnginx.restart, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
if (paramnginx.firstinstall) {
console.log("\x1b[42m", error, stdout, stderr, "x1b[0m");
//@todo supprimer la derniere config et relancer
res.status = 500;
res.msg = "nginxError"; = { msg: `${error}<br>${stdout}<br>${stderr}` };
} else {
if (paramnginx.firstinstall) {
// the tribes/conf.json is saved in apxtriinstall
`\x1b[42m###########################################################################################\x1b[0m\n\x1b[42mWellcome into apxtri, you can now 'yarn dev' for dev or 'yarn startpm2' for prod or \n'yarn unittest' for testing purpose. Access to your town here \x1b[0m\x1b[32mhttp://adminapx\x1b[0m \x1b[42m \nto finish your town setup. Don't forget to set your localhost /etc/hosts by adding adminapx or {LAN IP} adminapx . Check README's project to learn more. \x1b[0m\n\x1b[42m###########################################################################################\x1b[0m`
} else {
// add website to tribe conf
return res;
Wwws.setssl = () => {
// Run process to change nginx conf to get a ssl
Wwws.configlist = (tribeId) => {
//if accessright R return list of conf parameter {webapp:{conf parameter}}
const res = { status: 200, data: {} };
return res;
module.exports = Wwws;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
Unit testing
const assert = require("assert");
const Checkjson = require("../Checkjson.js");
const ut = { name: "Checkjson" };
const schema = {
$schema: "",
title: "Dummy schema to test Checkjson.js",
description: "Checkjson is use on server as well as into a browser",
$comment: "We change schema type on the fly to simplify the test",
type: "object",
properties: {
totest: {},
const testproperties = [
name: "test0",
data: { totest: true },
properties: { totest: { type: "boolean" } },
status: 200,
name: "test1",
data: { totest: "blabla" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string" } },
status: 200,
name: "test2",
data: { totest: 123 },
properties: { totest: { type: "string" } },
status: 417,
name: "test3",
data: { totest: 123.13 },
properties: { totest: { type: "integer" } },
status: 417,
name: "test4",
data: { totest: 123 },
properties: { totest: { type: "number" } },
status: 200,
name: "test5",
data: { totest: 12312 },
properties: { totest: { type: "number" } },
status: 200,
name: "test6",
data: { totest: 12.313 },
properties: { totest: { type: "float" } },
status: 200,
name: "test7",
data: { totest: "blablab sfde" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", minLength: 1111 } },
status: 417,
name: "test8",
data: { totest: "blablab sfde" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", minLength: 4, maxLength: 128 } },
status: 200,
name: "test9",
data: { totest: 12 },
properties: { totest: { type: "integer", multipleOf: 3 } },
status: 200,
name: "test10",
data: { totest: 9 },
properties: {
totest: { type: "number", minimum: -10, exclusiveMaximum: 10 },
status: 200,
name: "test11",
data: { totest: 10 },
properties: {
totest: { type: "number", minimum: -10, exclusiveMaximum: 10 },
status: 417,
name: "test12",
data: { totest: "gfhrtabcdgfr" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", pattern: /.*abc.*/ } },
status: 200,
name: "test13",
data: { totest: "" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", format: "email" } },
status: 200,
name: "test14",
data: { totest: "Aze123@0" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", format: "password" } },
status: 200,
name: "test15",
data: { totest: "value1" },
properties: {
totest: { type: "string", enum: ["value1", "value2", "value3"] },
status: 200,
name: "test16",
data: { totest: ["t1", "t2"] },
properties: { totest: { type: ["string", "number"] } },
status: 417,
name: "test17",
data: { totest: 12 },
properties: { totest: { type: ["string", "number"] } },
status: 200,
name: "test18",
data: { totest: 100 },
properties: { totest: { type: "integer", minimum: 50 } },
status: 200,
name: "test19",
data: { totest: 25 },
properties: { totest: { type: "integer", minimum: 30 } },
status: 417,
name: "test20",
data: { totest: "short" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", minLength: 10 } },
status: 417,
name: "test21",
data: { totest: "long enough string" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", minLength: 10 } },
status: 200,
name: "test22",
data: { totest: 5 },
properties: { totest: { type: "integer", maximum: 10 } },
status: 200,
name: "test23",
data: { totest: 15 },
properties: { totest: { type: "integer", maximum: 10 } },
status: 417,
name: "test24",
data: { totest: "12345" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", pattern: "^[0-9]+$" } },
status: 200,
name: "test25",
data: { totest: "abc123" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", pattern: "^[0-9]+$" } },
status: 417,
name: "test26",
data: { totest: 9.99 },
properties: { totest: { type: "number", exclusiveMinimum: 10 } },
status: 417,
name: "test27",
data: { totest: 10.01 },
properties: { totest: { type: "number", exclusiveMinimum: 10 } },
status: 200,
ut.testproperties = (options) => {
let msg = "";
testproperties.forEach((t) => { =;
const res =,;
if (res.status != t.status) {
msg = msg == "" ? "Unconsistent testproperties() name list: " : `${msg},`;
if (options.verbose) {
msg += => ` ${} ${}`);
return assert.deepEqual(msg, "", msg);
}; = (options) => {
console.log("Test Checkjson properties");
module.exports = ut;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Unit testing
const assert = require("assert");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");
const Odmdb = require("../Odmdb.js");
const ut = { name: "Odmdb" };
Test crud process for any object
ut.crud = (objectPathname, itm, profils) => {
// test if exist
// if not test create
// test to read
// test update
// test delete
const res = { status: 200, err: [] };
return res;
const testvar={alias:"tutu", passphrase:"",privatekey:"", publickey:""}
const testitms=[
itm:{alias:'toutou', publickey:""}}
] = (options) => {
let msg=""
//si erreur add msg+++
assert.deepEqual(msg, "", msg);
module.exports = ut;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
const assert = require('assert');
const openpgp = require('openpgp');
const Pagans = require('../Pagans');
const dayjs = require('dayjs');
const ut = { name: 'Pagans' };
// Data
ut.test = {
tribe: "smatchit",
pagans: [
alias: "unittestadminsmatchit",
passphrase: "adminsmatchitPass",
persons: { firstname: "toto", lastname: "titi", profils: ["anonymous"] },
testprofil: "adminrecruiter",
alias: "unittestseeker",
passphrase: "",
persons: { firstname: "toto", lastname: "titi", profils: ["anonymous"] },
testprofil: "seeker",
alias: "unittestrecruiter",
passphrase: "recruiterPass",
persons: { firstname: "toto", lastname: "titi", profils: ["anonymous"] },
testprofil: "recruiter",
alias: "unittestadminrecruiter",
passphrase: "adminrecruiterPass",
persons: { firstname: "toto", lastname: "titi", profils: ["anonymous"] },
testprofil: "adminrecruiter",
// Apx
const apx = {}; = {}; = {};
apx.generateKey = async (alias, passphrase) => {
try {
console.log(`\nGenerating keys for alias: ${alias}`);
const pgpParams = {
type: "ecc",
curve: "curve25519",
userIDs: [{ name: alias }],
passphrase: passphrase,
format: "armored",
const key = await openpgp.generateKey(pgpParams);
console.log(`Keys generated successfully for alias: ${alias}`);
return {
privatekey: key.privateKey,
publickey: key.publicKey,
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error generating keys for alias: ${alias}`, error);
return {};
apx.createIdentity = async (alias, passphrase) => {
try {
const { privatekey, publickey } = await apx.generateKey(alias, passphrase);
if (!privatekey || !publickey) {
throw new Error(`Failed to generate keys for ${alias}`);
console.log(`Identity created successfully for alias: ${alias}`);
return { alias, privatekey, publickey };
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error creating identity for alias: ${alias}`, error);
throw error;
apx.clearmsgSignature = async (privateKeyArmored, passphrase, message) => {
try {
const privateKey = await openpgp.readPrivateKey({ armoredKey: privateKeyArmored });
let decryptedPrivateKey = privateKey;
if (!privateKey.isDecrypted()) {
decryptedPrivateKey = await openpgp.decryptKey({
const signedMessage = await openpgp.sign({
message: await openpgp.createMessage({ text: message }),
signingKeys: decryptedPrivateKey
return signedMessage;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error signing message:', error);
return null;
apx.authenticate = async (alias, passphrase, privatekey) => {
try { = alias; = dayjs().valueOf();
const msg = `${alias}_${}`;
console.log("pvk", privatekey); = await apx.clearmsgSignature(privatekey, passphrase, msg);
if (! {
throw new Error('Failed to generate xhash for authentication');
console.log(`Authentication successful for alias: ${alias}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error authenticating alias: ${alias}`, error);
throw error;
ut.createIdentity = async (t) => {
try {
// Test if alias already exists
const getalias = await Pagans.getalias(t.alias);
if (getalias.status !== 404) {
console.log(`Alias ${t.alias} already exists. Deleting...`);
await Pagans.deletealias(t.alias);
console.log(`Deleted ${t.alias}.`);
// Generate keys
const keys = await apx.createIdentity(t.alias, t.passphrase);
if (!keys.privatekey || !keys.publickey) {
throw new Error(`Failed to generate keys for ${t.alias}`);
return keys;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Error creating identity for ${t.alias}: ${error.message}`);
// Authentication process
ut.authenticate = async (t, privatekey, passphrase) => {
try {
const headers = await apx.authenticate(t.alias, passphrase, privatekey);
return headers;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Error authenticating ${t.alias}: ${error.message}`);
}; = async () => {
console.log('Test Pagans Registration and Authentication');
for (const t of ut.test.pagans) {
try {
console.log(`Creating identity for ${t.alias}`);
const identity = await ut.createIdentity(t);
console.log(`Authenticating ${t.alias}`);
const headers = await ut.authenticate(t, identity.privatekey, t.passphrase);
console.log(`Headers for ${t.alias}:`, headers);
console.log(`All operations for ${t.alias} completed successfully.`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing ${t.alias}: ${error.message}`);
console.log('All test cases ran successfully');
module.exports = ut;
if (require.main === module) { => {
console.error('Test case failed:', err);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
Unit testing
const assert = require("assert");
const Checkjson = require("../Checkjson.js");
const ut = { name: "Checkjson" };
const schema = {
$schema: "",
title: "Dummy schema to test Checkjson.js",
description: "Checkjson is use on server as well as into a browser",
$comment: "We change schema type on the fly to simplify the test",
type: "object",
properties: {
totest: {},
const testproperties = [
name: "test0",
data: { totest: true },
properties: { totest: { type: "boolean" } },
status: 200,
name: "test1",
data: { totest: "blabla" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string" } },
status: 200,
name: "test2",
data: { totest: 123 },
properties: { totest: { type: "string" } },
status: 417,
name: "test3",
data: { totest: 123.13 },
properties: { totest: { type: "integer" } },
status: 200, // Should be 417
name: "test4",
data: { totest: "short" },
properties: { totest: { type: "string", minLength: 10 } },
status: 417,
ut.testproperties = (options) => {
let msg = "";
testproperties.forEach((t) => { =;
const res =,;
if (res.status != t.status) {
msg = msg == "" ? "Unconsistent testproperties() name list: " : `${msg},`;
if (options.verbose) {
msg += ` ${} expected status ${t.status}, got ${res.status}`;
return assert.deepEqual(msg, "", msg);
}; = (options) => {
console.log("Test Checkjson properties");
module.exports = ut;

apxtri/routes/nations.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
const express = require( 'express' );
const fs=require('fs-extra');
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
// Classes
const Nations = require( '../models/Nations.js' );
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require( '../middlewares/checkHeaders' );
const isAuthenticated = require( '../middlewares/isAuthenticated' );
const router = express.Router();
Manage nation
A major create a nation with at least a town => nation:{name, towns:[]} contracts/nationname.js + contracts/townsname.js
Manage a new towns in a nation => update nation:[nationname:towns:[]} contracts/townname.js
* @api {put} adminapi/nations/viewtown/:town - nationlist from a town major
* @apigroup Nation
* @apiName nationlist
* @apiDescription get list of nation from a town to help this instance to update network topology
* @apiParam {string} town fromwhich the data come from
* @apiSuccess {object} refreshnetworktopoly
* * HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {status:200,ref:"Nations",msg:"updated",data:{}};
router.put( '/', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
const uptown = Nations.updatetown()
} )
module.exports = router;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
const express = require("express");
// Classes
const Notifications = require("../models/Notifications.js");
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders");
const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated");
const router = express.Router();
* wait Sagar feedback for language and label description
* @ api {post} /api/notifications/backend - Notification Backend post
* @apiName notifBackend
* @apiDescription Send an api result {status,ref,msg,data} to get personnalize notification by header.xlang abd by data
* @apiGroup Notification
* @apiBody {integer} status an http status
* @apiBody {string} ref an existing model name
* @apiBody {string} msg a key word existing in referentiual
* */"/backend", (req, res) => {});
* @api {get} adminapi/notifications/messages/:alias/:tribeId -Get message list for alias in tribe
* @apiName notiflist
* @apiDescription Get list of notifications for an alias and a tribe
* @apiGroup Notifications
* @apiParam {string} alias
* @apiParam {string} tribeId
* @apiSuccess {object} notif content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {status:200,ref:"Notification",msg:"Messagelist",data:{notif:[{tribeId,msg:{from(email or uuid or alias):[{dt,msg}]}}]}
* bouture
router.get("/messages/:alias/:tribeId", (req, res) => {
const getnot = Notification.get(req.params.alias, req.params.tribeId);
* @api {POST} adminapi/notifications/sendmail/:tribe/:template -Send personnalize emails
* @apiName Sendmail
* @apiDescription Send personnalize email with data from template store in ../../{tribe}/template/{template}.json and smtp in conf global or in /itm/{tribe}.json that must have valid parameter emailcontact must be authorized by the smtp
* "emailcontact": "",
* "smtp": {
* "host": "",
* "port": 587,
* "secure": false,
* "auth": {
* "user": "xx",
* "pass": "yy"
* }
* }
* @apiGroup Notifications
* @apiParam {string} template
* @apiParam {string} tribe
* @apiBody {array} emails to send (array of valid email)
* @apiBody {object} data to personnalize template
* @apiSuccess {object} notif content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {status:200,ref:"Notification",msg:"Messagelist",data:{notif:[{tribeId,msg:{from(email or uuid or alias):[{dt,msg}]}}]}
* bouture
async (req, res) => {
const data =;
data.emailsto = req.body.emails;
const pathtpl = `../../${req.params.tribe}/template/${req.params.template}_${req.session.header.xlang}.js`;
const sendemail = await Notifications.manageemail(
* @api {POST} adminapi/notifications/registeranonymous/:tribe/:mlist/:typekey/:data -Register email||phone to mlist
* @apiName register
* @apiGroup Notifications
* @apiDescription Register an email or phone into a mailinglist mlist
* @apiBody {string} tribe an existing tribe
* @apiBody {string} mlist a mailing list name
* @apiBody {string} key email or phone keyword
* @apiBod {string} srckey must exist in tribes/schema/lg/enumtrk_xx.json
* @apiParams {string} data the email or phone value
* @apiSuccess {object} update mailinglist/{mlist}.json successfull
* @apiSuccessExample {json} successfullmessage
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Notifications", "msg":"registersuccess", "data":{data, typekey, tribe, mlist, srckey, uuid}}}
*/"/registeranonymous", checkHeaders, (req, res) => {
//console.log("list registration ",req.body)
if (!req.body.typekey || !["email", "telephone"].includes(req.body.typekey)) {
return res.status(406).json({
status: 406,
ref: "Notifications",
msg: "typekeyunknown",
data: { typekey: req.body.typekey },
const key = req.body.contactpoint
? req.body.contactpoint
: req.body[req.body.typekey];
result = Notifications.registertolist(
* @api {GET} adminapi/notifications/unregister/:tribe/:mlist/:typekey/:data/:validation -Unregister email or phone from a mlist or all mlist
* @apiName unregister
* @apiGroup Notifications
* @apiDescription Register an email into a mailinglist mlist
* @apiParams {string} tribe an existing tribe
* @apiParams {string} mlist a mailing list name
* @apiParams {string} key email or phone
* @apiParams {string} srckey must exist in tribes/schema/lg/enumtrk_xx.json
* @apiParams {string} data the email or phone
* @apiParams {string} validation a key store in /tmp waiting to be approved, if "request" then send an email for confirmation, else if exist then remove email from list.
* @apiSuccess {object} update mailinglist/{mlist}.json successfull
* @apiSuccessExample {json} successfullmessage
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Notifications", "msg":"registersuccess", "data":{data, typekey, tribe, mlist, srckey, uuid}}}
(req, res) => {
Notifications.registertolist = (typekey, tribe, mlist, srckey, uuid);
result = Notifications.registertolist(
* @api {GET} adminapi/notifications/stat/maillinglst/:tribe --Statistic maillinglst
* @apiName statmaillinglst
* @apiGroup Notifications
* @apiDescription Mailling list statistique
* @apiParams {string} tribe an existing tribe
* @apiSuccess {object} with data results
* @apiSuccessExample {json} successfullmessage
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {
* "status": 200,
* "ref": "Notifications",
* "msg": "statistics",
* "data": {
* "teasingwebpage": {
* "email_stayinformboth": 1,
* "email_stayinformseeker": 6
* },
* "gorillamkt": {
* "email_trouvemonjobrecruiter": 7,
* "email_trouvemonjobseeker": 142,
* "telephonefr_trouvemonjobrecruiter": 4,
* "telephonefr_trouvemonjobseeker": 103
* },
* "forumantony": {
* "email_trouvemonjobseeker": 18,
* "telephonefr_trouvemonjobseeker": 151
* }
* }
router.get("/stat/maillinglst/:tribe", checkHeaders, async (req, res) => {
console.log("passe là");
const resstat = Notifications.statmaillist(req.params.tribe);
* @api {POST} adminapi/notifications/contactanonymous/:tribe -Contact anonymous
* @apiName contactanonymous
* @apiGroup Notifications
* @apiDescription Register a contact in tribe and send a mail to admin of tribe
* @apiParams {string} tribe an existing tribe
* @apiBody {string} srckey: where it come from and eventualy email template name to use to send email ,
* @apiBody {string} email to recontact
* @apiBody {string} others any other usefull key:value
* @apiSuccess {object} create/update tribe/contacts/{}.json successfull
* @apiSuccessExample {json} successfullmessage
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Contact", "msg":"success", "data":{"indexlist":[]}}
*/"/contactanonymous", checkHeaders, async (req, res) => {
const done = Actions[req.body.order]
? await Actions[req.body.order](req.body, req.session.header)
: { status: 406, ref: "Actions", msg: "bodyerror", data: req.body };
//console.log('routes contactanonymous ', req.body);
* Same as /copntactanonymous but for authenticated user => data are updated in persons/itm/alias.json
(req, res) => {
const done = Actions[req.body.order]
? Actions[req.body.order](req.body, req.session.header)
: { status: 406, ref: "Actions", msg: "bodyerror", data: req.body };
router.get("/contact", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
res.status(200).json({ data: {} });
module.exports = router;

apxtri/routes/odmdb.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
const express = require("express");
const glob = require("glob");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const Odmdb = require("../models/Odmdb.js");
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders.js");
const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated.js");
const router = express.Router();
* @api {get} /adminapi/odmdb/schemas/:tribe - objects Get
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName getIndex
* @apiDescription Get objects available result is store in data.apx.conf for schema conf of adminapi schema (pagans,towns,... ) and data.apx.objectnames as array of schema name. Schema related to tribe are store in data.tribe.conf and data.tribe.objectnames where tribe come from header.xtribe
* @apiParams {string} tribe to get list of schema related to tribe
* @apiSuccess {object} contain data.indexname
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"objectslist", "data":{apx:{conf,objectnames:[]},tribe:{conf,objectnames:[]}}}
router.get("/schemas/:tribe", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
const data = {
tribename: req.params.tribe,
apx: { conf: {}, objectnames: [] },
tribe: { conf: {}, objectnames: [] },
let trb;
glob.sync(`..{/,/../${req.params.tribe}/}schema/*.json`).forEach((f) => {
const objectname = path.basename(f, ".json");
trb = f.includes(req.params.tribe) ? "tribe" : "apx";
if (objectname == "conf") {
data[trb].conf = fs.readJSONSync(f);
} else {
res.status(200).json({ status: 200, ref: "Odmdb", msg: "objectslist", data });
* @api {get} /adminapi/odmdb/schema/:tribe/:objectname - Schema Get in the language header
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName getIndex
* @apiDescription Get schema in the requested language if login have accessright. object $ref or $id are replace by the relevant schema, option $ref are replace by enum list of authorised value
* @apiParams {string} tribe (adminapi,smatchit,..) to looking for
* @apiParams {string} objectname requested must exist in adminapi or tribe
* @apiSuccess {object} contain data.schema
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"schema", "data":{schema,objectname,lg}
(req, res) => {
const objectPathname = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/${req.params.objectname}`;
const retschema = Odmdb.Schema(objectPathname, true, req.header.xlang);
* @api {get} /adminapi/odmdb/options/:tribe/objects/option/:optionname - Get option list in header language
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName getOption
* @apiDescription Get schema in the requested language if login have accessright. object $ref or $id are replace by the relevant schema, option $ref are replace by enum list of authorised value
* @apiParams {string} tribe (adminapi,smatchit,..) to looking for
* @apiParams {string} objectname requested must exist in adminapi or tribe
* @apiSuccess {object} contain data.schema
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"schema", "data":{schema,objectname,lg}
(req, res) => {
const objectPathname = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/options/${req.params.optionname}_${req.header.xlang}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(objectPathname)) {
status: 200,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "optionfind",
data: fs.readJsonSync(objectPathname),
} else {
status: 404,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "optionnotfound",
data: { objectPathname },
* @api {get} adminapi/odmdb/idx/:tribe/:objectname/:indexname - index Get
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName getIndexbyindexname
* @apiDescription Get index file for an object
* @apiParams {string} tribe if common adminapi or tribename
* @apiParams {string} objectname If in conf.nationObjects then object is into nationchains/ else in tribes/xtribe/objectname/idx/indexname indexname
* @apiParams {String} indexname name of index file in /idx/indexnamme.json
* @apiError {json} objectNotfound the file does not exist
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* @apiSuccess {object} indexfile content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"indexexist", "data":{indexname,content:{index file}}
(req, res) => {
const indexpath = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/${req.params.objectname}/idx/${req.params.indexname}`;
if (fs.existsSync(indexpath)) {
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "indexexist",
data: {
indexname: req.params.indexname,
content: fs.readJsonSync(indexpath),
} else {
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "pathnamedoesnotexist",
data: { indexpath },
* @api {get} /adminapi/odmdb/rebuildidx/:tribe/:objectname - index refresh all
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName refreshAllIndex
* @apiDescription Rebuild all index for an object, this can be usefull in case crash or any data conflict.
* @apiParam {string} objectname Mandatory
* @apiParam {string} tribe adminapi or tribe name (smatchit), where object is store
* @apiSuccess {object} indexfile content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} successreindex
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"successreindex", "data":{"indexlist":[]}}
* @apiError {json} objectNotfound the file does not exist
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
{"status":404,"ref":"Odmdb","msg":"see nationchains/model/lg/Odmdb_xx.json","data":"object to render with msg"}
(req, res) => {
// check validity and accessright
const objectPathname = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/${req.params.objectname}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(objectPathname)) {
status: 404,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "pathnamedoesnotexist",
data: { indexpath: objectPathname },
return false;
if (
conf.api.nationObjects.includes(req.params.objectname) &&
) {
status: 403,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "profilnotallow",
data: { profils: "mayor" },
return false;
if (
!conf.api.nationObjects.includes(req.params.objectname) &&
) {
status: 403,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "profilnotallow",
data: { profils: "druid" },
return false;
const reindex = Odmdb.idxfromitm(objectPathname, "I", {}, {}, [], {});
* @api {post} /adminapi/odmdb/itm/:tribe/:objectname - item Create
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName postItm
* @apiPermission none
* @apiDescription Add an new item (data) into a collection of objectname items. Before Check data integrity with the relevant schema.
* Then create a new primarykey. For multilanguage return see nationchains/model/lg/Odmdb_xx.json.
* @apiParam {string} tribe adminapi or tribe name (smatchit), where object is store
* @apiParam {string} objectname Place where to create new item, schema and version are available in /objectname/conf.json
* @apiBody {Object} data must pass Checkjson.js with schema
* @apiSuccess {json} data idxprimary Value of idxprimary into objectname collection
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"cudsuccessfull", "data":{"itm":{}}}
* @apiError {json} schemanotfound The objectname schema is not found
* @apiError {json} pathnamedoesnotexist The objectname does not exist for the tribe
* @apiError {json} missingprimarykey Body data must have primarykey to be created
* @apiError {json} unconsistencyapxidx some Body data get unique key that already exist
* @apiError {json} checkjsonfalse The body data are not consistent with the schema
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* {"status":404,"ref":"Odmdb","msg":"see nationchains/model/lg/Odmdb_xx.json","data":"object to render with msg"}
(req, res) => {
// Create an item of an object with no specificities
// if specificities then create a route / model that import odmdb
const objectPathname = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/${req.params.objectname}`;
const postitm = Odmdb.cud(objectPathname, "C", req.body, {
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
* @api {put} /adminapi/odmdb/itm/:tribe/:objectname - item Update
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName putItm
* @apiPermission none
* @apiDescription Update an item (data) into a collection of objectname items. Before Check data integrity with the relevant schema.
* Then create a new primarykey. For multilanguage return see nationchains/model/lg/Odmdb_xx.json.
* @apiParam {string} tribe adminapi or tribe name (smatchit), where object is store
* @apiParam {string} objectname Place where to create new item, schema and version are available in /objectname/conf.json
* @apiBody {Object} data must pass Checkjson.js with schema
* @apiSuccess {json} data idxprimary Value of idxprimary into objectname collection
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"cudsuccessfull", "data":{"itm":{}}}
* @apiError {json} schemanotfound The objectname schema is not found
* @apiError {json} pathnamedoesnotexist The objectname does not exist for the tribe
* @apiError {json} missingprimarykey Body data must have primarykey to be created
* @apiError {json} unconsistencyapxidx some Body data get unique key that already exist
* @apiError {json} checkjsonfalse The body data are not consistent with the schema
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* {"status":404,"ref":"Odmdb","msg":"see nationchains/model/lg/Odmdb_xx.json","data":"object to render with msg"}
(req, res) => {
// Create an item of an object with no specificities
// if specificities then create a route / model that import odmdb
const objectPathname = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/${req.params.objectname}`;
const postitm = Odmdb.cud(objectPathname, "U", req.body, {
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
* @api {delete} /adminapi/odmdb/itm/:tribe/:objectname/:apxid/:primaryid - item Delete
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName deleteItm
* @apiPermission none
* @apiDescription Delete an item (data) into a collection of objectname items. This will reindex all idx for this object, but this won't check if this item.apxid is not already use somewhere else. If you use this endpoint be sure that no one will use it, if not then a get request will answer not found. For data integrity is better to use a scpecifc endpoint per tribe to manage a bunch of objects.
* @apiParam {string} tribe adminapi or tribe name (smatchit), where object is store
* @apiParam {string} objectname Place where to create new item, schema and version are available in /objectname/conf.json
* @apiParam {string} apxid the key that is use as unique id for this object you find it in the schema.apxid
* @apiBody {Object} data must pass Checkjson.js with schema
* @apiSuccess {json} data idxprimary Value of idxprimary into objectname collection
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"cudsuccessfull", "data":{"itm":{}}}
* @apiError {json} schemanotfound The objectname schema is not found
* @apiError {json} pathnamedoesnotexist The objectname does not exist for the tribe
* @apiError {json} missingprimarykey Body data must have primarykey to be created
* @apiError {json} unconsistencyapxidx some Body data get unique key that already exist
* @apiError {json} checkjsonfalse The body data are not consistent with the schema
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* {"status":404,"ref":"Odmdb","msg":"see nationchains/model/lg/Odmdb_xx.json","data":"object to render with msg"}
(req, res) => {
// Create an item of an object with no specificities
// if specificities then create a route / model that import odmdb
const objectPathname = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/${req.params.objectname}`;
const itmtoremove={}
const delitm = Odmdb.cud(objectPathname, "D", itmtoremove, {
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
* @api {post} /adminapi/odmdb/searchitms/:tribe/:objectname - items Search
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName searchItms
* @apiPermission none
* @apiDescription Search dynamicaly in an object collection of items, results can be a list of apxid or an object {apxid1:{propertie:value,..}}. To get object you must specify in body the key fields. See usage example. TODO: This will evolve with deeper search technics
* @apiParam {string} tribe name (smatchit), where object is store
* @apiParam {string} objectname object name where looking for
* @apiBody {array} [apxid] list of apxid prefilter when for perfomance you want filter the search investigation. If omit then it is looking for in any item object
* @apiBody {array} [fields] string "all" or list of properties of object you want to get (profils user must have accessright in Read for those fields, a value 'unauthorized' can be return in this case)
* @apiBody {string} [condition] an array of condition {propertieA:[value1,value2],propertieB:[valu9],function:["name1",name2],...} select objectname id that match proprieteA = valu1 or value2 AND proprieteB=valu9 AND function name1(object) return true AND function name2(object) function are string code into schema @TODO ...
* @apiSuccess {json} contain {status,ref,msg,data}
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Return objects per id
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK from body {apxid:[itmid],fields:[field1,field2]}
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"searchresult", "data":{"itms":{itmid:{field1,field2}]}}
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Return arrays of ids
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK from {question:[{"color":['blue','red']},{size:["<100"]},{function:name}]}
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"searchresult", "data":[itm1,itm2]}
* @apiError {json} objectdoesnotexist the obbject does not exist for the tribe
* @apiError {json} unconsistentcondition condition format is not relevant
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* {"status":404,"ref":"Odmdb","msg":"templatestring Odmdb_xx.json","data":"object to render with msg"}
(req, res) => {
const objectPathname = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/${req.params.objectname}`;
const ressearch =, req.body, {
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
* @api {get} /adminapi/odmdb/itm/:tribe/:objectname/:primaryindex - item Get
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName getItemFromId
* @apiDescription Get itm for a primaryid of an object
* @apiParam {string} tribe adminapi or tribe name (smatchit), where object is store
* @apiParam {String} objectname name Mandatory if in conf.nationObjects then file is into nationchains/ else in /tribes/xtribe/objectname
* @apiParam {String} primaryindex the unique id where item is store
* @apiError {json} objectfiledoesnotexist the file item does not exist
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* {status:404,ref: "Odmdb",msg: "objectfiledoesnotexist",data: { objectpath }}
* @apiSuccess {object} indexfile content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {status:200,ref:"Odmdb",msg:"itmfound", data:{itm:{} }} *
// indexname = objectname_key_value.json
(req, res) => {
const objectpath = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/${req.params.objectname}/itm/${req.params.primaryindex}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(objectpath)) {
const readobj = Odmdb.r(
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
status: 200,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "itmfound",
data: fs.readJsonSync(objectpath),
} else {
status: 404,
ref: "Odmdb",
msg: "objectfiledoesnotexist",
data: { objectpath },
* @api {get} https://anypaxtridns/adminapi/Checkjson.js - schema Checkjson.js
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName checkjsonjs
* @apiDescription Public js lib to import in a browser by :<br>
* ```<script src="/adminapi/Checkjson.js"></script>```
* to import in a node.js:<br>
* ```const Checkjson = require(`Checkjson.js`);```
* with functions:<br>
* <strong>Checkjson.schema.validation(schema)</strong> that return<br>
* - {status:200, ref:"Checkjson", msg:"validcheck"} => all rules are correct<br>
* - {status:406, multimsg:[{ref:"Checkjson",msg:"errorkey",data:{}}]}<br>
* <strong>{json},data{json},withschemacheck{boolean})</strong> that return<br>
* - {status:200, ref:"Checkjson", msg:"validcheck"} => all data keys respect schema rules <br>
* - {status:417, multimsg:[{ref:"Checkjson",msg:"errorkey",data:{}}]}<br>
* To identify issues, get the language errorkey list with a get
* To check a property from an existing format
* Checkjson.testformat=(str, format)=>{
* return null if format does not exist in
* return true if str respect the format (false in other case)
* @api {get} - schema Get public
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName getPublicSchema
* @apiDescription Get a Schema model from public apxtri (nations, pagans,persons,towns, tribes,wwws)
* @apiSuccess {json} contain json file
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Fichier direct
* HTTP/1.1 200 Success-response:
"$id": "",
"$comment": "To create account bin apxtri",
"title": "Pagans identity",
"description": "A numeric id in the nationchains world",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"publickey": {
"title": "Alias's publickey",
"description": "Public key generate with openpgp.js",
"type": "string",
"format": "pgppublickey"
"alias": {
"title": "Alias",
"description": "text to remember easily a public key",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 4,
"pattern": "^[a-z0-9]*$"
"dt_delete": {
"title": "Date of death",
"description": "Date of alias delete request, your will will be apply",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"will": {
"title": "Will script after death",
"description": "This will script will be apply on your data 30 days after your death",
"type": "string"
"required": ["publickey", "alias"],
"apxid": "alias",
"apxuniquekey": ["publickey"],
"apxidx": [
{ "name": "lst_alias", "keyval": "alias" },
{ "name": "alias", "keyval": "alias" }
"apxaccessrights": {
"owner": { "R": [], "D": [] },
"anonymous": { "C": [], "R": ["alias"] },
"pagan": { "R": ["alias", "publickey"] }
* @apiError {json} contain json file
* @apiErrorExample {string} nginx html not found message
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* <html>...</html>
* @api {get} https://tribedns/:tribe/schema/:objectname.json - schema Get from tribe
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName getPrivateSchema
* @apiDescription Get a tribe schema or schema/lg/:objectname_xx.json this is served by nginx not express. tribedns is the domain name (
* @apiParam {string} tribe where schema is stored ex;smatchit
* @apiParam {String} objectname the json file name ex persons.json or for language /lg/persons_fr.json
* @apiError {object} ref objectname note found
* @apiErrorExample {json} Error-response:
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* <html>...</html>
* @apiSuccess {json} data contains schema requested
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response for :
* HTTP/1.1 200 Success-response:
* {{
"$schema": "",
"$id": "/smatchit/schema/sirets",
"title": "Siret is a legal french company",
"description": "A recruiter can active a jobad if a maxnumber is not reach for this siret. Maxnumber is set depending of an offer or can be set manualy",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"siret": {
"title": "siret",
"description": "A unique string identifying a company ",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 14,
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"owner": {
"title": "Owner of this siret",
"description": "For accessright purpose this is set by the alias that pay the first time a subscription",
"type": "string"
"dt_create": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"default": ""
"dt_update": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"subscription": {
"title": "Offer subscribe",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"offer": { "type": "string", "enum": ["A", "B", "C", "FREE"] },
"dt_payment": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }
"maxactivejobad": {
"title": "Number of active jobad at the same time",
"description": "Alloaw by subscription payment for a date inside the last dt_payment and offer",
"type": "integer"
"activejobad": {
"title": "Current number of active jobadd",
"type": "integer"
"frenchlocation": {
"title": "Location",
"description": "use franch gov refential to locaize",
"$ref": "nationchains/schema/frenchlocation"
"denomination": {
"title": "Company name",
"type": "string"
"required": ["siret"],
"additionalProperties": true,
"apxid": "siret",
"apxuniquekey": ["siret"],
"apxidx": [
"name": "lst_siret",
"keyval": "siret"
"apxaccessrights": {
"owner": {
"D": [],
"R": [
"U": ["frenchlocation", "demomination"]
"druid": {
"C": [],
"D": [],
"R": [
"U": [
"pagans": { "C": [] },
"adminrecruiter": {
"C": [],
"R": [
"U": ["frenchlocation", "demomination"]
"recruiter": {
"R": [
* @api {put} - schema Put
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName putSchema
* @apiDescription Replace a schema by another one need druid profil for a tribe
* @apiParam {String} objectname
* @apiBody {string} schemapath where to store schema .../schema
* @apiBody {string} objectpath where to store object ...objectname/idx/conf.json
* @apiBody {json} schema content
* @apiBody {json} schemalang content in lg
* @apiBody {string} lang define which schemalg is (2 letters)
* @apiError {object} ref objectmodel to get in the right language
* @apiErrorExample {json} Error-response:
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* {"status":404,"ref":"Odmdb","msg":"schemanotfound","data":{"fullpath"}}
* @apiSuccess {object} data contains schema requested
* HTTP/1.1 200 Success-response:
* {"status":200,"data":{schema}}
(req, res) => {
const fullpath = path.resolve(
const set = Odmdb.setObject(
if (fs.existsSync(fullpath)) {
res.status(200).json({ data: fs.readJsonSync(fullpath) });
} else {
.json({ msg: "schemanotfound", ref: "odmdb", data: { fullpath } });
* @api {get} - translation notif Get public
* @apiGroup Odmdb
* @apiName getPublicModelmessagekey
* @apiDescription Get a public json object for the ref: modelname in language lg, to get a template description with key msg
* @apiParam {string} modelname Mandatory
* @apiSuccess {json} contain json file
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Fichier direct
* HTTP/1.1 200 Success-response:
* {
"alreadyexist": "Un object {{objectname}} avec la clé {{key}} existe déjà avec {{val}}",
"doesnotexist": "L'object {{objectname}} avec la clé {{key}} ,'existe pas avec {{val}}",
"getschema": "Schema {{{}}}",
"schemanotfound": "Schema introuvable dans {{{schemaPath}}}",
"pathnamedoesnotexist": "Le repertoire n'existe pas {{{indexpath}}}",
"objectfiledoesnotexist": "Le fichier n'existe pas {{{objectpath}}}",
"cudsuccessfull": "Mise à jour effectuée avec succés",
"missingprimarykey": "Il manque une clé primaire apxid pour stocker et identifier les objects",
"unconsistencyapxidx": "L'index {{name}} doit contenir en objkey au moins {{apxid}} car keyval n'est pas unique",
"profilnotallow": "Vous n'avez pas le profil de {{profils}}, cette action n'est pas authorisée",
"successreindex": "Objet reindexé à partir des items, vos index sont à jour",
"indexexist":"L'indexe existe"
* }
* @apiError {json} contain json file
* @apiErrorExample {string} nginx html not found message
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* <html>...</html>
module.exports = router;

apxtri/routes/pagans.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
const express = require("express");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const path = require("path");
// Classes
const Pagans = require("../models/Pagans.js");
const Odmdb = require("../models/Odmdb.js");
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders.js");
const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated.js");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const currentmod = "pagans";
const log = conf.api.activelog.includes(currentmod);
const router = express.Router();
* Alias exist then return public key or not
* @api {get} adminapi/pagans/alias/:alias - alias Get
* @apiName isalias
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription If alias exist return its publickey
* @param {string} alias
* @apiError {json} aliasdoesnotexist
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
{"status":404,"ref":"pagans","msg":"aliasdoesnotexist","data": { alias}}
* @apiSuccess {object} indexfile content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, ref:"pagans","msg":"aliasexist","data": { alias, publicKey }}
* *
router.get("/alias/:alias", (req, res) => {
const getalias = Pagans.getalias(req.params.alias);
* @api {get} adminapi/pagans/logout - pagan Logout
* @apiName Removetoken
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Remove server's token only the owner of the token (no one else can delete a token )
* @apiSuccess {object} indexfile content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {status: 200, ref: "Pagans", msg: "logout"
router.get("/logout", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "Logout:", req.session.header);
const logout = Pagans.logout(
* @api {get} adminapi/pagans/isauth - pagan isAuthenticated?
* @apiName isAuth
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Check if pagan's token is still valid
* @apiError (400) missingheaders
* @apiError (400) xaliasdoesnotexist
* @apiError (400) signaturefailled
* @apiError (401) aliasanonymous
* @apiError (404) tribedoesnotexist
* @apiSuccess (200) valid
* {object} data contains indexfile requested
router.get("/isauth", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
status: 200,
ref: "headers",
msg: "authenticated",
data: {
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
* @api {post} adminapi/pagans - pagan Post
* @apiName addpagan
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription
* Create a pagan account from alias, publickey, if trusted recovery =>
* If trustedtribe is true then create a person in xtribe/person/xalias.json with profil.auth={email,privatekey, passphrase}.
* Middleware isAuthenticated check that:
* - xhash is well signed from private key linked to the publickey of alias
* - check that alias does not already exist (if yes then verifiedsigne would be false)
* Need to wait next block chain to be sure that alias is register in the blokchain
* @apiBody {string} alias available (that does not already exist check get /api/alias/:alias that must return 404).
* @apiBody {string} publickey
* @apiBody {string} [email] if specified then an email is sent to it with public and privatekey
* @apiBody {string} [privatekey]
* @apiBody {string} [passphrase] if not specidied => passphrase=""
* @apiBody {string} [trustedtribe] the tribename if not specified then the process will only create a pagan identity, else an item person is create for trustedtribe (that must exist with profil 'person'). To create a person with an existing pagan identity use put /api/person/:alias after authenticated you (headers). In case a person is created then we use all valid other apiBody respecting the persons schema (see put persons)
* @apiError {json} objectNotfound the file does not exist
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
* @apiSuccess {object} indexfile content
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"indexexist", "data":{indexname,content:{index file}}
*/"/", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, async (req, res) => {
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "post with", req.body);
const role = {
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
const emailregex =
if (
req.body.trustedtribe && &&
) {
status: 400,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "emailerr",
data: { email: },
const objpagan = { alias: req.body.alias, publickey: req.body.publickey };
const newpagan = Odmdb.cud(`../objects/pagans`, "C", objpagan, role);
const createprocess = {
status: 200,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "successfulcreate",
data: { alias: req.body.alias },
if (newpagan.status == 200) {
if ( {
const emailsent = await Pagans.sendmailkey({
alias: req.body.alias,
privatekey: req.body.privatekey,
tribe: req.session.header.xtribe,
passprhase: req.body.passphrase,
publickey: req.body.publickey,
lg: req.session.header.xlang,
}); = emailsent.status == 200; =; = req.session.header.xtribe;
if (emailsent.status != 200) {
console.log("pagans err to send email emailsent: ", emailsent); =;
if (req.body.trustedtribe) {
const persondata = {
alias: req.body.alias,
owner: req.body.alias,
profils: ["anonymous", "pagans", "persons"],
recoveryauth: {
privatekey: req.body.privatekey,
publickey: req.body.publickey,
passphrase: req.body.passphrase,
const personup = Odmdb.cud(
{ xprofils: ["anonymous", "pagans"], xalias: req.body.alias }
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "person create", personup);
if (personup.status == 200) { = true;
} else { = false; = true; =;
if (log)
"Warning pagan created but person not created and no recovery registration",
} else {
} else {
//error to create pagan certaily already exist
* @api {delete} adminapi/pagans/alias/:alias - pagan Delete
* @apiName deletepagan
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription
* Delete an alias and his publickey, this mean that publickey disapear as well as alias. We set dt_delete
* */
router.delete("/alias/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
const personpath = `../objects/pagans`;
const role = {
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
const delperson = Odmdb.cud(
{ alias: req.params.alias, dt_delete: dayjs().toISOString() },
if (log)
`DELETE person ${personpath}/${req.params.alias}.json `
if (log) console.log(delperson);
if (log)
`DELETE pagans /api/adminapi/objects/pagans/${req.params.alias}.json`
const result = Pagans.delete(req.params.alias, req.session.header);
* @api {delete} adminapi/pagans/person/:tribe/:alias - person Delete
* @apiName deleteperson
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription
* Unsubscribe a person to a tribe => remove a person item and all data link to this alias. An asynchrone process turn each day to clean data in tribe, if a persons does not exist anymore in the tribe. Pagans alias is still existing as it is autonomous. It is possible to delete pagans see "pagan Delete".
* @apiHeader {array} xprofils list of profil of authenticated user
* @apiHeader {string} xalias current user
* @apiParam {string} tribe where person alias exist
* @apiParam {string} alias to delete as person
* */
(req, res) => {
const personpath = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/persons`;
const role = {
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
const delperson = Odmdb.cud(
{ alias: req.params.alias },
if (log)
`DELETE person ${personpath}/${req.params.alias}.json `
if (log) console.log(currentmod, "delete person ", delperson);
* @api {get} adminapi/pagans/person/:alias - person Get
* @apiName getpersondata
* @apiDescription Get person information from his alias for a xtribe (data and profils per apps)
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiParam {string} alias
* @apiSuccess (200) personExist
* @apiSuccessExample {json}
* {status:200, ref:"pagans",msg:"personexist",data: { person } }
* @apiError (404) Notfound
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* {status: 404, ref:"pagans",msg:"persondoesnotexist",data: { person } }
* @todo check accessright for req.session.header.xalias to see if jhe can get person data
* if req.param.alias == req.session.header.xalias => Owner
* else need accessright to on person set at R
* */
router.get("/person/:alias", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
const getperson = Odmdb.r(
{ xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils, xalias: req.session.header.xalias }
* @api {put} adminapi/pagans/person/:tribe - person Put
* @apiName updateperson
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription add a person = alias in tribe. xalias must be authenticated. This end point have to be use the first time a person is create then use item Update PUT /api/adminapi/odmdb/itm/:tribe/persons.<br> This endpoint is the only way to change profils of a person by itself (authenitcated alias = person.alias) and can be done only with req.body.addprofils req.body.removeprofils.
* @apiHeader {string} xhash authenthicate hash with current user keys
* @apiHeader {string} xalias current user
* @apiHeader {string} xprofils profil list
* @apiParam {string} tribe an existing tribe
* @apiBody {object} schema:persons <a href='' target='_blank'>https://dnstribe/tribe/schema/persons.json</a>
* @apiBody {string} [addprofils] must be alone no other Body field
* @apiBody {string} [removeprofils] must be alone
router.put("/person/:tribe", checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
const pathobj = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/persons`;
const action = fs.existsSync(`${pathobj}/itm/${req.body.alias}.json`)
? "U"
: "C";
//set req.body to be in line with schema
if (
action == "U" &&
((req.body.addprofils &&
["seekers", "recruiters", "adminrecruiters"].includes(
)) ||
(req.body.removeprofils &&
["seekers", "recruiters", "adminrecruiters"].includes(
) {
const person = fs.readJsonSync(`${pathobj}/itm/${req.body.alias}.json`);
if (!person.profils.includes(req.body.addprofils)) {
if (req.body.addprofils) {
if (
req.body.removeprofils &&
) {
person.profils = person.profils.filter(
(e) => e !== req.body.removeprofils
{ alias: req.body.alias },
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
person.dt_update = dayjs().toISOString();
fs.outputJSONSync(`${pathobj}/itm/${req.body.alias}.json`, person);
status: 200,
ref: "Pagans",
msg: "profilupdate",
data: { alias: person.alias, profils: person.profils },
if (!req.body.addprofils && !req.body.removeprofils) {
if (!req.body.profils) {
req.body.profils = ["anonymous", "pagans", "persons"];
const personup = Odmdb.cud(pathobj, action, req.body, {
xprofils: req.session.header.xprofils,
xalias: req.session.header.xalias,
if (log) console.log(currentmod, " personupdate or create:", personup);
* @api {post} /adminapi/pagans/keyrecovery - recovery keys
* @apiName recoveryKey
* @apiGroup Pagans
* @apiDescription Send mails with all registers identities (one per alias where is register). Search can be request by email or by alias for a tribe. It is looking for in to send keys. One mail is sent by alias. So if n alias has the same then it will send n email.
* @apiBody {string} emailalias type of search (email or alias)
* @apiBody {string} tribe tribename into looking for
* @apiBody {string} search a text containing email or an alias to looking for
* @apiSuccess {object} send recovery email
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Pagans", "msg":"recoveryemailsent", "data":{email,tribe,numberemailsent'}}
* @apiError (404) {string} recoveryemailnotfound email does not exist for this tribe
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* {status: 404, ref:"pagans",msg:"recoveryemailnotfound",data: { tribe,email } }
*/"/keyrecovery", checkHeaders, (req, res) => {
const recores=Pagans.keyrecovery(req.body.emailalias,req.body.tribe,,req.session.header.xlang)
module.exports = router;

apxtri/routes/towns.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
const express = require("express");
const path = require("path");
// Classes
const Towns = require("../models/Towns.js");
const Notifications = require("../models/Notifications.js");
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders.js");
const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated.js");
const router = express.Router();
* @api {get} /towns/ownershipr/:alias - town owner change
* @apiName changeowner
* @apiGroup Towns
* @apiDescription Change owner (major role) of a town (server) after a first install or just to resale it. Only the current major can run this.
* @param {string} alias an alias that will become owner of a town
* @apiSuccess (object) ownerchangesuccess
* @apiSuccessExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {status:200, ref:"towns",msg:"ownerchangesuccess",data: { alias } }
* @apiError {object} aliasnotallow
* @apiErrorExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
* {status:403,ref:"towns",msg:"aliasnotallow",data: { alias} }
router.get("/changeowner/:alias",checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, (req, res) => {
res.send(Towns.changeowner(req.params.alias, req.session.header.xalias));
module.exports = router;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
const express = require("express");
const glob = require("glob");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const path = require("path");
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
const Odmdb = require("../models/Odmdb.js");
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders");
const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated");
const router = express.Router();
* @api {get} https://dns.xx/trk/pathtofile? - tracking system
* @apiGroup Trackings
* @apiName trackingsystem
* @apiDescription
* **WARNING** a cors issue must be fix, currently this tracking work for the same domain.
* without header:<br>
* <code>https://dns.xx/trk/pathtofile?alias=anonymous&uuid=1b506f71-1bff-416c-9057-cb8b86296f60&srckey=btnregister&version=1&lg=fr </code>
* with header<br>
* <code>https://dns.xx/trk/pathtofile?srckey=btnregister&version=1</code>
* where pathtofile is a ressource accessible from https://dns.xx/pathtofile
* For dummy pathtofile for apxtri project, you have:<br>
* /cdn/log/1x1.png (a 1pixel image 95 bytes )
* /cdn/log/empty.json (an empty jason 2 bytes)
* html usage to track a loading page or email when a picture is load
* using apxwebapp in /src/ we got:
* <code> < img src="static/img/photo.jpg" data-trksrckey="loadpage" data-version="1" > </code>
* in js action:
* <code> <a data-trksrckey="linktoblabla" href='https:..' onclick="apx.trackvisit("btnaction",1);actionfct();"></a></code>
* To hit an eventlistener<br>
* <code> axios.get("https://dns.xx/trk/cdn/empty.json?alias=anonymous&uuid=1b506f71-1bff-416c-9057-cb8b86296f60&srckey=btnregister&version=1");</code>
* If no js available (example:email or pdf document)<br>
* <code> < img src="https://dns.xx/trk/static/img/photo.jpg?alias=anonymous&uuid=1b506f71-1bff-416c-9057-cb8b86296f60&srckey=loadpage&version=1"</code>
* <code><a href="https://dns.xx/trk/redirect?alias=anonymous&uuid=1b506f71-1bff-416c-9057-cb8b86296f60&srckey=loadpage&version=1&url=http://..." </code>
* This will hit a tracker then redirect to url></a> *
* **if you use apx.js** : in html add in < button >, < img >, < a > tag data-trksrc="srckey"
* <code>
* < img src="https://dns.xx/static/img/photo.jpg" data-trkversion="1" data-trksrckey="registerform">
* < button data-trksrc="https://dns.xx/static/img/photo.jpg" data-trkversion="1" data-trksrckey="registerform">
* </code>
* A lazyloader can also be track.
* <code>< img lazysrc="trk/static/img/photo.jpg data-trksrckey="loadpage" data-version="1" ></code>
* Tracking log are store into tribe/logs/nginx/tribe_appname.trk.log<br>
* Src have to be manage in tribe/api/models/lg/src_en.json<br>
* <code>{"srckey":{"app":"presentation|app|apptest","title":"","description":""}}</code>
* @apiParam {String} alias=anonymous if authenticated we get from headers
* @apiParam {String} uuid a uuid v4 generate the first time a web page is open on a browser
* @apiParam {String} srckey source action that trig this get
* @apiParam {integer} version=1 can be an int, date or any version of the src
* @apiParam {integer} [tm] a timestamp of action when it is not immediate (for offline app)

apxtri/routes/tribes.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
const express = require( 'express' );
const fs = require( 'fs-extra' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const glob = require('glob');
const conf = require(`../../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json`);
// Classes
const Tribes = require( '../models/Tribes.js' );
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require( '../middlewares/checkHeaders' );
const isAuthenticated = require( '../middlewares/isAuthenticated' );
const router = express.Router();
* @api {get} adminapi/tribes/conf/:tribe - tribe list
* @apiName getconf
* @apiDescription Get list of route and model for a town server
* @apiGroup Tribes
* @apiSuccess (object) get tribes conf on this server
* @apiSuccessExample {json}
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {status:200,ref:"Tribes",msg:"tribesconf",data:{routes:[],modele:[{model:,tplstrings:[lg,lg]}]}}
router.get('/config/:tribe', checkHeaders,isAuthenticated,(req,res)=>{
/*console.log("passe la")
AJOUTER gestion accessright[ req.params.tribe ] &&[ req.params.tribe ].tribeid &&[ req.params.tribe ].tribeid.includes( 'R' )
const tribconf=`../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/${req.params.tribe}.json`
if (!fs.existsSync(tribconf)){
res.status(404).json({status:404,ref:"Tribes",msg:"tribedoesnotexist", data:{tribe:req.params.tribe}})
res.status( 403 )
.json( { msg: [ 'forbidenAccess' ], ref: 'Tribes' } )
* @api {get} adminapi/tribes/www/:tribeId - tribe list
* @apiName getlisttrib
* @apiDescription Get list of www object (space web)
* @apiGroup Tribes
* @apiParam {String} tribeId it identify an existing tribe*
* @apiSuccess (object) listwww contains folder name in www for tribeId
* @apiSuccessExample {json} listwww
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {status:200,ref:"Tribes",msg:"listwww",data:{listwww}}
router.get('/www', checkHeaders,isAuthenticated,(req,res)=>{
let listwww=[]
//'www/') to create a webspace
//router.put('www/:app') to update
if (!fs.existsSync(`${conf.dirtown}/tribes/${req.session.header.xtribe}/actions/${req.body.action}.js`)){
res.status(403).send({status:403,msg:"actionmissing",ref:"Tribes", data:{action:req.body.action,tribe:req.session.header.xtribe}})
const action = require(`${conf.dirtown}/tribes/${req.session.header.xtribe}/actions/${req.body.action}.js`)
const resaction=,req.session.header);
router.get( '/clientconf/:tribeid', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
get a clientconf.json for a tribeid depending of user accessright
if tribeid == all and user is admin of apxtri => get /tmp/clientconfglob.json
req.session.header.accessrights, req.session.header.apixpaganid
console.log( `Tribes/clientconf for tribeid:${req.params.tribeid}` )
if( req.params.tribeid == "all" && && && 'R' ) ) {
res.status( 200 )
.send( { moreinfo: fs.readJsonSync( `${config.tmp}/clientconfglob.json`, 'utf-8' ) } );
if([ req.params.tribeid ] &&[ req.params.tribeid ].tribeid &&[ req.params.tribeid ].tribeid.includes( 'R' ) &&
fs.existsSync( `${config.tribes}/${req.params.tribeid}/clientconf.json` ) ) {
// const conftribeid = { moreinfo: {} }
// conftribeid.moreinfo[ req.params.tribeid ] = fs.readJsonSync( `${config.tribes}/${req.params.tribeid}/clientconf.json`, 'utf-8' );
res.status( 200 )
.send( { moreinfo: [ fs.readJsonSync( `${config.tribes}/${req.params.tribeid}/clientconf.json`, 'utf-8' ) ] } );
// if not authorized or dos not exist return empty
// no specific message is send for security reason (check only log)
res.status( 403 )
.send( { info: [ 'forbidenAccess' ], models: 'Tribes' } )
} )
router.put( '/', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
console.log( 'Create a new tribeid, with a useradmin' )
console.log( ' send data = clientconf.json with all parameter.' )
// !!!!! check for security any ; \n or so because data can be used into shell
const add = Tribes.create( req.body );
res.status( add.status )
.send( add.payload )
} )
router.delete( '/archivetribeid/:tribeid', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
console.log( "request archive tribeid" )
const archive = Tribes.archive( req.params.tribeid );
res.status( archive.status )
.send( archive.payload )
} ); '/spaceweb', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
// !!!!! check for security any ; \n or so because data can be used into shell
console.log( 'Create a new webapp for xworkon ' )
req.body.tribeid = req.session.header.xworkon;
const add = Tribes.addspaceweb( req.body )
res.status( add.status )
.send( add.payload )
} )
router.get( '/spaceweb/components/:tribeid/:website/:key', checkHeaders, ( req, res ) => {
// check if key is valid before continue
// exemple: get Tribes/spaceweb/components/ndda/mesa/123?rep=appmesatable/appsimpletable.mustache
const file = `${config.tribes}/${req.params.tribeid}/spacedev/${}/src/ctatic/components/${req.query.path}`
console.log( `Request components file from ${file}` )
if( fs.existsSync( file ) ) {
res.sendFile( file );
} else {
res.send( `console.error("Missing components file in ${req.params.tribeid}/spacedev/${}/src/ctatic/components/${req.query.path}");` );
} )
router.get( '/plugins/:tribeid/:pluginname/:key/:filename', ( req, res ) => {
// No accessright possible cause it is load on the fly
// @todo Check key to authorize access to the plugin (key comme from user ACCESSRIGHTS[tribeid plugin owner:pluginname]).key
// return a file into /:tribeid owner of plugin/plugins/:pluginname/components/:filename
// if not exist or invalid key then return console.error
const file = `${config.tribes}/${req.params.tribeid}/plugins/${req.params.pluginname}/components/${req.params.filename}`
console.log( 'Tribes/plugins/ ', file )
if( fs.existsSync( file ) ) {
res.sendFile( file );
} else {
res.send( `console.error("Missing plugin file in ${req.params.tribeid}/plugins/${req.params.pluginname}/components/${req.params.filename}");` );
} );
router.get( '/dirls', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
// url adminapi/tribes/dirls?rep=referentials/dataManagement
// request information about a req.query.rep from header xworkon/
// return
// {file:[{}],dir:[{}]}
// @todo check if isAuthorized and exist
console.log( 'request dirls', `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${req.query.rep}` );
if( !fs.existsSync( `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${req.query.rep}` ) ) {
res.status( 404 )
.send( { 'info': [ 'dirnotexist' ], model: 'Tribes' } );
const info = Tribes.dirls( req.session.header.xworkon, req.query.rep );
console.log( info )
res.status( info.status )
.send( info.payload );
} )
router.delete( '/ls', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
// check Accessright with D or O on each
// url adminapi/tribes/ls
// req.body.files=[listfiles file to delete ]
const authfiles = Tribes.checkaccessfiles( req.body, 'D', req.session.header.accessrights, req.session.header.apixpaganid );
authfiles.ok.forEach( f => { fs.remove( `${config.tribes}/${f}` ); } )
res.status( 200 )
.send( { 'info': [ 'fileauthdeleted' ], models: 'Tribes', moreinfo: authfiles } )
} );
router.put( '/sendjson', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
//req.body = {object:spacedev, path:website/src/data/tpldataname_lg.json, data:{...}}
//console.log( req.body )
const dest = `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${req.body.object}/${req.body.path}`;
console.log( `Send json to saved to ${dest}` );
if( !( req.body.object && fs.existsSync( `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${req.body.object}` ) ) ) {
res.status( '404' )
.send( { info: [ 'objectmissiong' ], models: 'Tribes', moreinfo: `object: ${req.body.object} does not exist req.body must {object, data, path} into data ${req.session.header.xworkon}/${req.body.object}` } )
} else {
if( fs.existsSync( `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${req.body.object}/${req.body.path}` ) ) {
// exist so can be update check accessright update on this
//A REVOIR hasAccessrighton( req.body.object, "U" );
} else {
// AREVOIRhasAccessrighton( req.body.object, "C" );
fs.outputJsonSync( dest, );
res.status( 200 )
.send( { info: [ 'filesaved' ], models: 'Tribes' } )
} ); '/downloadls', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
// midlleware hasAccessrighton.js is not apply here only to access/update/create information inside an object
// to get file a user need accessrights to data: object: R or to Own it
// or if exist a .info.json into folder get shared as R in uuid
//req.body contain list of path file or folder if only 1 file then download it, otherwise zip list and send zip file
const authfiles = Tribes.checkaccessfiles( req.body.files, 'R', req.session.header.accessrights, req.session.header.xpaganid );
if( authfiles.ok.length == 1 ) {
// bidouille en attendnat de faire un .zip binaire propre
if( !authfiles.ok[ 0 ].includes( '.xml' ) ) {
res.status( 200 )
.download( `${config.tribes}/${authfiles.ok[0]}`, authfiles.ok[ 0 ] );
} else {
fs.copySync( `${config.tribes}/${authfiles.ok[0]}`, `${config.tribes}/${config.mayorId}/www/app/webapp/static/tmp/${authfiles.ok[ 0 ]}` )
} else if( authfiles.ok.length > 1 ) {
// on zip et on envoie
//res.status( 200 )
// .download( `${config.tribes}/${authfiles.ok[0]}`, authfiles.ok[ 0 ])
res.status( 200 )
.attachment( `${config.tribes}/${authfiles.ok[0]}` );
} else {
res.status( 403 )
.send( 'Forbidden access' )
} ); '/upfilepond', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
console.log( 'post adminapi/tribes/uploadfilepond' );
// Store file and return a unique id to save button
// that provide folder where to store it
const formidable = require( 'formidable' );
const form = formidable( { multiples: false } );
form.parse( req, ( err, fields, files ) => {
if( err ) { next( err ); return; }
//console.log( 'fields',fields);
// fileMetadaObject send
let context = JSON.parse( fields.filepond );
let idfile = files.filepond.path;
let name =;
let subfolder = context.subfolder;
name = name.replace( /[ ,'"]/g, "_" );
//console.log( 'files.filepond:', files.filepond );
console.log( idfile, `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/www/${subfolder}/${name}` )
// On le supprime s'il existe deja
fs.removeSync( `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/www/${subfolder}/${name}` );
// mv tmp
fs.moveSync( idfile, `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/www/${subfolder}/${name}` );
//return for filepond
res.writeHead( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } );
res.end( idfile );
} )
} );
router.delete( '/file', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
//src = objectfolder with accessright/...
//hasAccessrighton( "www", "D" ),
if( !req.query.src ) {
res.status( 404 )
.send( { info: [ 'deleteerror' ], models: "Tribes", moreinfo: "your del req need a src" } )
// A REVOIR hasAccessrighton( req.query.src.split( '/' )[ 0 ], "D" );
console.log( 'Remove file', `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${req.query.src}` )
console.log( req.body )
fs.removeSync( `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${req.query.src}` );
res.status( 200 )
.send( { info: [ 'Successfullremove' ], models: "Tribes" } )
} ); '/uploadfile', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
console.log( 'upload a file ' )
/* Authentification is needed to get a TOKEN
curl -X POST -H "xtribe: apxtri" -H "xworkon: pvmsaveurs" -H "xlang: fr" -H "xpaganid: 1" -H "xauth: 1" -H "xapp: pvmsaveurs:pvmsaveurs" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"LOGIN":"adminapxtri","PASSWORD":"Trze3aze!"}'
if exist replace xpaganidTOKEN with payload.TOKEN value
curl -H "xtribe: pvmsaveurs" -H "xworkon: pvmsaveurs" -H "xlang: fr" -H "xpaganid: adminapxtri" -H "xauth: xpressuuisToken" -H "xapp: pvmsaveurs:pvmsaveurs" -F 'data=@filename.xx'
const formidable = require( 'formidable' );
const form = formidable( { multiples: false } );
form.parse( req, function ( err, fields, files ) {
//console.log( )
var oldPath =;
var newPath = `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${clientconf.uploadzip[].dest}`;
console.log( 'oldPath', oldPath )
console.log( 'newPath', newPath )
var rawData = fs.readFileSync( oldPath )
fs.outputFile( newPath, rawData, function ( err ) {
if( err ) {
console.log( err );
return res.status( 405 )
.send( { info: [ 'savederror' ], models: "Tribes", moreinfo: "your file was not able to be saved into the server" } )
} else {
return res.status( 200 )
.send( {
info: [ "successfullsent" ],
models: "Tribes"
} );
} )
} );
} ); '/uploadzip', checkHeaders, ( req, res ) => {
console.log( 'uploadzip a file ' )
/* no authentification to upload a zip filename into adminapi/tribes/${xworkon}/${clientconf.uploadzip[filename].dest}
unzip it using the password ${clientconf.uploadzip[filename].psw
if no error then run the callback ${clientconf.uploadzip[filename].callback
but a password to unzip
in clientconf.json need to be set
"uploadzip": {
"": {
"comment": "unzip with overwrite if same name",
"psw": "azPI1209qtrse",
"dest": "importexport/tmp",
"unzipoption": "-aoa",
"callback": "importexport/integrationitem.js"
cd where zip file is stored
curl -H "xtribe: pvmsaveurs" -H "xworkon: pvmsaveurs" -H "xlang: fr" -H "xpaganid: adminapxtri" -H "xauth: 1" -H "xapp: pvmsaveurs:pvmsaveurs" -F ''
const clientconf = fs.readJSONSync( `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/clientconf.json` )
if( !clientconf.uploadzip ) {
return res.status( '404' )
.send( { info: [ "missconf" ], models: "Tribes", moreinfo: `no uploadzip in clientconf for ${req.session.header.xworkon} please contact apxtri admin ` } );
const uploadzip = clientconf.uploadzip;
const formidable = require( 'formidable' );
const form = formidable( { multiples: false } );
form.parse( req, function ( err, fields, files ) {
//console.log( )
var oldPath =;
if( !Object.keys( clientconf.uploadzip )
.includes( ) ) {
return res.status( 403 )
.send( { info: [ "notAllowed" ], models: "Tribes", moreinfo: `file ${} not allowed to be upload` } )
} else {
console.log( "context:", clientconf.uploadzip[ ] )
var newPath = `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${clientconf.uploadzip[].dest}`;
//console.log( 'oldPath', oldPath )
//console.log( 'newPath', `${newPath}/${}` )
fs.moveSync( oldPath, `${newPath}/${}`, { overwrite: true } );
const cp = require( 'child_process' );
//console.log( `7z e -p${clientconf.uploadzip[ ].psw} ${newPath}/${}` );
console.log( '7z', [ 'e', `-p${clientconf.uploadzip[ ].psw}`, `${newPath}/${}`, `-o${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${clientconf.uploadzip[ ].dest}`, clientconf.uploadzip[ ].unzipoption ] );
var newFiles = cp.spawnSync( '7z', [ 'e', `-p${clientconf.uploadzip[ ].psw}`, `${newPath}/${}`, `-o${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${clientconf.uploadzip[ ].dest}`, clientconf.uploadzip[ ].unzipoption ] );
console.log( newFiles.output.toString() )
if( newFiles.output.toString()
.includes( 'Everything is Ok' ) ) {
if( clientconf.uploadzip[ ].callback ) {
const integ = require( `${config.tribes}/${req.session.header.xworkon}/${clientconf.uploadzip[].callback}` )
console.log( 'integration', integ )
return res.status( integ.status )
.send( integ.payload );
} else {
return res.status( 200 )
.send( {
info: [ "successfullsent" ],
models: "Tribes"
} );
} else {
return res.status( 400 )
.send( {
info: [ "zipfileerror" ],
models: "Tribes",
moreinfo: newFiles.output.toString()
} )
} )
} ); '/upload', checkHeaders, isAuthenticated, ( req, res ) => {
1 // ACHANGER VIA usage sendjson
// url adminapi/tribes/upload?save=tmp&rep=referentials/dataManagement
// if save=tmp then store in a tmp file
// if save=ok then mv the tmp file to the folder
// midlleware hasAccessrighton.js is not apply here only to access/update/create information inside an object
// to upload a file a user need accessrights to data: object: C or to Own it
// or if dir.file exist a .info.json into folder get shared as C in uuid accessright
to add in front
<form action="/upload" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file"/>
<input type="submit" value="upload"/>
console.log( 'Envoie image' )
console.log( 'body', req.body );
console.log( 'params', req.params );
//const authfolder = Tribes.checkaccessfiles( req.params.rep, 'C', req.session.header.accessrights, req.session.header.xpaganid );
// cheack autorisation to create or replace a file for this accessrights user
const authfolder = { ok: "tt" }
if( authfolder.ok ) {
if( == 'file' ) {
if( fs.existsSync( req.body.filepond ) ) { req.body.filepond, req.params.rep );
// voir si c'est toujours pertinent car upload est géré par filepond pour les image
if( == 'upload' ) {
const form = formidable( { multiples: false } );
form.parse( req, ( err, fields, files ) => {
if( err ) { next( err ); return; }
let thefile = files.filebond.path;
console.log( 'thefile:' + thefile );
res.writeHead( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' } );
res.end( theFile );
} )
} else {
res.status( 403 )
.send( 'forbiden access' );
} );
Manage tribeid into /data/tribee/tribeid
client space dedicated
clientconfglob copy cut from Referentials.clientconfglob
clientconf.json copy cut from Referentials.clientconf
list of tribeid copy cut from Referentials.
Add a tribeid
update clientconf
module.exports = router;

apxtri/routes/wwws.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
const express = require("express");
const path = require("path");
// Classes
const Wwws = require("../models/Wwws.js");
// Middlewares
const checkHeaders = require("../middlewares/checkHeaders");
const isAuthenticated = require("../middlewares/isAuthenticated");
const router = express.Router();
// GET api/wwws/conf/:tribeId/:website
// if profils accessright return the nginx conf in ${conf.dirtown}/tribes/${req.param.tribeId}/www/nginx_${req.params.tribeId}_${}.conf
(req, res) => {
(req, res) => {
* @api {put} /adminapi/wwws/webcomponents - Get local web components
* @apiGroup Wwws
* @apiName getwco
* @apiDescription Get web component from backend to localstorage for development. This is anonymous but must be authenticated with accessright to other tribe to get their web component.<br> For production it will generate a unique id that store to add in updatelocaldb with in production space /js/uniqueid.js css/uniqueid.css pagename.html with link in it
* @apiBody {object} tribelistwco { wco:{tribe:[wconame]}, mode:"dev"|"prod"}
(req, res) => {
console.log("localstorage anonymous for web component", req.session.header.xalias);
req.session.header.xprofils = ["anonymous"];
//ajouter une detection de changement
const getlocal = Wwws.initlocalwco(
* @api {get} /adminapi/wwws/updatelocaldbanonymous/:tribe/:appname/:pagename/:version - Get localdb for app anonymous only
* @apiGroup Wwws
* @apiName getappcontextforanonymous
* @apiDescription Get data base from backend to localstorage for anonymous (see Get app data model)
* @apiParams {string} tribe (adminapi,smatchit,..) to looking for
* @apiParams {string} appname agregate a full data referential to store localy
* @apiParams {string} pagename app page name
* @apiParams {interger} version the current version
(req, res) => {
console.log("pass localstorage anonymous", req.session.header.xalias);
req.session.header.xprofils = ["anonymous"];
//ajouter une detection de changement
const getlocal = Wwws.initlocaldata(
* @api {get} /adminapi/wwws/updatelocaldb/:tribe/:appname/:pagename/:version - Get localdb for app
* @apiGroup Wwws
* @apiName getappcontext
* @apiDescription Get data base from backend to localstorage for authenticated user
* @apiParams {string} tribe (adminapi,smatchit,..) to looking for
* @apiParams {string} appname agregate a full data referential to store localy
* @apiParams {string} pagename app page name
* @apiParams {interger} version the current version
* @apiSuccess {object} contain new version data model for a local web app in a PWA logical in the language of the header or if no new version exist then return
* @apiSuccessExample {json} datamodelupdate
* {"status":200, "ref":"Wwws", "msg":"datamodelupdate", "data":{version,confpage,profils,schema,options,ref,tpl,tpldata}}
* @apiSuccessExample {json} datamodelnoupdate
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Wwws", "msg":"datamodelupdate", "data":{version,confpage,profils,schema,options,ref,tpl,tpldata}}
* @apiSuccessExample {json} pagedoesnotexist
* {status: 200,ref: "Wwws", msg: "pagedoesnotexist", data: { pagename } }
* @apiSuccessExample {json} forbidenaccess
* {status: 200,ref: "Wwws", msg: "forbidenaccess",data: { pagename, profils } }
checkHeaders, isAuthenticated,
(req, res) => {
console.log("pass localstorage", req.session.header.xalias);
//ajouter une detection de changement
const getlocal = Wwws.initlocaldata(
* @api {get} /api/adminapi/wwws/buildpage/:tribe/:appname/:pagename - Create pagename
* @apiGroup Wwws
* @apiName createPagename
* @apiDescription Create a pagename from /appscreen/template/:pagename with
* @apiParams {string} tribe (adminapi,smatchit,..) to looking for
* @apiParams {string} appname agregate a full data referential to store localy
* @apiSuccess {object} contain cuurent version of the data model
* @apiSuccessExample {json} Success-Response:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* {"status":200, "ref":"Odmdb", "msg":"datamodelversion", "data":{version}
router.get("/buildpage/:tribe/:appname/:pagename", checkHeaders, (req, res) => {
console.log("pass get version localstorage");
const localdbf = `../../${req.params.tribe}/objects/wwws/itm/${req.params.appname}`;
if (!existsSync(localdbf)) {
return res
.json({ status: 404, ref: "Wwws", msg: "localdbnotfound", data: {} });
status: 200,
ref: "Wwws",
msg: "lastversion",
data: { version: fs.readJSONSync(localdbf).version },
module.exports = router;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"comment": "specific api for tribes conf have to be in conf/apidoc/apidoc_{tribe}.json run: $ tribe=smatchit yarn apidoctribe",
"name": "",
"version": "1.0.0",
"title": "apiDoc for apxtri endpoint",
"description": "Core api documentation that manage nation objects (Pagans, Nations, Towns, Blockchain, Tracking, Notifications, Odmdb, Tribes (management), Wwws)",
"url": "",
"outputcoment":"pour rappel l'option output ne fonctionne pas en fichier de config ajouté dans package.json",
"order": [
"template": {
"forceLanguage": "en",
"showRequiredLabels": true,
"withCompare": true,
"withGenerator": true,
"aloneDisplay": false
"header": {
"title": "Introduction",
"filename": ""
"footer": {
"title": "Best practices",
"filename": ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"tribeId": "adminapi",
"dns": [
"status": "unchain",
"nationId": "ants",
"townId": "newdev",
"sudoUser": "phil",
"api": {
"port": 3021,
"activelog": [],
"languages": [
"exposedHeaders": [
"appset": {
"trust proxy": true
"json": {
"limit": "10mb",
"type": "application/json",
"rawBody": true
"bodyparse": {
"urlencoded": {
"limit": "50mb",
"extended": true
"json": {
"limit": "500mb"
"nginx": {
"restart": "sudo systemctl restart nginx",
"worker_connections": 1024
"emailcontact": "",
"smtp": {},
"sms": {}

apxtri/setup/nginx.maincf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
user {{sudoUser}};
worker_processes auto;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
pid /var/run/;
#include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
log_format main '$time_iso8601###$status###$request';
log_format tracker escape=json
log_format mainold '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
sendfile on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
gzip on;
gzip_vary on;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_buffers 4 32k;
gzip_http_version 1.1;
gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript application/x-font-ttf application/javascript font/eot font/opentype image/svg+xml image/x-icon text/plain;
# Virtual Host Configs
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
include {{townpath}}/*/*/nginx/*.conf;

apxtri/setup/nginx.wwwscf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
erver {
server_name {{website}}.{{tribe}};
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' '*' always;
# usefull to debug nginx conf 3 next line:
access_log {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/logs/nginx/{{tribe}}_{{website}}.access.log main;
error_log {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/logs/nginx/{{tribe}}_{{website}}.error.log debug;
add_header xdebug "testmsg debug: $uri - $request - liste args: $args - url:$arg_url - alias:$arg_alias " always;
set $trackme 0;
if ( $uri ~ ^/trk/ ){
set $trackme 1;
access_log {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/logs/nginx/{{tribe}}_{{website}}.trk.log tracker if=$trackme ;
location ~* /trk/ {
if ( $uri ~ ^/trk/redirect ){
return 301 $arg_url;
rewrite ^/trk/(.*)$ /$1;
location /adminapi/Checkjson.js {
alias {{townpath}}/adminapi/apxtri/models/Checkjson.js;
location ~* /adminapi/objects/tplstrings/ {
rewrite /adminapi/objects/tplstrings/(.*$) /$1 break;
root {{townpath}}/adminapi/objects/tplstrings/;
location ~* /adminapi/schema/ {
rewrite /adminapi/schema/(.*$) /$1 break;
root {{townpath}}/adminapi/schema/;
location ~* /{{tribe}}/objects/tplstrings/ {
rewrite /{{tribe}}/objects/tplstrings/(.*$) /$1 break;
root {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/objects/tplstrings/;
location ~* /{{tribe}}/schema/ {
rewrite /{{tribe}}/schema/(.*$) /$1 break;
root {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/schema/;
location ~* /objectimg/.*/img/ {
rewrite /objectimg/(.*) /$1 break;
root {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/objects/;
location /cdn/ {
expires 1y;
add_header Cache-Control "public";
rewrite /cdn/(.*$) /$1 break;
root {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/objects/wwws/cdn/;
location /api/ {
rewrite /api/(.*$) /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://localhost:3020;
proxy_redirect off;
include proxy_params;
location /socket/ {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
location /apxwebapp/ {
rewrite /apxwebapp/(.*$) /$1 break;
root /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/apxwebapp;
index index.html index_fr.html index_en.html;
location /apidoc/ {
root {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/objects/wwws/apidoc/;
index index.html;
location /appbuilder/{
root {{townpath}}/ndda/objects/wwws/;
location /src/ {
rewrite /src/(.*$) /$1 break;
root {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/objects/wwws/{{website}}/src/;
index index.html index_fr.html;
location / {
root {{townpath}}/{{tribe}}/objects/wwws/{{website}}/dist/;
index index.html index_fr.html;
error_page 404 /404.html;
# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/local/nginx/html;

37 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# backup each night
# param $1 path to town name
# param $2 tribe name
# param $3 mainfolder that contain folderlist store this in tribe/backup/mainfolder.ter.gz
# param $4 prefix special keyword dayname is convert to $(date +%A)
# param $5 folderlist split by a space in doublequote "folder1 folder2"
# Exemple:
# For setup
#. /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/dev-ants/adminapi/ /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/dev-ants adminapi objects setup. "nations options pagans towns tplstrings wwws"
#. /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/dev-ants/adminapi/ /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/dev-ants adminapi apxtri setup. "middlewares models routes apidoc_adminapi.json apxchat.js apxtri.js package.json"
# For backup
#. /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/dev-ants/adminapi/ /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/dev-ants adminapi objects dayname "persons"
# add in crontab each day at 2h00 with echo "0 2 * * ${pathtown}/${town}/adminapi/ ${pathtown}/${town} ${tribe} objects setup. \"list of object to backup\"" | crontab -
# add in crontab each day at 2h10 with echo "10 2 * * ${pathtown}/${town}/adminapi/ ${pathtown}/${town} ${tribe} objects $(date +A%) \"list of object to backup\"" | crontab -
# add it for setup at least
if [ "$prefix" = "dayname" ]; then
prefix=$(date +%A)
# setup adminapi/objects
declare -a folders=($folderlist)
cd ${pathtown}
for folder in "${folders[@]}"; do
lstfile="${lstfile} ${tribe}/${mainfolder}/${folder}"
tar -czf ${tribe}/backups/${prefix}.${mainfolder}.tar.gz ${lstfile}

package.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"name": "adminapi",
"version": "1.0.0",
"logo": {
"file": "objects/wwws/cdn/share/logo/logocarredark.png"
"description": "apxtri Decentralized Autonomous Organization",
"main": "./apxtri/apxtri.js",
"repository": {
"url": "",
"type": "git"
"scripts": {
"startapx": "pm2 start apxtri.js --log-date-format 'DD-MM HH:mm:ss.SSS'",
"restartapx": "pm2 restart apxtri.js --log-date-format 'DD-MM HH:mm:ss.SSS'",
"dev": "NODE_MODE=dev node ./apxtri/apxtri.js",
"unittest": "node unittest.js",
"tar2prod": "rm ../objects/wwws/cdn/share/apxtriV* && tar -czf ../objects/wwws/cdn/share/apxtriV$version.tar --exclude='node_modules' --exclude='.git' ../../adminapi/apxtri ../../adminapi/schema ../../adminapi/objects ../../adminapi/template ../../adminapi/objects/tribes/itm/adminapi.json",
"apidoc": "apidoc -c ../../$tribe/apxtri/apidoc_$tribe.json -o ../../$tribe/objects/wwws/apidoc/",
"publishtestwall": "scp -r /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/dev-ants/tribes/$space phil@wall-ants://home/phil/apxtowns/testwall-ants/tribes/$space/..",
"publishwall": "scp -r /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/dev-ants/tribes/$space phil@wall-ants://home/phil/apxtowns/wall-ants/tribes/$space/..",
"publishhouse": "scp -r /media/phil/usbfarm/apxtowns/dev-ants/tribes/$space phil@house-ants://home/phil/apxtowns/house-ants/tribes/$space/..",
"src:css": "tailwindcss --watch -c ../../$tribe/objects/wwws/$webapp/tailwind.config.js -i ../../$tribe/objects/wwws/$webapp/src/static/css/twdevstyle.css -o ../../$tribe/objects/wwws/$webapp/src/static/css/twstyle.css",
"dist:css": "tailwindcss --minify -i ../../$tribe/objects/wwws/$webapp/src/static/css/twdevstyle.css -o ../../$tribe/objects/wwws/$webapp/dist/static/css/twstyle.css"
"commentscript": "cf wiki apxtri doc for details: yarn startpm2 -n teswallants, yarn pm2 stop testwallants, yarn pm2 delete testwallants, yarn pm2 logs --lines 200 testwall, yarn pm2 monit -n testwallants, yarn pm2 save tribe=tribeid yarn apidoc to build apidoc // space=adminapi/www/cdn/apidoc yarn publishtestwall ",
"commentinstallprod": "A lancer en yarn 'version=1 yarn run tar2prod' pour generer un tar d'installation disponible en ligne sur towndns/cdn/share/apxtriV.tar pour install voir le readme qui run in apxtowns mkdir newtown && tar -xf appv1.tar -C newtown",
"maintainers": [
"name": "Filou",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"contributors": [
"name": "Antonin Hattabe",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"name": "Maxime Serrato",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"name": "Charles Filuzeau",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"author": {
"name": "patma",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"@editorjs/editorjs": "^2.26.5",
"@google/generative-ai": "^0.11.3",
"apidoc": "^0.54.0",
"async": "^3.2.0",
"axios": "^1.6.2",
"baunsu": "^0.2.3",
"bcrypt": "^5.0.0",
"cors": "^2.8.4",
"crypto-js": "^4.1.1",
"dayjs": "^1.11.7",
"dns-sync": "^0.2.1",
"express": "^4.16.3",
"faiss-node": "^0.5.1",
"formidable": "^2.1.1",
"fs-extra": "^11.1.0",
"glob": "^7.1.2",
"hosts": "^0.0.1",
"jszip": "^3.7.1",
"jwt-simple": "^0.5.1",
"luxon": "^2.1.1",
"moment": "^2.22.1",
"mustache": "^2.3.0",
"nodemailer": "^6.9.7",
"openpgp": "^5.10.1",
"path": "^0.12.7",
"pm2": "^2.10.4",
"readline-sync": "^1.4.10",
"sharp": "^0.33.4",
"smtp-client": "^0.4.0",
"stripe": "^14.4.0",
"uuid": "^9.0.0",
"yarn": "^1.22.21"
"devDependencies": {
"@tailwindcss/typography": "^0.5.13",
"daisyui": "^4.12.10",
"postcss-import": "^16.1.0",
"tailwindcss": "^3.4.6"

schema/conf.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"comment":"schema are in english to get translate part a /lg/schemaname_lg.json allow to replace by lg language the relevant key. Each time a modification is done in schema lastupdate take a timestamp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"$schema": "",
"$id": "/schema/frenchlocation",
"title": "French adresse location system from that respect GeoCodeJSON",
"description": "Manage properly postal adresse",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": {
"title": "Type of result found, housenumber is a physical adresse, street position at street, locality: lieud it, municipality",
"type": "string"
"title":"number with ince bis ter A B"
"title":"Name of street"
"name": {
"title": "Number plaque and street name (no town)",
"type": "string"
"label": {
"title": "Full address description number type of street, name of street Postal code Town name",
"type": "string"
"postcode": {
"title": "5 numbers french Post code",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{5}$"
"citycode": {
"title": "code INSEE",
"type": "string"
"city": {
"title": "City name",
"type": "string"
"title":"Number of kilometer around this position",
"position": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"latitude": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": -90.0,
"maximum": 90.0
"longitude": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": -180.0,
"maximum": 180.0
"context": {
"title": "Contexte of this address Department number, Department Name, Region ",
"type": "string"

schema/lg/httperror_en.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
"100": {
"description": "Continue",
"examples": [
"Continue with the data transfer.",
"You may proceed with the next part of the request.",
"The server is ready for the next step in the request."
"101": {
"description": "Switching Protocols",
"examples": [
"The server is changing the protocol on the request.",
"The protocol used for this request is being upgraded.",
"Switching to a different communication protocol."
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"examples": [
"The operation was successful.",
"The request has been successfully completed.",
"Everything is fine, and the request is successful."
"201": {
"description": "Created",
"examples": [
"A new resource has been successfully created.",
"The request resulted in the creation of a new resource.",
"Your request has led to the creation of a new item."
"202": {
"description": "Accepted",
"examples": [
"The request has been accepted for processing.",
"Your request has been acknowledged and queued for processing.",
"We've received your request and will take action."
"204": {
"description": "No Content",
"examples": [
"The request was successful, but there is no response body.",
"Your request was processed, but there's nothing to show in the response.",
"This request did not return any content."
"206": {
"description": "Partial Content",
"examples": [
"The server is returning part of the requested data.",
"You requested a range of data, and we're sending a portion of it.",
"Here's a partial response to your request."
"300": {
"description": "Multiple Choices",
"examples": [
"The request has multiple possible responses, and the user or client must choose one.",
"We can fulfill your request in several ways. Please choose one.",
"You have multiple options for the requested resource."
"301": {
"description": "Moved Permanently",
"examples": [
"The requested resource has permanently moved to a new location.",
"This resource is no longer available here; it's moved to a new address.",
"The URL you're looking for has been permanently redirected."
"302": {
"description": "Found",
"examples": [
"The requested resource is temporarily located at a different URL.",
"You can find what you're looking for at a different address for now.",
"The resource you want is temporarily located elsewhere."
"304": {
"description": "Not Modified",
"examples": [
"The requested resource has not been modified since the specified time.",
"Your cached data is still up-to-date; there have been no changes.",
"The server confirms that your data is current."
"400": {
"description": "Bad Request",
"examples": [
"The request is malformed or invalid.",
"Something is wrong with the request parameters.",
"Your request does not meet the server's requirements."
"401": {
"description": "Unauthorized",
"examples": [
"Authentication is required, and the user or client failed to provide valid credentials.",
"You must log in or provide valid credentials to access this resource.",
"Access is restricted. Please provide valid authentication."
"403": {
"description": "Forbidden",
"examples": [
"Access to the requested resource is forbidden.",
"You do not have permission to access this resource.",
"Sorry, but you're not allowed to access this."
"404": {
"description": "Not Found",
"examples": [
"The requested resource does not exist on the server.",
"The server could not find the page you're looking for.",
"Sorry, but what you're searching for isn't here."
"405": {
"description": "Method Not Allowed",
"examples": [
"The HTTP method used in the request is not allowed for the requested resource.",
"The server does not support the method you're trying to use.",
"This resource does not allow the requested HTTP method."
"406": {
"description": "Not Acceptable",
"examples": [
"The requested resource cannot provide a response that is acceptable according to the request's headers.",
"We cannot provide the response you expect based on your request headers.",
"Sorry, but we can't fulfill your request as specified."
"407": {
"description": "Proxy Authentication Required",
"examples": [
"Authentication is required to access the requested resource via a proxy.",
"To access this resource through a proxy, you must provide valid authentication.",
"Please provide valid credentials for proxy access."
"408": {
"description": "Request Timeout",
"examples": [
"The server did not receive a complete request within the expected time.",
"Your request took too long to arrive at the server.",
"Sorry, your request has timed out."
"409": {
"description": "Conflict",
"examples": [
"The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource.",
"There's a conflict with the current state of the resource; please try again.",
"Sorry, there's a conflict with the requested action."
"410": {
"description": "Gone",
"examples": [
"The requested resource is no longer available and has been intentionally removed.",
"The resource you're looking for is gone and will not return.",
"This resource has been permanently removed."
"411": {
"description": "Length Required",
"examples": [
"The server requires a content length to be specified in the request headers.",
"Your request is missing a required content length header.",
"Please include a 'Content-Length' header in your request."
"412": {
"description": "Precondition Failed",
"examples": [
"A precondition in the request headers was not met.",
"The server expected certain conditions to be met, but they were not.",
"Sorry, the required conditions were not fulfilled."
"413": {
"description": "Request Entity Too Large",
"examples": [
"The request entity is too large for the server to process.",
"Your request body is too big for us to handle.",
"Please reduce the size of your request entity."
"414": {
"description": "Request-URI Too Long",
"examples": [
"The URI provided in the request is too long for the server to process.",
"The URL in your request is excessively long; please shorten it.",
"The request URI you provided is too lengthy."
"415": {
"description": "Unsupported Media Type",
"examples": [
"The server cannot process the request because the media type is not supported.",
"We cannot handle the content type you specified.",
"Sorry, we do not support the requested media type."
"416": {
"description": "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
"examples": [
"The requested range cannot be satisfied by the server.",
"We cannot provide the content range you requested.",
"Sorry, but we cannot fulfill the requested content range."
"417": {
"description": "Expectation Failed",
"examples": [
"The server could not meet the expectations specified in the request's Expect header.",
"We were unable to fulfill the expectations you set in your request headers.",
"Sorry, but we could not meet your expectations."
"500": {
"description": "Internal Server Error",
"examples": [
"Something went wrong on the server's end.",
"We apologize, but an unexpected error occurred.",
"The server is currently experiencing technical difficulties."
"501": {
"description": "Not Implemented",
"examples": [
"The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.",
"Sorry, but the requested functionality is not available on this server.",
"We have not implemented the feature you're looking for."
"502": {
"description": "Bad Gateway",
"examples": [
"The server acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the upstream server.",
"The gateway or proxy received an unexpected response from the upstream server.",
"Sorry, there's an issue with the gateway or proxy."
"503": {
"description": "Service Unavailable",
"examples": [
"The server is temporarily unavailable to handle the request.",
"We're currently unavailable due to maintenance; please try again later.",
"Sorry, the service is not available right now."
"504": {
"description": "Gateway Timeout",
"examples": [
"The server acting as a gateway or proxy did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.",
"We're experiencing a timeout while waiting for the upstream server.",
"Sorry, but there's a timeout issue with the gateway."
"505": {
"description": "HTTP Version Not Supported",
"examples": [
"The HTTP version used in the request is not supported by the server.",
"Your client is using an unsupported HTTP version; please update.",
"Sorry, but we do not support the HTTP version used in your request."

schema/lg/nations_fr.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"title": "Description d'une nation",
"description":"Nation schema in the apxtri world",
"title":"Nom de nation",
"description":"Nom unique idenbtifiant une nation composé de a-z et de 0-9 permet de fereder des règles de fonctionnement"
"title":"Date de creation",
"description":"Creation de la nation"
"title":"Le contrat social",
"description":"Indique l'emplacement du contrat qu'accepte toutes les villes"

schema/lg/pagans_fr.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"title": "L'identité d'un pagan",
"description": "Decrit les informations de l'identité numérique public",
"properties": {
"publickey": {
"title": "Clé public associés à l'alias",
"description": "Cle public généré par openpgp.js lors de la creation d'un compte"
"alias": {
"title": "Alias",
"description": "Chaine de texte memnotechnique qui se retiens plus facilement qu'une clé public"

schema/nations.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
"title": "Nation definition",
"description": "A nation from apxtri world",
"$comment":"see ./lg/nations_lg.json for description in your languange lg",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"nationId": {
"title":"Unique nation name",
"description":"A unique string that define a nation a-z and 0-9 onlyin a social world",
"type": "string",
"dtcreate": {
"title":"Creation date",
"description":"Nation date of creation",
"type": "string",
"title":"Social contract of the nation",
"description":"A uri of the signed js contract that rules this nation",
"type": "string",
"required": ["nationId", "dtcreate","contracts"],
"apxidx": [
{ "name":"lst_nationId","type":"array","keyval": "nationId"},
{ "name":"nations","type":"view","keyval":"nationId","objkey":[],"filter":""}

schema/pagans.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"$id": "",
"$comment": "To create account bin apxtri",
"title": "Pagans identity",
"description": "A numeric id in the nationchains world",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"publickey": {
"title": "Alias's publickey",
"description": "Public key generate with openpgp.js",
"type": "string",
"format": "pgppublickey"
"alias": {
"title": "Alias",
"description": "text to remember easily a public key",
"type": "string",
"minLength": 3,
"pattern": "^[a-z0-9]*$"
"dt_delete": {
"title": "Date of death",
"description": "Date of alias delete request, your will will be apply",
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"will": {
"title": "Will script after death",
"description": "This will script will be apply on your data 30 days after your alias death",
"type": "string"
"required": ["publickey", "alias"],
"apxid": "alias",
"apxuniquekey": ["publickey"],
"apxidx": [
{ "name": "lst_alias", "type": "array", "keyval": "alias" },
"name": "alias",
"type": "view",
"keyval": "alias",
"objkey": [],
"filter": ""
"apxaccessrights": {
"owner": { "R": [], "U": [], "D": [] },
"anonymous": { "C": [], "R": ["alias"] },
"pagans": { "R": ["alias", "publickey"] },
"mayor": { "R": [], "D": [] }

schema/screens.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"$id": "",
"$comment": "To describe screens as tree to navigate inside",
"title": "Screens description",
"description": "Each propertie value is a mustache template string where a data must be provide to display screen with value",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"title":"Screen identification used in html tag id",
"title": {
"title": "A title in a screen",
"type": "string"
"subtitle": {
"title": "A subtitle in a screen",
"type": "string"
"icon": {
"title": "an icon name",
"type": "string"
"warning": {
"title": "A text to highlight something, this text is between 2 ! icon",
"type": "string"
"formcontrol": {
"title": "A key word to presents this content",
"type": "string",
"title":"Liste of data collection element into the screen",
"action": {
"title": "List of possible action on this element",
"type": "string",
"title":"Function name to call, if action",
"comment":"other function than nextlevel",
"title":" an object containning parameter to send to function",
"comment":"can be empty {}",
"title":"List of new screens to show if function is nextlevel $ref:# means it same current schema",
"required": ["screenid", "title"],
"apxid": "screenid",
"apxuniquekey": ["screenid"],
"apxidx": [
{ "name": "lst_screens", "type": "array", "keyval": "screenid" },
"apxaccessrights": {
"owner": { "R": [], "U": [], "D": [] },
"anonymous": { "R": [] },

schema/towns.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
"$schema": "",
"$id": "schema/towns",
"title": "Town",
"description": "A town belonging to a nation from apxtri world",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"townId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[a-z0-9]*$"
"nationId": {
"type": "string",
"options": {
"$ref": "adminapi/objects/nations/idx/lst_nations.json"
"owner": {
"type": "string",
"options": {
"$ref": "adminapi/objects/pagans/idx/lst_alias.json"
"mayorId": {
"comment": "todo, to be remove by ower in models",
"type": "string",
"options": {
"$ref": "adminapi/objects/pagans/idx/lst_alias.json"
"IP": {
"comment": "IP adress where the dns answer to access in direct to this IP into a /etc/hosts or private dns",
"type": "string"
"status": {
"title": "The current status of this town",
"description": "Unchain is used for dev they are no public domain, chain means that a public domain name is available, elected means the consensus make this town as the master of adminapi data. A town is elected for a period of time necessary to get new election",
"default": "unchain",
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dns": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"apxid": "townId",
"apxuniquekey": [
"apxidx": [
"name": "lst_townId",
"keyval": "townId"
"name": "towns",
"keyval": "townId",
"type": "view",
"objkey": [],
"filter": ""
"apxaccessrights": {
"pagan": {
"C": [],
"R": []
"owner": {
"D": [],
"U": [

schema/tribes.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
"$schema": "",
"$id": "nationchains/schema/tribes",
"title": "Tribes",
"description": "A tribe belonging to a town",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"tribeId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[a-z0-9]*$"
"townId": {
"type": "string",
"options": {
"$ref": "adminapi/objects/towns/idx/lst_towns.json"
"nationId": {
"type": "string",
"options": {
"$ref": "adminapi/objects/nations/idx/lst_nations.json"
"owner": {
"type": "string",
"options": {
"$ref": "adminapi/objects/nations/idx/lst_alias.json"
"dns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"context": {
"type": "object",
"comments": "Check if necessary generate by apxtri.js detail route model available"
"required": [
"apxid": "tribeId",
"apxuniquekey": [
"apxidx": [
"name": "lst_tribeId",
"keyval": "tribeId",
"type": "array"
"name": "tribes",
"keyval": "tribeId",
"type": "view",
"objkey": [],
"filter": ""
"name": "owner_tribeId",
"type": "distribution",
"keyval": "owner",
"objkey": [
"name": "dns_tribeId",
"type": "distribution",
"keyval": "dns",
"objkey": [
"name": "tribes_dns",
"keyval": "tribeId",
"type": "view",
"objkey": [
"filter": ""
"apxacceesrights": {
"owner": {
"D": [],
"U": [
"druid": {
"R": [],
"U": []
"mayor": {
"C": [],
"R": []
"pagan": {
"R": []

schema/wwws.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
"$schema": "",
"$id": "nationchains/schema/www",
"title": "www",
"description": "A space web available for a domaine, with accessright",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"tribeId": {
"title": "Tribe name",
"description": "A unique string as tribe",
"options": {
"$ref": "adminapi/objects/tribess/idx/lst_tribeId.json"
"website": {
"description": "Folder name into a tribeId/www/",
"title": "web space",
"type": "string"
"status": {
"title": "Status",
"description": "Status of website ",
"default": "active",
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dns": {
"title": "domaine name list to access",
"description": "Add in nginx nameserver local website.tribeId LAN domaine.tld",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"apxtri": {
"title": "apxtri value to use in a front end project",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"headers": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"xtrkversion": {
"type": "integer",
"default": 1
"xalias": {
"type": "string",
"default": "anonymous"
"xapp": {
"type": "string",
"comment": "the website"
"xdays": {
"type": "integer",
"default": 0
"xhash": {
"type": "string",
"default": "anonymous"
"xlang": {
"type": "string",
"default": "en"
"xprofils": {
"type": "string",
"default": "anonymous"
"xtribe": {
"type": "string",
"comment": "the tribeid"
"xuuid": {
"type": "string""default": 0
"required": [
"required": [
"pages": {
"title": "a page name of a front end",
"description": "Those obejct allow to run a request like https://dns[]/api/adminapi/localdb(anonymous|)/tribeId/website/pagesname/version to return some contexte items are collection of object items @todo explain list of possible",
"type": "object"
"required": [
"apxid": "website",
"apxidx": [
"name": "lst_website",
"type": "array",
"keyval": "website"
"apxaccessrights": {
"owner": {
"D": [],
"R": [],
"U": []
"mayor": {
"C": []
"person": {
"R": []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// See for available fields to add
// email template to get key registration
const tplemail={};
tplemail.sender = "smatchtit<>"
//tplemail.from = "" get by default in configtrib.emailcontact or server ;emailcontact"<{{emailcontact}}>"
tplemail.subject="Vos clés d'identification pour {{alias}}"""
attachments: [
filename: "{{data}}.txt",
pathfile: "{{data}}",
contenttype: "text/plain",
minepart: "mixed",
filename: "my-image.jpg",
content: "blabla content",
contenttype: "image/jpeg",
minepart: "alternative",
if content and filepath is present filepath content replace content
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {background-color:#fff;}
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="width: 600px; border: none; padding: 0;background-color:#fff;" width="600">
<tr style="padding:20px 0 0 0; background-color:#fff;">
<td style="border-top:1px solid #0DC3FF;">
<p style="padding:60px 0 10px 0;">
<img width="180px" src="" srctmp="{{alias}}&uuid={{uuid}}&srckey=registeremailcontact&version=1&consentcookie={{consentcookie}}" alt="smatchit" />
<td style="padding:20px 0 40px 0;">
<h1 style="font-size:15px;font-family:Monserrat;">Votre identité numérique: {{alias}}</h1>
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">Vous avez souhaité recevoir vos clés d'identification via {{tribe}}. Une identité numerique est composée de 2 fichiers texte appelés clé privée et clé public. </p>
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">
Son usage est simple mais souvent méconnu, avec une fonction mathematique, la clé privée permet de signer un message. Avec une autre fonction, on vérifie que la signature est bien issue de la cle public sans avoir besoin de disposer de la clé privée.
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">Les applications de {{tribe}} fonctionnent toutes de cette façon et permettent non seulement de vous identifier mais aussi de chiffrer vos données lisible uniquement grâce à votre clé privée. Pour simplifier l'usage de ces clés nous associons un alias à votre clé public.</p>
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">
Pour plus de securité, on peut vous demander une passphrase qui dans votre cas est :{{passphrase}}
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">Gardez précieusement ces clés et <strong>ne communiquez jamais votre clé privée</strong>. Uniquement votre alias (et eventuellement votre clé public).</p>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="width: 600px; border: none; padding: 0;" width="600">
<tr bgcolor="#161616">
<td bgcolor="#161616" align="center" style="padding:20px;">
<p style="text-align:center;">
<img width="250px" src="" alt="smatchit">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="width: 600px; border: none; padding: 0;" width="600" >
<td style="padding:20px 0 0 0;">
<p style="font-size:11px;font-family:Monserrat;">
Nos conditions d'utilisation et politique de protection des données <a href="" target='_blank'> CGU</a>
Vos clés d'authentifications:
alias: {{alias}}
passphrase: {{passphrase}}
publickey: copier coller entre les 2 lignes -------
privatekye: copier coller entre les 2 lignes -------

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// See for available fields to add
// email template to get key registration
const tplemail={};
tplemail.sender = "smatchtit<>"
//tplemail.from = "" get by default in configtrib.emailcontact or server ;emailcontact"<{{emailcontact}}>"
tplemail.subject="Vos clés d'identification pour {{alias}}"""
attachments: [
filename: "{{data}}.txt",
pathfile: "{{data}}",
contenttype: "text/plain",
minepart: "mixed",
filename: "my-image.jpg",
content: "blabla content",
contenttype: "image/jpeg",
minepart: "alternative",
if content and filepath is present filepath content replace content
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {background-color:#fff;}
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="width: 600px; border: none; padding: 0; background-color:#fff;" width="600">
<tr style="padding:20px 0 0 0; background-color:#fff;">
<td style="border-bottom:1px solid #0DC3FF;" >
<p style="padding:60px 0 10px 0;">
<img width="180px" src="" srctmp="{{alias}}&uuid={{uuid}}&srckey=registeremailcontact&version=1&consentcookie={{consentcookie}}" alt="smatchit" />
<td style="padding:20px 0 40px 0;">
<h1 style="font-size:15px;font-family:Monserrat;">Votre identité numérique: {{alias}}</h1>
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">Vous avez souhaité recevoir vos clés d'identification via {{tribe}}. Une identité numerique est composée de 2 fichiers texte appelés clé privée et clé public. </p>
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">
Son usage est simple mais souvent méconnu, avec une fonction mathematique, la clé privée permet de signer un message. Avec une autre fonction, on vérifie que la signature est bien issue de la cle public sans avoir besoin de disposer de la clé privée.
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">Les applications de {{tribe}} fonctionnent toutes de cette façon et permettent non seulement de vous identifier mais aussi de chiffrer vos données lisible uniquement grâce à votre clé privée. Pour simplifier l'usage de ces clés nous associons un alias à votre clé public.</p>
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">
Pour plus de securité, on peut vous demander une passphrase qui dans votre cas est :{{passphrase}}
<p style="font-size:12px;font-family:Monserrat;">Gardez précieusement ces clés et <strong>ne communiquez jamais votre clé privée</strong>. Uniquement votre alias (et eventuellement votre clé public).</p>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="width: 600px; border: none; padding: 0;" width="600">
<tr bgcolor="#161616">
<td bgcolor="#161616" align="center" style="padding:20px;">
<p style="text-align:center;">
<img width="250px"src="" alt="smatchit">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center" style="width: 600px; border: none; padding: 0;" width="600" >
<td style="padding:20px 0 0 0;">
<p style="font-size:11px;font-family:Monserrat;">
Nos conditions d'utilisation et politique de protection des données <a href="" target='_blank'> CGU</a>
Vos clés d'authentifications:
alias: {{alias}}
passphrase: {{passphrase}}
publickey: copier coller entre les 2 lignes -------
privatekye: copier coller entre les 2 lignes -------